Fact check: Reporter on CNN busts open new ad lie. Wife had iinsurance.

The husband is now a proven liar.

How so?
He claims that losing his job is the reason his wife died. Yet, she had health insurance and the only reason they found the cancer was because she had pneumonia, and by his own admission, when she went in for that, they found the cancer and it was already in 4th stage.

So, who neglected her if she did not go to get checked when she had health insurance?

His statements that Romney closed the plant were lies as Romney made no such decision and was not with Bain at that time.

There are a number of factually....oh hell, why sugar coat it.....there are a number of lies he told in that ad. The real question is, did he say them for revenge, spite, party or pay.

I'd love to know why he did this as well.

From what they say at the Post via DM is that he got a pension from that company.

The story doesn't end there for Mr Soptic. The Washington Post reveals that his income is back to $46,000 a year -- the same he was making at the mill -- thanks to his pension from the company and his salary as a janitor.

He has also re-married. He and his high school sweetheart wed four years after Mrs Soptic died of cancer.

Read more: Deception revealed in Obama attack ad that blames Mitt Romney for woman's cancer death | Mail Online

So if he had a pension from the mill why didn't he buy health insurance after his wife lost her job years later?
You got your links, TM. What say you?

TM wants a link...to the link...
This is her way of refusing to accept the truth.
I was watching a show on MSNBC this morning and even the
usual Obama ass kissers there said she had coverage.
And they even admitted this ad was way out of line...
He claims that losing his job is the reason his wife died. Yet, she had health insurance and the only reason they found the cancer was because she had pneumonia, and by his own admission, when she went in for that, they found the cancer and it was already in 4th stage.

So, who neglected her if she did not go to get checked when she had health insurance?

His statements that Romney closed the plant were lies as Romney made no such decision and was not with Bain at that time.

There are a number of factually....oh hell, why sugar coat it.....there are a number of lies he told in that ad. The real question is, did he say them for revenge, spite, party or pay.

I'd love to know why he did this as well.

From what they say at the Post via DM is that he got a pension from that company.

The story doesn't end there for Mr Soptic. The Washington Post reveals that his income is back to $46,000 a year -- the same he was making at the mill -- thanks to his pension from the company and his salary as a janitor.

He has also re-married. He and his high school sweetheart wed four years after Mrs Soptic died of cancer.

Read more: Deception revealed in Obama attack ad that blames Mitt Romney for woman's cancer death | Mail Online

So if he had a pension from the mill why didn't he buy health insurance after his wife lost her job years later?
Well, for one, you don't purchase health insurance for a wife if she already has health insurance. His re-marriage really doesn't have anything to do with anything. What does, however, is the fact that Romney was not at Bain when this went down, and in fact, he kept his job for at least another two years after it would have closed if not for Bain.

It is likely that the infusion of Bain into that company helped them to be able to pay this man his retirement.

No matter how it is sliced, Obama & Co. have a lot to answer for with this ad.
really the Burden of Proof is on us and not the person making the claims in the Ad? I bet you think the Burden of proof is on Romney when it comes to Ried's Claims as well eh?

Yes. Get educated in logic.

so much for innocent till proven guilty.

Shut the fuck up with that bullshit. You're sitting here and saying people are lying. So prove that they are lying! Don't sit here and babble about "innocent until proven guilty" when you're the one expecting people to prove that they are innocent of your accusations.

That ad makes an accusation with out any Proof to back it up, and your response is to tell the accused to prove it wrong.

An accusation of what? You want proof that the plant closed down? Is that your beef in all of this? Is that all you got?


Go to the link or shut the fuck up. The press has completely discredited the ad and Mr. Soptic.

You're looking like a bloody fool.

Steel worker's wife who died of cancer had her own health insurance: The deception behind the shocking Obama campaign ad that blames Romney for woman's death

Video features steel worker Joe Soptic, who was laid off and lost his health benefits after the company owned by Bain Capital went bankrupt
Claims his wife Ilyona Soptic died of cancer as a result of him losing his health insurance
Mitt Romney was no longer leading the operations of Bain when the steel mill shut down in 2001
Mrs Soptic died five years after her husband lost his job

Read more: Deception revealed in Obama attack ad that blames Mitt Romney for woman's cancer death | Mail Online
I had heard that too. Collusion with a PAC is a felony, I believe.

This whole Super Pac thing is a joke. I mean come on this Super Pac is ran by Obama's Former Deputy Press Sec, and the Man in the add was used by the Obama Campaign Directly in another ad.

Yeah there is no collusion here at all. lol

Here's a video link to Cutter thanking Soptic. I can't hear it (no speakers right now) the information seems to be correct that this catches out Cutter in a lie.

May 14, 2012: Joe Soptic Tells Story About Wife On OFA Call

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfOoZl0tHvQ&feature=player_detailpage]May 14, 2012: Joe Soptic Tells Story About Wife On OFA Call - YouTube[/ame]

OMG he can't even read the words and sound sincere. He is definitely doing it for money. BTW, he admits his wife did receive heathcare. Health care insurance has never saved a life, health care does.
so what is it aside from the facts that;

- the guy had been laid off 6 years before his wife died
- she had health care prgm. at her job after he was laid off
- Romney had zip to do with it

you think those that say its a lie need to prove?

Keep up, skippy. I'm not doubting the veracity of the CNN story. I'm slamming the notion that people don't have to support their position with evidence, or that the burden of proof is on those who would be required to prove a negative. Ex: "Prove she didn't have health insurance."

oh and your name here? its a lie....and you just proved it, thx. ...:rolleyes:

Your hyper-partisan hackery, you've just proved it.
  • Thanks
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This whole Super Pac thing is a joke. I mean come on this Super Pac is ran by Obama's Former Deputy Press Sec, and the Man in the add was used by the Obama Campaign Directly in another ad.

Yeah there is no collusion here at all. lol

Here's a video link to Cutter thanking Soptic. I can't hear it (no speakers right now) the information seems to be correct that this catches out Cutter in a lie.

May 14, 2012: Joe Soptic Tells Story About Wife On OFA Call

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfOoZl0tHvQ&feature=player_detailpage"]May 14, 2012: Joe Soptic Tells Story About Wife On OFA Call - YouTube[/ame]

OMG he can't even read the words and sound sincere. He is definitely doing it for money. BTW, he admits his wife did receive heathcare. Health care insurance has never saved a life, health care does.
Mark this post.

this time tomorrow, those leftists here on the USMB will have links and testimony that the wife never had insurance. Furthermore, they will yet again attempt to link Romney and Bain in the years that this happened, regardless of the fact that Romney had no controlling interest or day to day decision making authority when this went down.

By 8:15pm, tomorrow.
He claims that losing his job is the reason his wife died. Yet, she had health insurance and the only reason they found the cancer was because she had pneumonia, and by his own admission, when she went in for that, they found the cancer and it was already in 4th stage.

So, who neglected her if she did not go to get checked when she had health insurance?

His statements that Romney closed the plant were lies as Romney made no such decision and was not with Bain at that time.

There are a number of factually....oh hell, why sugar coat it.....there are a number of lies he told in that ad. The real question is, did he say them for revenge, spite, party or pay.

I'd love to know why he did this as well.

From what they say at the Post via DM is that he got a pension from that company.

The story doesn't end there for Mr Soptic. The Washington Post reveals that his income is back to $46,000 a year -- the same he was making at the mill -- thanks to his pension from the company and his salary as a janitor.

He has also re-married. He and his high school sweetheart wed four years after Mrs Soptic died of cancer.

Read more: Deception revealed in Obama attack ad that blames Mitt Romney for woman's cancer death | Mail Online

So if he had a pension from the mill why didn't he buy health insurance after his wife lost her job years later?
Well, for one, you don't purchase health insurance for a wife if she already has health insurance. His re-marriage really doesn't have anything to do with anything. What does, however, is the fact that Romney was not at Bain when this went down, and in fact, he kept his job for at least another two years after it would have closed if not for Bain.

It is likely that the infusion of Bain into that company helped them to be able to pay this man his retirement.

No matter how it is sliced, Obama & Co. have a lot to answer for with this ad.

For me it was just passing interest that if his wife lost her job due to an injury (and consequently lost her coverage) why he wouldn't just get them both some form of coverage.

Just me being nosy.:D

And agreed they're (both the superpac and O's campaign)are going to be on the hot seat over this advertisement.
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This add solidifies the Democratic party as being replete of any decency, morals or standards. They'll use anybody, anyway to further their agenda.

The modern Democratic Party is the party of scumbags and reprobates.

Yeah, because the GOP has overflowing with decency, morals, and standards with the birthers. Stop being such a partisan hack.

The gop consists of millions of people.

Stop acting like you know them all

:lol: Go say the same thing to Soggy.
I'd love to know why he did this as well.

From what they say at the Post via DM is that he got a pension from that company.

The story doesn't end there for Mr Soptic. The Washington Post reveals that his income is back to $46,000 a year -- the same he was making at the mill -- thanks to his pension from the company and his salary as a janitor.

He has also re-married. He and his high school sweetheart wed four years after Mrs Soptic died of cancer.

Read more: Deception revealed in Obama attack ad that blames Mitt Romney for woman's cancer death | Mail Online

So if he had a pension from the mill why didn't he buy health insurance after his wife lost her job years later?
Well, for one, you don't purchase health insurance for a wife if she already has health insurance. His re-marriage really doesn't have anything to do with anything. What does, however, is the fact that Romney was not at Bain when this went down, and in fact, he kept his job for at least another two years after it would have closed if not for Bain.

It is likely that the infusion of Bain into that company helped them to be able to pay this man his retirement.

No matter how it is sliced, Obama & Co. have a lot to answer for with this ad.

For me it was just passing interest that if his wife lost her job due to an injury (and consequently lost her coverage) why he wouldn't just get them both some form of coverage.

Just me being nosy.:D

And agreed they're (oth the superpac and O's campaign)going to be on the hot seat over this advertisement.

so what is it aside from the facts that;

- the guy had been laid off 6 years before his wife died
- she had health care prgm. at her job after he was laid off
- Romney had zip to do with it

you think those that say its a lie need to prove?

Keep up, skippy. I'm not doubting the veracity of the CNN story. I'm slamming the notion that people don't have to support their position with evidence, or that the burden of proof is on those who would be required to prove a negative. Ex: "Prove she didn't have health insurance."

oh and your name here? its a lie....and you just proved it, thx. ...:rolleyes:

Your hyper-partisan hackery, you've just proved it.

this, is what you said and I responded too;
And the burden of proof is on anyone claiming that the ad is a lie. What is with you hyper partisan Republicans spouting out shit that you can't back up with evidence, and expecting people to believe you?

keep up with what? That is what you said? I asked you what more you need to see?

your 'explanation' means squat in the context of your post and my response....try that shit on someone else dude.

partisan hackery :lol: uh huh.

here lets make it easy- do you support the ad, yes, or no?
Whoopsie. Here's the link.

Fact check: Woman in pro-Obama death ad had health insurance

from the article:

CNN's Brianna Keilar and Wolf Blitzer did some fact checking and found that the woman in the ad had insurance after her husband, Joe Soptic, lost his job at GST Steel when it closed in 2001 - two years after Romney left Bain. That fact was left out of the pro-Obama ad.

Keilar said Tuesday that Soptic's wife had insurance until 2002 or 2003 when an injury forced her to leave her job.

In other words, the Obama PAC not only lied in the ad, making it appear that Romney himself was responsible for the woman's death, but it failed to provide all of the facts.

Man what scumbuckets. I have no doubt they knew the truth but wanted to smear Romney anyway.

Fact check: Woman in pro-Obama death ad had health insurance - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

Wolf did accuse Romney of being misleading in Obama's "You didn't build that" speech.

Even though he wasn't, the impression one gets from the speech is accurate, Wolf, like the good liberal he is, still got in that shot while he was trying to put on a non-partisan air.

However, this does say something when a Democrat lies so blatantly that CNN calls them out.

I still believe we haven't seen anything yet.

It will get worse.
The only thing you're in the middle of is Obama's nuts

Disgusting really

Are you Grampa or grandson? Because the only thing you seem to be able to offer is of the maturity level of a grade school kid. But please, by all means, do explain why I'm not a centrist. Here, I'll even give you a list of issues. Since you seem to know me so well, do explain my positions on each of these:

Illegal immigration

Gun rights and gun control

State vs Federal governance

Gay marriage

English as official language

Healthcare law

Welfare reform

C'mon, please tell us where I stand on all of these.
The only thing you're in the middle of is Obama's nuts

Disgusting really

Are you Grampa or grandson? Because the only thing you seem to be able to offer is of the maturity level of a grade school kid. But please, by all means, do explain why I'm not a centrist. Here, I'll even give you a list of issues. Since you seem to know me so well, do explain my positions on each of these:

Illegal immigration

Gun rights and gun control

State vs Federal governance

Gay marriage

English as official language

Healthcare law

Welfare reform

C'mon, please tell us where I stand on all of these.

Funny you are here Defending how you are a Centrist, when just a few mins ago you attacked me and accused me of being a right winger. I bet we feel the same on most of the issues you just listed.

Sucks being pigeonholed by people that you disagree with, don't it.
i thought having his opponent's sealed divorce records opened and then using them as a tool to beat said opponent over the head told me all i need to know about mr obama.

and i was right.
here lets make it easy- do you support the ad, yes, or no?

Do I "support" the ad? I guess that depends in what sense you mean. Do I support free speech in the course of a political campaign being hashed out? Yes. Do I support an individual's lying (or group of individuals) in the support of partisan politics? No. Do I support the current state of campaign finance laws? No.

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