Facts About Judaism

The Catholic Church never burnt at the stake or hung any transgressors.

So, The Inquisition and the auto de fe is just fake news?

Why do you keep dropping the “O” in G-d?
This is not something that is touted as law. It's a personal choice of respect to not use one of our L-rd's names in an arena that can bring actions of disrespect to same.

Ropey nice to see You around, long time no see.

How are Slihot in Jerusalem?
Think its spelt Selichot or Slichot from the hebrew selichah .
Sorry but I' a stickler for historical accuracy!
Nothing to do with history, first learn the difference between ח and כ then we might talk.
Because you're literally trying to 'educate' a native Hebrew speaker
about how to transliterate Hebrew letters into English.

That about sums up all your none sense so far.
I don't believe you! All you yankee Jews struggle to speak Yiddish, thinking that proves their authenticity, but not realising that Yiddish is a European language, a corruption of Hebrew with German. and nothing to do with Judaism.
Lets face it your fake Jews, speaking a fake language and show allegiance to a fake state -Israel.

The real chosen people acknowledge Palestine as their homeland.
That drivel notwithstanding does not mean that you aren't insane, though.

Triple - yo!
"insane" well thats a typical Jewish/Marxist tactic.

We're in the realm of typical right now. You just cling onto your second edition and I'll follow the first edition.

All is good.
Why do you keep dropping the “O” in G-d?
This is not something that is touted as law. It's a personal choice of respect to not use one of our L-rd's names in an arena that can bring actions of disrespect to same.
You mean blasphemy......it doesn't deter you from claiming to know Gods mind. Telling us all exactly what he means, in your holier than thou lectures.
'Love' demands actions. It is more than a word. It needs to be expressed and shown and done so differently with the many and varied aspects to love. Hebrew has different forms of expressing love in different ways, just like other languages do...
in your holier than thou lectures.

Clearly you are one who likes to create their own platform. I just circumvent those and it's not very difficult.
You as usual make no attempt to answer what you were asked!

By claiming to know the mind of God you blaspheme. You are a Heretic!
You claim that I claim to know something that is unknown.

But if it is unknown, then by definition your claim is preposterous.

You are lost somewhere between insanity and indoctrination.

I don't claim to know the mind of God but then I'm not a blaspheming Heretic.
Can you define a Heretic based on your specific relationship with God?
As a nipper my brothers and I had to attend Sunday school where The Bible was taught by Nuns.
That is how i knew that Palestine existed long before Christ.

A Heretic is from memory someone who challenges the teaching's of The Holy Roman Catholic Church. If in any speech or writing your views in anyway deviate then you are a Heretic however it is not for the church to decide what happens to them. That is for the State to decide punishment. The Catholic Church never burnt at the stake or hung any transgressors.

Claiming to know the mind of God is Heresy in any religion i would have thought.
You have to know what the Pope decides.
I presume you know Vatican 2 backwards and forwards to avoid excommunication.
Na sorry mate I rejected both Testaments when I was about 12 having stumbled on Marxism. it wasnt
Though I didn't totally reject Catholicism until the 90's. Their abstinence teaching rejecting medical advice I blame for the massive spread of Aids in Africa. So I'm happy to be excommunicated.
So, looking for attention in the realm of dissension, then.
Though a socialist. I love religion! I've since studied them all. Try Taoism its inspiring.

All religions are simply derived from man trying to rationalise and explain his existence.
A chunky old man with a beard sat on a cloud is laughable.
Good for teaching tots about morality etc but should be dropped like Santa clause.

C'mon this is the 21st century. Your not seriously saying you believe in this omnipotent being crap cos I know your lying.
Why do you keep dropping the “O” in G-d?
This is not something that is touted as law. It's a personal choice of respect to not use one of our L-rd's names in an arena that can bring actions of disrespect to same.

Ropey nice to see You around, long time no see.

How are Slihot in Jerusalem?
Think its spelt Selichot or Slichot from the hebrew selichah .
Sorry but I' a stickler for historical accuracy!
Nothing to do with history, first learn the difference between ח and כ then we might talk.
Because you're literally trying to 'educate' a native Hebrew speaker
about how to transliterate Hebrew letters into English.

That about sums up all your none sense so far.
I don't believe you! All you yankee Jews struggle to speak Yiddish, thinking that proves their authenticity, but not realising that Yiddish is a European language, a corruption of Hebrew with German. and nothing to do with Judaism.
Lets face it your fake Jews, speaking a fake language and show allegiance to a fake state -Israel.

The real chosen people acknowledge Palestine as their homeland.
That drivel notwithstanding does not mean that you aren't insane, though.

Triple - yo!
"insane" well thats a typical Jewish/Marxist tactic.

We're in the realm of typical right now. You just cling onto your second edition and I'll follow the first edition.

All is good.
Why do you keep dropping the “O” in G-d?
This is not something that is touted as law. It's a personal choice of respect to not use one of our L-rd's names in an arena that can bring actions of disrespect to same.
You mean blasphemy......it doesn't deter you from claiming to know Gods mind. Telling us all exactly what he means, in your holier than thou lectures.
'Love' demands actions. It is more than a word. It needs to be expressed and shown and done so differently with the many and varied aspects to love. Hebrew has different forms of expressing love in different ways, just like other languages do...
in your holier than thou lectures.

Clearly you are one who likes to create their own platform. I just circumvent those and it's not very difficult.
You as usual make no attempt to answer what you were asked!

By claiming to know the mind of God you blaspheme. You are a Heretic!
You claim that I claim to know something that is unknown.

But if it is unknown, then by definition your claim is preposterous.

You are lost somewhere between insanity and indoctrination.

I don't claim to know the mind of God but then I'm not a blaspheming Heretic.
Can you define a Heretic based on your specific relationship with God?
As a nipper my brothers and I had to attend Sunday school where The Bible was taught by Nuns.
That is how i knew that Palestine existed long before Christ.

A Heretic is from memory someone who challenges the teaching's of The Holy Roman Catholic Church. If in any speech or writing your views in anyway deviate then you are a Heretic however it is not for the church to decide what happens to them. That is for the State to decide punishment. The Catholic Church never burnt at the stake or hung any transgressors.

Claiming to know the mind of God is Heresy in any religion i would have thought.
You have to know what the Pope decides.
I presume you know Vatican 2 backwards and forwards to avoid excommunication.
Na sorry mate I rejected both Testaments when I was about 12 having stumbled on Marxism. it wasnt
Though I didn't totally reject Catholicism until the 90's. Their abstinence teaching rejecting medical advice I blame for the massive spread of Aids in Africa. So I'm happy to be excommunicated.
So, looking for attention in the realm of dissension, then.
Though a socialist. I love religion! I've since studied them all. Try Taoism its inspiring.

All religions are simply derived from man trying to rationalise and explain his existence.
A chunky old man with a beard sat on a cloud is laughable.
Good for teaching tots about morality etc but should be dropped like Santa clause.

C'mon this is the 21st century. Your not seriously saying you believe in this omnipotent being crap cos I know your lying.

You simply project your abject fear of the nihilist's end, that being the absurdity of your existence.
A chunky old man with a beard sat on a cloud is laughable.

How about a chunky old man? Or a chunky old elephant sitting on a lotus flower?

View attachment 382342

View attachment 382343

Shakti-Ganapati is not a God but a deity! See if you studied all God's religions you would begin to understand the subtle concepts involved. Hindu is a far older religion than any of the monolithic faiths, derived from ancient Jainism.

With Buddhism its the teaching that is important. The Buddha neither thought he was god or is treated as a God.

Would you guys like to adopt me as a religious adviser?
Why do you keep dropping the “O” in G-d?
This is not something that is touted as law. It's a personal choice of respect to not use one of our L-rd's names in an arena that can bring actions of disrespect to same.

Ropey nice to see You around, long time no see.

How are Slihot in Jerusalem?
Think its spelt Selichot or Slichot from the hebrew selichah .
Sorry but I' a stickler for historical accuracy!
Nothing to do with history, first learn the difference between ח and כ then we might talk.
Because you're literally trying to 'educate' a native Hebrew speaker
about how to transliterate Hebrew letters into English.

That about sums up all your none sense so far.
I don't believe you! All you yankee Jews struggle to speak Yiddish, thinking that proves their authenticity, but not realising that Yiddish is a European language, a corruption of Hebrew with German. and nothing to do with Judaism.
Lets face it your fake Jews, speaking a fake language and show allegiance to a fake state -Israel.

The real chosen people acknowledge Palestine as their homeland.
That drivel notwithstanding does not mean that you aren't insane, though.

Triple - yo!
"insane" well thats a typical Jewish/Marxist tactic.

We're in the realm of typical right now. You just cling onto your second edition and I'll follow the first edition.

All is good.
Why do you keep dropping the “O” in G-d?
This is not something that is touted as law. It's a personal choice of respect to not use one of our L-rd's names in an arena that can bring actions of disrespect to same.
You mean blasphemy......it doesn't deter you from claiming to know Gods mind. Telling us all exactly what he means, in your holier than thou lectures.
'Love' demands actions. It is more than a word. It needs to be expressed and shown and done so differently with the many and varied aspects to love. Hebrew has different forms of expressing love in different ways, just like other languages do...
in your holier than thou lectures.

Clearly you are one who likes to create their own platform. I just circumvent those and it's not very difficult.
You as usual make no attempt to answer what you were asked!

By claiming to know the mind of God you blaspheme. You are a Heretic!
You claim that I claim to know something that is unknown.

But if it is unknown, then by definition your claim is preposterous.

You are lost somewhere between insanity and indoctrination.

I don't claim to know the mind of God but then I'm not a blaspheming Heretic.
Can you define a Heretic based on your specific relationship with God?
As a nipper my brothers and I had to attend Sunday school where The Bible was taught by Nuns.
That is how i knew that Palestine existed long before Christ.

A Heretic is from memory someone who challenges the teaching's of The Holy Roman Catholic Church. If in any speech or writing your views in anyway deviate then you are a Heretic however it is not for the church to decide what happens to them. That is for the State to decide punishment. The Catholic Church never burnt at the stake or hung any transgressors.

Claiming to know the mind of God is Heresy in any religion i would have thought.
You have to know what the Pope decides.
I presume you know Vatican 2 backwards and forwards to avoid excommunication.
Na sorry mate I rejected both Testaments when I was about 12 having stumbled on Marxism. it wasnt
Though I didn't totally reject Catholicism until the 90's. Their abstinence teaching rejecting medical advice I blame for the massive spread of Aids in Africa. So I'm happy to be excommunicated.
So, looking for attention in the realm of dissension, then.
Though a socialist. I love religion! I've since studied them all. Try Taoism its inspiring.

All religions are simply derived from man trying to rationalise and explain his existence.
A chunky old man with a beard sat on a cloud is laughable.
Good for teaching tots about morality etc but should be dropped like Santa clause.

C'mon this is the 21st century. Your not seriously saying you believe in this omnipotent being crap cos I know your lying.

You simply project your abject fear of the nihilist's end, that being the absurdity of your existence.
I have no fear of death. I happen to be terminally ill with Cancer if you must know. There is no such thing as death as you can never be aware of it. Only Life has meaning!
Your post reminded me of some Christians who lead some YouTube channels about preaching in Israel. And I have to admit that they at first tricked me and I thought - What is going on? Why the Jews are so nervous and violent towards them?

But after viewing a number of such videos, the things began to clear up a bit.
Judaism is a beautiful, powerful faith. Christians should remember that Jesus insisted he came here for the lost, that those who are well have no need of a physician. I am one of the lost, and I believe my faith is beautiful and powerful as well as it landed me in the lap of God so-to-speak. While Catholics read through the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) every three years, our focus is on the New Testament. Rabbis and Jewish commentaries--and some Jewish services--have only served to enrich me further. I owe a great debt to both faiths. Christians should leave those of the Jewish faith alone. God has an everlasting Covenant with them, and it cannot be a a good idea to come between God and any of His people--even with the best of intentions. God's intentions are beyond best and outweigh ours.
I don't see proclaiming that the MESSIAH has come and will again return as hurting Jews in the least. It is the total opposite. It is the responsible truth that every TRUE Christian shares. I do believe there is much Christians can (and do) learn from Jews. I also feel that Christians bring the knowledge of a personal relationship with the FATHER, through the MESSIAH, by the way of the COMFORTER (HOLY SPIRIT). I don't see that coming to a full understanding of the MESSIAH necessitates one leaving one's heritage behind. Honestly, I see it as bringing one's heritage to full bloom in a clear light of understanding, love, joy, peace ------ and harmony with GOD.

Well, if your relationship with the Father comes through somebody,
then it's not 'personal' by definition...

Though as His children, it hurts to see the desecration of His Name,
however it's not about hurting Jews, it hurts the Father.
That is where the TRINITY comes in. The GODHEAD is comprised of three beings. The FATHER, SON/MESSIAH, and HOLY SPIRIT/COMFORTER. To know the SON/MESSIAH is to know the FATHER. When Abraham spoke to the three men and two continued to Sodom, I believe Abraham continued to speak with the preincarnate manifestation of the MESSIAH/CHRIST. When Jacob wrestled with the angel, he was likely rolling around with a preincarnate manifestation of the MESSIAH/CHRIST. And when ADAM walked in the garden in the cool of the day, it was likely with a preincarnate manifestation of the MESSIAH/CHRIST. Jesus clearly stated that anyone who sees him sees the FATHER who sent him. GOD the FATHER is SPIRIT. The visible manifestation of GOD is the MESSIAH. NO MESSIAH, no visible GOD. Jesus again clearly states, "Before Abraham was, I AM," and "I and the FATHER are ONE." So, again in the burning bush even Moses apparently witnessed GOD manifested as flames --- the visible manifestation of the invisible GOD -------- the MESSIAH! So, if one doesn't have a personal relationship with the MESSIAH, one cannot expect to have one with the invisible FATHER. The TRINITY in a nutshell is the eternally existing three beings, complete and coexisting as ONE essence we call GOD. "Let US make man in OUR image", while obviously magnifying GOD --- also indicated the nature of our one GOD as a plural entity. Do I claim to fully comprehend this? NO! I'm not GOD. I will never be GOD. I'm a created being, but I do comprehend with the help of the HOLY SPIRIT that GOD saves by the MESSIAH (GOD WITH US). and that involves the FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT. All three are working divinely united to redeem that which was lost. And the icing on the cake is the fact that as a TRIUNE entity, the FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT had, have and always will have a deep abiding eternal LOVE for each other. That proves that GOD is in fact LOVE even without humanity. We do not complete GOD. We do benefit from the love HE always had and always will. And that is why the MESSIAH gave HIMSELF for our behalf.
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A chunky old man with a beard sat on a cloud is laughable.

How about a chunky old man? Or a chunky old elephant sitting on a lotus flower?

View attachment 382342

View attachment 382343

Shakti-Ganapati is not a God but a deity! See if you studied all God's religions you would begin to understand the subtle concepts involved. Hindu is a far older religion than any of the monolithic faiths, derived from ancient Jainism.

With Buddhism its the teaching that is important. The Buddha neither thought he was god or is treated as a God.

Would you guys like to adopt me as a religious adviser?
No one can prove how old Hinduism is.
They claim to have a book that is 4 billion years old in a deep volcano.
What a croc.
That's odd because most of the Jews who post on this board are atheists.
I am a Jew and certainly NOT an atheist.
I see religion as a very private thing.

Why do Jews feel they have to shout their religion from the rooftops?
I see religion as a very private thing.

Why do Jews feel they have to shout their religion from the rooftops?
you must be joking -

there in lies the issue what beheld those that crucified the innocent to remain secret.

Or maybe you just don't understand the first thing about teaching.
there in lies the issue what beheld those that crucified the innocent to remain secret.
Or maybe you just don't understand the first thing about teaching.
really, what might that be - your choice for who was to live, pray tell the reason, learned one.
Why do you keep dropping the “O” in G-d?
This is not something that is touted as law. It's a personal choice of respect to not use one of our L-rd's names in an arena that can bring actions of disrespect to same.

Ropey nice to see You around, long time no see.

How are Slihot in Jerusalem?
Think its spelt Selichot or Slichot from the hebrew selichah .
Sorry but I' a stickler for historical accuracy!
Nothing to do with history, first learn the difference between ח and כ then we might talk.
Because you're literally trying to 'educate' a native Hebrew speaker
about how to transliterate Hebrew letters into English.

That about sums up all your none sense so far.
I don't believe you! All you yankee Jews struggle to speak Yiddish, thinking that proves their authenticity, but not realising that Yiddish is a European language, a corruption of Hebrew with German. and nothing to do with Judaism.
Lets face it your fake Jews, speaking a fake language and show allegiance to a fake state -Israel.

The real chosen people acknowledge Palestine as their homeland.
That drivel notwithstanding does not mean that you aren't insane, though.

Triple - yo!
"insane" well thats a typical Jewish/Marxist tactic.

We're in the realm of typical right now. You just cling onto your second edition and I'll follow the first edition.

All is good.
Why do you keep dropping the “O” in G-d?
This is not something that is touted as law. It's a personal choice of respect to not use one of our L-rd's names in an arena that can bring actions of disrespect to same.
You mean blasphemy......it doesn't deter you from claiming to know Gods mind. Telling us all exactly what he means, in your holier than thou lectures.
'Love' demands actions. It is more than a word. It needs to be expressed and shown and done so differently with the many and varied aspects to love. Hebrew has different forms of expressing love in different ways, just like other languages do...
in your holier than thou lectures.

Clearly you are one who likes to create their own platform. I just circumvent those and it's not very difficult.
You as usual make no attempt to answer what you were asked!

By claiming to know the mind of God you blaspheme. You are a Heretic!
You claim that I claim to know something that is unknown.

But if it is unknown, then by definition your claim is preposterous.

You are lost somewhere between insanity and indoctrination.

I don't claim to know the mind of God but then I'm not a blaspheming Heretic.
Can you define a Heretic based on your specific relationship with God?
As a nipper my brothers and I had to attend Sunday school where The Bible was taught by Nuns.
That is how i knew that Palestine existed long before Christ.

A Heretic is from memory someone who challenges the teaching's of The Holy Roman Catholic Church. If in any speech or writing your views in anyway deviate then you are a Heretic however it is not for the church to decide what happens to them. That is for the State to decide punishment. The Catholic Church never burnt at the stake or hung any transgressors.

Claiming to know the mind of God is Heresy in any religion i would have thought.
You have to know what the Pope decides.
I presume you know Vatican 2 backwards and forwards to avoid excommunication.
Na sorry mate I rejected both Testaments when I was about 12 having stumbled on Marxism. it wasnt
Though I didn't totally reject Catholicism until the 90's. Their abstinence teaching rejecting medical advice I blame for the massive spread of Aids in Africa. So I'm happy to be excommunicated.
So, looking for attention in the realm of dissension, then.
Though a socialist. I love religion! I've since studied them all. Try Taoism its inspiring.

All religions are simply derived from man trying to rationalise and explain his existence.
A chunky old man with a beard sat on a cloud is laughable.
Good for teaching tots about morality etc but should be dropped like Santa clause.

C'mon this is the 21st century. Your not seriously saying you believe in this omnipotent being crap cos I know your lying.

You simply project your abject fear of the nihilist's end, that being the absurdity of your existence.
I have no fear of death. I happen to be terminally ill with Cancer if you must know. There is no such thing as death as you can never be aware of it. Only Life has meaning!

Some want proof of G-d, while rejecting the evidence of Him in the human eye and archetype.

These are usually athiests/nihilists, some of whom find their share of useful idiots to gain resonance. They say they are not fearful of death, yet they demand proof of an afterlife as if it pertains to them.

imo... there is nothing after life. Life does not die and death never lives. At best, death can be animated. Life is eternal. For me, that means varied things.

For the atheist, it may mean that they simply resonate as a rock for some time.

Hence the term 'rockhead'.
Why do you keep dropping the “O” in G-d?
This is not something that is touted as law. It's a personal choice of respect to not use one of our L-rd's names in an arena that can bring actions of disrespect to same.

Ropey nice to see You around, long time no see.

How are Slihot in Jerusalem?
Think its spelt Selichot or Slichot from the hebrew selichah .
Sorry but I' a stickler for historical accuracy!
Nothing to do with history, first learn the difference between ח and כ then we might talk.
Because you're literally trying to 'educate' a native Hebrew speaker
about how to transliterate Hebrew letters into English.

That about sums up all your none sense so far.
I don't believe you! All you yankee Jews struggle to speak Yiddish, thinking that proves their authenticity, but not realising that Yiddish is a European language, a corruption of Hebrew with German. and nothing to do with Judaism.
Lets face it your fake Jews, speaking a fake language and show allegiance to a fake state -Israel.

The real chosen people acknowledge Palestine as their homeland.
That drivel notwithstanding does not mean that you aren't insane, though.

Triple - yo!
"insane" well thats a typical Jewish/Marxist tactic.

We're in the realm of typical right now. You just cling onto your second edition and I'll follow the first edition.

All is good.
Why do you keep dropping the “O” in G-d?
This is not something that is touted as law. It's a personal choice of respect to not use one of our L-rd's names in an arena that can bring actions of disrespect to same.
You mean blasphemy......it doesn't deter you from claiming to know Gods mind. Telling us all exactly what he means, in your holier than thou lectures.
'Love' demands actions. It is more than a word. It needs to be expressed and shown and done so differently with the many and varied aspects to love. Hebrew has different forms of expressing love in different ways, just like other languages do...
in your holier than thou lectures.

Clearly you are one who likes to create their own platform. I just circumvent those and it's not very difficult.
You as usual make no attempt to answer what you were asked!

By claiming to know the mind of God you blaspheme. You are a Heretic!
You claim that I claim to know something that is unknown.

But if it is unknown, then by definition your claim is preposterous.

You are lost somewhere between insanity and indoctrination.

I don't claim to know the mind of God but then I'm not a blaspheming Heretic.
Can you define a Heretic based on your specific relationship with God?
As a nipper my brothers and I had to attend Sunday school where The Bible was taught by Nuns.
That is how i knew that Palestine existed long before Christ.

A Heretic is from memory someone who challenges the teaching's of The Holy Roman Catholic Church. If in any speech or writing your views in anyway deviate then you are a Heretic however it is not for the church to decide what happens to them. That is for the State to decide punishment. The Catholic Church never burnt at the stake or hung any transgressors.

Claiming to know the mind of God is Heresy in any religion i would have thought.
You have to know what the Pope decides.
I presume you know Vatican 2 backwards and forwards to avoid excommunication.
Na sorry mate I rejected both Testaments when I was about 12 having stumbled on Marxism. it wasnt
Though I didn't totally reject Catholicism until the 90's. Their abstinence teaching rejecting medical advice I blame for the massive spread of Aids in Africa. So I'm happy to be excommunicated.
So, looking for attention in the realm of dissension, then.
Though a socialist. I love religion! I've since studied them all. Try Taoism its inspiring.

All religions are simply derived from man trying to rationalise and explain his existence.
A chunky old man with a beard sat on a cloud is laughable.
Good for teaching tots about morality etc but should be dropped like Santa clause.

C'mon this is the 21st century. Your not seriously saying you believe in this omnipotent being crap cos I know your lying.

You simply project your abject fear of the nihilist's end, that being the absurdity of your existence.
I have no fear of death. I happen to be terminally ill with Cancer if you must know. There is no such thing as death as you can never be aware of it. Only Life has meaning!

Some want proof of G-d, while rejecting the evidence of Him in the human eye and archetype.

These are usually athiests/nihilists, some of whom find their share of useful idiots to gain resonance. They say they are not fearful of death, yet they demand proof of an afterlife as if it pertains to them.

imo... there is nothing after life. Life does not die and death never lives. At best, death can be animated. Life is eternal. For me, that means varied things.

For the atheist, it may mean that they simply resonate as a rock for some time.

Hence the term 'rockhead'.
Yea yea, like I say,- holier than thou, babble. babble, babble!
You that do not see G-d in anything.

A chunky old man with a beard sat on a cloud is laughable.

How about a chunky old man? Or a chunky old elephant sitting on a lotus flower?

View attachment 382342

View attachment 382343

Shakti-Ganapati is not a God but a deity! See if you studied all God's religions you would begin to understand the subtle concepts involved. Hindu is a far older religion than any of the monolithic faiths, derived from ancient Jainism.

With Buddhism its the teaching that is important. The Buddha neither thought he was god or is treated as a God.

Would you guys like to adopt me as a religious adviser?
No one can prove how old Hinduism is.
They claim to have a book that is 4 billion years old in a deep volcano.
What a croc.
Does their book contain prophecies that have come to pass? Is there a seeming collaborating code hidden in the manuscript? How does a Hindi know where he or she is going after death and what must they do to be saved?
A chunky old man with a beard sat on a cloud is laughable.

How about a chunky old man? Or a chunky old elephant sitting on a lotus flower?

View attachment 382342

View attachment 382343

Shakti-Ganapati is not a God but a deity! See if you studied all God's religions you would begin to understand the subtle concepts involved. Hindu is a far older religion than any of the monolithic faiths, derived from ancient Jainism.

With Buddhism its the teaching that is important. The Buddha neither thought he was god or is treated as a God.

Would you guys like to adopt me as a religious adviser?
No one can prove how old Hinduism is.
They claim to have a book that is 4 billion years old in a deep volcano.
What a croc.
Does their book contain prophecies that have come to pass? Is there a seeming collaborating code hidden in the manuscript? How does a Hindi know where he or she is going after death and what must they do to be saved?
How can anyone know when it's hidden in a volcano?
A religion that claims to have a book hidden where no one can ever find it is called a cult.
A chunky old man with a beard sat on a cloud is laughable.

How about a chunky old man? Or a chunky old elephant sitting on a lotus flower?

View attachment 382342

View attachment 382343

Shakti-Ganapati is not a God but a deity! See if you studied all God's religions you would begin to understand the subtle concepts involved. Hindu is a far older religion than any of the monolithic faiths, derived from ancient Jainism.

With Buddhism its the teaching that is important. The Buddha neither thought he was god or is treated as a God.

Would you guys like to adopt me as a religious adviser?
No one can prove how old Hinduism is.
They claim to have a book that is 4 billion years old in a deep volcano.
What a croc.
Does their book contain prophecies that have come to pass? Is there a seeming collaborating code hidden in the manuscript? How does a Hindi know where he or she is going after death and what must they do to be saved?
How can anyone know when it's hidden in a volcano?
A religion that claims to have a book hidden where no one can ever find it is called a cult.
Timeline is interesting 4 billion years when the Earth is 4.5 billion year old and the earliest known civilization came from the Indus valley now Pakistan. Certainly has more credibility than the 4000 yr Earth span claimed in Genesis.
A chunky old man with a beard sat on a cloud is laughable.

How about a chunky old man? Or a chunky old elephant sitting on a lotus flower?

View attachment 382342

View attachment 382343

Shakti-Ganapati is not a God but a deity! See if you studied all God's religions you would begin to understand the subtle concepts involved. Hindu is a far older religion than any of the monolithic faiths, derived from ancient Jainism.

With Buddhism its the teaching that is important. The Buddha neither thought he was god or is treated as a God.

Would you guys like to adopt me as a religious adviser?
No one can prove how old Hinduism is.
They claim to have a book that is 4 billion years old in a deep volcano.
What a croc.
Does their book contain prophecies that have come to pass? Is there a seeming collaborating code hidden in the manuscript? How does a Hindi know where he or she is going after death and what must they do to be saved?
How can anyone know when it's hidden in a volcano?
A religion that claims to have a book hidden where no one can ever find it is called a cult.
Timeline is interesting 4 billion years when the Earth is 4.5 billion year old and the earliest known civilization came from the Indus valley now Pakistan. Certainly has more credibility than the 4000 yr Earth span claimed in Genesis.
Well, our fully functional environment was created more like 6 to 7 thousand years ago in a 6 day period. I know this is hard for people to swallow. They want to believe something material is eternal, but well ---- an eternal SPIRIT is beyond what most folks have in mind. If I were GOD, I'd create the Universe faster ---- say 1 day. But when I've painted a picture, well, it could take a week. Besides GOD was setting up the 7 day week. Six days on the job and one day to rest and relax. And being GOD I'd want a creation that would express myself to those I created. The Universe certainly does that, even if some are unwilling to admit it...
Your post reminded me of some Christians who lead some YouTube channels about preaching in Israel. And I have to admit that they at first tricked me and I thought - What is going on? Why the Jews are so nervous and violent towards them?

But after viewing a number of such videos, the things began to clear up a bit.
Judaism is a beautiful, powerful faith. Christians should remember that Jesus insisted he came here for the lost, that those who are well have no need of a physician. I am one of the lost, and I believe my faith is beautiful and powerful as well as it landed me in the lap of God so-to-speak. While Catholics read through the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) every three years, our focus is on the New Testament. Rabbis and Jewish commentaries--and some Jewish services--have only served to enrich me further. I owe a great debt to both faiths. Christians should leave those of the Jewish faith alone. God has an everlasting Covenant with them, and it cannot be a a good idea to come between God and any of His people--even with the best of intentions. God's intentions are beyond best and outweigh ours.
I don't see proclaiming that the MESSIAH has come and will again return as hurting Jews in the least. It is the total opposite. It is the responsible truth that every TRUE Christian shares. I do believe there is much Christians can (and do) learn from Jews. I also feel that Christians bring the knowledge of a personal relationship with the FATHER, through the MESSIAH, by the way of the COMFORTER (HOLY SPIRIT). I don't see that coming to a full understanding of the MESSIAH necessitates one leaving one's heritage behind. Honestly, I see it as bringing one's heritage to full bloom in a clear light of understanding, love, joy, peace ------ and harmony with GOD.

Well, if your relationship with the Father comes through somebody,
then it's not 'personal' by definition...

Though as His children, it hurts to see the desecration of His Name,
however it's not about hurting Jews, it hurts the Father.
That is where the TRINITY comes in. The GODHEAD is comprised of three beings. The FATHER, SON/MESSIAH, and HOLY SPIRIT/COMFORTER. To know the SON/MESSIAH is to know the FATHER. When Abraham spoke to the three men and two continued to Sodom, I believe Abraham continued to speak with the preincarnate manifestation of the MESSIAH/CHRIST. When Jacob wrestled with the angel, he was likely rolling around with a preincarnate manifestation of the MESSIAH/CHRIST. And when ADAM walked in the garden in the cool of the day, it was likely with a preincarnate manifestation of the MESSIAH/CHRIST. Jesus clearly stated that anyone who sees him sees the FATHER who sent him. GOD the FATHER is SPIRIT. The visible manifestation of GOD is the MESSIAH. NO MESSIAH, no visible GOD. Jesus again clearly states, "Before Abraham was, I AM," and "I and the FATHER are ONE." So, again in the burning bush even Moses apparently witnessed GOD manifested as flames --- the visible manifestation of the invisible GOD -------- the MESSIAH! So, if one doesn't have a personal relationship with the MESSIAH, one cannot expect to have one with the invisible FATHER. The TRINITY in a nutshell is the eternally existing three beings, complete and coexisting as ONE essence we call GOD. "Let US make man in OUR image", while obviously magnifying GOD --- also indicated the nature of our one GOD as a plural entity. Do I claim to fully comprehend this? NO! I'm not GOD. I will never be GOD. I'm a created being, but I do comprehend with the help of the HOLY SPIRIT that GOD saves by the MESSIAH (GOD WITH US). and that involves the FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT. All three are working divinely united to redeem that which was lost. And the icing on the cake is the fact that as a TRIUNE entity, the FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT had, have and always will have a deep abiding eternal LOVE for each other. That proves that GOD is in fact LOVE even without humanity. We do not complete GOD. We do benefit from the love HE always had and always will. And that is why the MESSIAH gave HIMSELF for our behalf.

All this pagan verbosity....
I've already said in a previous post:
it's not a personal relationship if you rely on 'contractors'.

Judaism is about the Oneness of G-d,
Christian separation of the G-dly tears the soul apart.
That's odd because most of the Jews who post on this board are atheists.
I am a Jew and certainly NOT an atheist.
I see religion as a very private thing.

Why do Jews feel they have to shout their religion from the rooftops?
I see religion as a very private thing.

Why do Jews feel they have to shout their religion from the rooftops?
you must be joking -

there in lies the issue what beheld those that crucified the innocent to remain secret.

Or maybe you just don't understand the first thing about teaching.
there in lies the issue what beheld those that crucified the innocent to remain secret.
Or maybe you just don't understand the first thing about teaching.
really, what might that be - your choice for who was to live, pray tell the reason, learned one.

Much simpler, that a student believes he reached the conclusion on his own,
that way the information is received with less mental abstraction.

Much like Christianity and Islam are essentially a cultural reform in response to Jewish tradition,
but still express uniquely each in their subjective archetypes.
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