Faith failing

Get behind the President elect

Any President's job is to serve the people and defend the Constitution. I have no objection to any President who has both these at heart.

As you may have noted, my objection is to the Democrat Machine. As a Californian, I have quite a bit of experience with that. I hate to see it expand nationwide. Also note, the majority of Californians in Urban areas did vote for Biden. You have nothing to complain about in my words or behavior.
That didn't happen. They mailed ballot REQUESTS
Not everywhere. As you noted in my first post I also said that may not have been to the extend to change the election. Take a good look at the mail-in process. It is not the best system.
That didn't happen. They mailed ballot REQUESTS
Not everywhere. As you noted in my first post I also said that may not have been to the extend to change the election. Take a good look at the mail-in process. It is not the best system.
The mail in system is fine. Your doubt is ginned up nonsense created out of thin air by propagandists.
Neither President Trump nor his family are evil.

Um, yeah, they kind of are. They've thrown children into cages and started a charity that stole from wounded veterans.. They are about as fucking "evil" as you get. BUT THEY BE RIGHT WITH JAY-A-ZUS.

And you people wonder why I'm an atheist.

Many Catholics know that President-Elect Biden long ago put aside the tenets of the Catholic faith for political reasons. I don't think many Democrats understand that those who vote for President Trump and other Republicans are voting against the Democratic Machine.

Actually, I think the great thing about Biden's election is that his Catholic Faith wasn't an issue at all. Because honestly, it shouldn't have been. It was silly 60 years ago when people wouldn't vote for JFK because of his Catholic faith.

The problem is, there is a disconnect between Catholic Leaders and rank and file Catholics on many issues. The Church is very liberal on social welfare programs, that most conservative Catholics oppose. It's very conservative on family planning, but most American Catholics kind of ignore their teachings on Birth Control and even abortion.

Speaker Pelosi helps fund this machine via Silicon Valley who pulls in billions from and for the Chinese government.

And here's where we get paranoid and stuff.

Along with corporate take-over of the media, Silicon Valley also controls the narrative via social media. Californians are out-numbered by those who live in the Urban areas, areas which harvest ballots and elect such people as Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff. To vote for any Democrat in California is a vote for Nancy Pelosi because she insures (via money) that all Democratic representatives vote as she directs.

Uh, you don't need to "vote harvest" in the Urban areas. They have more people. The problem with our system is most people live in Urban and Suburban areas, but the rural areas hold way too much political sway.

For instance, LA County has more people in it than 40 states in the Union. Yet those 40 states get an extra 80 electoral votes.

It astonishes me that Virginians are happy to let California, the lobbyists, the news and social media machines, who have loyalties to China, run not only their State but the entire country. Do you know that California thought of seceding from the Union, and why not? With backing from the Chinese government, they can sell our entire Union. Note the ties that Pelosi, Feinstein, Swalwel, etc. have ties to China and other Lobbyists. Many voted for President Trump because he had no such ties, he simply wanted freedom for all in this country.

I'm really baffled by all this paranoia about "China". You guys really think there's a Chinaman hiding under your beds, because Trump told you that there were?

The Chinese are more like us than you think they are.
It's the way the Democrats are getting away with stealing the election and there's no one even trying to stop them.

When you wise up to the certain reality that Democrats are not stealing elections (getting away with stealing the presidency so easily they might as well have stolen the Senate and gone up with a majority in the House) Democrats are nothing compared to Republicans when it comes to robbing the poor to nurture the rich. This I presume would have JESUS flipping the money changers tables over on Wall Street if he showed up today. Republicans would call him an Alinski Marxist in George Soros’ payroll. etc etc etc.

ThIs scam is pure evil and TrumpQ is all in on it as an alleged toone percenter.

The RAND Corporation — hardly an advocate of socialism or Marxism — recently reported that from 1975 to 2018, the top 1 percent, taking advantage of tax policies, corporate welfare and other built-in benefits, took in $47 trillion — that's trillion, with 12 zeroes – that otherwise would have been distributed among the bottom 90 percent.​
Forty Years of thievery by the top one percent from the bottom ninety percent and and TrumpQ voters want to blame it on illegals, Nancy Pelisi and Dominion voting machines being programmed from a server compound in Frankfurt Germany to flip votes from TrumpQ to Biden.

The wealthiest top one percent have about 33 percent of the American electorate right where they need them. many are handing over their money direct to TrumpQ. Can anything be dumber than hiring someone to run you.?
Also note, the majority of Californians in Urban areas did vote for Biden. You have nothing to complain about in my words or behavior.

I will complain that you support the current president who lost the states of Michigan and Pennsylvania. The majority of Biden votes coming from Detroit Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. His reaction to losing those states is to toss out those three major cities minority votes and to have the states Republicans over turn the election and give the state to TrumpQ.

That is pure evil. I have not heard you renounce that evil.

Until you do / You are evil and I shall complain.
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The objection was about mailing ballots to people who did not request them...

The objection is absurd. The voters who used them were legal votes. Mostly for Biden .
we fired TrumoQ because he sucks and us stupud and incompetent and corrupt.

you will thank us someday if you ever wake up.
As you may have noted, my objection is to the Democrat Machine

Most Americans myself included can’t be concerned with the figment of your imaginations.

We have to be concerned about what DJTQ is doing since he lost the election - trying to subvert out precious Democratic proves and out expectation for peaceful, gentlemanly and grown up transfer of power.
It's the way the Democrats are getting away with stealing the election and there's no one even trying to stop them.

When you wise up to the certain reality that Democrats are not stealing elections (getting away with stealing the presidency so easily they might as well have stolen the Senate and gone up with a majority in the House) Democrats are nothing compared to Republicans when it comes to robbing the poor to nurture the rich. This I presume would have JESUS flipping the money changers tables over on Wall Street if he showed up today. Republicans would call him an Alinski Marxist in George Soros’ payroll. etc etc etc.

ThIs scam is pure evil and TrumpQ is all in on it as an alleged toone percenter.
The RAND Corporation — hardly an advocate of socialism or Marxism — recently reported that from 1975 to 2018, the top 1 percent, taking advantage of tax policies, corporate welfare and other built-in benefits, took in $47 trillion — that's trillion, with 12 zeroes – that otherwise would have been distributed among the bottom 90 percent.​
Forty Years of thievery by the top one percent from the bottom ninety percent and and TrumpQ voters want to blame it on illegals, Nancy Pelisi and Dominion voting machines being programmed from a server compound in Frankfurt Germany to flip votes from TrumpQ to Biden.

The wealthiest top one percent have about 33 percent of the American electorate right where they need them. many are handing over their money direct to TrumpQ. Can anything be dumber than hiring someone to run you.?
The reality is that not only did the Democrats get us into World War l & II, the Korean War and the Vietnam "CONFLICT", they started the Civil War, promoted the Jim Crow laws, were instrumental in the removal of Bible reading as part of opening exercises in public schools, promote abortion on demand (mostly Black babies get aborted, as though Black lives really matter), promote no fault divorce, "gay" marriage, and now are trying to tax churches who spotlight the Bible in opposition to such sin. Again, during this whole covid19 epidemic, it seems rather telling that Democratic run Cities and States moved to regulate and close churches --- yet totally failed when it came to Black lives matter demonstrations and violence. I feel that GOD is really trying very hard to get through to California, but they are one hard materialistic, hedonistic, liberal State to get through to. I believe GOD is dealing with both California and New York City. Remember, only one President ran for 3 consecutive terms ----- and he was a Democrat.
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I'm finding it hard to believe in anything anymore.

If you've been tracking my progress, I've gone from Catholic to lapsed Catholic and now I'm bordering on non-believer.

The Pope said no problem on using aborted fetuses to make COVID vaccine and that might have put me over the edge towards non-belief.

I've really had it with the Catholic Church.
The persona you play here hints at a really fucked up person underneath it, bro.
Neither President Trump nor his family are evil.

This is pure evil. it is lies. It is dangerous to have a president who has been denied a second term because we the people turned out and fired him, to utter such fits of untrue and dangerous lies about the election rejection handed to him. An election that he lost by seven million votes.

And you are standing by supporting this evil twitter freakout being expressed by the President of the United States in a tweet storm today. Nothing is true. Nothing is based on reality or evidence.
"Massive late night mail-in ballot drops in swing states, stuffing the ballot boxes (on video), double voters, dead voters, fake signatures, illegal immigrant voters, banned Republican vote watchers, MORE VOTES THAN ACTUAL VOTERS (check out Detroit & Philadelphia), and much more," Trump argued, despite having been unable to prove such allegations in court.​
"The numbers are far greater than what is necessary to win the individual swing states, and cannot even be contested," he continued. "Courts are bad, the FBI and "Justice" didn't do their job, and the United States Election System looks like that of a third world country. Freedom of the press has been gone for a long time, it is Fake News, and now we have Big Tech (with Section 230) to deal with."​
"But when it is all over, and this period of time becomes just another ugly chapter in our Country's history, WE WILL WIN!!!" Trump falsely claimed.​
were instrumental in the removal of Bible reading as part of opening exercises in public schools,

What is wrong with that. I didn’t want my kids being taught fiction as truth in a taxpayer funded public school. You do that in churches and schools funded by churches all you want. Indoctrinate your own kids - don’t indoctrinate mine.
I believe GOD is dealing with both California and New York City.

what kind of dealing. Why didnt God choose TrumpQ g to win that second term or why didn’t God put at least five Supreme Court Justices on the bench so TrumpQ could lose the election but have his appointees overturn it.

It seems your Biblical God is slipping.
I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.

You're not going to hell just because you're remarrying. My goodness, who taught you these unbiblical things?

All sins are forgivable except one. And it's not the one you're doing, so you don't have to worry about that. But it sounds like you should be concerned about salvation, because if you don't understand the basics of salvation, then that is a problem. Read John 3. Be born again. Jesus stated that repeatedly and emphatically, you must be born again. That is not a church or religious thing. It is a very real thing that happens that changes you, that makes you a new creation.

Yes born again, born again, and born again. You protestants never give up or lead a moral life.

I have to say, one thing the Catholic church is really good at is creating atheists. Through unbiblical doctrines that mislead and confuse people, as we can clearly see on this thread with Blackrook.
tell me what passage in the bible says to paint people with such a broad brush

No different than going to confession, confession = born again.

How many times are people born again (some a lot), with confession at least you receive a penance.
as I understand it confession is for you to confess your sins and not to judge others
People get born over and over again and they go to confession over and over again.

so what?

is it your authority to judge them?

I rightly judge. The RCC is the reason you have Christianity. The created it and nurtured it, to make it was it is today, but Luther had to frick it up.


Matthew 7:1-5
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

I'm not a christian and even I know I don't have the right to judge anyone else's choices

Oh you judge too, and you know it.
I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.

You're not going to hell just because you're remarrying. My goodness, who taught you these unbiblical things?

All sins are forgivable except one. And it's not the one you're doing, so you don't have to worry about that. But it sounds like you should be concerned about salvation, because if you don't understand the basics of salvation, then that is a problem. Read John 3. Be born again. Jesus stated that repeatedly and emphatically, you must be born again. That is not a church or religious thing. It is a very real thing that happens that changes you, that makes you a new creation.

Yes born again, born again, and born again. You protestants never give up or lead a moral life.

I have to say, one thing the Catholic church is really good at is creating atheists. Through unbiblical doctrines that mislead and confuse people, as we can clearly see on this thread with Blackrook.
tell me what passage in the bible says to paint people with such a broad brush

No different than going to confession, confession = born again.

How many times are people born again (some a lot), with confession at least you receive a penance.
as I understand it confession is for you to confess your sins and not to judge others
People get born over and over again and they go to confession over and over again.

so what?

is it your authority to judge them?

I rightly judge. The RCC is the reason you have Christianity. The created it and nurtured it, to make it was it is today, but Luther had to frick it up.


Matthew 7:1-5
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

I'm not a christian and even I know I don't have the right to judge anyone else's choices

Oh you judge too, and you know it.


Quote a post where I have judged anyone?
I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.

You're not going to hell just because you're remarrying. My goodness, who taught you these unbiblical things?

All sins are forgivable except one. And it's not the one you're doing, so you don't have to worry about that. But it sounds like you should be concerned about salvation, because if you don't understand the basics of salvation, then that is a problem. Read John 3. Be born again. Jesus stated that repeatedly and emphatically, you must be born again. That is not a church or religious thing. It is a very real thing that happens that changes you, that makes you a new creation.

Yes born again, born again, and born again. You protestants never give up or lead a moral life.

I have to say, one thing the Catholic church is really good at is creating atheists. Through unbiblical doctrines that mislead and confuse people, as we can clearly see on this thread with Blackrook.
tell me what passage in the bible says to paint people with such a broad brush

No different than going to confession, confession = born again.

How many times are people born again (some a lot), with confession at least you receive a penance.
as I understand it confession is for you to confess your sins and not to judge others
People get born over and over again and they go to confession over and over again.

so what?

is it your authority to judge them?

I rightly judge. The RCC is the reason you have Christianity. The created it and nurtured it, to make it was it is today, but Luther had to frick it up.


Matthew 7:1-5
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

I'm not a christian and even I know I don't have the right to judge anyone else's choices

Oh you judge too, and you know it.


Quote a post where I have judged anyone?
Everybody judges, and you judge.
I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.

You're not going to hell just because you're remarrying. My goodness, who taught you these unbiblical things?

All sins are forgivable except one. And it's not the one you're doing, so you don't have to worry about that. But it sounds like you should be concerned about salvation, because if you don't understand the basics of salvation, then that is a problem. Read John 3. Be born again. Jesus stated that repeatedly and emphatically, you must be born again. That is not a church or religious thing. It is a very real thing that happens that changes you, that makes you a new creation.

Yes born again, born again, and born again. You protestants never give up or lead a moral life.

I have to say, one thing the Catholic church is really good at is creating atheists. Through unbiblical doctrines that mislead and confuse people, as we can clearly see on this thread with Blackrook.
tell me what passage in the bible says to paint people with such a broad brush

No different than going to confession, confession = born again.

How many times are people born again (some a lot), with confession at least you receive a penance.
as I understand it confession is for you to confess your sins and not to judge others
People get born over and over again and they go to confession over and over again.

so what?

is it your authority to judge them?

I rightly judge. The RCC is the reason you have Christianity. The created it and nurtured it, to make it was it is today, but Luther had to frick it up.


Matthew 7:1-5
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

I'm not a christian and even I know I don't have the right to judge anyone else's choices

Oh you judge too, and you know it.


Quote a post where I have judged anyone?
Everybody judges, and you judge.

so you're proof that I judge people is that everyone judges?

If that's true you should be able to find many examples where I have judged people and quote them
I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.

You're not going to hell just because you're remarrying. My goodness, who taught you these unbiblical things?

All sins are forgivable except one. And it's not the one you're doing, so you don't have to worry about that. But it sounds like you should be concerned about salvation, because if you don't understand the basics of salvation, then that is a problem. Read John 3. Be born again. Jesus stated that repeatedly and emphatically, you must be born again. That is not a church or religious thing. It is a very real thing that happens that changes you, that makes you a new creation.

Yes born again, born again, and born again. You protestants never give up or lead a moral life.

I have to say, one thing the Catholic church is really good at is creating atheists. Through unbiblical doctrines that mislead and confuse people, as we can clearly see on this thread with Blackrook.
tell me what passage in the bible says to paint people with such a broad brush

No different than going to confession, confession = born again.

How many times are people born again (some a lot), with confession at least you receive a penance.
as I understand it confession is for you to confess your sins and not to judge others
People get born over and over again and they go to confession over and over again.

so what?

is it your authority to judge them?

I rightly judge. The RCC is the reason you have Christianity. The created it and nurtured it, to make it was it is today, but Luther had to frick it up.


Matthew 7:1-5
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

I'm not a christian and even I know I don't have the right to judge anyone else's choices

Oh you judge too, and you know it.


Quote a post where I have judged anyone?
Everybody judges, and you judge.

so you're proof that I judge people is that everyone judges?

If that's true you should be able to find many examples where I have judged people and quote them

I don't have time or the ambition to rehash your old posts, but I'm sure you judge!! I judge the OP thinking he is foolish, they is nothing wrong with getting remarried, but I judge people that cheat on their wives or vice versa.

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