Fact-Checking the State of the Union Address


College Conservative
Jun 1, 2012
Here is a really good article that points to several areas where Obama bent the truth a little bit Tuesday night. Check out the full post at Cameron Harris: Fact-Checking Obama's State of the Union Address

Calvin Woodward of the Associated Press does a great job of fact-checking claims made in Obama's State of the Union Address Tuesday night. (Check out the article right here.)

Woodward calls Obama's claims "cherry-picking" and points out several areas where the President either spun the numbers in his favor or outright lied.

OBAMA: "After years of grueling recession, our businesses have created over 6 million new jobs."
THE FACTS: That's in the ballpark, as far as it goes. But Obama starts his count not when he took office, but from the point in his first term when job losses were the highest. In doing so, he ignores the 5 million or so jobs that were lost on his watch, up to that point.
Private sector jobs have grown by 6.1 million since February 2010. But since he became president, the gain is a more modest 1.9 million.
And when losses in public sector employment are added to the mix, his overall jobs record is a gain of 1.2 million.

OBAMA: "Already the Affordable Care Act is helping to reduce the growth of health care costs."
THE FACTS: The jury is still out on whether Obama's health care overhaul will reduce the growth of health care costs. It's true that cost increases have eased, but many experts say that's due to the sluggish economy, not to the health care law, whose main provisions are not yet fully in effect.
We buy less foreign oil than we have in the last 20 years.

We produce more oil at home than we have in 15 years.

I'll be damned. This is the first time he's not flapped his blue gums against the oil industry.
We buy less foreign oil than we have in the last 20 years.

We produce more oil at home than we have in 15 years.

I'll be damned. This is the first time he's not flapped his blue gums against the oil industry.

But he had nothing to do with the Bakken or Eagle Ford shale plays, if anything his crap would have prolonged the technology we have today...
We buy less foreign oil than we have in the last 20 years.

We produce more oil at home than we have in 15 years.

I'll be damned. This is the first time he's not flapped his blue gums against the oil industry.

But he had nothing to do with the Bakken or Eagle Ford shale plays, if anything his crap would have prolonged the technology we have today...

True dat. Regardless of the font and size.

But somebody or something tapped his nappy little noggin and suggested he back off.
The fact that he is a proven liar doesn't matter to his zombie-like followers. The only thing they see is a black man got elected. Nothing else matters.

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