Facts About Judaism

for those who do not know----Jesus not only spoke the
aramaic of the talmud, he quoted it incessantly (if
we are to accept claims of his spoken words that
appear in the NT (?????)

Actually, Jesus and his followers usually quoted from the Greek Septuagint (LXX) translation which is evidence he spoke Greek (koine Greek not modern Greek). Most Jews at Jesus' time spoke Greek.

Not saying he did not speak other languages of course. Jesus did not quote from the Talmud but he often quoted the Hebrew Scriptures - for example: the greatest commandment in the Bible according to Jesus quoting Deuteronomy 6:4,5 at Mark 12:28-34 where the Divine Name is found three times - YHWH was not removed from LXX until after Jesus' time.

Btw - this is the beginning of the Jewish Shema.
Judaism refers to those of the Jewish religion. One could say Jewish religions since there are divisions of Judaism as there also was in Jesus' time.

You need to understand the definition of "religion."

Including Atheist Jews?

Maybe you need to understand the definition of "religion."

No, not including atheist Jews - these are just Jews by race and/or secularly. Those of the Jewish religion are not atheists.
for those who do not know----Jesus not only spoke the
aramaic of the talmud, he quoted it incessantly (if
we are to accept claims of his spoken words that
appear in the NT (?????)

Actually, Jesus and his followers usually quoted from the Greek Septuagint (LXX) translation which is evidence he spoke Greek (koine Greek not modern Greek). Most Jews at Jesus' time spoke Greek.

Not saying he did not speak other languages of course. Jesus did not quote from the Talmud but he often quoted the Hebrew Scriptures - for example: the greatest commandment in the Bible according to Jesus quoting Deuteronomy 6:4,5 at Mark 12:28-34 where the Divine Name is found three times - YHWH was not removed from LXX until after Jesus' time.

Btw - this is the beginning of the Jewish Shema.

try again MOST JEWS spoke aramaic at that time---NOT GREEK-----a few jews knew some greek but MOST did not speak it. Jesus not only quoted from the talmud---he quoted one of the greatest talmudists of his time---to wit R' Hillel ha zaken". The Septuagint was not created BY JEWS FOR JEWS----it was commissioned by Ptolemy---the GREEK king of egypt at that time. Jews of the time of Jesus in Judea did not refer to the Septuagint at all-----that book was in ALEXANDRIA. Of course the Jews of ALEXANDRIA did--generally, know Greek but aside from PHILO---they were not influential upon the scholarly discourse of jews in Judea or Babylon. No doubt that you did not learn in sunday school----scholarly discourse in JERUSALEM was in Hebrew------and a hebraized form
of aramaic was the lingua franca SHEEEEESH !!! ----
more bad news-----there are actual extant writings
from that time
PS----there is no evidence at all that Jesus knew any greek at all. You should try actually READING the NT
Nothing they teach in Sunday school has any relationship to reality.
The Old Testament and New Testament both are verbal myths written down by fanatics hundreds of years later. They have little or not relationship with reality.
What I said was as much historical fact as anyone can possibly find.

lol total rubbish. If they were 'written down hundreds of years later' they would be full of anachronisms, would have numerous radical differences between all previous texts and doctrines, just for starters. you clearly don't know what you're talking about, just babbling stuff you read somewhere that you think means you get to rewrite it all to suit yourself and expect others to believe your rewrites thousands of years later to be 'credible'. It would have been impossible for anybody to do any 'rewriting' hundreds of years later and get away with it; they would have been laughed out of their congregations, bishops or not. Christians weren't noted for their giving in to bullies and thought police, of any era, so you lose all the way around. They certainly weren't any more intimidated by Constantine than they were the last Emperor or the other three Tetrarchs, all of whom launched particularly harsh pogroms against them without a single bishop ever caving in under tortures and death; so many of those at Nicea had been tortured one commentator pointed out it looked like a convention of beggars and cripples.
lol total rubbish. If they were 'written down hundreds of years later' they would be full of anachronisms ...

what do you mean if they were written down hundreds of years latter - to be accurate starting 300 years latter and lasting the entire 4th century being completed 396 ad ...

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.

It would have been impossible for anybody to do any 'rewriting' hundreds of years later and get away with it; they would have been laughed out of their congregations, bishops or not.
you are a joke sicko - that is exactly what they did and the other two desert religions, conspicuously absent any time of the event etchings in stone for any of their concocted beliefs only their written religions of gratuitous forgeries. as attested by recorded history their uninterrupted persecution and victimization of the innocent from antiquity to the present day.
for those who do not know----Jesus not only spoke the
aramaic of the talmud, he quoted it incessantly (if
we are to accept claims of his spoken words that
appear in the NT (?????)

Actually, Jesus and his followers usually quoted from the Greek Septuagint (LXX) translation which is evidence he spoke Greek (koine Greek not modern Greek). Most Jews at Jesus' time spoke Greek.

Not saying he did not speak other languages of course. Jesus did not quote from the Talmud but he often quoted the Hebrew Scriptures - for example: the greatest commandment in the Bible according to Jesus quoting Deuteronomy 6:4,5 at Mark 12:28-34 where the Divine Name is found three times - YHWH was not removed from LXX until after Jesus' time.

Btw - this is the beginning of the Jewish Shema.

Yes, the Shema pervades the NT; Jesus as a practicing Jew would have said it at least twice a day; so would Paul. He probably recited it in Hebrew, though, not Greek.
for those who do not know----Jesus not only spoke the
aramaic of the talmud, he quoted it incessantly (if
we are to accept claims of his spoken words that
appear in the NT (?????)

Actually, Jesus and his followers usually quoted from the Greek Septuagint (LXX) translation which is evidence he spoke Greek (koine Greek not modern Greek). Most Jews at Jesus' time spoke Greek.

Not saying he did not speak other languages of course. Jesus did not quote from the Talmud but he often quoted the Hebrew Scriptures - for example: the greatest commandment in the Bible according to Jesus quoting Deuteronomy 6:4,5 at Mark 12:28-34 where the Divine Name is found three times - YHWH was not removed from LXX until after Jesus' time.

Btw - this is the beginning of the Jewish Shema.

Yes, the Shema pervades the NT; Jesus as a practicing Jew would have said it at least twice a day; so would Paul. He probably recited it in Hebrew, though, not Greek.
Jesus as a practicing Jew would have said it at least twice a day;
really picaro - two examples of forgeries from the the 4th century christian bible. as provided previously.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

you have reason to believe the religious itinerant was antisemitic ... or those that used their name for their own (political) purposes. throughout their entire 10000 page document.

the 1st century events were an expressed freedom from bondage nothing of which survived over time through any of the written religious documents for the established desert religions. their mouthpieces included.
Friday has come round.....again.

About the Sabbath Day.

Both of these reasons are true. The Sabbath attests to belief in G‑d and the pattern He set when creating the world ...

“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy”
too long to remember ago from the spoken religion, Sabbath meant the type of completion as deemed by the Almighty upon the completion of their work - a moment of flawless purity. why that would be deemed holy - same for freeing one's spirit to be accomplished, a Sabbath. is required.
Friday has come round.....again.

About the Sabbath Day.

Both of these reasons are true. The Sabbath attests to belief in G‑d and the pattern He set when creating the world ...

“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy”
too long to remember ago from the spoken religion, Sabbath meant the type of completion as deemed by the Almighty upon the completion of their work - a moment of flawless purity. why that would be deemed holy - same for freeing one's spirit to be accomplished, a Sabbath. is required.
G-d is infinitely in "moment of flawless purity".
Sabbath in not required for that or completion, but rest, ceasing all work.
As in G-d ceasing all work by passing the responsibility along forth to humanity.

What's required for completion is the 8th day, which glimpses are revealed in the Temple.

And it was on the eighth day, that Moses summoned Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel
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Living Torah: Make Sure Your ‘Bird’ is the One Set Free

It was precisely birds that were chosen for this particular sacrifice, as birds are always “chirping,” ie. talking.

This week we read two Torah portions: an occasional occurrence in order to ensure that we complete the 54 Torah portions every year. This week’s double portion is “Tazria-Metzora” (Leviticus 12:1 – 15:33), and both readings discuss the purification procedures for those who are impure.

Regarding the “Metzora,” an individual stricken with a spiritual skin disease, the Torah says: “The Kohen (priest) will command the person being purified to take two live, pure birds, cedar wood, a crimson tongue of wool, and hyssop” [Leviticus 14:4].

This was the special sacrifice that was offered when the Metzora completed his or her period of impurity. The commentators suggest that since the most common sin which resulted in becoming a metzora was the sin of “evil speech” and gossip, perhaps it was precisely birds that were the chosen animal for this sacrifice, as birds are always “chirping,” ie. talking.

A person who speaks about others is a person who is “chirping” too much. The birds are offered as the atonement sacrifice to remind the sinner to close his mouth a bit more often and not go around chirping about others.

But why TWO birds?


Read full article:
How is it that a thread labeled "Facts About Jews" consists of nearly 900 posts, nearly all of which are about Jesus?

A man who has absolutely nothing to do with Judaism?
I will place a tzara’at-lesion on a house. Leviticus 14:34

Sincere repentance elevates us to degrees of Divine consciousness that we could not have attained otherwise. Since tzara’at struck specifically people who seemingly had nothing to repent for, it enabled even these people to achieve the closeness to G‑d normally reserved for people who have repented for some misdeed.

Although this held true of tzara’at in general, it was most clearly seen in the tzara’at of homes, where the sufferer was rewarded openly by suddenly acquiring the worldly wealth hidden in his walls. This physical windfall reflected the spiritual windfall that the person acquired: his newfound closeness to G‑d.

This is how we should view any apparent misfortune or seeming setback in life. It is G‑d’s way of elevating us to a level of relationship with Him that we could not have reached on our own.
How is it that a thread labeled "Facts About Jews" consists of nearly 900 posts, nearly all of which are about Jesus?

A man who has absolutely nothing to do with Judaism?

Christianity is Judaism; it just makes certain racist Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jews all upset when those without the correct post-exilic genealogies talk about real Judaism without caring what the racists think about most topics, is all.
How is it that a thread labeled "Facts About Jews" consists of nearly 900 posts, nearly all of which are about Jesus?

A man who has absolutely nothing to do with Judaism?

Because Judaism is looked at from a Christian concept

As it should be, since it's closer to the Torah than the post-exilic racism and self-isolation that doomed the Second Temple to irrelevance, hence its destruction having no consequences and the reformed Judaism of the Christian sect exploded outwards and spread across the world.

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