Faither/Daughter prosecuted for having sex

What are my leftist talking points?

Don't you read your own posts?

I guess I can't blame you, they aren't really worth reading...

And I actually cite all the time. You just ignore it, because it doesn't go along with what you believe my view points are. Take yesterday for example. You claimed I got my numbers from a hate cite, when I clearly cited the FBI website.

So how about you tell me what my leftist talking points are. This will be fun. You haven't been right once when you claimed I had a certain opinion, so I can't wait to hear what you come up with.

I only go by what you post here. Your posts are generally a mixture of Truthmatters and Rdean. :dunno:

What are my leftist talking points?
I will ask again, especially since I don't agree with either of them on a lot of things. So I will be waiting, until then I will assume you have no clue.

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And you never go by what I post. :lol:
You never have, you go on what you assume I believe. You haven't been right once. So no way you are going off of what I was post, but nice lie. Lol

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What are my leftist talking points?
I will ask again, especially since I don't agree with either of them on a lot of things. So I will be waiting, until then I will assume you have no clue.

In this case, that homosexuality is equal to normal relationships because it's between consenting adults. and that incest between consenting adults is really wrong because pub hater dupes are judgmental....

What are my leftist talking points?

I will ask again, especially since I don't agree with either of them on a lot of things. So I will be waiting, until then I will assume you have no clue.

In this case, that homosexuality is equal to normal relationships because it's between consenting adults. and that incest between consenting adults is really wrong because pub hater dupes are judgmental....


I have said many times I have no problem with cousins marrying.
But like many right wingers in this thread I don't agree with a man having sex with his child. I had no clue that was a leftist view.
Nice try, moron.
You wanna try again?

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if he fucked his daughter he's a child molester to

castrate the bastard
At what point is she no longer a child? 40?

Please explain at what age you think the offspring of a parent (child) should be allowed to become the sexual partner of the parent. The offspring of a parent will always be the child of the parent. The parent to child relationship is not broken by age. You honestly think that the fact that a child has grown up to become an adult somehow changes the fact the that adult is an offspring of a parent?
Perhaps Honey Maid will make another one of those commercials calling it "wholesome"?
Shepard was killed because of drugs, yes, and for being gay. I have read enough about it to know meth was involved and they wanted to rob him. He was killed the way he was and left because he was gay. McKinnery was an angry man who hated is own desires because of the backlash it could attract. For one, he probably knew Shepard. He wanted his money for drugs, they beat him to death in a horrible manner because he was gay.

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Author Stephen Jimenez, who is himself gay, details that Shepard was a meth dealer murdered by a part-time lover and fellow dealer, not an anti-gay, hate-filled stranger.

So, according to you he was murdered for money to buy drugs, but was murdered because he was gay...interesting.

And according to you the author being gay proves something. ;)
He was probably murdered for both reasons. He was beaten in that manner and tied to a post because he was gay. It doesn't take a genius to realize this. It was just over drugs they would have shot him or beat him up and left him on the side of the road.

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And according to me, I quoted the whole paragraph from the article, and put no significance on whether he was gay or not. It was the author who pointed out that he, himself, is gay.

So, to summarize, Stephen Jimenez researched and wrote an article based on his research. You have your prejudices and beliefs. You believe you're credible.

Thanks for playing.
18 here. At what age do you breeders first have sex?

15 for me.

And thank you for removing your genes from the pool; the species is stronger for it.

Homosexuality: Natures little way of saying you're too fucked up to continue your genes....

I was 23, and I have two children. I waited for the right guy and I'm not sorry. I know lot's who are sorry they didn't wait.
I was 23, and I have two children. I waited for the right guy and I'm not sorry. I know lot's who are sorry they didn't wait.

I'll admit that I'm not sorry I had sex at 15.

I'm sorry I married my first wife and had children with her. I mean, I love my children, but she was pretty bad - worse to them than I realized. I married at 22, and that was too young.
I was 23, and I have two children. I waited for the right guy and I'm not sorry. I know lot's who are sorry they didn't wait.

I'll admit that I'm not sorry I had sex at 15.

I'm sorry I married my first wife and had children with her. I mean, I love my children, but she was pretty bad - worse to them than I realized. I married at 22, and that was too young.

I don't think age has as much to do with it as you think. My sister was 19 when she married her husband, he was 20 or 21, and they've been married about 42 years now. They have 4 beautiful grandchildren.

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