new theories emerging about adolf hitler's bizarre sex life


Gold Member
Jan 6, 2014
What a frick'n weirdo.

So afraid to bump uglies with a honey that — well, let's just let you read it for yourself.


anita singh with the uk telegraph said:
Adolf Hitler had sex with Eva Braun without touching her and after first "fortifying his underpants with clean serviettes and napkins", according to the imagination of Martin Amis.

In a discussion about Hitler's sexuality—or lack of it— Amis described a sex scene between the Nazi leader and his companion.

The author believes Hitler was asexual and obsessive about hygiene, and that he would achieve climax by looking at Braun rather than touching her.

"I would hazard this is how it went with Hitler and Eva," Amis said.

"He would fortify his underpants with clean serviettes and napkins.

Then he would go into some sort of excitation with Eva Braun staying a safe distance.

"There would be bourgeois perversion because he was the bourgeois anti-Christ - don't forget the bourgeois in him. I imagine Eva would stand a distance away and lift her skirt. Then there would be some sort of soggy climax on Hitler's part and that would be that."

Amis's latest novel, The Zone of Interest, is set during the Holocaust.

Speaking at Cheltenham Literature Festival, he said historians had failed to understand Hitler's motives because they knew nothing of his sex life.

"No-one understands Hitler. No-one understands what he was up to. And I don't want to be reductive here or simplistic or frivolous, but I'm convinced that one of the reasons why we don't recognise Hitler is that he's sexually a void," he said.

"Sexuality is one of the ways we recognise each other: knowing whether someone is married or gay or whatever it might be.

"In Hitler studies there are three schools of thought about his sexuality.

"One is normality, which I think you can boot out for consideration immediately. Can you see Eva Braun relishing a post-coital cigarette? Can you imagine Hitler's tender foreplay, him being a considerate and energetic lover? No, you can't begin to imagine. So I would say normality is out.

"Asexuality is the other one, the third one is perversion... There are no real clues about his sexuality except that he wouldn't take his clothes off even for his physician and he was also fanatical about cleanliness, which suggests to be asexuality plus."

Martin Amis how Hitler had sex - Telegraph

See also: Adolf Hitler Details About His Weird Sex Life Revealed WebProNews

Daniel 11 37 He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women nor will he regard any god but will exalt himself above them all.

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So far all I see is one insignificant author's imagination at work.
"Facts"? So far all I see is one insignificant author's imagination at work.​


And as you can see, I have changed the thread title accordingly and appropriately.

Martin Amis isn't exactly "insignificant", though. He's done extensive, meticulous, time-consuming research on the subject. :thup:
Martin Amis is a British fiction writer, and not a very good one at that.

Hitler didn't have sex with women. He was a homosexual. He had sex with men, exclusively. His arrest record from early days in Vienna as a young man is still extant. He lived in a homosexual boarding house and was even arrested for homosexual prostitution. He had a longtime homosexual lover in the trenches of WWI. From the earliest days of his Nazi Party membership (National Socialist Party), all of Hitler's speechifying was conducted in the numerous homosexual venues of Munich, mainly beer halls and athletic clubs.

All of this and much more evidence was amassed by Bremen University history professor, Lothar Manchtan, in his tome, ''The Hidden Hitler'. It spearheaded a new examination in several subsequent tomes by other historians, of the essentially degenerate homosexual nature of the Nazi Party. Their brown shirt corps of SA thugs had an officer core numbering 30,000, who were notorious homosexual pederasts and pedophiles. Were they still around today, they'd no doubt be pushing the "gay marriage" agenda so they could get their hands on little boys. Psychiatrist Scott Livesay's 'The Pink Swastika' is also an excellent psychological examination of history's first and most degenerate homosexual political movement: the Nazi Party. It's fascinating, and well worth the read. The Hidden Hitler 9780465043095 Lothar Machtan John Brownjohn Susanne Ehlert Books
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Hitler liked to have women shit in his mouth, while stepping on his nuts with high heels. My theory. ;)
He's dead. He's having his dirt nap. Sex is irrelevant for him. I have read that he had a girlfriend though. I thought that she had committed suicide in the hide-out bunker they were in when they killed themselves along with Hitler. I can't remember her name though.

"While the sexual preferences of numerous members of Hitler's inner circle are known, evidence of Hitler's own sexuality is lacking. However, there is considerable evidence that he had infatuations with a number of women during his lifetime, as well as overwhelming evidence of his antipathy to homosexuality, and no evidence he engaged in homosexual behavior."

Honestly... I don't care what his sexual orientation was. He does appear to have been more dedicated to conquering the world than focusing on his sexual escapades, which makes plenty of sense to me.

Besides, his sexuality has nothing to do with my reasons for admiring and respecting him.

Hitler liked to have women shit in his mouth, while stepping on his nuts with high heels. My theory. ;)

Close. He was a scat sicko, on that speculation there seems to be general consensus amongst early psychological briefs commissioned by the US government in the 30's and 40's. William L. Shirer observed in his magnum opus, ‘The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich', that Hitler was the most accepting politician in a thousand years of homosexuality in his company and in the Nazi Party's ranks of power. Several other journalists made the same observation, especially those in Bavaria, but they noted the particular seedy stripe of homosexual degenerate the Nazi Party attracted. They weren't the "femmes"; they were the antithesis of sissies.
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What a frick'n weirdo.

So afraid to bump uglies with a honey that — well, let's just let you read it for yourself.


anita singh with the uk telegraph said:
Adolf Hitler had sex with Eva Braun without touching her and after first "fortifying his underpants with clean serviettes and napkins", according to the imagination of Martin Amis.

In a discussion about Hitler's sexuality—or lack of it— Amis described a sex scene between the Nazi leader and his companion.

The author believes Hitler was asexual and obsessive about hygiene, and that he would achieve climax by looking at Braun rather than touching her.

"I would hazard this is how it went with Hitler and Eva," Amis said.

"He would fortify his underpants with clean serviettes and napkins.

Then he would go into some sort of excitation with Eva Braun staying a safe distance.

"There would be bourgeois perversion because he was the bourgeois anti-Christ - don't forget the bourgeois in him. I imagine Eva would stand a distance away and lift her skirt. Then there would be some sort of soggy climax on Hitler's part and that would be that."

Amis's latest novel, The Zone of Interest, is set during the Holocaust.

Speaking at Cheltenham Literature Festival, he said historians had failed to understand Hitler's motives because they knew nothing of his sex life.

"No-one understands Hitler. No-one understands what he was up to. And I don't want to be reductive here or simplistic or frivolous, but I'm convinced that one of the reasons why we don't recognise Hitler is that he's sexually a void," he said.

"Sexuality is one of the ways we recognise each other: knowing whether someone is married or gay or whatever it might be.

"In Hitler studies there are three schools of thought about his sexuality.

"One is normality, which I think you can boot out for consideration immediately. Can you see Eva Braun relishing a post-coital cigarette? Can you imagine Hitler's tender foreplay, him being a considerate and energetic lover? No, you can't begin to imagine. So I would say normality is out.

"Asexuality is the other one, the third one is perversion... There are no real clues about his sexuality except that he wouldn't take his clothes off even for his physician and he was also fanatical about cleanliness, which suggests to be asexuality plus."

Martin Amis how Hitler had sex - Telegraph

See also: Adolf Hitler Details About His Weird Sex Life Revealed WebProNews

Daniel 11 37 He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women nor will he regard any god but will exalt himself above them all.


Hmm. I think that is who I read was his girlfriend too. Eva Braun? So if he had a girlfriend, where do they get that he was a homosexual? I don't know if his sexuality could even be classified, taking into consideration that he was bat-shit crazy murderer. :lol: He also supposed had syphilis. There are live images of him making odd "rocking motions" while sitting still, as well as how he always held one arm behind his back, supposedly due to tremors that he suffered.

It is also speculated that the syphilis infection had reached his brain, and that is one reason why he was such a crazy SOB.
Hitler's inner circle knew him as a ladies man who loved the company of women.

There is a perverse need to continually vilify this great man by a sick cabal of haters. ..... :cool:

Yes, he had women. Four known and they all committed suicide. Correlation doesn't equal causation... but who knows.
Watch Hitler in those old b&w film clips when he returns someone's straight-armed Nazi salute. Often he just flashes a rather limp-wristed sort of wave to them. Effeminate is the only word for it that comes to mind.
Watch Hitler in those old b&w film clips when he returns someone's straight-armed Nazi salute. Often he just flashes a rather limp-wristed sort of wave to them. Effeminate is the only word for it that comes to mind.
Maybe because it did it all day every day and rank has its' privileges. Maybe being a meth head effected him too. But I think the rest of his atrocities far outstrip his sex life.
Hitler's inner circle knew him as a ladies man who loved the company of women.

There is a perverse need to continually vilify this great man by a sick cabal of haters. ..... :cool:


Awww Sunni the ISIS lover is upset that people made Hitler look like what his hero IslamoNazis are, mentally ill sexual perverts.
I have no citation, but I do recall that Hitler had a weird relationship with a niece (maybe a half-niece) back before he became the leader of Germany, but while he was a known politician rising in power. He was apparently smitten yet abusive toward this woman. The official story was that the bullet ended up in her head as a result of suicide. It was a scandal, but they managed to suppress it well.

Who knows what really happened. The speculation on his sexuality is wild and all over the place. I imagine that if he liked to fuck there would be plenty of evidence of it.
Watch Hitler in those old b&w film clips when he returns someone's straight-armed Nazi salute. Often he just flashes a rather limp-wristed sort of wave to them. Effeminate is the only word for it that comes to mind.

Good point.

Indeed some of those in Hitler's innermost circle were gay. Alpha doggish, finger-wagging, über-masculine types.

Hitler, by contrast in their presence, was more effeminate.

Clearly, Hitler was the bitch. :thup:
Well, as long as it isn't 'the Nazis were gay' BS conspiracy theory in 'The Pink Swastika'. What we actually know about Hitler is that:

*He shook children's hands for a longer than average time, so some speculate he was a pedophile (though there is no real evidence of that).

*He was on a wide variety of medications and treatments to try to keep his medical conditions under check. Some of which played with his head and made him more awkward to deal with.

*He had a 'woman belongs in the kitchen attitude' and believed that the duty of women to the state is to bear children and maintain the household.

*He had a very domineering sort of attitude, and drove his niece to suicide after he wouldn't her go to Vienna.

*He preferred animals to humans, but there is not enough evidence to suggest he couldn't interrelate with other people, as in private (before the war turned against him) he was very successful in charming people - especially the wealthy and middle class people he met.

*He hated Jews, the mentally disabled, Homosexuals, democrats (as in supporters of democracy), 'non-Aryan's', - and generally just anyone that disagreed with the Nazi ideology or got in his way.

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