Fair Trial? .....or Fascist Trial?


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
It just struck me a little while ago. I guess I was a little slow before reading the stories in the news before the truth of it sunk in.

As you know there are a lot of stories and links in this forum about Pelosi wanting "a fair trial."

What do we think of when we normally think of a fair trial? What is it that normally comes to mind when we say someone deserves a fair trial? Well, you think about the defendant getting a fair trial, correct? We know that in the Old South black people did not get a fair trial, and in the old west sometimes people would get hung and not get a fair trial, so whenever we talk about a fair trial we are always talking about the defendant getting a fair trial.

But that is not the case with Pelosi. In fact she wants the exact opposite. She does not want a fair trial for the defendant Donald Trump. She wants a guilty verdict in advance. Anything other than a guilty verdict for her will mean the trial was not fair. Can there any thing more fascist than that? Can there be anything more Nazi than that?

I often speak about Democrats be Nazis and fascists because they murder people by the billions (abortion), they stifle free speech, and they practice all manner of fascist behaviors. But here we have the cherry on the cake; Pelosi wants a fascist, Nazi guaranteed "guilty" verdict to follow on the heels of her fascist show trial hearings in the House.

If anybody reading this has any sense of decency or morality you will reject the Democrat Party like some Democrats recently have, and if you don't want to became a Republican then at the very least vote Independent. It is impossible for any halfway decent human being to continue being a Democrat. Fascists in every single way, Democrats have corrupted the rule of law and corrupted the constitution in every possible way. These criminals cannot be allowed to continue in power .
Pelosi conducted a perfect impeachment

She expects McConnell to do the same
So perfect she’s scared to death about sending them to the senate.

The idiot democrats have been cruising their clown car all over town. Pelosi just wrecked it.
Pelosi knows their case if weak...its a joke...even never Trumpers like RINO Romney can't support that nonsense....no republican in the senate will sign on to it and if the senate ends up voting most senate dems will vote to dismiss or acquit...she knows it too....
We all know, even the Trumpbots know, that the fix is in. There will be nothing fair about the senate trial as long as McConnell has any say in the matter.
We all know, even the Trumpbots know, that the fix is in. There will be nothing fair about the senate trial as long as McConnell has any say in the matter.
Your definition of fair, is Trump is not being allowed to call witnesses or defend himself, just like the house did to him... fuck off libtard...
Pelosi knows their case if weak...its a joke...even never Trumpers like RINO Romney can't support that nonsense....no republican in the senate will sign on to it and if the senate ends up voting most senate dems will vote to dismiss or acquit...she knows it too....

Its hard to tell what she knows.
Pelosi conducted a perfect impeachment

She expects McConnell to do the same
Pelosi knows McConnell won’t conduct a fair trial, hence her warranted reluctance to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.

McConnel will conduct a trial using the exact same rules the House used to impeach. In other words, mr. pseudo intellectual, fuck off.
It just struck me a little while ago. I guess I was a little slow before reading the stories in the news before the truth of it sunk in.

As you know there are a lot of stories and links in this forum about Pelosi wanting "a fair trial."

What do we think of when we normally think of a fair trial? What is it that normally comes to mind when we say someone deserves a fair trial? Well, you think about the defendant getting a fair trial, correct? We know that in the Old South black people did not get a fair trial, and in the old west sometimes people would get hung and not get a fair trial, so whenever we talk about a fair trial we are always talking about the defendant getting a fair trial.

But that is not the case with Pelosi. In fact she wants the exact opposite. She does not want a fair trial for the defendant Donald Trump. She wants a guilty verdict in advance. Anything other than a guilty verdict for her will mean the trial was not fair. Can there any thing more fascist than that? Can there be anything more Nazi than that?

I often speak about Democrats be Nazis and fascists because they murder people by the billions (abortion), they stifle free speech, and they practice all manner of fascist behaviors. But here we have the cherry on the cake; Pelosi wants a fascist, Nazi guaranteed "guilty" verdict to follow on the heels of her fascist show trial hearings in the House.

If anybody reading this has any sense of decency or morality you will reject the Democrat Party like some Democrats recently have, and if you don't want to became a Republican then at the very least vote Independent. It is impossible for any halfway decent human being to continue being a Democrat. Fascists in every single way, Democrats have corrupted the rule of law and corrupted the constitution in every possible way. These criminals cannot be allowed to continue in power .

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