Fairbanks Alaska see's largest September snowfall on record!!!

Thank you for helping to prove the climate change is happening.
Only, you are likely to stupid to realize that you just did exactly that.

But thanks anyway.
Does this mean they are gonna short the season on GoldRush to only 14 episodes?

Damn -- that would piss me off..
Fairbanks has had many record highs this year. Since the temperature was not mentioned, this probably comes under the heading of a precipitation event, rather than an unusual temperature event. Still in the 'wider and wilder swings in weather with an overall warming' category. When you can show us 10 or 15 years of temperatures cooling in Alaska, then you deniers will have a leg to stand on. Until then, your flap-yap is worth no more than that of the jackass braying in the meadow.
"Climate change" used to be called "the weather"....

People like you used to be called idiots. Now we call them mentally challenged.

Denying the reality of the rapid warming in the Arctic is a sign of idiocy.
But the most pertinent question really is......what do the masses think when they see "RECORD SEPTEMBER SNOWFALL IN ALASKA!!" as a headline???

Some dont think that matters but it is the only thing that matters!! Indeed.......reality is 95% perception. ALways has been................always will be.

Why does every poll over the past several years show an exceedingly low level of caring about global warming??:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

I'll tell you why!!!!

It all about perception.......the masses see knuckleheads like Gore talking about cities being 30 feet under water due to global warming but then see Alaska getting buried under snow in September. Shit gets tuned out..................of course!!!:bye1::bye1:

In other words, NOBODY is seeing the landscape and saying, "Dang......I better get on the phone with my legislator so something is done about global warming!!!"

Sept, 10th was the earliest it snowed when I lived there. Farmers Almanac predicted a baaaaaaaaad winter coming
But the most pertinent question really is......what do the masses think when they see "RECORD SEPTEMBER SNOWFALL IN ALASKA!!" as a headline???

Some dont think that matters but it is the only thing that matters!! Indeed.......reality is 95% perception. ALways has been................always will be.

Why does every poll over the past several years show an exceedingly low level of caring about global warming??:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

I'll tell you why!!!!

It all about perception.......the masses see knuckleheads like Gore talking about cities being 30 feet under water due to global warming but then see Alaska getting buried under snow in September. Shit gets tuned out..................of course!!!:bye1::bye1:

In other words, NOBODY is seeing the landscape and saying, "Dang......I better get on the phone with my legislator so something is done about global warming!!!"

If I end up in a generous mood, I may educate you about this. Or I may just let you flail...

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But the most pertinent question really is......what do the masses think when they see "RECORD SEPTEMBER SNOWFALL IN ALASKA!!" as a headline???

Some dont think that matters but it is the only thing that matters!! Indeed.......reality is 95% perception. ALways has been................always will be.

Why does every poll over the past several years show an exceedingly low level of caring about global warming??:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

I'll tell you why!!!!

It all about perception.......the masses see knuckleheads like Gore talking about cities being 30 feet under water due to global warming but then see Alaska getting buried under snow in September. Shit gets tuned out..................of course!!!:bye1::bye1:

In other words, NOBODY is seeing the landscape and saying, "Dang......I better get on the phone with my legislator so something is done about global warming!!!"

If I end up in a generous mood, I may educate you about this. Or I may just let you flail...

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The "flailers" are winning s0n.........

The AGW climate crusading dumbasses cant post up a single link showing where they are winning!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Skook can be counted on to get hysterical every time it snows in Alaska. Hence, he's almost constantly hysterical.

Almost every denier can't figure out that precipitation isn't temperature. And yet strangely, they expect people to pay attention to them.
Skook can be counted on to get hysterical every time it snows in Alaska. Hence, he's almost constantly hysterical.

Almost every denier can't figure out that precipitation isn't temperature. And yet strangely, they expect people to pay attention to them.

Well, you threw him a life line with "precipitation", but I think he likes to stay underwater....
The average temperature was only 2.5 degrees below normal in September.
August was 1.5 degrees below normal. June through July were near normal. May was 6 degrees above normal, April and March 4 above, February 2 above, and January 1 degree above normal. All in all a warm year so far, but slightly cool in June through September.
August was 1.5 degrees below normal. June through July were near normal. May was 6 degrees above normal, April and March 4 above, February 2 above, and January 1 degree above normal. All in all a warm year so far, but slightly cool in June through September.
Was that for Fairbanks or for all of Alaska.
The average temperature was only 2.5 degrees below normal in September.

SO why are you fools giddy about a rise within the MOE and at a confidence level below 35% of 0.02 deg C? If Cooling of that magnitude is insignificant what the hell are you fools crying wolf about?
One large snowfall doesn't disprove climate change.

Remember the Winter Olympics? They had to truck snow in just to have the games, but everyone said that because it was snowing in Washington DC, there was no climate change.

One storm doesn't prove or disprove anything.
The average temperature was only 2.5 degrees below normal in September.

SO why are you fools giddy about a rise within the MOE and at a confidence level below 35% of 0.02 deg C? If Cooling of that magnitude is insignificant what the hell are you fools crying wolf about?

That's one month being below normal, not "cooling of that magnitude". Weather causes cool spells.

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