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Faith is Born from Fear


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2014
Nice try, internet :)
It has been said by many Christians that one of the primary reasons for someone being an atheist and saying that they don't believe is because they don't want to believe. They don't want to ask the hard question "What if I'm wrong?" because they can't accept the implications of that questioning. They claim that we as atheists take the easy way out but I argue that it is just the opposite. Christians downright refuse to humor any kind of questioning when it comes to their belief. They refuse to look inside themselves and ask "What if there is no God?" because they are terrified of the implications of that question. They claim we are afraid of hell but in fact it is they who are afraid of oblivion. Of nonexistence. Understandably so. The idea of ceasing to exist is unpleasant to say the least. That is why being an atheist is far from the easy way out.

As an atheist you look that unpleasant reality in the face, swallow your fear and accept it and live your life to its fullest. Being a Christian is a way of ignoring the fact that the world is an unpleasant and often unjust place where some people live their whole lives in despair before their flame of consciousness goes out forever. This world can be cruel and unfair but as atheists we accept that it's the only one we are ever going to get and that motivates us to fight our hardest to make it a better and brighter one. For our sake and for the sake of our children. We don't turn away from reality and turn a wishful eye to an afterlife that isn't going to happen.
You ever hear of protesting too much? That's the op.

On the contrary, Christians DON'T have to live in fear because Christ died for their sins and paid the price.

John 3:16 King James Version
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The op is protesting too much he doesn't have fear and making it clear, he's living in denial.
You ever hear of protesting too much? That's the op.

On the contrary, Christians DON'T have to live in fear because Christ died for their sins and paid the price.

John 3:16 King James Version
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The op is protesting too much he doesn't have fear and making it clear, he's living in denial.

I made no form of protest. I stated facts. Also I just have to point out that the irony of your closing statement is pretty funny.
It has been said by many Christians that one of the primary reasons for someone being an atheist and saying that they don't believe is because they don't want to believe. They don't want to ask the hard question "What if I'm wrong?" because they can't accept the implications of that questioning. They claim that we as atheists take the easy way out but I argue that it is just the opposite. Christians downright refuse to humor any kind of questioning when it comes to their belief. They refuse to look inside themselves and ask "What if there is no God?" because they are terrified of the implications of that question. They claim we are afraid of hell but in fact it is they who are afraid of oblivion. Of nonexistence. Understandably so. The idea of ceasing to exist is unpleasant to say the least. That is why being an atheist is far from the easy way out.

As an atheist you look that unpleasant reality in the face, swallow your fear and accept it and live your life to its fullest. Being a Christian is a way of ignoring the fact that the world is an unpleasant and often unjust place where some people live their whole lives in despair before their flame of consciousness goes out forever. This world can be cruel and unfair but as atheists we accept that it's the only one we are ever going to get and that motivates us to fight our hardest to make it a better and brighter one. For our sake and for the sake of our children. We don't turn away from reality and turn a wishful eye to an afterlife that isn't going to happen.

Faith was born out of desire to understand. "Out of fear" may be the same thing. At the dawn of history, man asked, why does the sun rise and fall in the sky, what is lightning, what is fire, why does it snow, who are the boogie men over the mountain, etc.... Long before science and enlightenment, deity was invented to explain the theretofore unexplained. Not knowing any different, faith was born.

Religion came later by men who desired control.

Atheism came much, much later. Nothing wrong with atheism, in my opinion, up to the point they ridicule and demean, because they too often misunderstand or ignore the great values that have also been born from our history of faith.
Philippians 2 (ESV)

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain. Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all. Likewise you also should be glad and rejoice with me.
You ever hear of protesting too much? That's the op.

On the contrary, Christians DON'T have to live in fear because Christ died for their sins and paid the price.

John 3:16 King James Version
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The op is protesting too much he doesn't have fear and making it clear, he's living in denial.

I made no form of protest. I stated facts. Also I just have to point out that the irony of your closing statement is pretty funny.

No, sorry you did not post facts, you posted YOUR OPINION. And in it, you protested way too much.

Your protesting too much, betrays fear. Your anger betrays fear.

If you were so darn secure, you wouldn't need to be declaring why you think atheism is better than Christianity. Obviously, Christianity worries you. You can read it all over the op. Maybe you don't see it, but everyone else does.

BTW, I don't fear hell. I don't have to, I'm covered by the blood of Jesus.

But you? What is the old saying? If a Christian is wrong then, he's wrong. He'll die and never know he was wrong.

But if YOU are wrong, then what? Better think about that.
It has been said by many Christians that one of the primary reasons for someone being an atheist and saying that they don't believe is because they don't want to believe. They don't want to ask the hard question "What if I'm wrong?" because they can't accept the implications of that questioning. They claim that we as atheists take the easy way out but I argue that it is just the opposite. Christians downright refuse to humor any kind of questioning when it comes to their belief. They refuse to look inside themselves and ask "What if there is no God?" because they are terrified of the implications of that question. They claim we are afraid of hell but in fact it is they who are afraid of oblivion. Of nonexistence. Understandably so. The idea of ceasing to exist is unpleasant to say the least. That is why being an atheist is far from the easy way out.

As an atheist you look that unpleasant reality in the face, swallow your fear and accept it and live your life to its fullest. Being a Christian is a way of ignoring the fact that the world is an unpleasant and often unjust place where some people live their whole lives in despair before their flame of consciousness goes out forever. This world can be cruel and unfair but as atheists we accept that it's the only one we are ever going to get and that motivates us to fight our hardest to make it a better and brighter one. For our sake and for the sake of our children. We don't turn away from reality and turn a wishful eye to an afterlife that isn't going to happen.

You are doing to others what you complain others are doing to you.
It has been said by many Christians that one of the primary reasons for someone being an atheist and saying that they don't believe is because they don't want to believe. They don't want to ask the hard question "What if I'm wrong?" because they can't accept the implications of that questioning. They claim that we as atheists take the easy way out but I argue that it is just the opposite. Christians downright refuse to humor any kind of questioning when it comes to their belief. They refuse to look inside themselves and ask "What if there is no God?" because they are terrified of the implications of that question. They claim we are afraid of hell but in fact it is they who are afraid of oblivion. Of nonexistence. Understandably so. The idea of ceasing to exist is unpleasant to say the least. That is why being an atheist is far from the easy way out.

As an atheist you look that unpleasant reality in the face, swallow your fear and accept it and live your life to its fullest. Being a Christian is a way of ignoring the fact that the world is an unpleasant and often unjust place where some people live their whole lives in despair before their flame of consciousness goes out forever. This world can be cruel and unfair but as atheists we accept that it's the only one we are ever going to get and that motivates us to fight our hardest to make it a better and brighter one. For our sake and for the sake of our children. We don't turn away from reality and turn a wishful eye to an afterlife that isn't going to happen.

Atheism, like theism is just a collection of beliefs and opinions. If gods don't exist (or something we'd call a god) then you could never prove that without knowledge spanning the whole of the universe. If gods (or something we'd call a god) do exist, but we can't prove it, then maybe instead of being an either/or proposition it's simply what god(s) is/are is other than as conventionally thought of.

I don't believe in the classical religious ideas of gods, where a god is a being similar to us. Alive, discrete, sentient, etc. But the universe exists. And despite a decidely hostile to life nature in the universe, life exists nonetheless. Maybe instead of inventing ideas of god where the god is like us, we need to widen our frame of reference and consider the possibility than the whole of the universe is "God." Or better still, the whole universe is merely a single organism. And our limited perspective is akin to a single blood cell, if it could think, not being aware it was merely part of a single animal.
It has been said by many Christians that one of the primary reasons for someone being an atheist and saying that they don't believe is because they don't want to believe. They don't want to ask the hard question "What if I'm wrong?" because they can't accept the implications of that questioning. They claim that we as atheists take the easy way out but I argue that it is just the opposite. Christians downright refuse to humor any kind of questioning when it comes to their belief. They refuse to look inside themselves and ask "What if there is no God?" because they are terrified of the implications of that question. They claim we are afraid of hell but in fact it is they who are afraid of oblivion. Of nonexistence. Understandably so. The idea of ceasing to exist is unpleasant to say the least. That is why being an atheist is far from the easy way out.

As an atheist you look that unpleasant reality in the face, swallow your fear and accept it and live your life to its fullest. Being a Christian is a way of ignoring the fact that the world is an unpleasant and often unjust place where some people live their whole lives in despair before their flame of consciousness goes out forever. This world can be cruel and unfair but as atheists we accept that it's the only one we are ever going to get and that motivates us to fight our hardest to make it a better and brighter one. For our sake and for the sake of our children. We don't turn away from reality and turn a wishful eye to an afterlife that isn't going to happen.

Despite some radical differences... Atheism is like Paganism in many ways.

There is no single doctrine, or formula, to be an atheist because there are many ways to be an atheist. Same with Paganism.

There may be some shared beliefs. Atheists do not believe in the existence of deities, Pagans do believe in the existence of deities.

Unlike Christianity, the subjective delusion of morality varies greatly among atheists. The subjective delusion of morality varies greatly among Pagans as well.

You frequently use terms like "we" and "us" when talking about Atheism, as if you speak on behalf of all atheists, yet you speak only for yourself. You cannot speak on behalf of all atheists just as I cannot speak on behalf of all Pagans. You need to learn that.
It has been said by many Christians that one of the primary reasons for someone being an atheist and saying that they don't believe is because they don't want to believe. They don't want to ask the hard question "What if I'm wrong?" because they can't accept the implications of that questioning. They claim that we as atheists take the easy way out but I argue that it is just the opposite. Christians downright refuse to humor any kind of questioning when it comes to their belief. They refuse to look inside themselves and ask "What if there is no God?" because they are terrified of the implications of that question. They claim we are afraid of hell but in fact it is they who are afraid of oblivion. Of nonexistence. Understandably so. The idea of ceasing to exist is unpleasant to say the least. That is why being an atheist is far from the easy way out.

As an atheist you look that unpleasant reality in the face, swallow your fear and accept it and live your life to its fullest. Being a Christian is a way of ignoring the fact that the world is an unpleasant and often unjust place where some people live their whole lives in despair before their flame of consciousness goes out forever. This world can be cruel and unfair but as atheists we accept that it's the only one we are ever going to get and that motivates us to fight our hardest to make it a better and brighter one. For our sake and for the sake of our children. We don't turn away from reality and turn a wishful eye to an afterlife that isn't going to happen.

Atheism, like theism is just a collection of beliefs and opinions. If gods don't exist (or something we'd call a god) then you could never prove that without knowledge spanning the whole of the universe. If gods (or something we'd call a god) do exist, but we can't prove it, then maybe instead of being an either/or proposition it's simply what god(s) is/are is other than as conventionally thought of.

I don't believe in the classical religious ideas of gods, where a god is a being similar to us. Alive, discrete, sentient, etc. But the universe exists. And despite a decidely hostile to life nature in the universe, life exists nonetheless. Maybe instead of inventing ideas of god where the god is like us, we need to widen our frame of reference and consider the possibility than the whole of the universe is "God." Or better still, the whole universe is merely a single organism. And our limited perspective is akin to a single blood cell, if it could think, not being aware it was merely part of a single animal.

It seems you do at least consider a classical religious idea, if not one typically considered in the west. Taking it one step higher, if we are but parts of a greater whole then it really isn't hostile to life at all. A rain drop falling into the ocean loses nothing except being a drop, and gains much by becoming an ocean.
It seems you do at least consider a classical religious idea, if not one typically considered in the west. Taking it one step higher, if we are but parts of a greater whole then it really isn't hostile to life at all. A rain drop falling into the ocean loses nothing except being a drop, and gains much by becoming an ocean.

While I recognize some sort of eastern philosophy my thing's actually from the pov of physics. At the atomic level, there's no appreciable separation from one atom to another atom. Where the atoms which make up my feet meet the atoms which make up the ground is neglible. Extended out to the whole of the universe, since even space is made up of something (dark matter et al.) then where the atoms which make up my foot touch the earth, the arth touches the atoms of the atmosphere which touch the atoms of space...Thus we're in a literal, empirical sense, one thing.
It seems you do at least consider a classical religious idea, if not one typically considered in the west. Taking it one step higher, if we are but parts of a greater whole then it really isn't hostile to life at all. A rain drop falling into the ocean loses nothing except being a drop, and gains much by becoming an ocean.

While I recognize some sort of eastern philosophy my thing's actually from the pov of physics. At the atomic level, there's no appreciable separation from one atom to another atom. Where the atoms which make up my feet meet the atoms which make up the ground is neglible. Extended out to the whole of the universe, since even space is made up of something (dark matter et al.) then where the atoms which make up my foot touch the earth, the arth touches the atoms of the atmosphere which touch the atoms of space...Thus we're in a literal, empirical sense, one thing.

I didn't say you believed, I said you considered. You at least acknowledged that western religion is not the only choice, which is more than most folks will do.

As to atoms, that is a matter of perspective. From the perspective of a neutron, I would think the separation between atoms is significant. From the perspective of a galaxy, the separation between stars is negligible.
I didn't say you believed, I said you considered. You at least acknowledged that western religion is not the only choice, which is more than most folks will do.

As to atoms, that is a matter of perspective. From the perspective of a neutron, I would think the separation between atoms is significant. From the perspective of a galaxy, the separation between stars is negligible.

Good point. (damn it.) Should specified from the pov of life, the separation isn't significant. :)
Romans 10:17

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. God commands believers to "FEAR NOT" for I am with you always! PTL.

So having read the Bible, and a bunch of other religious texts the fact that that only made me not-believe is answerable how?
Romans 10:17
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. God commands believers to "FEAR NOT" for I am with you always! PTL.

So having read the Bible, and a bunch of other religious texts the fact that that only made me not-believe is answerable how?
Simple! You chose to not believe God and thus you allow satan to blind you to truth. your choice!
Satan is a human construct as well but one made up so organized religions can instill fear in people so as to maintain control and keep taking their money

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