Fact checkers having a field day. Name your favorite:

Dunno why but I thought you might have posted about topics that people actually care about but nope, just your stupid identity politics bullshit.

Stupid me
Thinking that fact checking is something no one cares about makes me agree, you are very stupid. And it amazes me that there is something we both can actually agree on.

No. Thinking your fact checking can replace the fact that Hillary let Donald back in the race is beyond moronic.

She folded.

And just when I thought this thing was over and we could get used to vomiting at the idea of one of them in the WH.

I can't wait for November 9th. Either was....it sucks.
You're wrong. It was like Pence and Kaine. Pence thought he won, until he got fact checked. Now everyone knows he's a liar and a shill for Trump.

Nobody but you thinks anyone but Pence won that debate. He looked better, sounded better, and was more knolwegable.

You are a total moron.

and Pence went nuclear over "locker room talk" ...
Thinking that fact checking is something no one cares about makes me agree, you are very stupid. And it amazes me that there is something we both can actually agree on.

No. Thinking your fact checking can replace the fact that Hillary let Donald back in the race is beyond moronic.

She folded.

And just when I thought this thing was over and we could get used to vomiting at the idea of one of them in the WH.

I can't wait for November 9th. Either was....it sucks.
You're wrong. It was like Pence and Kaine. Pence thought he won, until he got fact checked. Now everyone knows he's a liar and a shill for Trump.

You left out your link, like you almost always do.
What link? Didn't you watch the debate? Don't you keep track of the candidate's lies?
I do.

The only lies you keep track of are the ones in your fairy tale.

I'll bet you get your count right off of gayleftwingers.com

I don't look at sites like this one. But I thought the picture was funny. Do I think Kaine lied...no.

FACT CHECK: 21 Times Tim Kaine Lied During the VP Debate

Did you bother to read that? It's a joke:

1) “This [Longwood, Virginia] is a very special place.”

  • Fact Check: FALSE. There is nothing special about Longwood, Virginia.
11) “I apologize.”

16) “If you don’t know the difference between dictatorship and leadership, then you got to go back to a fifth-grade civics class.”

  • Fact Check: FALSE. There is no existing law requiring individuals who don’t know the difference between dictatorship and leadership to return to middle school.
Does that sound like serious fact checking to you?
Trump said hundreds of thousand of Syrians came here last year.


Less than 13,000.
Trump said Muslims who come here aren't vetted.


They are vetted over a two year process an less than half are actually let in.
Trump said crime has increased under Obama.


Crime has been decreasing for decades.
Trump said he didn't know Putin and didn't know anything about Russia.


He previously said he knew Putin and knew about Russia because of pageants he worked on in Russia.
Trump said people saw bombs all over the apartment of the terrorists in San Bernardino.


No one saw bombs. If they did, they didn't report it.
Trump said Clinton used a very expensive process to bleach emails.


Her IT manager used a free downloadable app that required no chemicals. The free program was called "Bleachbit".
So far, my favorite is Hillary's claim that Trump has insulted:




The disabled


And more. I don't remember them all.

Fact check came up with examples of every single one.

If you're going to claim it you should prove it. It's a lie until proven otherwise.
Dunno why but I thought you might have posted about topics that people actually care about but nope, just your stupid identity politics bullshit.

Stupid me
Thinking that fact checking is something no one cares about makes me agree, you are very stupid. And it amazes me that there is something we both can actually agree on.

No. Thinking your fact checking can replace the fact that Hillary let Donald back in the race is beyond moronic.

She folded.

And just when I thought this thing was over and we could get used to vomiting at the idea of one of them in the WH.

I can't wait for November 9th. Either was....it sucks.
You're wrong. It was like Pence and Kaine. Pence thought he won, until he got fact checked. Now everyone knows he's a liar and a shill for Trump.

Nobody but you thinks anyone but Pence won that debate. He looked better, sounded better, and was more knolwegable.

You are a total moron.

and Pence went nuclear over "locker room talk" ...

And the issue with that was ????
So far, my favorite is Hillary's claim that Trump has insulted:




The disabled


And more. I don't remember them all.

Fact check came up with examples of every single one.

If you're going to claim it you should prove it. It's a lie until proven otherwise.
Fact-checking the second presidential debate

It's like the third one down. Too much to cut and paste.

But here is one the useless and ignorant right wing turds on the USMB have repeated again and again:

Trump: Clinton represented a man who was accused of raping a 12-year-old girl and "she's seen laughing on two separate occasions, laughing at the girl who was raped."

Clinton was appointed by a judge to the 1975 case when she first began at the University of Arkansas legal aid clinic, and she pursued it aggressively. She has claimed she tried to get out of it, and her claim is backed by the prosecutor in the case. Read the backstory here.

Trump is referring to an audio tape in which she laughs at recollections of the oddities of the case (for example, at the prosecutor and the judge being unwilling to show her a piece of evidence, and at the fact that her client passed a polygraph test which, she says, "forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs"). At no point did Clinton laugh at the victim. We rated Trump’s claim False.
For Trump it would far less time to check for anything he said that is true. That would be the shorter list by far.
So far, my favorite is Hillary's claim that Trump has insulted:



The disabled


And more. I don't remember them all.

Fact check came up with examples of every single one.

If you're going to claim it you should prove it. It's a lie until proven otherwise.
Fact-checking the second presidential debate

It's like the third one down. Too much to cut and paste.

But here is one the useless and ignorant right wing turds on the USMB have repeated again and again:

Trump: Clinton represented a man who was accused of raping a 12-year-old girl and "she's seen laughing on two separate occasions, laughing at the girl who was raped."

Clinton was appointed by a judge to the 1975 case when she first began at the University of Arkansas legal aid clinic, and she pursued it aggressively. She has claimed she tried to get out of it, and her claim is backed by the prosecutor in the case. Read the backstory here.

Trump is referring to an audio tape in which she laughs at recollections of the oddities of the case (for example, at the prosecutor and the judge being unwilling to show her a piece of evidence, and at the fact that her client passed a polygraph test which, she says, "forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs"). At no point did Clinton laugh at the victim. We rated Trump’s claim False.

Women: Your link does not quote any statement of his that was sexist or insulted women in general.Some women may have felt insulted by things he has said. Tough. In this country we are still free to express opinions. Usually this has been in response to insults leveled at him. If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. This claim is simple propaganda.

Mexicans (from your link):
"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people"
Where is the alleged Insult? All I see is a statement of well documented fact.

He did indeed make fun of a disabled reporter however it is not at all clear that he was making fun of the man's disability or his words.

H. Clinton's laughing at the rape victim is small potatoes one way or the other. She has lied to and then lied about the families of the Americans her negligence got killed in Africa. She has insulted LOEs and has praised the terrorists you are murdering them and rioting.

Your link does not support your claims.


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