FAct Checkers


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
Trump in his campaing rally in WV, said countries asked him if we would leave if they didn't pay their bills
Trump said yes, I would have to consider it
Trump then said those checkbooks came out fast

Now we know how this works, the WaPo and all the fact checkers will tell us Trump was lying as the leaders didn't actually open check books and write checks (again they take him literally)
Trump in his campaing rally in WV, said countries asked him if we would leave if they didn't pay their bills
Trump said yes, I would have to consider it
Trump then said those checkbooks came out fast

Now we know how this works, the WaPo and all the fact checkers will tell us Trump was lying as the leaders didn't actually open check books and write checks (again they take him literally)

WaPo couldn't even get the quantity of genders right. They can't be a fact checker. They should stick to their expertise such as lying and selling white sin resolution.
Trump in his campaing rally in WV, said countries asked him if we would leave if they didn't pay their bills
Trump said yes, I would have to consider it
Trump then said those checkbooks came out fast

Now we know how this works, the WaPo and all the fact checkers will tell us Trump was lying as the leaders didn't actually open check books and write checks (again they take him literally)
What was he talking about, NATO?
Some countries did agree to cough up more $$ if they can get approval at home, but Trump's claim that they had promised $$ above and beyond the current agreement was not true.
Trump in his campaing rally in WV, said countries asked him if we would leave if they didn't pay their bills
Trump said yes, I would have to consider it
Trump then said those checkbooks came out fast

Now we know how this works, the WaPo and all the fact checkers will tell us Trump was lying as the leaders didn't actually open check books and write checks (again they take him literally)
What was he talking about, NATO?
Some countries did agree to cough up more $$ if they can get approval at home, but Trump's claim that they had promised $$ above and beyond the current agreement was not true.
I wasn't talking about that. I was mocking their "lies" of Trump.
They take everything he says literally like Russia finding the emails and 2nd amendment people dealing with Clinton
So I posted that he said they got their checkbooks (an expression of speech) and they would report he lied because they literally did not pull out checkbooks.

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