Faith failing

I know I have a relationship with God.

But Mark 10.

Nowhere in that passage does it say you're going to hell for divorcing and remarrying. ALL sins are forgivable, the only unpardonable sin is remaining willfully unrepentant until one's dying day. In other words, if one doesn't want to be forgiven or doesn't believe they need to be forgiven, they're not going to be, it's not automatic. It's a gift that must be received.
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I'm not taking Mark 10 out of context. It says what it says, and the Catholic Chuch's teaching about divorce is based on it.
I know I have a relationship with God.

But Mark 10.

But you are getting stuck on one verse or chapter from the whole Bible. Do you think you are the only Catholic or believer to ever get divorced??? You are getting hung up on the LAW, while missing out on the love & forgiveness. Kinda like the Pharisees

Look closer at the people of the Bible, of God's chosen. The great King David lusted for and seduced Bathsheba, a married woman. Then David had him killed, so he could marry her.
I'm finding it hard to believe in anything anymore.

If you've been tracking my progress, I've gone from Catholic to lapsed Catholic and now I'm bordering on non-believer.

The Pope said no problem on using aborted fetuses to make COVID vaccine and that might have put me over the edge towards non-belief.

I've really had it with the Catholic Church.
Blackrook....the pope is just a man. He shits, farts, burps just like all other men. He does NOT speak for God. Nobody does. NOBODY. The last one that spoke for Him was Jesus and the few left after Jesus was crucified.

I don't "do" church...ANY church...because reverends, pastors, etc all do the same thing. They stand there, read the bible passages, and give THEIR opinion to what they believe it means and those in the congregation hang on his words as if it is God Himself speaking. The pope is no different.

Keep your relationship with God. Have faith in HIM, not mortal men who pretend to know His ways. Rely on God. And only God. You'll feel better.
I am more a student of Buddhism for many of the reasons you think Christianity has failed you.

I find a combination of Buddhism and Stoicism is the best path for me
I'm finding it hard to believe in anything anymore.

If you've been tracking my progress, I've gone from Catholic to lapsed Catholic and now I'm bordering on non-believer.

The Pope said no problem on using aborted fetuses to make COVID vaccine and that might have put me over the edge towards non-belief.

I've really had it with the Catholic Church.
Cant let someone else's unbelief result in your own
It's not just the Pope. It's the way the Democrats are getting away with stealing the election and there's no one even trying to stop them. It seems that evil wins and that's just that. I'm losing faith because it seems that evil men now outnumber the good.
Joe Biden won fair and square.
I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.

You're not going to hell just because you're remarrying. My goodness, who taught you these unbiblical things?

All sins are forgivable except one. And it's not the one you're doing, so you don't have to worry about that. But it sounds like you should be concerned about salvation, because if you don't understand the basics of salvation, then that is a problem. Read John 3. Be born again. Jesus stated that repeatedly and emphatically, you must be born again. That is not a church or religious thing. It is a very real thing that happens that changes you, that makes you a new creation.

Yes born again, born again, and born again. You protestants never give up or lead a moral life.

I have to say, one thing the Catholic church is really good at is creating atheists. Through unbiblical doctrines that mislead and confuse people, as we can clearly see on this thread with Blackrook.
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I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.

You're not going to hell just because you're remarrying. My goodness, who taught you these unbiblical things?

All sins are forgivable except one. And it's not the one you're doing, so you don't have to worry about that. But it sounds like you should be concerned about salvation, because if you don't understand the basics of salvation, then that is a problem. Read John 3. Be born again. Jesus stated that repeatedly and emphatically, you must be born again. That is not a church or religious thing. It is a very real thing that happens that changes you, that makes you a new creation.

Yes born again, born again, and born again. You protestants never give up or lead a moral life.

I have to say, one thing the Catholic church is really good at is creating atheists. Through unbiblical doctrines that mislead and confuse people, as we can clearly see on this thread with Blackrook.
tell me what passage in the bible says to paint people with such a broad brush
I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.

You're not going to hell just because you're remarrying. My goodness, who taught you these unbiblical things?

All sins are forgivable except one. And it's not the one you're doing, so you don't have to worry about that. But it sounds like you should be concerned about salvation, because if you don't understand the basics of salvation, then that is a problem. Read John 3. Be born again. Jesus stated that repeatedly and emphatically, you must be born again. That is not a church or religious thing. It is a very real thing that happens that changes you, that makes you a new creation.

Yes born again, born again, and born again. You protestants never give up or lead a moral life.

I have to say, one thing the Catholic church is really good at is creating atheists. Through unbiblical doctrines that mislead and confuse people, as we can clearly see on this thread with Blackrook.
tell me what passage in the bible says to paint people with such a broad brush

No different than going to confession, confession = born again.

How many times are people born again (some a lot), with confession at least you receive a penance.
I'm finding it hard to believe in anything anymore.

If you've been tracking my progress, I've gone from Catholic to lapsed Catholic and now I'm bordering on non-believer.

The Pope said no problem on using aborted fetuses to make COVID vaccine and that might have put me over the edge towards non-belief.

I've really had it with the Catholic Church.
Cant let someone else's unbelief result in your own
It's not just the Pope. It's the way the Democrats are getting away with stealing the election and there's no one even trying to stop them. It seems that evil wins and that's just that. I'm losing faith because it seems that evil men now outnumber the good.
Joe Biden won fair and square.
I'm not taking Mark 10 out of context. It says what it says, and the Catholic Chuch's teaching about divorce is based on it.
I know I have a relationship with God.

But Mark 10.

But you are getting stuck on one verse or chapter from the whole Bible. Do you think you are the only Catholic or believer to ever get divorced??? You are getting hung up on the LAW, while missing out on the love & forgiveness. Kinda like the Pharisees

Look closer at the people of the Bible, of God's chosen. The great King David lusted for and seduced Bathsheba, a married woman. Then David had him killed, so he could marry her.

You don't want to be King David or Solomon. ;)
Adultery is a mortal sin. If you die in a state of mortal sin you go to hell.

Did king David go to hell?

I would shy away from making such decisions because it is not for you to make.
I'm not taking Mark 10 out of context. It says what it says, and the Catholic Chuch's teaching about divorce is based on it.
I know I have a relationship with God.

But Mark 10.

But you are getting stuck on one verse or chapter from the whole Bible. Do you think you are the only Catholic or believer to ever get divorced??? You are getting hung up on the LAW, while missing out on the love & forgiveness. Kinda like the Pharisees

Look closer at the people of the Bible, of God's chosen. The great King David lusted for and seduced Bathsheba, a married woman. Then David had him killed, so he could marry her.

You don't want to be King David or Solomon. ;)
I don't think Solomon was charged with adultery. He just had a lot of wives is all.
It's weird how so many Christians pretend there's no Mark 10.
10 When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this. 11 He answered, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. 12 And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.”

not weird at all - truth be told ...

they know as you pretend not to - those words were never spoken by the religious itinerant that are obvious forgeries and a manifestation used through the centuries as a barrier to the wholesome lifestyle the 1st century events were meant portray as proof again for the corruption of the 4th century christian bible.
I'm finding it hard to believe in anything anymore.

If you've been tracking my progress, I've gone from Catholic to lapsed Catholic and now I'm bordering on non-believer.

The Pope said no problem on using aborted fetuses to make COVID vaccine and that might have put me over the edge towards non-belief.

I've really had it with the Catholic Church.
There’s no shortage of religions (aka cults) out there so pick one more to your liking and go with it.
I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.

You're not going to hell just because you're remarrying. My goodness, who taught you these unbiblical things?

All sins are forgivable except one. And it's not the one you're doing, so you don't have to worry about that. But it sounds like you should be concerned about salvation, because if you don't understand the basics of salvation, then that is a problem. Read John 3. Be born again. Jesus stated that repeatedly and emphatically, you must be born again. That is not a church or religious thing. It is a very real thing that happens that changes you, that makes you a new creation.

Yes born again, born again, and born again. You protestants never give up or lead a moral life.

I have to say, one thing the Catholic church is really good at is creating atheists. Through unbiblical doctrines that mislead and confuse people, as we can clearly see on this thread with Blackrook.
tell me what passage in the bible says to paint people with such a broad brush

No different than going to confession, confession = born again.

How many times are people born again (some a lot), with confession at least you receive a penance.
as I understand it confession is for you to confess your sins and not to judge others
I will always believe there is a God, there is no other explanation for how the universe got here. But the loving God that Christ described -- he seems like a fantasy to me.
Ya, get other peoples voice out your head. Forget the preachers words or the politicians words. Develope a personal relationship with your God and your philosophy. Things are not as bad as they seem. Easy to be faithful in good times. Bad times are when you realy need it.
I'm finding it hard to believe in anything anymore.

If you've been tracking my progress, I've gone from Catholic to lapsed Catholic and now I'm bordering on non-believer.

The Pope said no problem on using aborted fetuses to make COVID vaccine and that might have put me over the edge towards non-belief.

I've really had it with the Catholic Church.

Never is faith more the answer than when faith seems impossible to uphold or maintain. So what if the nights grow deeper, darker—aphotic primordial; dawn always follows the most enduring midnight hour . . . eventually. Dawn will come. Keep the faith.
My dawn isn't coming.

I have met a woman and things are still early, but I think she will be the one I spend the rest of my life with.

But to do that I have to leave the Catholic Church.

And I'm not going to find God in a Protestant Church because there's no way in hell I'll ever be a Protestant.

Finding the right woman is a massive first step toward healing and even surviving this life. Just beware of co-dependency and over estimation of the boon(s) she's capable of introducing to your life. Beyond that, I wish you the best of luck.

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