Facts that Liberals Keep Ignoring About Roy Moore and His Accusers


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
We are still seeing liberal threads that bash Roy Moore and that attack Christian conservatives who supported him. We see the ridiculous charge that Christians who supported Moore were endorsing a "pedophile" and a "child molester." Let's get a few facts on the table, facts that liberals either don't know or don't want to discuss (sources and article extracts are provided after the bullet points):

* Moore's accusers came forward more than 30 years after the alleged incidents occurred. They never said a word during all the years when Moore was a nationally known public figure for his opposition to removing the Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama state judicial building and for his attempts to block the implementation of same-sex marriage in Alabama. No, not a word from them during all those years. They only decided to speak out when Moore had a double-digit lead in the race to fill Alabama's vacant U.S. Senate seat.

* Beverly Nelson, who accused Moore of trying to rape her in 1977, claimed that Moore locked her door (the passenger door) from inside the car so she couldn't leave the car. Uh, sorry, but that technology was not put into cars until the 1980s. No car in 1977 gave the driver the ability to electronically lock other car doors.

* Nelson was forced to admit that she doctored at least part of the alleged yearbook entry from Moore, and there are all kinds of issues with that entry (such as the fact that there are two colors of ink). Even to an amateur, there are obvious differences between the entry's handwriting and samples of Moore's handwriting from that period.

* Nelson's own stepson has said that he does not believe his mother's charges against Moore.

* Leigh Corfman, Moore's other serious accuser, is hardly a credible witness. She's been divorced three times and filed for bankruptcy at least twice, and according to a neighbor, she has made false allegations of sexual misconduct against three pastors.

* Court documents relating to the divorce of Corfman's mother cast serious doubt on Corfman's story. It turns out that as part of the divorce settlement, Corfman was ordered to live with her father, which means that from the court hearing on February 21, 1979, until Corfman was ordered to move to her father’s house, Moore would only have had 12 days, including the day of the hearing, to have allegedly called Corfman at her mother’s Gadsden house numerous times, arrange two meetings, and attempt another meeting. That's a mighty narrow window for so many events, especially for a man who had a full-time job as an attorney.

* Court documents also contradict Corfman's claim that her alleged encounters with Moore contributed to her descent into a reckless life of drugs, drinking, multiple boyfriends, and attempted suicide. The court records state that Corfman was exhibiting "disciplinary and behavioral problems" **before** the court hearing, and that her erratic behavior was one of the reasons her mother wanted her to live with her father.

Furthermore, over one year later, on May 5, 1980, which would have been after any alleged encounters with Moore, Corfman's mother filed a petition to regain custody of her daughter because the “disciplinary problem has improved greatly.” This contradicts Corfman's claim about descending into a reckless lifestyle after the alleged Moore encounters.

* In America in the 1970s and before, it was not uncommon men in their 30s to date teen girls. One of my aunts, who is from Arkansas, was married when she was 15 to a man 12 years her senior. Many men in their 30s back then married young women who were 10-20 years younger than they were. Ted Kennedy's second wife was 22 years younger than he was. Robert Byrd's wife was 19 years younger than he was. John McCain's second wife is 18 years younger than he is. These age differences are equal to or greater than the age difference between Moore and the teen girls he allegedly dated or wanted to date.

* Dozens of people who knew Moore in the 1970s and 1980s have come forward to vouch for his character and good conduct during those years.

Why Alabamians Should Vote For Roy Moore For Senate

Consider Keith Burgess-Jackson’s (philosophy professor at UT Arlington) account of his own grandparents:

"What’s the big deal about a 32-year-old man courting a 14-year-old girl? My maternal grandmother was 15 years old when she married and 16 years old when she conceived her first child. Her husband was 41 and 42. They had 10 children during the next 20 years. This was normal back then. I’m sure it was normal in Alabama 40 years ago as well. The age of consent in Alabama even today is 16 (with parental consent)…I’m sick to death of people imposing their own moral standards on people of the past, whether it’s Thomas Jefferson, Robert E. Lee, George Armstrong Custer, Martin Luther King Jr, or Roy Moore."

What else do we know? We know that two women have accused him of having inappropriate sexual contact or coercion. The most recent allegation appears to have involved more coercion than the first. Whether it would rise to attempted rape in court no one knows, because the details are too sketchy. Forty years is a long time to remember a lot of details.

Both claims have been called into doubt. The yearbook Moore allegedly signed appears to have been doctored, and his accuser falsely claimed never to have seen Moore since even though he was the judge for her divorce. Given recently discovered court records, there is also reason to doubt Leigh Corfman’s story.​

Roy Moore Accuser acknowledges she added note to her yearbook - CNNPolitics

Roy Moore accuser alters story, admits to adding to yearbook signing

According to Jesus, Not One Valid Accusation Against Moore

In Judge Moore’s case, there are five accusers according to the press. In truth, however, there are only two, since three of the five have not accused the judge of any kind of sexual impropriety. Kissing is not a crime.

So we have two witnesses, Leigh Corfman, who claims Moore touched her inappropriately in 1979, and Beverly Nelson, who claims Moore attempted to rape her in 1977. There are some character issues with Ms. Corfman which raise questions about her credibility as a witness. She has been divorced three times, filed for bankruptcy three times, and, according to a neighbor who knows her and her history, three times falsely accused pastors of sexual indiscretions.

This, of course, does not automatically mean she is not telling the truth when she talks about Roy Moore, but any prudent observer will want some corroboration of her story before giving it the weight of credibility. And that’s the problem. There is no corroborating witness who saw Moore do to her what she accuses him of. The response will be, of course, that he took her to a secluded place where no one was around. And of course that may be true, but we cannot, in fairness to Moore, take her accusation as actual evidence apart from a second witness.

There are also problems with Nelson’s account. Even a casual study of Moore’s supposed signature in Nelson’s yearbook reveals inconsistencies in structure, strokes, slant, alignment, etc., and the message is not consistent with his customary vernacular. There are two sets of “7s” in the note, and even to an untrained eye, each set seems certain to have been written by a different hand. And there are two colors of ink in the note, which begs for some kind of explanation. Further, she claims Moore locked the passenger door from the inside so that she could not get out, but child locks were not put in automobiles until the 1980s.

Nelson’s own stepson, Darrel Nelson, posted a video on his Facebook page challenging the veracity of his stepmother’s words. “I truly do not believe that she’s being honest about this...I don’t believe a word she says, but I do believe [Moore] is innocent.”​

Voting For Roy Moore Is Not For Pedophilia, And Other Dumb Arguments

In Defense of Judge Roy Moore

Now read the Post article and assume that the reporters wrote the exact truth about what four human females told them (a big assumption, I grant). Then three of the four claim that Roy Moore dated them when they were women, not girls. And not only did they themselves consent to dating Moore, their families consented to their dating Moore. (Actually, according to one, her family withdrew consent, after which Moore ceased to date her).

Furthermore, according to these three women, Moore never went beyond kissing and hugging. Which are the only acts a Christian man is permitted to engage in with a woman not his wife. According to these three women, Moore consistently acted as the Christian he claims to have been, and claims to be now.

The fourth human female told the Post reporters a completely different story. She claims that not only did Moore date her when she was a girl of fourteen, but that he also undressed her, and exposed himself. Notice the differences between this single claim and the other three reports: In a single case, Moore, a trained lawyer, dated jailbait. In this single case, Moore behaved in a dishonorable manner to a girl, not a woman. In this single case, we have reasons, given in the Post article, to doubt the claim: the accuser has been married three times, and has been in bankruptcy twice.​

EXCLUSIVE - Mother of Roy Moore Accuser: Washington Post Reporters Convinced My Daughter to Go Public | Breitbart

Court Documents Raise Significant Questions About Leigh Corfman’s Accusations Against Roy Moore | Breitbart

The Post further did not tell readers that as a result of the joint petition to change custody, the court ordered the 14-year-old Corfman to move to her father’s house starting on March 4, 1979. Court documents show the father’s address in Ohatchee, and not in Gadsden, where her mother lived and where Corfman says the meetings with Moore took place.

This would mean that from the court hearing on February 21, 1979, until Corfman was ordered to move to her father’s house, Moore would only have had 12 days, including the day of the court hearing, to have repeatedly called Corfman at her mother’s Gadsden house, arrange two meetings, and attempt another. . . .

The Post failed to mention that the very reason for the February 21, 1979, court hearing where Moore allegedly met Corfman was because, according to the court documents, Corfman had exhibited “certain disciplinary and behavioral problems.” In other words, Corfman evidenced behavioral problems prior to the alleged encounters with Moore.

Indeed, those stated “disciplinary and behavioral problems” were cited in the joint petition to change custody as the cause for both Wells and Corfman’s father agreeing that Corfman would be better served living with her father. The parents signed a “consent decree” going along with the change in custody.

Over one year later, on May 5, 1980, which would have been after any alleged encounters with Moore, Wells filed a new petition to take back custody of her daughter. That petition stated that Corfman’s “disciplinary problem has improved greatly.” The stated change in behavior is important since Corfman’s “disciplinary and behavioral problems” were cited as the reason for the father taking custody.

The improvement in behavior described by Wells seems to conflict with Corfman’s claim to the Post that after the 1979 encounter her “life became increasingly reckless with drinking, drugs, boyfriends, and a suicide attempt when she was 16.”​
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Creepy Roy had no business being anywhere near our Senate
"We are still seeing liberal threads that bash Roy Moore and that attack Christian conservatives who supported him."

Please link to the last 5 such threads.

Creepy Roy had no business being anywhere near our Senate
Off topic like always. Liberals like you don't do "facts", ever. The fact that all these liars never said a word until 30 years later says it all.
"We are still seeing liberal threads that bash Roy Moore and that attack Christian conservatives who supported him."

Please link to the last 5 such threads.

demands proof. Knows he will deny proof. You don't find it strange at all the accusers were silent for 30 years and now have magically disappeared.
Republicans were relieved when Creepy Roy was defeated
"We are still seeing liberal threads that bash Roy Moore and that attack Christian conservatives who supported him." Please link to the last 5 such threads. Thanks.

Here's one that's still active right now: Evangelicals' Prayers for GOP: Good Things Come To Those Who Rape

That is not a thread about Moore and his accusers. Next?
As predicted. Denial. Moores accusers were silent for 30 years. Nothing to say on that huh?
Roy Moore was Rail Roaded out of it.....................

Just as Seigelman was framed to be ousted from office..........

Why..............he stood with Moore on the Ten Commandments issue and Bush and Rove destroyed him..............

Seigelman went to jail over lies..........

We are still seeing liberal threads that bash Roy Moore and that attack Christian conservatives who supported him.....

Damn! a 2000 word essay on a political forum defending a guy that is no longer a player in the political world!

You need a new hobby! Have you ever tried golf?
"We are still seeing liberal threads that bash Roy Moore and that attack Christian conservatives who supported him." Please link to the last 5 such threads. Thanks.

Here's one that's still active right now: Evangelicals' Prayers for GOP: Good Things Come To Those Who Rape

That is not a thread about Moore and his accusers. Next?
As predicted. Denial. Moores accusers were silent for 30 years. Nothing to say on that huh?

Been discussed. They are credible.

My issue is with the OP creating a strawman regarding "liberal threads" about Moore. That is not happening.

You are an argumentative bore who has nothing to say.
Roy Moore was Rail Roaded out of it.....................

Just as Seigelman was framed to be ousted from office..........

Why..............he stood with Moore on the Ten Commandments issue and Bush and Rove destroyed him..............

Seigelman went to jail over lies..........

I wonder why one of Moore's accusers' house was burned down after the election.
I lived in Alabama from birth until my 40s. I have a strong dislike for Roy Moore. And it has nothing to do with the accusations of messing with young girls.

Roy Moore put his hand on the bible and took an oath to follow and defend the US Constitution. He then decided to ignore both his oath and the US Constitution. He was removed from office. Then, after being reelected by idiots, he once again put his hand on the bible and swore an oath to follow the US Constitution. And, once again, he broke that oath.

If you will lie, with your hand on the bible and swearing an oath, how can you be believed?
I lived in Alabama from birth until my 40s. I have a strong dislike for Roy Moore. And it has nothing to do with the accusations of messing with young girls.

Roy Moore put his hand on the bible and took an oath to follow and defend the US Constitution. He then decided to ignore both his oath and the US Constitution. He was removed from office. Then, after being reelected by idiots, he once again put his hand on the bible and swore an oath to follow the US Constitution. And, once again, he broke that oath.

If you will lie, with your hand on the bible and swearing an oath, how can you be believed?
I still live here...........and agreed with the stance on the Ten Commandments..................

The tipping point that got Seigelman fragged.............
We are still seeing liberal threads that bash Roy Moore and that attack Christian conservatives who supported him. We see the ridiculous charge that Christians who supported Moore were endorsing a "pedophile" and a "child molester." Let's get a few facts on the table, facts that liberals either don't know or don't want to discuss (sources and article extracts are provided after the bullet points):

* Moore's accusers came forward more than 30 years after the alleged incidents occurred. They never said a word during all the years when Moore was a nationally known public figure for his opposition to removing the Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama state judicial building and for his attempts to block the implementation of same-sex marriage in Alabama. No, not a word from them during all those years. They only decided to speak out when Moore had a double-digit lead in the race to fill Alabama's vacant U.S. Senate seat.

* Beverly Nelson, who accused Moore of trying to rape her in 1977, claimed that Moore locked her door (the passenger door) from inside the car so she couldn't leave the car. Uh, sorry, but that technology was not put into cars until the 1980s. No car in 1977 gave the driver the ability to electronically lock other car doors.

* Nelson was forced to admit that she doctored at least part of the alleged yearbook entry from Moore, and there are all kinds of issues with that entry (such as the fact that there are two colors of ink). Even to an amateur, there are obvious differences between the entry's handwriting and samples of Moore's handwriting from that period.

* Nelson's own stepson has said that he does not believe his mother's charges against Moore.

* Leigh Corfman, Moore's other serious accuser, is hardly a credible witness. She's been divorced three times and filed for bankruptcy at least twice, and according to a neighbor, she has made false allegations of sexual misconduct against three pastors.

* Court documents relating to the divorce of Corfman's mother cast serious doubt on Corfman's story. It turns out that as part of the divorce settlement, Corfman was ordered to live with her father, which means that from the court hearing on February 21, 1979, until Corfman was ordered to move to her father’s house, Moore would only have had 12 days, including the day of the hearing, to have allegedly called Corfman at her mother’s Gadsden house numerous times, arrange two meetings, and attempt another meeting. That's a mighty narrow window for so many events, especially for a man who had a full-time job as an attorney.

* Court documents also contradict Corfman's claim that her alleged encounters with Moore contributed to her descent into a reckless life of drugs, drinking, multiple boyfriends, and attempted suicide. The court records state that Corfman was exhibiting "disciplinary and behavioral problems" **before** the court hearing, and that her erratic behavior was one of the reasons her mother wanted her to live with her father.

Furthermore, over one year later, on May 5, 1980, which would have been after any alleged encounters with Moore, Corfman's mother filed a petition to regain custody of her daughter because the “disciplinary problem has improved greatly.” This contradicts Corfman's claim about descending into a reckless lifestyle after the alleged Moore encounters.

* In America in the 1970s and before, it was not uncommon men in their 30s to date teen girls. One of my aunts, who is from Arkansas, was married when she was 15 to a man 12 years her senior. Many men in their 30s back then married young women who were 10-20 years younger than they were. Ted Kennedy's second wife was 22 years younger than he was. Robert Byrd's wife was 19 years younger than he was. John McCain's second wife is 18 years younger than he is. These age differences are equal to or greater than the age difference between Moore and the teen girls he allegedly dated or wanted to date.

* Dozens of people who knew Moore in the 1970s and 1980s have come forward to vouch for his character and good conduct during those years.

Why Alabamians Should Vote For Roy Moore For Senate

Consider Keith Burgess-Jackson’s (philosophy professor at UT Arlington) account of his own grandparents:

"What’s the big deal about a 32-year-old man courting a 14-year-old girl? My maternal grandmother was 15 years old when she married and 16 years old when she conceived her first child. Her husband was 41 and 42. They had 10 children during the next 20 years. This was normal back then. I’m sure it was normal in Alabama 40 years ago as well. The age of consent in Alabama even today is 16 (with parental consent)…I’m sick to death of people imposing their own moral standards on people of the past, whether it’s Thomas Jefferson, Robert E. Lee, George Armstrong Custer, Martin Luther King Jr, or Roy Moore."

What else do we know? We know that two women have accused him of having inappropriate sexual contact or coercion. The most recent allegation appears to have involved more coercion than the first. Whether it would rise to attempted rape in court no one knows, because the details are too sketchy. Forty years is a long time to remember a lot of details.

Both claims have been called into doubt. The yearbook Moore allegedly signed appears to have been doctored, and his accuser falsely claimed never to have seen Moore since even though he was the judge for her divorce. Given recently discovered court records, there is also reason to doubt Leigh Corfman’s story.​

Roy Moore Accuser acknowledges she added note to her yearbook - CNNPolitics

Roy Moore accuser alters story, admits to adding to yearbook signing

According to Jesus, Not One Valid Accusation Against Moore

In Judge Moore’s case, there are five accusers according to the press. In truth, however, there are only two, since three of the five have not accused the judge of any kind of sexual impropriety. Kissing is not a crime.

So we have two witnesses, Leigh Corfman, who claims Moore touched her inappropriately in 1979, and Beverly Nelson, who claims Moore attempted to rape her in 1977. There are some character issues with Ms. Corfman which raise questions about her credibility as a witness. She has been divorced three times, filed for bankruptcy three times, and, according to a neighbor who knows her and her history, three times falsely accused pastors of sexual indiscretions.

This, of course, does not automatically mean she is not telling the truth when she talks about Roy Moore, but any prudent observer will want some corroboration of her story before giving it the weight of credibility. And that’s the problem. There is no corroborating witness who saw Moore do to her what she accuses him of. The response will be, of course, that he took her to a secluded place where no one was around. And of course that may be true, but we cannot, in fairness to Moore, take her accusation as actual evidence apart from a second witness.

There are also problems with Nelson’s account. Even a casual study of Moore’s supposed signature in Nelson’s yearbook reveals inconsistencies in structure, strokes, slant, alignment, etc., and the message is not consistent with his customary vernacular. There are two sets of “7s” in the note, and even to an untrained eye, each set seems certain to have been written by a different hand. And there are two colors of ink in the note, which begs for some kind of explanation. Further, she claims Moore locked the passenger door from the inside so that she could not get out, but child locks were not put in automobiles until the 1980s.

Nelson’s own stepson, Darrel Nelson, posted a video on his Facebook page challenging the veracity of his stepmother’s words. “I truly do not believe that she’s being honest about this...I don’t believe a word she says, but I do believe [Moore] is innocent.”​

Voting For Roy Moore Is Not For Pedophilia, And Other Dumb Arguments

In Defense of Judge Roy Moore

Now read the Post article and assume that the reporters wrote the exact truth about what four human females told them (a big assumption, I grant). Then three of the four claim that Roy Moore dated them when they were women, not girls. And not only did they themselves consent to dating Moore, their families consented to their dating Moore. (Actually, according to one, her family withdrew consent, after which Moore ceased to date her).

Furthermore, according to these three women, Moore never went beyond kissing and hugging. Which are the only acts a Christian man is permitted to engage in with a woman not his wife. According to these three women, Moore consistently acted as the Christian he claims to have been, and claims to be now.

The fourth human female told the Post reporters a completely different story. She claims that not only did Moore date her when she was a girl of fourteen, but that he also undressed her, and exposed himself. Notice the differences between this single claim and the other three reports: In a single case, Moore, a trained lawyer, dated jailbait. In this single case, Moore behaved in a dishonorable manner to a girl, not a woman. In this single case, we have reasons, given in the Post article, to doubt the claim: the accuser has been married three times, and has been in bankruptcy twice.​

EXCLUSIVE - Mother of Roy Moore Accuser: Washington Post Reporters Convinced My Daughter to Go Public | Breitbart

Court Documents Raise Significant Questions About Leigh Corfman’s Accusations Against Roy Moore | Breitbart

The Post further did not tell readers that as a result of the joint petition to change custody, the court ordered the 14-year-old Corfman to move to her father’s house starting on March 4, 1979. Court documents show the father’s address in Ohatchee, and not in Gadsden, where her mother lived and where Corfman says the meetings with Moore took place.

This would mean that from the court hearing on February 21, 1979, until Corfman was ordered to move to her father’s house, Moore would only have had 12 days, including the day of the court hearing, to have repeatedly called Corfman at her mother’s Gadsden house, arrange two meetings, and attempt another. . . .

The Post failed to mention that the very reason for the February 21, 1979, court hearing where Moore allegedly met Corfman was because, according to the court documents, Corfman had exhibited “certain disciplinary and behavioral problems.” In other words, Corfman evidenced behavioral problems prior to the alleged encounters with Moore.

Indeed, those stated “disciplinary and behavioral problems” were cited in the joint petition to change custody as the cause for both Wells and Corfman’s father agreeing that Corfman would be better served living with her father. The parents signed a “consent decree” going along with the change in custody.

Over one year later, on May 5, 1980, which would have been after any alleged encounters with Moore, Wells filed a new petition to take back custody of her daughter. That petition stated that Corfman’s “disciplinary problem has improved greatly.” The stated change in behavior is important since Corfman’s “disciplinary and behavioral problems” were cited as the reason for the father taking custody.

The improvement in behavior described by Wells seems to conflict with Corfman’s claim to the Post that after the 1979 encounter her “life became increasingly reckless with drinking, drugs, boyfriends, and a suicide attempt when she was 16.”​
1956 Packard had power door locks. The rest of your pedophile excuses are similarly easy to debunk.

Time to own up to the fact that you just don't care as long as the candidate is republican.
This is The Democrat Party’s Standard operating procedure a d has been ever since The Clintons achievers is success with their back channel political smears against all their opponents.

When they cannot beat a candidate in the issues they falsely accuse their opponent of all sorts of unprovable immoral behavior.

Whatever they think they can get to stick in the media and with The American People they will use.

They’ll even smear their own people in primaries in favor of someone who will walk lockstep with their agenda.

The DNC is The Modern Day Nazi Party with a jackass as their logo instead of swastika.

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