Fact check: Reporter on CNN busts open new ad lie. Wife had iinsurance.

This add solidifies the Democratic party as being replete of any decency, morals or standards. They'll use anybody, anyway to further their agenda.

The modern Democratic Party is the party of scumbags and reprobates.

Yeah, because the GOP has overflowing with decency, morals, and standards with the birthers. Stop being such a partisan hack.

UP yours with the birther lie. The whole thing started with Obama when he claimed to be born in Kenya until someone told the Constitutional Scholar that he couldn't be born in Kenya and run for president. The first law suits were started by Democrats. What should that tell you? It should tell you that either Obama lied for 17 years or he is lying now. Which do you think it is? The best part is that it is absolutely true and there is nothing that the left can lie about to change it.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Thanks for proving what I said.
Yeah, because the GOP has overflowing with decency, morals, and standards with the birthers. Stop being such a partisan hack.

UP yours with the birther lie. The whole thing started with Obama when he claimed to be born in Kenya until someone told the Constitutional Scholar that he couldn't be born in Kenya and run for president. The first law suits were started by Democrats. What should that tell you? It should tell you that either Obama lied for 17 years or he is lying now. Which do you think it is? The best part is that it is absolutely true and there is nothing that the left can lie about to change it.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Thanks for proving what I said.

Keep on lying buddy boy that is all you got, just as I said. 17 years of lying and he hasn't looked back.
Go to the link or shut the fuck up. The press has completely discredited the ad and Mr. Soptic.

You're looking like a bloody fool.

Actually, you're looking like the fool. I've already said that I don't doubt the veracity of the CNN story. I've said that where I take objection is to the line of argumentation that one does not need to support their arguments, or that the burden of proof is on those who would have to prove a negative. Such lines of argumentation are just as much dragging a dead woman through the mud for partisan gain as anything else.
Funny you are here Defending how you are a Centrist, when just a few mins ago you attacked me and accused me of being a right winger. I bet we feel the same on most of the issues you just listed.

Sucks being pigeonholed by people that you disagree with, don't it.

We probably do. But the difference between you and I is that, while neither of us is satisfied with Obama, you've demonstrated a willingness to throw him under the bus simply for the sake of opposition, and with bad arguments, whereas I will defend him against those bad arguments and limit myself to rational objections. I'm willing to give Obama credit where it is deserved, whereas I don't ever see that from you.
remember this Her husband can.

you cant prove anything without her private paperwork.

stop lying about a dead woman for political gain

God you are a disgusting person.

No, you're the disgusting person. You want to sit here, you want to insist that so and so is lying, but you don't want to have to justify that position. You want to claim that a dead woman is being used as a pawn, when the truth is that you're the one using her as a pawn because you have no interest in the truth, all you care about is trying to make Obama look bad. But as it turns out it's stupid shit like what you're pulling that is the reason why Obama maintains so much support.q

i dont comprehend how you can ignore facts you disagree with and come to these ridiculous conclusions.
so what is it aside from the facts that;

- the guy had been laid off 6 years before his wife died
- she had health care prgm. at her job after he was laid off
- Romney had zip to do with it

you think those that say its a lie need to prove?

Keep up, skippy. I'm not doubting the veracity of the CNN story. I'm slamming the notion that people don't have to support their position with evidence, or that the burden of proof is on those who would be required to prove a negative. Ex: "Prove she didn't have health insurance."

oh and your name here? its a lie....and you just proved it, thx. ...:rolleyes:

Your hyper-partisan hackery, you've just proved it.

They don't have to support their position with evidence in a thread WHERE THEY ALREADY DID MULTIPLE TIMES.

How about you bother reading the posts before making yourself look like a partisan hack.
This add solidifies the Democratic party as being replete of any decency, morals or standards. They'll use anybody, anyway to further their agenda.

The modern Democratic Party is the party of scumbags and reprobates.
Wait! If that were true, you'd be a Democrat.
Funny you are here Defending how you are a Centrist, when just a few mins ago you attacked me and accused me of being a right winger. I bet we feel the same on most of the issues you just listed.

Sucks being pigeonholed by people that you disagree with, don't it.

We probably do. But the difference between you and I is that, while neither of us is satisfied with Obama, you've demonstrated a willingness to throw him under the bus simply for the sake of opposition, and with bad arguments, whereas I will defend him against those bad arguments and limit myself to rational objections. I'm willing to give Obama credit where it is deserved, whereas I don't ever see that from you.

What kind of person claims that attacks made against a blatantly false campaign ad using the truth and facts verified by both parties are bad arguments?

What the freak is wrong with you people defending this nonsense?
God you are a disgusting person.

No, you're the disgusting person. You want to sit here, you want to insist that so and so is lying, but you don't want to have to justify that position. You want to claim that a dead woman is being used as a pawn, when the truth is that you're the one using her as a pawn because you have no interest in the truth, all you care about is trying to make Obama look bad. But as it turns out it's stupid shit like what you're pulling that is the reason why Obama maintains so much support.q

i dont comprehend how you can ignore facts you disagree with and come to these ridiculous conclusions.

Dr Savage is correct, liberalism is a mental disorder. Forgive him for he knows not what he does.
Candidates don't have any say about their Superpac's ads and what they say. I'm sure there is misinformation in most of them (Romney & Obama). :mad:
Candidates don't have any say about their Superpac's ads and what they say. I'm sure there is misinformation in most of them (Romney & Obama). :mad:

all obummer has to do is come forward and dennounce such low down dirty lying tactics but of course he won't.
So your ok with a superpac lying as along as it's a Obama one? Superpacs on both sides will be putting out lies and misleading ads the left will be sure to point those from the right out and be assured the right will do the same with those from the left like this one.

thats why i wont vote for either one of these assholes.....yes Truth Obama is just as much of an Asshole as Romney......ill be voting for this guy.....Rufas T. Firefly you wont find any dirt on him....

hes dead

are you shitting me?.....when?.....:shock:

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