Faither/Daughter prosecuted for having sex

The difference is Uncenosored assumes quite a bit about many subjects.

And I won't apologize for assuming things about a man WHO HAS SEX WITH HIS DAUGHTER.

And I am glad the authorities aren't staying out of this man's bedroom. It needs to be investigated.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

So, you're not actually against assuming, just against some nebulous quantity of assuming.

Unless it affects you, what's done in the privacy of another's bedroom is NONE of your business.

It's not my business, but when a man has sex with his daughter it is the authorities business.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Media Matters, ThinkProgress, DailyKOS....

Luissa gets her information from sources that NEVER question dogma.

I do have to admit she seems a bit closed minded.

Closed minded to men who have sex with their daughters, yes.
Do I read or get my info from KOS, Thinkprogress, or Media Matters? No I do not.
I have also asked Uncensored to cite a post where I have ever linked any of those sites, because he keeps claiming I read them and cite them but he still hasn't proven I have and do read them.
And I am completely fine with being closed minded to a man who has sex with his own child.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Just as the racist is completely fine with being closed minded about other races.

Just as the homophobe is completely fine with being closed minded about Gays.

Really not a badge of honor to be closed minded.
The difference is Uncenosored assumes quite a bit about many subjects.

And I won't apologize for assuming things about a man WHO HAS SEX WITH HIS DAUGHTER.

And I am glad the authorities aren't staying out of this man's bedroom. It needs to be investigated.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

So, you're not actually against assuming, just against some nebulous quantity of assuming.

Unless it affects you, what's done in the privacy of another's bedroom is NONE of your business.

It's not my business, but when a man has sex with his daughter it is the authorities business.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

If the daughter is a minor, I agree. But, if both are of the age of consent, it's none of your business, no matter how hysterical your allegations about what you are "sure: had to have happened.
Closed minded to men who have sex with their daughters, yes.
Do I read or get my info from KOS, Thinkprogress, or Media Matters? No I do not.
I have also asked Uncensored to cite a post where I have ever linked any of those sites, because he keeps claiming I read them and cite them but he still hasn't proven I have and do read them.
And I am completely fine with being closed minded to a man who has sex with his own child.

Come to think of it, I don't recally you ever linking or citing anything...

Generally, you just post really stupid leftist talking points....
Most of my gay friends' mothers knew they were gay when they were children. I figured my friend's brother was gay from the time he was about 8. He came out in high school.
That's a bunch of crap. Most of your gay friends mothers probably turned their little boys into girls by demeaning every male aspect and demanding they act like little girls instead. That's why it ends up a higher percent of gay males have father issues. I've seen women treat their sons like that and think "well, here's another future gay in the making".
Because he is probably a normal male who surfs internet porn. You should probably stimulate your prostate more, maybe it will improve your ignorance. Lol

Is that why you keep your head shoved up your ass, to stimulate your prostate? :eek:

Well, there you go. Opposing internet pedophile porn is what causes child molestation....


Holy fuck but you're stupid - I mean seriously...

There is a reason mothers are told to let their male babies explore themselves and not over react.

And men had sex with other men back when we had so called values, and they cheated on their wives. The difference now, is they don't have to hide it and women can divorce them.

Personally, I like a world where you don't have to hide who you are.

And here we go, another leftist who can only deal with questioning of dogma by screaming "queer" at those who fail to abide 100% by the party line. I know, it is the most serious accusation you can make against another, I get it. You're not the first leftist fool I've dealt with.

Did I saying opposing child porn, liar?
I also have a child, that proves I do not have a prostate, moron.
No, you are the ignorant fucking asshole. I said porn, that translate to child porn to you? I should report it to mods for even suggesting it, but I won't. You aren't worth it.
You are a piece of shit laid who has no concept of reality. All you can do is claim homosexuals were all molested so you can continue to hate them. You are a pile of shit.
You hating sex explains a lot though. I am guessing you hate women too.

In Europe there isn't such a stigma on sex, nudity, and porn among adults, and most European countries do not have the molestation rates we do. I wonder why? Could it be that adults don't have to feel guilty about having and wanting sex?
You pushing your values on others is what is wrong, not homosexuals or adult porn.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

But you wouldn't attack someone's IQ. FYI, men can have children, they just don't go through labor to get them. My husband and I have 2 children. He has a prostate, strangely enough.
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Apparently, Matthew Shepard was murdered over meth, not being gay.

Matthew Shepard Not Killed for Being Gay, Writes Gay Author

Sure he was.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Your proof?

Shepard was killed because of drugs, yes, and for being gay. I have read enough about it to know meth was involved and they wanted to rob him. He was killed the way he was and left because he was gay. McKinnery was an angry man who hated is own desires because of the backlash it could attract. For one, he probably knew Shepard. He wanted his money for drugs, they beat him to death in a horrible manner because he was gay.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Only one guy I know said he was molested. The others were 16 and up.

That was my point, they say they weren't molested, but I question that....

Bet 7 or 8 is the answer you get most..

No....your point was that they were molested at an early age. Only one of the people I know admitted to being molested and that was by his female babysitter.

I don't know that many homosexuals, at least if I do, I don't know they are homosexual and I don't care. However, the one I do know well enough to discuss this with claims he was abused, by his fellow classmates in elementary school.
Is that why you keep your head shoved up your ass, to stimulate your prostate? :eek:

Well, there you go. Opposing internet pedophile porn is what causes child molestation....


Holy fuck but you're stupid - I mean seriously...

And here we go, another leftist who can only deal with questioning of dogma by screaming "queer" at those who fail to abide 100% by the party line. I know, it is the most serious accusation you can make against another, I get it. You're not the first leftist fool I've dealt with.

Did I saying opposing child porn, liar?


I also have a child, that proves I do not have a prostate, moron.

No, you are the ignorant fucking asshole. I said porn, that translate to child porn to you? I should report it to mods for even suggesting it, but I won't. You aren't worth it.

You are a piece of shit laid who has no concept of reality. All you can do is claim homosexuals were all molested so you can continue to hate them. You are a pile of shit.

You hating sex explains a lot though. I am guessing you hate women too.

In Europe there isn't such a stigma on sex, nudity, and porn among adults, and most European countries do not have the molestation rates we do. I wonder why? Could it be that adults don't have to feel guilty about having and wanting sex?

You pushing your values on others is what is wrong, not homosexuals or adult porn.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

But you wouldn't attach someone's IQ. FYI, men can have children, they just don't go through labor to get them. My husband and I have 2 children. He has a prostate, strangely enough.

He knows I am a woman, he has made comments about me being a free loading single mom. ;)
If you don't know what is going on, don't comment.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
That was my point, they say they weren't molested, but I question that....

Bet 7 or 8 is the answer you get most..

No....your point was that they were molested at an early age. Only one of the people I know admitted to being molested and that was by his female babysitter.

I don't know that many homosexuals, at least if I do, I don't know they are homosexual and I don't care. However, the one I do know well enough to discuss this with claims he was abused, by his fellow classmates in elementary school.

And how many straight females do you know who were molested?

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Most of my gay friends' mothers knew they were gay when they were children. I figured my friend's brother was gay from the time he was about 8. He came out in high school.
That's a bunch of crap. Most of your gay friends mothers probably turned their little boys into girls by demeaning every male aspect and demanding they act like little girls instead. That's why it ends up a higher percent of gay males have father issues. I've seen women treat their sons like that and think "well, here's another future gay in the making".

My one friends mother is Mormon, knew he was gay, and still didn't accept it. I said they knew, nothing else.
My other friend played hockey, worked on cars, and his father is a republican and a retired Police officer. His mom also knew.
Women don't make their son's gay. You are an idiot.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
No....your point was that they were molested at an early age. Only one of the people I know admitted to being molested and that was by his female babysitter.

This isn't a subject that I've talked to a lot of homosexuals about; I don't spend time with many. But two that I happened to be close with, both admitted to very early sexual encounters. I suspect this is one of those root cause things.

I'm a very inquisitive person. When faced with something I dont understand i ask lots of questions prefaced by asking permission to ask said questions. I've worked with a lot of gay males. Some you would never know unless they told you. Most of them were extremely well adjusted from all appearances. I seriously doubt that being molested is the reason most people are gay. Too much in my experience that points to it being something they are born with. I have a friend who has a cousin we all knew was gay before we even went to school. At the time we didnt know what gay was but we sensed he was different.

We all assumed my cousins best friend when she was growing up was gay. Turns out, he's not. He acted and sounded so much like Richard Simons....except he was much better looking.
Most of my gay friends' mothers knew they were gay when they were children. I figured my friend's brother was gay from the time he was about 8. He came out in high school.
That's a bunch of crap. Most of your gay friends mothers probably turned their little boys into girls by demeaning every male aspect and demanding they act like little girls instead. That's why it ends up a higher percent of gay males have father issues. I've seen women treat their sons like that and think "well, here's another future gay in the making".

My one friends mother is Mormon, knew he was gay, and still didn't accept it. I said they knew, nothing else.
My other friend played hockey, worked on cars, and his father is a republican and a retired Police officer. His mom also knew.
Women don't make their son's gay. You are an idiot.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Actually, one study I read said that the majority of gay men have very aggressive mothers. Lends credence to the nurture vs nature argument, but really, who cares?
Closed minded to men who have sex with their daughters, yes.

Do I read or get my info from KOS, Thinkprogress, or Media Matters? No I do not.

I have also asked Uncensored to cite a post where I have ever linked any of those sites, because he keeps claiming I read them and cite them but he still hasn't proven I have and do read them.

And I am completely fine with being closed minded to a man who has sex with his own child.

Come to think of it, I don't recally you ever linking or citing anything...

Generally, you just post really stupid leftist talking points....

What are my leftist talking points?

And I actually cite all the time. You just ignore it, because it doesn't go along with what you believe my view points are. Take yesterday for example. You claimed I got my numbers from a hate cite, when I clearly cited the FBI website.

So how about you tell me what my leftist talking points are. This will be fun. You haven't been right once when you claimed I had a certain opinion, so I can't wait to hear what you come up with.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
That's a bunch of crap. Most of your gay friends mothers probably turned their little boys into girls by demeaning every male aspect and demanding they act like little girls instead. That's why it ends up a higher percent of gay males have father issues. I've seen women treat their sons like that and think "well, here's another future gay in the making".

My one friends mother is Mormon, knew he was gay, and still didn't accept it. I said they knew, nothing else.

My other friend played hockey, worked on cars, and his father is a republican and a retired Police officer. His mom also knew.

Women don't make their son's gay. You are an idiot.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Actually, one study I read said that the majority of gay men have very aggressive mothers. Lends credence to the nurture vs nature argument, but really, who cares?


Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Closed minded to men who have sex with their daughters, yes.

Do I read or get my info from KOS, Thinkprogress, or Media Matters? No I do not.

I have also asked Uncensored to cite a post where I have ever linked any of those sites, because he keeps claiming I read them and cite them but he still hasn't proven I have and do read them.

And I am completely fine with being closed minded to a man who has sex with his own child.

Come to think of it, I don't recally you ever linking or citing anything...

Generally, you just post really stupid leftist talking points....

What are my leftist talking points?

And I actually cite all the time. You just ignore it, because it doesn't go along with what you believe my view points are. Take yesterday for example. You claimed I got my numbers from a hate cite, when I clearly cited the FBI website.

So how about you tell me what my leftist talking points are. This will be fun. You haven't been right once when you claimed I had a certain opinion, so I can't wait to hear what you come up with.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

She cited a 98% statistic that fathers who have sex with their daughters start when they are children...but she made it up!
That was my point, they say they weren't molested, but I question that....

Bet 7 or 8 is the answer you get most..

No....your point was that they were molested at an early age. Only one of the people I know admitted to being molested and that was by his female babysitter.

I don't know that many homosexuals, at least if I do, I don't know they are homosexual and I don't care. However, the one I do know well enough to discuss this with claims he was abused, by his fellow classmates in elementary school.

I know way more women that were abused by male adults that are still heterosexual. Some are royally screwed up and promiscuous but not gay. I just don't see molestation as a significant factor (if at all) in changing your sexual preference.
No....your point was that they were molested at an early age. Only one of the people I know admitted to being molested and that was by his female babysitter.

I don't know that many homosexuals, at least if I do, I don't know they are homosexual and I don't care. However, the one I do know well enough to discuss this with claims he was abused, by his fellow classmates in elementary school.

I know way more women that were abused by male adults that are still heterosexual. Some are royally screwed up and promiscuous but not gay. I just don't see molestation as a significant factor (if at all) in changing your sexual preference.

I don't know enough about it to really say, but I wouldn't mind reading some reports on the subject.
Come to think of it, I don't recally you ever linking or citing anything...

Generally, you just post really stupid leftist talking points....

What are my leftist talking points?

And I actually cite all the time. You just ignore it, because it doesn't go along with what you believe my view points are. Take yesterday for example. You claimed I got my numbers from a hate cite, when I clearly cited the FBI website.

So how about you tell me what my leftist talking points are. This will be fun. You haven't been right once when you claimed I had a certain opinion, so I can't wait to hear what you come up with.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

She cited a 98% statistic that fathers who have sex with their daughters start when they are children...but she made it up!

I didn't cite it, and I never claimed I didn't make it up. You missed my point, that is all. Any normal person would have realized the point I was making.
It is actually probably 99.5%, but I was giving room for error.
But I will look it up for you. I mean, more than .5% of females could have sex with their fathers because they are normal well adjusted people. Lol
(Not really, but I will humor you)

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
What are my leftist talking points?

And I actually cite all the time. You just ignore it, because it doesn't go along with what you believe my view points are. Take yesterday for example. You claimed I got my numbers from a hate cite, when I clearly cited the FBI website.

So how about you tell me what my leftist talking points are. This will be fun. You haven't been right once when you claimed I had a certain opinion, so I can't wait to hear what you come up with.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

She cited a 98% statistic that fathers who have sex with their daughters start when they are children...but she made it up!

I didn't cite it, and I never claimed I didn't make it up. You missed my point, that is all. Any normal person would have realized the point I was making.
It is actually probably 99.5%, but I was giving room for error.
But I will look it up for you. I mean, more than .5% of females could have sex with their fathers because they are normal well adjusted people. Lol
(Not really, but I will humor you)

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

You've already lost all credibility. Why do you keep trying?

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