Faither/Daughter prosecuted for having sex

Come to think of it, I don't recally you ever linking or citing anything...

Generally, you just post really stupid leftist talking points....

What are my leftist talking points?

And I actually cite all the time. You just ignore it, because it doesn't go along with what you believe my view points are. Take yesterday for example. You claimed I got my numbers from a hate cite, when I clearly cited the FBI website.

So how about you tell me what my leftist talking points are. This will be fun. You haven't been right once when you claimed I had a certain opinion, so I can't wait to hear what you come up with.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

She cited a 98% statistic that fathers who have sex with their daughters start when they are children...but she made it up!

I think she made it up to make a point. I dont think its normal behavior for a young female to desire to mate with their father. I could maybe see if they were the only people around or isolated in someway which is actually reflected in animals along with natural sex changes.
What are my leftist talking points?

And I actually cite all the time. You just ignore it, because it doesn't go along with what you believe my view points are. Take yesterday for example. You claimed I got my numbers from a hate cite, when I clearly cited the FBI website.

So how about you tell me what my leftist talking points are. This will be fun. You haven't been right once when you claimed I had a certain opinion, so I can't wait to hear what you come up with.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

She cited a 98% statistic that fathers who have sex with their daughters start when they are children...but she made it up!

I think she made it up to make a point. I dont think its normal behavior for a young female to desire to mate with their father. I could maybe see if they were the only people around or isolated in someway which is actually reflected in animals along with natural sex changes.

I don't think it's normal either, but you don't just make up stats, unless of course, you're a politician. :D
Here some info on incest

"Incest is considered abusive when the individuals involved are discrepant in age, power, and experience. The argument that a younger person may have desired, sought, or given consent is irrelevant. Those very behaviors may have been groomed, coerced, or generated in response to perceived pressure and/or threat from the more powerful person."
See more at:

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
She cited a 98% statistic that fathers who have sex with their daughters start when they are children...but she made it up!

I think she made it up to make a point. I dont think its normal behavior for a young female to desire to mate with their father. I could maybe see if they were the only people around or isolated in someway which is actually reflected in animals along with natural sex changes.

I don't think it's normal either, but you don't just make up stats, unless of course, you're a politician. :D

I was pretty clear on making them up. ;)
And I would put money on it being close. A woman doesn't have sex with her father because she is "normal".

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
I think she made it up to make a point. I dont think its normal behavior for a young female to desire to mate with their father. I could maybe see if they were the only people around or isolated in someway which is actually reflected in animals along with natural sex changes.

I don't think it's normal either, but you don't just make up stats, unless of course, you're a politician. :D

I was pretty clear on making them up. ;)
And I would put money on it being close. A woman doesn't have sex with her father because she is "normal".

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I for one did not take your stat literally as I could tell you said it for effect. I dont think you are far off from the truth either.
Here some info on incest

"Incest is considered abusive when the individuals involved are discrepant in age, power, and experience. The argument that a younger person may have desired, sought, or given consent is irrelevant. Those very behaviors may have been groomed, coerced, or generated in response to perceived pressure and/or threat from the more powerful person."
See more at: Ramifications of Incest | Psychiatric Times

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Just a question, did you read your article?
Shepard was killed because of drugs, yes, and for being gay. I have read enough about it to know meth was involved and they wanted to rob him. He was killed the way he was and left because he was gay. McKinnery was an angry man who hated is own desires because of the backlash it could attract. For one, he probably knew Shepard. He wanted his money for drugs, they beat him to death in a horrible manner because he was gay.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Author Stephen Jimenez, who is himself gay, details that Shepard was a meth dealer murdered by a part-time lover and fellow dealer, not an anti-gay, hate-filled stranger.

So, according to you he was murdered for money to buy drugs, but was murdered because he was gay...interesting.
Shepard was killed because of drugs, yes, and for being gay. I have read enough about it to know meth was involved and they wanted to rob him. He was killed the way he was and left because he was gay. McKinnery was an angry man who hated is own desires because of the backlash it could attract. For one, he probably knew Shepard. He wanted his money for drugs, they beat him to death in a horrible manner because he was gay.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Author Stephen Jimenez, who is himself gay, details that Shepard was a meth dealer murdered by a part-time lover and fellow dealer, not an anti-gay, hate-filled stranger.

So, according to you he was murdered for money to buy drugs, but was murdered because he was gay...interesting.

Usually life is not black and white and all tied up in a pretty little bundle for understanding. Sometimes the reasons are convoluted and can span multiple areas of interest.
Shepard was killed because of drugs, yes, and for being gay. I have read enough about it to know meth was involved and they wanted to rob him. He was killed the way he was and left because he was gay. McKinnery was an angry man who hated is own desires because of the backlash it could attract. For one, he probably knew Shepard. He wanted his money for drugs, they beat him to death in a horrible manner because he was gay.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Author Stephen Jimenez, who is himself gay, details that Shepard was a meth dealer murdered by a part-time lover and fellow dealer, not an anti-gay, hate-filled stranger.

So, according to you he was murdered for money to buy drugs, but was murdered because he was gay...interesting.

And according to you the author being gay proves something. ;)
He was probably murdered for both reasons. He was beaten in that manner and tied to a post because he was gay. It doesn't take a genius to realize this. It was just over drugs they would have shot him or beat him up and left him on the side of the road.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Not at all. <Liar, you are doing(on purpose) EXACTLY WHAT I SAID YOU are doing> I'm saying that the rules have changed. <Liar> they have not changed it's still not legal to get a marriage license and have it recognized by this country. Two consenting adults is okay. <Liar> It's not just consent there has to be a legal basis for consent. Doesn't matter if they are incestuous, homosexual, polygamous, etc. <Liar> it's a matter of law that it does matter. If you want to say in your opinion learn to say, "in my opinion." As long as they are consenting adults, we should have no problem with it. <Liar> again they have to be able to provide consent, consent is not permission to break the law. How can gay sex be moral and incest be immoral? Because two gay folk are both consenting adults and the act of incest obviates consent. Again, a 5year old can't consent to sex any more than a child of a parent can to have sex with the parent, it's against the damn law. the Bible actually speaks out against homosexuals, but Lot slept with is daughters. <Liar>there was one ancient jewish law against gays, right next to the one about eating pork. Lot was asleep and you missed the whole point about it being wrong. You are just making shit up. Seems to me, if one is now legal and there is nothing wrong with it, the other should also be legal and nothing wrong with it, as long as they are adults. Again your argument amounts to if two people can have sex then rape, murder and all other manner of evils in the world should be legal.

AND FYI, I'm all in favor now of gay marriage although until recently I was on the fence. I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing for society but I've since been convinced, what the heck? It doesn't hurt anybody. Besides, now that it's legal for them to marry, at least in my state, maybe they'll quit being so darn public about it. And FYI, I'm against heterosexuals marching 1/2 naked or naked in the streets and french kissing in public also.

Gay rights have noting to do with marching naked in the streets. You need to find some other group to spit on.

You sir, are an ass. I have not lied once. When I grew up, my neighbors across the street had a severally disabled child. When they went in to get tested, the doctors said their genes were so close they could be brother and sister. Here's the kicker, they were both adopted, closed adoptions, very probable they were brother and sister. Why in hell should you get to say whether they can stay married or not?

When is the last time you saw a gay pride parade that didn't include semi nudity and obscene conduct? Yeah, they gays I know all stay away from them.

Gay marriage is legal in several states and it's becoming legal in more and more. As long as they are consenting adults, who the heck cares? This should apply to all consenting adults. And I never mentioned murder, animal sex, etc. I've been very clear that it must be CONSENTING ADULTS!!!!

BTW, don't bother answering this one, you're getting put on ignore. Yeah, I like having the last word and as I said, you're an ass.

Typical of biggots to be cowards and liars.
Actually, one study I read said that the majority of gay men have very aggressive mothers. Lends credence to the nurture vs nature argument, but really, who cares?

Excellent point.

Clinical research shows that there is a tendency toward alcoholism in some people. Certain people appear to be born with addictive personalities. So using the "logic" of the anti-culture, we must hold alcoholism equal to sobriety. If a man comes into work drunk, he cannot be fired, he was born that way, it's an orientation. Any who would criticize will face the reeducation camps for "sensitivity training."
Correct its not any different from a boy being molested then being abused as a consenting adult. Problem with your theory is that almost every gay person I know has told me they knew they were gay and had not been abused.

The interesting thing is to ask them how old they were when they first had sex.

Bet 7 or 8 is the answer you get most.

18 here. At what age do you breeders first have sex?
What are my leftist talking points?

Don't you read your own posts?

I guess I can't blame you, they aren't really worth reading...

And I actually cite all the time. You just ignore it, because it doesn't go along with what you believe my view points are. Take yesterday for example. You claimed I got my numbers from a hate cite, when I clearly cited the FBI website.

So how about you tell me what my leftist talking points are. This will be fun. You haven't been right once when you claimed I had a certain opinion, so I can't wait to hear what you come up with.

I only go by what you post here. Your posts are generally a mixture of Truthmatters and Rdean. :dunno:

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