Fallout From Trump's Expertise in Foreign Affairs

Did The Kurds Make a Grave Error in Ever Trusting America?

  • yes

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • no

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • disgusted

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters


VIP Member
Jun 7, 2018
... ... ...
Sad and a sign of how the world views America under Trump. After the Bush/Cheney actions it took Obama a few years to get the world to trust and respect America, and now Trump in his hatred of all things Obama ...

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syria’s most powerful Kurdish militia has called on President Bashar al-Assad’s government to send forces to protect it against an attack by Turkey, the first sign of shifting political alliances in eastern Syria since President Trump announced that he would withdraw American troops.

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection
No one should ever invest in something regarding America that might be stretching over an American election, not if it’s really important to them.

The answer: yes.
Last edited:
Sad and a sign of how the world views America under Trump. After the Bush/Cheney actions it took Obama a few years to get the world to trust and respect America, and now Trump in his hatred of all things Obama ...

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syria’s most powerful Kurdish militia has called on President Bashar al-Assad’s government to send forces to protect it against an attack by Turkey, the first sign of shifting political alliances in eastern Syria since President Trump announced that he would withdraw American troops.

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection

Give me a break. It's proper that the troops leave Syria to the Syrians.
Hail to Assad.

Absolutely.I find it positively shocking that so many feel the US troops should stay in Syria indefinitely. "Occupy Syria" was never going to happen. And of course Assad will protect the Kurds. They are Syrian citizens.

"The Syrian army said in a statement it would guarantee “full security for all Syrian citizens and others present in the area”

Syrian troops mass at edge of Kurdish town threatened by Turkey
It´s not the first time the SAA is protecting Manbij from Turkish threats - but the Kurdish policy is not, let´s say, consistent. They can be lucky the government does not show them the back.
Good, let the Syrians help the Kurds. Why the fuck should we do everything?

The Trump Presidency is looking better than I could had imagined.
Sad and a sign of how the world views America under Trump. After the Bush/Cheney actions it took Obama a few years to get the world to trust and respect America, and now Trump in his hatred of all things Obama ...

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syria’s most powerful Kurdish militia has called on President Bashar al-Assad’s government to send forces to protect it against an attack by Turkey, the first sign of shifting political alliances in eastern Syria since President Trump announced that he would withdraw American troops.

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection

Give me a break. It's proper that the troops leave Syria to the Syrians.
Trump´s intention has nothing to do with that, however.
Assad has always protected his Kurdish population.
Assad has always protected the Christians too. It was quite a surprise when shitstain obama wanted to overthrow the Assad government .

We were never, ever, ever going to protect the Kurds from Turkey. To Turkey, the Kurds are terrorists. They act just like terrorists. Turkey is a NATO partner.
Sad and a sign of how the world views America under Trump. After the Bush/Cheney actions it took Obama a few years to get the world to trust and respect America, and now Trump in his hatred of all things Obama ...

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syria’s most powerful Kurdish militia has called on President Bashar al-Assad’s government to send forces to protect it against an attack by Turkey, the first sign of shifting political alliances in eastern Syria since President Trump announced that he would withdraw American troops.

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection

Give me a break. It's proper that the troops leave Syria to the Syrians.
Trump´s intention has nothing to do with that, however.

I believe he wants the troops out of Syria so that under no circumstance could they be caught in a crossfire between Turkey and Syria. Assad knows damn well that Erdogan was backing terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels to overthrow him. Assad knows damn well the stunt Erdogan has pulled to attack not only Syrian Kurds but Iraqi Kurds as well.

This is going to get interesting.
Assad has always protected his Kurdish population.
Assad has always protected the Christians too. It was quite a surprise when shitstain obama wanted to overthrow the Assad government .

We were never, ever, ever going to protect the Kurds from Turkey. To Turkey, the Kurds are terrorists. They act just like terrorists. Turkey is a NATO partner.

One thing no one counted on was the loyalty of Assad's military. His Generals are Sunni, Shiite and Christian and they stayed with him thru thick and thin. Assad never was a brutal dictator as claimed. Arab Spring was complete bullshit
Sad and a sign of how the world views America under Trump. After the Bush/Cheney actions it took Obama a few years to get the world to trust and respect America, and now Trump in his hatred of all things Obama ...

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syria’s most powerful Kurdish militia has called on President Bashar al-Assad’s government to send forces to protect it against an attack by Turkey, the first sign of shifting political alliances in eastern Syria since President Trump announced that he would withdraw American troops.

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection

Give me a break. It's proper that the troops leave Syria to the Syrians.
Trump´s intention has nothing to do with that, however.

I believe he wants the troops out of Syria so that under no circumstance could they be caught in a crossfire between Turkey and Syria. Assad knows damn well that Erdogan was backing terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels to overthrow him. Assad knows damn well the stunt Erdogan has pulled to attack not only Syrian Kurds but Iraqi Kurds as well.

This is going to get interesting.
Trump is openly crawling into Erdogan´s ass. He is also delivering Gülen. If he succeeds, this decampment could be the starting shot for a new escalation. But Erdogan just promised Putin that the Americans will not inspect Turkish S-400.
Sad and a sign of how the world views America under Trump. After the Bush/Cheney actions it took Obama a few years to get the world to trust and respect America, and now Trump in his hatred of all things Obama ...

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syria’s most powerful Kurdish militia has called on President Bashar al-Assad’s government to send forces to protect it against an attack by Turkey, the first sign of shifting political alliances in eastern Syria since President Trump announced that he would withdraw American troops.

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection
Whine, Get a Check. Whine, Get a Check.

Just like the South Vietnamese, who should bear the whole responsibility for losing the Vietnam War to the Communists, the Kurds have been an unreliable and incompetent ally and should be left to fight their own battles instead of freeloading off our blood and treasure.
Hail to Assad.

Absolutely.I find it positively shocking that so many feel the US troops should stay in Syria indefinitely. "Occupy Syria" was never going to happen. And of course Assad will protect the Kurds. They are Syrian citizens.

"The Syrian army said in a statement it would guarantee “full security for all Syrian citizens and others present in the area”

Syrian troops mass at edge of Kurdish town threatened by Turkey
In a Fair Fight With No Airpower, They Cut and Ran From ISIS

Like the Mayan migrants, the Kurds are aggressive fanatics set up at the border in order to invade Turkey, which could be a valuable ally if our busybody interventionists would quit asserting their pompous moral superiority over nations trying to protect their own borders.
Sad and a sign of how the world views America under Trump. After the Bush/Cheney actions it took Obama a few years to get the world to trust and respect America, and now Trump in his hatred of all things Obama ...

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syria’s most powerful Kurdish militia has called on President Bashar al-Assad’s government to send forces to protect it against an attack by Turkey, the first sign of shifting political alliances in eastern Syria since President Trump announced that he would withdraw American troops.

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection
World needs to wipe its own ass.
Sad and a sign of how the world views America under Trump. After the Bush/Cheney actions it took Obama a few years to get the world to trust and respect America, and now Trump in his hatred of all things Obama ...

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syria’s most powerful Kurdish militia has called on President Bashar al-Assad’s government to send forces to protect it against an attack by Turkey, the first sign of shifting political alliances in eastern Syria since President Trump announced that he would withdraw American troops.

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection
World needs to wipe its own ass.
Thanks to Trump the US military is now the largest merc squad on earth. Does he release price lists or something?

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