Facts About Judaism

How is it that a thread labeled "Facts About Jews" consists of nearly 900 posts, nearly all of which are about Jesus?

A man who has absolutely nothing to do with Judaism?

Christianity is Judaism; it just makes certain racist Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jews all upset when those without the correct post-exilic genealogies talk about real Judaism without caring what the racists think about most topics, is all.

Christianity is rather result of Roman reformation to interaction with Judaism.
But out of curiosity, what are those "post-exilic genealogies" you were referring?
Christianity is rather result of Roman reformation to interaction with Judaism.

Total rubbish; it has nothing to do with any 'Roman reformation'. It began as a totally Jewish 'reformation' and theological sect, most likely originating as a Pharisaic 'heresy'. The Gospels and some 22 books of the NT were already established orthodoxy by at least 65 A.D. with the last of Paul's teachings, before the fall of the Temple.

But out of curiosity, what are those "post-exilic genealogies" you were referring?

The ones invented by those returning from the Babylonian exile, and using their influence with Cyrus to set themselves up as ' The Pure Jews' over the Jews who remained and weren't sent off after the Babylonian conquests. Many were faked geneaologies at that, and creating fake ones was still a practice after the beginnings of Christianity among the Orthodox. R. Judah had one created for him by his friends, so that he coud become a 'legitimate' office holder, though to his credit he himself made it clear in his biography he was a Benjamin by birth.
In b4 this is some StormFront guy.
lol fnnceo? Doubt he's a Stormfront guy. I'm certainly not, not even close. Do you think Jews don't have issues with racism in some of their Orthodox and ultra-Ortodox sects and among their secular members? You must think the JP, Haaretz, and Arutz Sheva are neo-Nazi propaganda rags; they report on Jewish nutjobs all day every day. You would really be hating' on a lot of Jewish professors at Hebrew University as well; they don't give a rat's ass about Jewish mythology and PC Ness either.
Christianity is rather result of Roman reformation to interaction with Judaism.

Total rubbish; it has nothing to do with any 'Roman reformation'. It began as a totally Jewish 'reformation' and theological sect, most likely originating as a Pharisaic 'heresy'. The Gospels and some 22 books of the NT were already established orthodoxy by at least 65 A.D. with the last of Paul's teachings, before the fall of the Temple.

Although Christians try to allude to being followers of 'the first Christians',
who were a small sect of Torah following circumcising Jews who believed the rumors about a crucified Jew who returned from death and is about to bring full redemption...the country was full of Jews being publicly crucified and put on display on the sides of the roads.
Lots of ground for such hopes,

But any such association ended with Paul's going against circumcision,
and commandments all together.

Rome went its own way and Jewish heritage kept its own way,
to meet its own challenges in diaspora, and live its life.

Christianity is the Roman product of religious interaction with Jewish heritage.

The ones invented by those returning from the Babylonian exile, and using their influence with Cyrus to set themselves up as ' The Pure Jews' over the Jews who remained and weren't sent off after the Babylonian conquests. Many were faked geneaologies at that, and creating fake ones was still a practice after the beginnings of Christianity among the Orthodox. R. Judah had one created for him by his friends, so that he coud become a 'legitimate' office holder, though to his credit he himself made it clear in his biography he was a Benjamin by birth.

Aren't those the same genealogies on which Church bases Jesus's right to kingdom of Israel?
Which by the way are transferred from a father.

Dance me you cognitive dissonance...
Friday has come round.....again.

About the Sabbath Day.

Both of these reasons are true. The Sabbath attests to belief in G‑d and the pattern He set when creating the world ...

“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy”
too long to remember ago from the spoken religion, Sabbath meant the type of completion as deemed by the Almighty upon the completion of their work - a moment of flawless purity. why that would be deemed holy - same for freeing one's spirit to be accomplished, a Sabbath. is required.
G-d is infinitely in "moment of flawless purity".
Sabbath in not required for that or completion, but rest, ceasing all work.
As in G-d ceasing all work by passing the responsibility along forth to humanity.

What's required for completion is the 8th day, which glimpses are revealed in the Temple.

And it was on the eighth day, that Moses summoned Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel
G-d is infinitely in "moment of flawless purity".
Sabbath in not required for that or completion, but rest, ceasing all work.
As in G-d ceasing all work by passing the responsibility along forth to humanity.
the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - as prescribed by the Almighty is "that" completion, a Sabbath the achieved purity of one or the other. no time for rest for the weary, something the jews have little regards for.

8 So Aaron approached the altar and slaughtered his sin offering calf.
good luck.

Christianity is Judaism

really picaro - two examples of forgeries from the the 4th century christian bible. as provided previously.
- too bad for both of them.
Friday has come round.....again.

About the Sabbath Day.

Both of these reasons are true. The Sabbath attests to belief in G‑d and the pattern He set when creating the world ...

“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy”
too long to remember ago from the spoken religion, Sabbath meant the type of completion as deemed by the Almighty upon the completion of their work - a moment of flawless purity. why that would be deemed holy - same for freeing one's spirit to be accomplished, a Sabbath. is required.
G-d is infinitely in "moment of flawless purity".
Sabbath in not required for that or completion, but rest, ceasing all work.
As in G-d ceasing all work by passing the responsibility along forth to humanity.

What's required for completion is the 8th day, which glimpses are revealed in the Temple.

And it was on the eighth day, that Moses summoned Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel
G-d is infinitely in "moment of flawless purity".
Sabbath in not required for that or completion, but rest, ceasing all work.
As in G-d ceasing all work by passing the responsibility along forth to humanity.
the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - as prescribed by the Almighty is "that" completion, a Sabbath the achieved purity of one or the other. no time for rest for the weary, something the jews have little regards for.

8 So Aaron approached the altar and slaughtered his sin offering calf.
good luck.

Christianity is Judaism

really picaro - two examples of forgeries from the the 4th century christian bible. as provided previously.
- too bad for both of them.
Post-Holocaust Jewry has more Observant Jews than ever before since your Roman ancestors destroyed the Holy Temple.
When you learn how to read Hebrew and Greek, we'll talk.

By the way, Shabbos powers the week and the week is utilized to Act Upon & Guard the essence of Shabbos.
Friday has come round.....again.

About the Sabbath Day.

Both of these reasons are true. The Sabbath attests to belief in G‑d and the pattern He set when creating the world ...

“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy”
too long to remember ago from the spoken religion, Sabbath meant the type of completion as deemed by the Almighty upon the completion of their work - a moment of flawless purity. why that would be deemed holy - same for freeing one's spirit to be accomplished, a Sabbath. is required.
G-d is infinitely in "moment of flawless purity".
Sabbath in not required for that or completion, but rest, ceasing all work.
As in G-d ceasing all work by passing the responsibility along forth to humanity.

What's required for completion is the 8th day, which glimpses are revealed in the Temple.

And it was on the eighth day, that Moses summoned Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel
G-d is infinitely in "moment of flawless purity".
Sabbath in not required for that or completion, but rest, ceasing all work.
As in G-d ceasing all work by passing the responsibility along forth to humanity.
the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - as prescribed by the Almighty is "that" completion, a Sabbath the achieved purity of one or the other. no time for rest for the weary, something the jews have little regards for.

8 So Aaron approached the altar and slaughtered his sin offering calf.
good luck.

Christianity is Judaism

really picaro - two examples of forgeries from the the 4th century christian bible. as provided previously.
- too bad for both of them.
Post-Holocaust Jewry has more Observant Jews than ever before since your Roman ancestors destroyed the Holy Temple.
When you learn how to read Hebrew and Greek, we'll talk.

By the way, Shabbos powers the week and the week is utilized to Act Upon & Guard the essence of Shabbos.
When you learn how to read Hebrew and Greek, we'll talk.
the religion of antiquity is spoken not read - and will remain the same for all eternity. the means for admission to the Everlasting.

the religious itinerant knew his fate and fulfilled their destiny so few bothered to notice.
Friday has come round.....again.

About the Sabbath Day.

Both of these reasons are true. The Sabbath attests to belief in G‑d and the pattern He set when creating the world ...

“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy”
too long to remember ago from the spoken religion, Sabbath meant the type of completion as deemed by the Almighty upon the completion of their work - a moment of flawless purity. why that would be deemed holy - same for freeing one's spirit to be accomplished, a Sabbath. is required.
G-d is infinitely in "moment of flawless purity".
Sabbath in not required for that or completion, but rest, ceasing all work.
As in G-d ceasing all work by passing the responsibility along forth to humanity.

What's required for completion is the 8th day, which glimpses are revealed in the Temple.

And it was on the eighth day, that Moses summoned Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel
G-d is infinitely in "moment of flawless purity".
Sabbath in not required for that or completion, but rest, ceasing all work.
As in G-d ceasing all work by passing the responsibility along forth to humanity.
the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - as prescribed by the Almighty is "that" completion, a Sabbath the achieved purity of one or the other. no time for rest for the weary, something the jews have little regards for.

8 So Aaron approached the altar and slaughtered his sin offering calf.
good luck.

Christianity is Judaism

really picaro - two examples of forgeries from the the 4th century christian bible. as provided previously.
- too bad for both of them.

I tried to make sense of what you were trying to convey,
but realized you're one of the followers of either religions
that place the Oedipus complex against Judaism central to faith.

Quiet the catch 22...

Tell me, so if the guy from the cross appeared
and walked around the street, you bow and pray to him as god?
Consider what the Old Testament has to offer:

Tehillim 22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
22 (For the one directing. To the Deer of the Dawn. Mizmor Dovid.) Eli, Eli, lamah azavtani? [See Mt 27:46 OJBC] Why art Thou so far from my yeshuah, and from the words of my groaning?

2 (3) Elohai, I cry yomam, but Thou hearest not; and v’lailah, and am not silent.

3 (4) But Atah Kadosh, O Thou enthroned on the tehillot Yisroel.

4 (5) Avoteinu trusted in Thee; they had bitachon, and Thou didst deliver them.

5 (6) They cried unto Thee, and were delivered; they had bitachon in Thee, and were not disappointed.

6 (7) But I am a tola’at, and no ish; a reproach of men, and despised of the people [see Yeshayah 53:3 on the despised Moshiach].

7 (8) All they that see me mock me; they shoot out the lip, they shake the rosh, saying,

8 (9) He trusted in Hashem; let Hashem rescue him; let Him deliver him, since He delights in him.

9 (10) But Thou art He that took me out of the womb; Thou didst make me trust when I was upon the breasts of immi.

10 (11) I was cast upon Thee from the womb; Thou art Eli from the womb of immi.

11 (12) Be not far from me; for tzoros is near; and there is none to help.

12 (13) Parim rabbim (many bulls) have encompassed me; strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round about.

13 (14) They opened wide their mouths upon me, like an aryeh roaring and tearing prey.

14 (15) I am poured out like mayim, and all my atzmot are out of joint; my lev is like wax; it is melted away within me.

15 (16) My ko’ach is dried up like baked clay; and my leshon cleaveth to my jaws; and Thou layest me in the aphar mavet (dust of death).

16 (17) For kelavim have surrounded me; the Adat Mere’im (congregation of evil men) have enclosed me; ka’aru yadai v’ragelai (they pierced my hands and my feet; see Isa 53:5; Zech 12:10 and medieval Hebrew Scripture manuscripts as well as the Targum HaShivim).

17 (18) I can count all my atzmot; the people stare and gloat at me.

18 (19) They divide up my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast goral (lots) [Mt 27:35; Lk 23:34; Yn 19:24].

19 (20) But be not Thou far from me, Hashem; O my strength, hasten Thee to help me.

20 (21) Deliver my nefesh from the cherev, my yechid (only one, only [nefesh]) from the power of the kelev (dog).

21 (22) Hoshieini from the mouth of the aryeh; for Thou hast heard me from the karnayim of the wild bulls.

22 (23) I will declare Thy Shem unto my Achim; in the midst of the Kahal will I praise Thee.

23 (24) Ye that fear Hashem, praise Him; all ye Zera Ya’akov, give Him kavod; and fear Him, all ye Zera Yisroel.

24 (25) For He hath not despised nor disdained the enut ani (affliction of the afflicted); neither hath He hid His face from him; but when he cried unto Him, He heard.

25 (26) My tehillah shall be from Thee in the Kahal Rav; I will fulfill my nedar before them that fear Him.

26 (27) The anavim (meek) shall eat and be satisfied; they that seek Him shall praise Hashem. Let your levav live forever!

27 (28) All the ends of HaAretz shall remember and turn unto Hashem; and all the mishpechot of the Goyim shall bow down in worship before Thee.

28 (29) For the Meluchah is Hashem’s: and He is the Moshel over the Goyim.

29 (30) All they that thrive upon HaAretz shall eat and worship; all they that go down to the aphar (dust) shall bow before Him; even he who cannot keep alive his own nefesh.

30 (31) Zera shall serve Him; it shall be told to the generation [to come] concerning Adonoi.

31 (32) They shall come, and shall declare His tzedek unto an Am Nolad (a [future] people that shall be born), that He hath done this.
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Consider what the Old Testament has to offer:

Yeshayah 53 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
53 Who hath believed our report? And to whom is the Zero’a Hashem [Yeshayah 52:10] revealed?

2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a Shoresh (Root, Shoresh Yishai, Moshiach, Yeshayah 11:10, Sanhedrin93b) out of a dry ground; he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire [Chaggai 2:7] him.

3 He is despised and chadal ishim (rejected by men); a man of sorrows, and acquainted with suffering; and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

4 Surely he hath borne our sufferings, and nasah (carried [Vayikra 16:22; Yeshayah 53:12)] our sorrows; yet we did esteem him stricken, [i.e., like a leper is stricken] smitten of G-d, and afflicted [see verse 8 below].

5 But he was pierced [Yeshayah 51:9; Zecharyah 12:10 Sukkah 52a, Tehillim 22:17 Targum Hashivim] for our transgressions, he was bruised mei’avonoteinu (for our iniquities); the musar (chastisement) (that brought us shalom [Yeshayah 54:10] was upon him [Moshiach]; and at the cost of his (Moshiach’s) chaburah (stripes, lacerations) we are healed.

6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own derech (way; see Prov 16:25); and Hashem hath laid on him [Moshiach] the avon (iniquity, the guilt that separates from G-d) of us all.

7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; he is brought as a seh (lamb; see Shemot 12:3) to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

8 He was taken from prison and from judgment; and who of his generation declared? For he was cut off [Daniel 9:26; Vayikra 17:10] out of Eretz Chayyim [this refers to the mot of Moshiach Ben Dovid, see v.12] mipesha ami (for the transgression of my people [Yisroel]) nega (plague cf Ps 91:10) lamo ([fell] on him [i.e., Moshiach; in light of Ps 11:7 and Job 22:2 we are warranted in saying the suffix is a singular, "him," not "them". Cf Gen 9:26-27; Deut 33:2; Isa 44:15; also compare Divrey Hayamim Alef 21:17]).

9 And he made his kever (grave) with the resha’im, and with the oisher (rich man; see Mt 27:57-60) bemotayv (in his deaths, intensive plural should be translated singular, death); because he had done no chamas (violence), neither was any mirmah (deceit) in his mouth. T.N. We stray as sheep; we return in Moshiach as children (zera); the Techiyas HaMoshiach (Resurrection of Moshiach) predicted in v. 10 [Dead Sea Scrolls Isaiah Scroll says Moshiach "will see the light [of life];" see also the Targum HaShivim]

10 Yet it pleased Hashem to bruise him; He hath put him to suffering; when Thou shalt make his nefesh an asham offering for sin, he (Moshiach) shall see zera [see Psalm 16 and Yn 1:12 OJBC], He shall prolong his yamim (days) and the chefetz Hashem (pleasure, will of Hashem) shall prosper in his [Moshiach’s] hand.

11 He [Hashem] shall see of the travail of his [Moshiach’s] nefesh, and shall be satisfied; by knowledge of him [Moshiach] shall Tzadik Avdi ["My Righteous Servant," Moshiach, Zecharyah 3:8, Yirmeyah 23:5; Zecharyah 6:11-12, Ezra 3:8 Yehoshua, Yeshua shmo] justify many (Ro 5:1); for he [Moshiach] shall bear their avon (iniquities).

12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his nefesh unto mavet (death); and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he nasah (Lv 16:22, carried) (like the Yom Kippur scapegoat) the sin of many, and made intercession [did the work of a mafgi’a, intercessor] for the transgressors [see Lk 23:34 OJBC].
Tehillim 22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

16 (17) For kelavim have surrounded me; the Adat Mere’im (congregation of evil men) have enclosed me; ka’aru yadai v’ragelai (they pierced my hands and my feet; see Isa 53:5; Zech 12:10 and medieval Hebrew Scripture manuscripts as well as the Targum HaShivim).

There's no such thing as "Orthodox Jewish Bible" - that's a recent Church fabrication,
there's just the one Torah, in Hebrew, and no versions.

As much as there's no Targum Shiv'im with Psalms,
just a late Church fabrication.

The "ka'aru yadai..." is a well known bold fabrication of the text.
Torah says 'kaari yadai...', which means 'as a lion', not what the corrupt church sells.

Consider what the Old Testament has to offer:

Indeed consider,
and discover how much fabrications the Church left in plane sight.
Indeed consider,
and discover how much fabrications the Church left in plane sight.
Possibly not so much a fabrication as a development, possibly even fruit, from Judaism. One of the top things I keep in mind about Jesus is that said he did not come for those who were healthy and doing well; he came for those who were lost and in need of a physician. If you were blessed to be born brawny and healthy, more power to you and more praise to God. Meanwhile, many of us are grateful we were not left behind, but were given hand up.
Consider what the Old Testament has to offer:

Yeshayah 53 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
53 Who hath believed our report? And to whom is the Zero’a Hashem [Yeshayah 52:10] revealed?

2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a Shoresh (Root, Shoresh Yishai, Moshiach, Yeshayah 11:10, Sanhedrin93b) out of a dry ground; he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire [Chaggai 2:7] him.

3 He is despised and chadal ishim (rejected by men); a man of sorrows, and acquainted with suffering; and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

4 Surely he hath borne our sufferings, and nasah (carried [Vayikra 16:22; Yeshayah 53:12)] our sorrows; yet we did esteem him stricken, [i.e., like a leper is stricken] smitten of G-d, and afflicted [see verse 8 below].

5 But he was pierced [Yeshayah 51:9; Zecharyah 12:10 Sukkah 52a, Tehillim 22:17 Targum Hashivim] for our transgressions, he was bruised mei’avonoteinu (for our iniquities); the musar (chastisement) (that brought us shalom [Yeshayah 54:10] was upon him [Moshiach]; and at the cost of his (Moshiach’s) chaburah (stripes, lacerations) we are healed.

6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own derech (way; see Prov 16:25); and Hashem hath laid on him [Moshiach] the avon (iniquity, the guilt that separates from G-d) of us all.

7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; he is brought as a seh (lamb; see Shemot 12:3) to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

8 He was taken from prison and from judgment; and who of his generation declared? For he was cut off [Daniel 9:26; Vayikra 17:10] out of Eretz Chayyim [this refers to the mot of Moshiach Ben Dovid, see v.12] mipesha ami (for the transgression of my people [Yisroel]) nega (plague cf Ps 91:10) lamo ([fell] on him [i.e., Moshiach; in light of Ps 11:7 and Job 22:2 we are warranted in saying the suffix is a singular, "him," not "them". Cf Gen 9:26-27; Deut 33:2; Isa 44:15; also compare Divrey Hayamim Alef 21:17]).

9 And he made his kever (grave) with the resha’im, and with the oisher (rich man; see Mt 27:57-60) bemotayv (in his deaths, intensive plural should be translated singular, death); because he had done no chamas (violence), neither was any mirmah (deceit) in his mouth. T.N. We stray as sheep; we return in Moshiach as children (zera); the Techiyas HaMoshiach (Resurrection of Moshiach) predicted in v. 10 [Dead Sea Scrolls Isaiah Scroll says Moshiach "will see the light [of life];" see also the Targum HaShivim]

10 Yet it pleased Hashem to bruise him; He hath put him to suffering; when Thou shalt make his nefesh an asham offering for sin, he (Moshiach) shall see zera [see Psalm 16 and Yn 1:12 OJBC], He shall prolong his yamim (days) and the chefetz Hashem (pleasure, will of Hashem) shall prosper in his [Moshiach’s] hand.

11 He [Hashem] shall see of the travail of his [Moshiach’s] nefesh, and shall be satisfied; by knowledge of him [Moshiach] shall Tzadik Avdi ["My Righteous Servant," Moshiach, Zecharyah 3:8, Yirmeyah 23:5; Zecharyah 6:11-12, Ezra 3:8 Yehoshua, Yeshua shmo] justify many (Ro 5:1); for he [Moshiach] shall bear their avon (iniquities).

12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his nefesh unto mavet (death); and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he nasah (Lv 16:22, carried) (like the Yom Kippur scapegoat) the sin of many, and made intercession [did the work of a mafgi’a, intercessor] for the transgressors [see Lk 23:34 OJBC].

Isaiah 53: Rabbi Tovia Singer reveals the meaning of the most misused chapter in the Bible

Friday has come round.....again.

About the Sabbath Day.

Both of these reasons are true. The Sabbath attests to belief in G‑d and the pattern He set when creating the world ...

“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy”
too long to remember ago from the spoken religion, Sabbath meant the type of completion as deemed by the Almighty upon the completion of their work - a moment of flawless purity. why that would be deemed holy - same for freeing one's spirit to be accomplished, a Sabbath. is required.
G-d is infinitely in "moment of flawless purity".
Sabbath in not required for that or completion, but rest, ceasing all work.
As in G-d ceasing all work by passing the responsibility along forth to humanity.

What's required for completion is the 8th day, which glimpses are revealed in the Temple.

And it was on the eighth day, that Moses summoned Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel
G-d is infinitely in "moment of flawless purity".
Sabbath in not required for that or completion, but rest, ceasing all work.
As in G-d ceasing all work by passing the responsibility along forth to humanity.
the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - as prescribed by the Almighty is "that" completion, a Sabbath the achieved purity of one or the other. no time for rest for the weary, something the jews have little regards for.

8 So Aaron approached the altar and slaughtered his sin offering calf.
good luck.

Christianity is Judaism

really picaro - two examples of forgeries from the the 4th century christian bible. as provided previously.
- too bad for both of them.

I tried to make sense of what you were trying to convey,
but realized you're one of the followers of either religions
that place the Oedipus complex against Judaism central to faith.

Quiet the catch 22...

Tell me, so if the guy from the cross appeared
and walked around the street, you bow and pray to him as god?
but realized you're one of the followers of either religions
that place the Oedipus complex against Judaism central to faith.
are you sure it was not electra ... more so your recorded history might have played a role.

the religion of antiquity is six words in length, curious what might be - "Judaism central to faith" - that would make a difference.

were the religious itinerant to make a reappearance I would first ask to shake his hand ...
Indeed consider,
and discover how much fabrications the Church left in plane sight.
Possibly not so much a fabrication as a development, possibly even fruit, from Judaism. One of the top things I keep in mind about Jesus is that said he did not come for those who were healthy and doing well; he came for those who were lost and in need of a physician. If you were blessed to be born brawny and healthy, more power to you and more praise to God. Meanwhile, many of us are grateful we were not left behind, but were given hand up.

You're referring to Christianity as a whole,
while I was arguing about corruption of specific text.

From theological perspective, as far as I understand, the sages instead of outright rejecting,
always tried to figure out the essence of all kind of foreign worship, and later philosophies and ideologies, first of course to sift what's right and what's wrong in them according to Torah, but essentially to understand it in the context of serving G-d's plan.

Christianity and Islam deviate from Torah on many key points,
but essentially they serve to prepare a wide basis for humanity to accept the G-d of Israel.

That's theologically. but that aside,
personally I'm sure most Christians are just normal good mannered people.
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Friday has come round.....again.

About the Sabbath Day.

Both of these reasons are true. The Sabbath attests to belief in G‑d and the pattern He set when creating the world ...

“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy”
too long to remember ago from the spoken religion, Sabbath meant the type of completion as deemed by the Almighty upon the completion of their work - a moment of flawless purity. why that would be deemed holy - same for freeing one's spirit to be accomplished, a Sabbath. is required.
G-d is infinitely in "moment of flawless purity".
Sabbath in not required for that or completion, but rest, ceasing all work.
As in G-d ceasing all work by passing the responsibility along forth to humanity.

What's required for completion is the 8th day, which glimpses are revealed in the Temple.

And it was on the eighth day, that Moses summoned Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel
G-d is infinitely in "moment of flawless purity".
Sabbath in not required for that or completion, but rest, ceasing all work.
As in G-d ceasing all work by passing the responsibility along forth to humanity.
the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - as prescribed by the Almighty is "that" completion, a Sabbath the achieved purity of one or the other. no time for rest for the weary, something the jews have little regards for.

8 So Aaron approached the altar and slaughtered his sin offering calf.
good luck.

Christianity is Judaism

really picaro - two examples of forgeries from the the 4th century christian bible. as provided previously.
- too bad for both of them.

I tried to make sense of what you were trying to convey,
but realized you're one of the followers of either religions
that place the Oedipus complex against Judaism central to faith.

Quiet the catch 22...

Tell me, so if the guy from the cross appeared
and walked around the street, you bow and pray to him as god?
but realized you're one of the followers of either religions
that place the Oedipus complex against Judaism central to faith.
are you sure it was not electra ... more so your recorded history might have played a role.

the religion of antiquity is six words in length, curious what might be - "Judaism central to faith" - that would make a difference.

were the religious itinerant to make a reappearance I would first ask to shake his hand ...

In the antiquity we were called atheists for serving the G-d without an idol,
now they call us a religion because that's the only term you to project on Judaism.

But it is never either of those.

Following my question:
Would you pray to Jesus as god after shaking his hand?
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Friday has come round.....again.

About the Sabbath Day.

Both of these reasons are true. The Sabbath attests to belief in G‑d and the pattern He set when creating the world ...

“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy”
too long to remember ago from the spoken religion, Sabbath meant the type of completion as deemed by the Almighty upon the completion of their work - a moment of flawless purity. why that would be deemed holy - same for freeing one's spirit to be accomplished, a Sabbath. is required.
G-d is infinitely in "moment of flawless purity".
Sabbath in not required for that or completion, but rest, ceasing all work.
As in G-d ceasing all work by passing the responsibility along forth to humanity.

What's required for completion is the 8th day, which glimpses are revealed in the Temple.

And it was on the eighth day, that Moses summoned Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel
G-d is infinitely in "moment of flawless purity".
Sabbath in not required for that or completion, but rest, ceasing all work.
As in G-d ceasing all work by passing the responsibility along forth to humanity.
the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - as prescribed by the Almighty is "that" completion, a Sabbath the achieved purity of one or the other. no time for rest for the weary, something the jews have little regards for.

8 So Aaron approached the altar and slaughtered his sin offering calf.
good luck.

Christianity is Judaism

really picaro - two examples of forgeries from the the 4th century christian bible. as provided previously.
- too bad for both of them.

I tried to make sense of what you were trying to convey,
but realized you're one of the followers of either religions
that place the Oedipus complex against Judaism central to faith.

Quiet the catch 22...

Tell me, so if the guy from the cross appeared
and walked around the street, you bow and pray to him as god?
but realized you're one of the followers of either religions
that place the Oedipus complex against Judaism central to faith.
are you sure it was not electra ... more so your recorded history might have played a role.

the religion of antiquity is six words in length, curious what might be - "Judaism central to faith" - that would make a difference.

were the religious itinerant to make a reappearance I would first ask to shake his hand ...

In the antiquity we were called atheists for serving the G-d without an idol,
now they call us a religion because that's the only term you to project on Judaism.

But it is never either of those.

Following my question:
Would you pray to Jesus as god after shaking his hand?
Following my question:

you did not answer my question ...

the religion of antiquity is six words in length, curious what might be - "Judaism central to faith" - that would make a difference.

Would you pray to Jesus as god after shaking his hand?
that is your error for crucifying him it was not the religious itinerant that made himself into a god - it was you.
OK, so in Hebrew and English ----- Psalm 22

1For the conductor, on the ayeleth hashachar, a song of David. אלַֽמְנַצֵּחַ עַל־אַיֶּ֥לֶת הַ֜שַּׁ֗חַר מִזְמ֥וֹר לְדָוִֽד:
2My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? [You are] far from my salvation [and] from the words of my moaning. באֵלִ֣י אֵ֖לִי לָמָ֣ה עֲזַבְתָּ֑נִי רָח֥וֹק מִ֜ישֽׁוּעָתִ֗י דִּבְרֵ֥י שַֽׁאֲגָתִֽי:
3My God, I call out by day and You do not reply, and at night I do not keep silent. גאֱלֹהַ֗י אֶקְרָ֣א י֖וֹמָם וְלֹ֣א תַֽעֲנֶ֑ה וְ֜לַ֗יְלָה וְֽלֹא־דֽוּמִיָּ֥ה לִֽי:
4But You are holy; You await the praises of Israel. דוְאַתָּ֥ה קָד֑וֹשׁ י֜וֹשֵׁ֗ב תְּהִלּ֥וֹת יִשְׂרָאֵֽל:
5Our ancestors trusted in You; they trusted and You rescued them. הבְּךָ בָּֽטְח֣וּ אֲבֹתֵ֑ינוּ בָּֽ֜טְח֗וּ וַֽתְּפַלְּטֵֽמוֹ:
6They cried out to You and they escaped; they trusted in You and they were not shamed. ואֵלֶ֣יךָ זָֽעֲק֣וּ וְנִמְלָ֑טוּ בְּךָ֖ בָֽטְח֣וּ וְלֹא־בֽוֹשׁוּ:
7But I am a worm and not a man; a reproach of man, despised by peoples. זוְאָֽנֹכִ֣י תוֹלַ֣עַת וְלֹא־אִ֑ישׁ חֶרְפַּ֥ת אָ֜דָ֗ם וּבְז֥וּי עָֽם:
8All who see me will mock me; they will open their lips, they will shake their head. חכָּל־רֹ֖אַי יַלְעִ֣גוּ לִ֑י יַפְטִ֥ירוּ בְ֜שָׂפָ֗ה יָנִ֥יעוּ רֹֽאשׁ:
9One should cast his trust upon the Lord, and He will rescue him; He will save him because He delights in him. טגֹּ֣ל אֶל־יְהֹוָ֣ה יְפַלְּטֵ֑הוּ יַ֜צִּילֵ֗הוּ כִּ֘י חָ֥פֵץ בּֽוֹ:
10For You drew me from the womb; You made me secure on my mother's breasts. יכִּֽי־אַתָּ֣ה גֹחִ֣י מִבָּ֑טֶן מַ֜בְטִיחִ֗י עַל־שְׁדֵ֥י אִמִּֽי:
11Upon You, I was cast from birth; from my mother's womb You are my God. יאעָלֶיךָ הָשְׁלַ֣כְתִּי מֵרָ֑חֶם מִבֶּ֥טֶן אִ֜מִּ֗י אֵ֥לִי אָֽתָּה:
12Do not distance Yourself from me, for distress is near; for there is none to help. יבאַל־תִּרְחַ֣ק מִ֖מֶּנִּי כִּֽי־צָרָ֣ה קְרוֹבָ֑ה כִּ֖י אֵ֥ין עוֹזֵֽר:
13Great bulls have surrounded me; the mighty ones of Bashan encompassed me. יגסְבָבוּנִי פָּרִ֣ים רַבִּ֑ים אַבִּירֵ֖י בָשָׁ֣ן כִּתְּרֽוּנִי:
14They opened their mouth against me [like] a tearing, roaring lion. ידפָּצ֣וּ עָלַ֣י פִּיהֶ֑ם אַ֜רְיֵ֗ה טֹרֵ֥ף וְשֹׁאֵֽג:
15I was spilled like water, and all my bones were separated; my heart was like wax, melting within my innards. טוכַּמַּ֥יִם נִשְׁפַּכְתִּי֘ וְֽהִתְפָּֽרְד֗וּ כָּֽל־עַצְמ֫וֹתָ֥י הָיָ֣ה לִ֖בִּי כַּדּוֹנָ֑ג נָ֜מֵ֗ס בְּת֣וֹךְ מֵעָֽי:
16My strength became dried out like a potsherd, and my tongue cleaves to my palate; and You set me down in the dust of death. טזיָ֘בֵ֚שׁ כַּחֶ֨רֶשׂ | כֹּחִ֗י וּ֖לְשׁוֹנִי מֻדְבָּ֣ק מַלְקוֹחָ֑י וְלַֽעֲפַר־מָ֥וֶת תִּשְׁפְּתֵֽנִי:
17For dogs have surrounded me; a band of evildoers has encompassed me, like a lion, my hands and feet. יזכִּֽי־סְבָב֗וּנִי כְּלָ֫בִ֥ים עֲדַ֣ת מְ֖רֵעִים הִקִּיפ֑וּנִי כָּֽ֜אֲרִ֗י יָדַ֥י וְרַגְלָֽי:
18I tell about all my bones. They look and gloat over me. יחאֲסַפֵּ֥ר כָּל־עַצְמוֹתָ֑י הֵ֥מָּה יַ֜בִּ֗יטוּ יִרְאוּ־בִֽי:
19They share my garments among themselves and cast lots for my raiment. יטיְחַלְּק֣וּ בְגָדַ֣י לָהֶ֑ם וְעַל־לְ֜בוּשִׁ֗י יַפִּ֥ילוּ גוֹרָֽל:
20But You, O Lord, do not distance Yourself; my strength, hasten to my assistance. כוְאַתָּ֣ה יְ֖הֹוָה אַל־תִּרְחָ֑ק אֱ֜יָֽלוּתִ֗י לְעֶזְרָ֥תִי חֽוּשָׁה:
21Save my soul from the sword, my only one from the grip of the dog. כאהַצִּ֣ילָה מֵחֶ֣רֶב נַפְשִׁ֑י מִיַּד־כֶּ֜֗לֶב יְחִֽידָתִֽי:
22Save me from the lion's mouth, as from the horns of the wild oxen You answered me. כבהוֹשִׁיעֵֽנִי מִפִּ֣י אַרְיֵ֑ה וּמִקַּרְנֵ֖י רֵמִ֣ים עֲנִיתָֽנִי:
23I will tell Your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will praise You. כגאֲסַפְּרָ֣ה שִׁמְךָ֣ לְאֶחָ֑י בְּת֖וֹךְ קָהָ֣ל אֲהַֽלְלֶֽךָּ:
24You who fear the Lord, praise Him; all the seed of Jacob, honor Him, and fear Him, all the seed of Israel. כדיִרְאֵ֚י יְהֹוָ֨ה | הַֽלְל֗וּהוּ כָּל־זֶ֣רַע יַֽעֲקֹ֣ב כַּבְּד֑וּהוּ וְג֥וּרוּ מִ֜מֶּ֗נוּ כָּל־זֶ֥רַע יִשְׂרָאֵֽל:
25For He has neither despised nor abhorred the cry of the poor, neither has He hidden His countenance from him; and when he cried out to Him, He hearkened. כהכִּ֚י לֹא־בָזָ֨ה וְלֹ֪א שִׁקַּ֡ץ עֱנ֬וּת עָנִ֗י וְלֹֽא־הִסְתִּ֣יר פָּנָ֣יו מִמֶּ֑נּוּ וּֽבְשַׁוְּע֖וֹ אֵלָ֣יו שָׁמֵֽעַ:
26Because of You is my praise in the great congregation; I pay my vows in the presence of those who fear Him. כומֵֽאִתְּךָ֣ תְֽהִלָּ֫תִ֥י בְּקָהָ֣ל רָ֑ב נְדָרַ֥י אֲשַׁלֵּ֗ם נֶ֣גֶד יְרֵאָֽיו:
27The humble shall eat and be sated; they shall praise the Lord, those who seek him; your hearts shall live forever. כזיֹֽאכְל֚וּ עֲנָוִ֨ים | וְיִשְׂבָּ֗עוּ יְהַֽלְל֣וּ יְ֖הֹוָה דֹּֽרְשָׁ֑יו יְחִ֖י לְבַבְכֶ֣ם לָעַֽד:
28All the ends of the earth shall remember and return to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall prostrate themselves before You. כחיִזְכְּר֚וּ | וְיָשֻׁ֣בוּ אֶל־יְ֖הֹוָה כָּל־אַפְסֵי־אָ֑רֶץ וְיִשְׁתַּֽחֲו֥וּ לְ֜פָנֶ֗יךָ כָּל־מִשְׁפְּח֥וֹת גּוֹיִֽם:
29For the kingship is the Lord's, and He rules over the nations. כטכִּ֣י לַֽ֖יהֹוָה הַמְּלוּכָ֑ה וּ֜מוֹשֵׁ֗ל בַּגּוֹיִֽם:
30They shall eat all the best of the earth and prostrate themselves; before Him shall all those who descend to the dust kneel, and He will not quicken his soul. לאָֽכְל֬וּ וַיִּֽשְׁתַּֽחֲו֨וּ | כָּל־דִּשְׁנֵי־אֶ֗רֶץ לְפָנָ֣יו יִ֖כְרְעוּ כָּל־יוֹרְדֵ֣י עָפָ֑ר וְ֜נַפְשׁ֗וֹ לֹ֣א חִיָּֽה:
31The seed that worships Him; it shall be told to the generation concerning the Lord. לאזֶ֥רַע יַֽעַבְדֶ֑נּוּ יְסֻפַּ֖ר לַֽאדֹנָ֣י לַדּֽוֹר:
32They shall come and tell His righteousness to the newborn people, that which He has done. לביָבֹאוּ וְיַגִּ֣ידוּ צִדְקָת֑וֹ לְעַ֥ם נ֜וֹלָ֗ד כִּ֣י עָשָֽׂה:
And again I offer Isaiah 53 in both Hebrew and English

1Who would have believed our report, and to whom was the arm of the Lord revealed?אמִ֥י הֶֽאֱמִ֖ין לִשְׁמֻֽעָתֵ֑נוּ וּזְר֥וֹעַ יְהֹוָ֖ה עַל־מִ֥י נִגְלָֽתָה:
2And he came up like a sapling before it, and like a root from dry ground, he had neither form nor comeliness; and we saw him that he had no appearance. Now shall we desire him?בוַיַּ֨עַל כַּיּוֹנֵ֜ק לְפָנָ֗יו וְכַשֹּׁ֙רֶשׁ֙ מֵאֶ֣רֶץ צִיָּ֔ה לֹא־תֹ֥אַר ל֖וֹ וְלֹ֣א הָדָ֑ר וְנִרְאֵ֥הוּ וְלֹֽא־מַרְאֶ֖ה וְנֶֽחְמְדֵֽהוּ:
3Despised and rejected by men, a man of pains and accustomed to illness, and as one who hides his face from us, despised and we held him of no account.גנִבְזֶה֙ וַֽחֲדַ֣ל אִישִׁ֔ים אִ֥ישׁ מַכְאֹב֖וֹת וִיד֣וּעַ חֹ֑לִי וּכְמַסְתֵּ֚ר פָּנִים֙ מִמֶּ֔נּוּ נִבְזֶ֖ה וְלֹ֥א חֲשַׁבְנֻֽהוּ:
4Indeed, he bore our illnesses, and our pains-he carried them, yet we accounted him as plagued, smitten by God and oppressed.דאָכֵ֚ן חֳלָיֵ֙נוּ֙ ה֣וּא נָשָׂ֔א וּמַכְאֹבֵ֖ינוּ סְבָלָ֑ם וַֽאֲנַ֣חְנוּ חֲשַׁבְנֻ֔הוּ נָג֛וּעַ מֻכֵּ֥ה אֱלֹהִ֖ים וּמְעֻנֶּֽה:
5But he was pained because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities; the chastisement of our welfare was upon him, and with his wound we were healed.הוְהוּא֙ מְחֹלָ֣ל מִפְּשָׁעֵ֔נוּ מְדֻכָּ֖א מֵֽעֲוֹֽנוֹתֵ֑ינוּ מוּסַ֚ר שְׁלוֹמֵ֙נוּ֙ עָלָ֔יו וּבַֽחֲבֻֽרָת֖וֹ נִרְפָּא־לָֽנוּ:
6We all went astray like sheep, we have turned, each one on his way, and the Lord accepted his prayers for the iniquity of all of us.וכֻּלָּ֙נוּ֙ כַּצֹּ֣אן תָּעִ֔ינוּ אִ֥ישׁ לְדַרְכּ֖וֹ פָּנִ֑ינוּ וַֽיהֹוָה֙ הִפְגִּ֣יעַ בּ֔וֹ אֵ֖ת עֲו‍ֹ֥ן כֻּלָּֽנוּ:
7He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he would not open his mouth; like a lamb to the slaughter he would be brought, and like a ewe that is mute before her shearers, and he would not open his mouth.זנִגַּ֨שׂ וְה֣וּא נַֽעֲנֶה֘ וְלֹ֣א יִפְתַּח־פִּיו֒ כַּשֶּׂה֙ לַטֶּ֣בַח יוּבָ֔ל וּכְרָחֵ֕ל לִפְנֵ֥י גֹֽזְזֶ֖יהָ נֶֽאֱלָ֑מָה וְלֹ֥א יִפְתַּ֖ח פִּֽיו:
8From imprisonment and from judgment he is taken, and his generation who shall tell? For he was cut off from the land of the living; because of the transgression of my people, a plague befell them.חמֵעֹ֚צֶר וּמִמִּשְׁפָּט֙ לֻקָּ֔ח וְאֶת־דּוֹר֖וֹ מִ֣י יְשׂוֹחֵ֑חַ כִּ֚י נִגְזַר֙ מֵאֶ֣רֶץ חַיִּ֔ים מִפֶּ֥שַׁע עַמִּ֖י נֶ֥גַע לָֽמוֹ:
9And he gave his grave to the wicked, and to the wealthy with his kinds of death, because he committed no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth.טוַיִּתֵּ֚ן אֶת־רְשָׁעִים֙ קִבְר֔וֹ וְאֶת־עָשִׁ֖יר בְּמֹתָ֑יו עַל לֹֽא־חָמָ֣ס עָשָׂ֔ה וְלֹ֥א מִרְמָ֖ה בְּפִֽיו:
10And the Lord wished to crush him, He made him ill; if his soul makes itself restitution, he shall see children, he shall prolong his days, and God's purpose shall prosper in his hand.יוַֽיהֹוָ֞ה חָפֵ֚ץ דַּכְּאוֹ֙ הֶֽחֱלִ֔י אִם־תָּשִׂ֚ים אָשָׁם֙ נַפְשׁ֔וֹ יִרְאֶ֥ה זֶ֖רַע יַֽאֲרִ֣יךְ יָמִ֑ים וְחֵ֥פֶץ יְהֹוָ֖ה בְּיָד֥וֹ יִצְלָֽח:
11From the toil of his soul he would see, he would be satisfied; with his knowledge My servant would vindicate the just for many, and their iniquities he would bear.יאמֵֽעֲמַ֚ל נַפְשׁוֹ֙ יִרְאֶ֣ה יִשְׂבָּ֔ע בְּדַעְתּ֗וֹ יַצְדִּ֥יק צַדִּ֛יק עַבְדִּ֖י לָֽרַבִּ֑ים וַֽעֲו‍ֹנֹתָ֖ם ה֥וּא יִסְבֹּֽל:
12Therefore, I will allot him a portion in public, and with the strong he shall share plunder, because he poured out his soul to death, and with transgressors he was counted; and he bore the sin of many, and interceded for the transgressors.יבלָכֵ֞ן אֲחַלֶּק־ל֣וֹ בָֽרַבִּ֗ים וְאֶת־עֲצוּמִים֘ יְחַלֵּ֣ק שָׁלָל֒ תַּ֗חַת אֲשֶׁ֨ר הֶֽעֱרָ֚ה לַמָּ֙וֶת֙ נַפְשׁ֔וֹ וְאֶת־פֹּֽשְׁעִ֖ים נִמְנָ֑ה וְהוּא֙ חֵֽטְא־רַבִּ֣ים נָשָׂ֔א וְלַפֹּֽשְׁעִ֖ים יַפְגִּֽיעַ:

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