Faith Under Trial

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This devotion by Mrs. Cowman for February 17 will encourage you to know that God listens to you. Do you feel as if your faith is being tested? Are you wondering if God knows what you are going through and hears your prayers? Read this and start praising God and thanking Him for his answer. God hears your prayers!

The land which I do give them, even the children of Israel Joshua 1:2

God here speaks in the immediate present. It is not something He is going to do, but something He does do, this moment. So faith ever speaks. So God ever gives. So He is meeting you today, in the present moment. This is the test of faith. So long as you are waiting for a thing, hoping for it, looking for it, you are not believing. It may be hope, it may be earnest desire, but it is not faith; for "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." The command in regard to believing prayer is the present tense. "When ye pray, believe that ye receive the things that ye desire, and ye shall have them." Have we come to that moment? Have we met God in His everlasting NOW?
--Joshua, by Simpson

True faith counts on God, and believes before it sees. Naturally, we want some evidence that our petition is granted before we believe; but when we walk by faith we need no other evidence than God's Word. He has spoken, and according to our faith it shall be done unto us. We shall see because we have believed, and this faith sustains us in the most trying places, when everything around us seems to contradict God's Word.

The Psalmist says, "I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of living" (Ps. 27:13). He did not see as yet the Lord's answer to his prayers, but he believed to see; and this kept him from fainting.

If we have the faith that believes to see, it will keep us from growing discouraged. We shall "laugh at impossibilities," we shall watch with delight to see how God is going to open up a path through the Red Sea when there is no human way out of our difficulty. It is just in such places of severe testing that our faith grows and strengthens.

Have you been waiting upon God, dear troubled one, during long nights and weary days, and have feared that you were forgotten? Nay, lift up your head, and begin to praise Him even now for the deliverance which is on its way to you.
--Life of Praise

Streams in the Desert - February 17
Man is born with the ability to know right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept, he rationalizes that he did not violate it. Men don't do evil for evil's sake, they do evil for the sake of their own good. So from this we can know that man prefers good over evil. So the question becomes, how can we know if we are truly doing good or doing evil and rationalizing that we are doing good? The answer is simple... outcomes. Moral laws are not like physical laws. When one violates a physical law, the consequence is immediate. Not so for moral laws. The consequence of violating a moral law is not usually immediate, but since error cannot stand it will eventually fail. And when it does, if we are honest and paying attention we will come to know the error of our way and repent (i.e. transform). Thus evolving our consciousness (i.e. growing as human beings) and continuing our march towards the next leap in the evolution of matter.
Nice to see Jeri is still frootier than a nutcake and that she still has RWNJ traitor fans.

Howz the bull?
Nice to see Jeri is still frootier than a nutcake and that she still has RWNJ traitor fans.

Howz the bull?
Which one? My bull and his mates had 3 bulls this past year and one bull early the year before which was an answer to prayer. Not a single female. When the first one was due I prayed for a bull although my husband wanted a heifer. A year later 3 heifers were pregnant. The 2nd bull was born and then another heifer had another bull! And then just months after that bull was born another heifer had his fourth "child" and that was a bull too! The youngest bull is just like his father. Always breaking out. Our cows have not had anything but bulls since I asked for a bull! Thank you for asking!

How's your cats? I hope they are all healthy and doing well! As for my prize bull, he was almost 2,000 lbs., and breaking out and my husband had to sell him but we had made it clear that whoever bought our animals could not slaughter them but would have to take them to a ranch and take good care of them. After all, they are my pets. I don't want them to end up on someone's dinner table. We caught the first buyer just in time as he lied to us and was planning to take him to auction. We canceled the sale and told him to forget it. Someone else bought him. I still miss him and have his photograph sitting on a table in our dining room.

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