'Fake WooWoo' Warren in Jeopardy of Being Kicked off the Massachusetts 'Reservation' in 2018?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
More Massachusetts voters think itā€™s time to ā€˜give someone else a chanceā€™ at Elizabeth Warrenā€™s seat

"More Massachusetts voters think itā€™s time someone else took a stab at Sen. Elizabeth Warrenā€™s (D-Mass.) job, according to a recent WBUR-FM poll.

While the poll found that 51 percent of Massachusetts voters view Warren favorably, 46 percent said voters should ā€œgive someone else a chanceā€ at the office next term. Forty-four percent of voters thought Warren ā€œdeserves reelection.ā€

ā€œNo oneā€™s going to look at a 44 percent reelect number and think that thatā€™s a good number,ā€ Steve Koczela, president of the MassINC Polling Group, which conducted the WBUR survey, said. ā€œNo oneā€™s going to look at it being close to even between ā€˜reelectā€™ and ā€˜give someone else a chanceā€™ and think that thatā€™s reassuring.ā€
More Massachusetts voters think itā€™s time to ā€˜give someone else a chanceā€™ at Elizabeth Warrenā€™s seat

"More Massachusetts voters think itā€™s time someone else took a stab at Sen. Elizabeth Warrenā€™s (D-Mass.) job, according to a recent WBUR-FM poll.

While the poll found that 51 percent of Massachusetts voters view Warren favorably, 46 percent said voters should ā€œgive someone else a chanceā€ at the office next term. Forty-four percent of voters thought Warren ā€œdeserves reelection.ā€

ā€œNo oneā€™s going to look at a 44 percent reelect number and think that thatā€™s a good number,ā€ Steve Koczela, president of the MassINC Polling Group, which conducted the WBUR survey, said. ā€œNo oneā€™s going to look at it being close to even between ā€˜reelectā€™ and ā€˜give someone else a chanceā€™ and think that thatā€™s reassuring.ā€

Since you people have rejected polling entirely, you look stupid posting a poll.
Since you people have rejected polling entirely, you look stupid posting a poll.
Since when did you start speaking for all people, NYC?

Actually, since when did you start speaking for anyone except yourself? :p
Liz will win easily . Kooky curt shilling says he's gonna run against her ! Lol! That'd be hilarious.
Liz will win easily . Kooky curt shilling says he's gonna run against her ! Lol! That'd be hilarious.
Schilling actually accomplished something and was / is someone. Warren has accomplished next to nothing and just CLAIMS to be something / someone. :p
Liz will win easily . Kooky curt shilling says he's gonna run against her ! Lol! That'd be hilarious.
Schilling actually accomplished something and was / is someone. Warren has accomplished next to nothing and just CLAIMS to be something / someone. :p

If someone on the right pulled what Fauxahonatas did the left would lose their minds
Every once in awhile Massoftwoshits has a lucid moment

Massachusetts is the source of most of our problems. It produced the Loons and Pinheads and Control Freaks.


They landed on Plymouth and immediately declared themselves The Elect of God...sort of like when the Jews declared themselves God's Chosen People. Caused a shit-load of trouble...and so it was with the Assholes in Massachusetts.

They came for Religious Freedom and in pursuit of Liberty. But, it wasn't long before they were hanging women in Boston Commons for being Quakers instead of Puritans (google Mary Dyer) and burning teen-age girls for behaving strangely...Duh!

As for Liberty, they were the ones who got the Sedition Laws passed, under Adams from Massachusetts, and commenced putting people in jail for criticizing his government. Its a main reason Jefferson ran against him and beat his ass...and pardoned every one in jail for being politically incorrect. Yes, that happened in America when these fuckers were in control.

They were deeply religious, but they copulated vigorously and had about 10 kids per couple and spread out all over New England and New York...and fucked them up...then spread out toward the West and founded cities like Cleveland, Detroit, and Chicago and, of course, they are all fucked up.

They being the Elect of God, they knew what was best for us and have been telling us heathens and rustics what to do for centuries now. We didn't listen much, so they conceived a love for Control....they no longer know the Lord, but they have not lost their love of Control.

It would be nice to see Pocahontas get the boot, but she's a raving Loon...perfect for Massachusetts.

I don't look for her to get beat, and if she does, it will only be by another Loon who is not happy unless they are telling Heartland Americans how to live.

Liz will win easily . Kooky curt shilling says he's gonna run against her ! Lol! That'd be hilarious.
Schilling actually accomplished something and was / is someone. Warren has accomplished next to nothing and just CLAIMS to be something / someone. :p

All he accomplished was to steal millions of Rhode Island tax dollars when his stupid company moved there and then went belly up .

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