False Flag Event Just Like I Said.......

dale smith said:
OMG! A news site that posted something the state controlled media didn't report! Because if it didn't come from the state controlled media, it didn't happen. ...
I see. Alex Jones and Matt Drudge are part of the "state controlled media", then? o_O

Don't get me wrong; I've heard of 'controlled opposition', ... but Alex Jones?! :laugh:

dale smith said:
...The eye witness accounts that claim there was more than one shooter substantiates this claim and then you add the crisis actors and thefaked injured it all points to this being just another psy-op. ...
Listen, I haven't bought into a single 'official narrative' since my eyes were opened to the truth regarding 9/11.

However, I think we have to be careful not to get caught up in an internet sleuthing game that's been compromised from the start by both innocent misinformation and purposeful disinformation. Frankly, that's a game we can't win.

The best we can do is urge others not to unwittingly play the role intended for them by the architects of these problem, reaction, solution-type events. That is, within our immediate spheres of influence, we should try to shape the public "reaction" in such a way that it runs contrary to the "solution(s)" the architects have apparently been going for.

Look at the bulk of the responses you've gotten here, not only in this particular thread but during the entirety of your time on this board, and ask yourself: is what I'm doing helping or harming the cause (whatever that word might mean to you)?

You two....

A song dedicated to the conspiracy folks:

So, I take it that you believe the Warren Commission's findings on JFK, correct?
Seems the only people with any thing intelligent to say around here are not gov. paid.
dale smith said:
OMG! A news site that posted something the state controlled media didn't report! Because if it didn't come from the state controlled media, it didn't happen. ...
I see. Alex Jones and Matt Drudge are part of the "state controlled media", then? o_O

Don't get me wrong; I've heard of 'controlled opposition', ... but Alex Jones?! :laugh:

dale smith said:
...The eye witness accounts that claim there was more than one shooter substantiates this claim and then you add the crisis actors and thefaked injured it all points to this being just another psy-op. ...
Listen, I haven't bought into a single 'official narrative' since my eyes were opened to the truth regarding 9/11.

However, I think we have to be careful not to get caught up in an internet sleuthing game that's been compromised from the start by both innocent misinformation and purposeful disinformation. Frankly, that's a game we can't win.

The best we can do is urge others not to unwittingly play the role intended for them by the architects of these problem, reaction, solution-type events. That is, within our immediate spheres of influence, we should try to shape the public "reaction" in such a way that it runs contrary to the "solution(s)" the architects have apparently been going for.

Look at the bulk of the responses you've gotten here, not only in this particular thread but during the entirety of your time on this board, and ask yourself: is what I'm doing helping or harming the cause (whatever that word might mean to you)?

You two....

A song dedicated to the conspiracy folks:

So, I take it that you believe the Warren Commission's findings on JFK, correct?

What specific findings are you talking about? They issued opinions/conclusions on a lot of things.
dale smith said:
OMG! A news site that posted something the state controlled media didn't report! Because if it didn't come from the state controlled media, it didn't happen. ...
I see. Alex Jones and Matt Drudge are part of the "state controlled media", then? o_O

Don't get me wrong; I've heard of 'controlled opposition', ... but Alex Jones?! :laugh:

dale smith said:
...The eye witness accounts that claim there was more than one shooter substantiates this claim and then you add the crisis actors and thefaked injured it all points to this being just another psy-op. ...
Listen, I haven't bought into a single 'official narrative' since my eyes were opened to the truth regarding 9/11.

However, I think we have to be careful not to get caught up in an internet sleuthing game that's been compromised from the start by both innocent misinformation and purposeful disinformation. Frankly, that's a game we can't win.

The best we can do is urge others not to unwittingly play the role intended for them by the architects of these problem, reaction, solution-type events. That is, within our immediate spheres of influence, we should try to shape the public "reaction" in such a way that it runs contrary to the "solution(s)" the architects have apparently been going for.

Look at the bulk of the responses you've gotten here, not only in this particular thread but during the entirety of your time on this board, and ask yourself: is what I'm doing helping or harming the cause (whatever that word might mean to you)?

You two....

A song dedicated to the conspiracy folks:

So, I take it that you believe the Warren Commission's findings on JFK, correct?

What specific findings are you talking about? They issued opinions/conclusions on a lot of things.

You buy the magic bullet theory....yes or no? This is very simple....either you believe your "gubermnt" never lies or that they do........which is it?
dale smith said:
OMG! A news site that posted something the state controlled media didn't report! Because if it didn't come from the state controlled media, it didn't happen. ...
I see. Alex Jones and Matt Drudge are part of the "state controlled media", then? o_O

Don't get me wrong; I've heard of 'controlled opposition', ... but Alex Jones?! :laugh:

dale smith said:
...The eye witness accounts that claim there was more than one shooter substantiates this claim and then you add the crisis actors and thefaked injured it all points to this being just another psy-op. ...
Listen, I haven't bought into a single 'official narrative' since my eyes were opened to the truth regarding 9/11.

However, I think we have to be careful not to get caught up in an internet sleuthing game that's been compromised from the start by both innocent misinformation and purposeful disinformation. Frankly, that's a game we can't win.

The best we can do is urge others not to unwittingly play the role intended for them by the architects of these problem, reaction, solution-type events. That is, within our immediate spheres of influence, we should try to shape the public "reaction" in such a way that it runs contrary to the "solution(s)" the architects have apparently been going for.

Look at the bulk of the responses you've gotten here, not only in this particular thread but during the entirety of your time on this board, and ask yourself: is what I'm doing helping or harming the cause (whatever that word might mean to you)?

You two....

A song dedicated to the conspiracy folks:

So, I take it that you believe the Warren Commission's findings on JFK, correct?

What specific findings are you talking about? They issued opinions/conclusions on a lot of things.

You buy the magic bullet theory....yes or no? This is very simple....either you believe your "gubermnt" never lies or that they do........which is it?

Okay dummy, I'll bite. Who killed JFK?
Okay dummy, I'll bite. Who killed JFK?

I know I'm not the dummy you're addressing but its pretty clear that Oswald killed JFK. We know the following:

He arrived at work with an oversized package that day he called "curtain rods".
After JFK was shot he left work without telling anyone.
We know he shot a cop.
We know he ran into a movie theater.
We know he said "I'm a patsy" when he was transferred from one room to another by the DPD.

There are too many coincidences for him to be innocent of being the triggerman. Add in the path he took from the TSBD to his house...He was obviously the trigger man.

Now, the question in my mind is whether or not he is the only one who is guilty. I tend to think otherwise.

The chief piece of evidence I rely on for this is that during the height of the cold war, this nobody who is not particularly charming from all reports, not particularly intelligent from all reports, not particularly polite from some reports and (most importantly) with nothing to offer either government was able to leave the US, transfer his citizenship to the Soviet Union, change his mind, come back home and JUST HAPPEN to be in Dallas on the limo route to kill an American President???

You couldn't do that during Perestroyka. You couldn't do that during today's comparatively congenial relationship. I don't think you'd be able to do it with friendly nations back in the 60's; much less your primary international rival.

Seems like someone wanted Oswald over here; someone was able to grease the skids with State. Someone was able to put him in a place where he would be of optimum usage.

I'd like to know your thoughts on what I wrote, Danger.
Okay dummy, I'll bite. Who killed JFK?

I know I'm not the dummy you're addressing but its pretty clear that Oswald killed JFK. We know the following:

He arrived at work with an oversized package that day he called "curtain rods".
After JFK was shot he left work without telling anyone.
We know he shot a cop.
We know he ran into a movie theater.
We know he said "I'm a patsy" when he was transferred from one room to another by the DPD.

There are too many coincidences for him to be innocent of being the triggerman. Add in the path he took from the TSBD to his house...He was obviously the trigger man.

Now, the question in my mind is whether or not he is the only one who is guilty. I tend to think otherwise.

The chief piece of evidence I rely on for this is that during the height of the cold war, this nobody who is not particularly charming from all reports, not particularly intelligent from all reports, not particularly polite from some reports and (most importantly) with nothing to offer either government was able to leave the US, transfer his citizenship to the Soviet Union, change his mind, come back home and JUST HAPPEN to be in Dallas on the limo route to kill an American President???

You couldn't do that during Perestroyka. You couldn't do that during today's comparatively congenial relationship. I don't think you'd be able to do it with friendly nations back in the 60's; much less your primary international rival.

Seems like someone wanted Oswald over here; someone was able to grease the skids with State. Someone was able to put him in a place where he would be of optimum usage.

I'd like to know your thoughts on what I wrote, Danger.

Watch this if you really want to know what has been done to us.
Okay dummy, I'll bite. Who killed JFK?

I know I'm not the dummy you're addressing but its pretty clear that Oswald killed JFK. We know the following:

He arrived at work with an oversized package that day he called "curtain rods".
After JFK was shot he left work without telling anyone.
We know he shot a cop.
We know he ran into a movie theater.
We know he said "I'm a patsy" when he was transferred from one room to another by the DPD.

There are too many coincidences for him to be innocent of being the triggerman. Add in the path he took from the TSBD to his house...He was obviously the trigger man.

Now, the question in my mind is whether or not he is the only one who is guilty. I tend to think otherwise.

The chief piece of evidence I rely on for this is that during the height of the cold war, this nobody who is not particularly charming from all reports, not particularly intelligent from all reports, not particularly polite from some reports and (most importantly) with nothing to offer either government was able to leave the US, transfer his citizenship to the Soviet Union, change his mind, come back home and JUST HAPPEN to be in Dallas on the limo route to kill an American President???

You couldn't do that during Perestroyka. You couldn't do that during today's comparatively congenial relationship. I don't think you'd be able to do it with friendly nations back in the 60's; much less your primary international rival.

Seems like someone wanted Oswald over here; someone was able to grease the skids with State. Someone was able to put him in a place where he would be of optimum usage.

I'd like to know your thoughts on what I wrote, Danger.

I belive it was Oswald.

That's an interesting theory, however, we'll simply never know. I'm guessing that if anyone else were involved or knew something, they're either already dead, or have one foot in the grave.
dale smith said:
OMG! A news site that posted something the state controlled media didn't report! Because if it didn't come from the state controlled media, it didn't happen. ...
I see. Alex Jones and Matt Drudge are part of the "state controlled media", then? o_O

Don't get me wrong; I've heard of 'controlled opposition', ... but Alex Jones?! :laugh:

dale smith said:
...The eye witness accounts that claim there was more than one shooter substantiates this claim and then you add the crisis actors and thefaked injured it all points to this being just another psy-op. ...
Listen, I haven't bought into a single 'official narrative' since my eyes were opened to the truth regarding 9/11.

However, I think we have to be careful not to get caught up in an internet sleuthing game that's been compromised from the start by both innocent misinformation and purposeful disinformation. Frankly, that's a game we can't win.

The best we can do is urge others not to unwittingly play the role intended for them by the architects of these problem, reaction, solution-type events. That is, within our immediate spheres of influence, we should try to shape the public "reaction" in such a way that it runs contrary to the "solution(s)" the architects have apparently been going for.

Look at the bulk of the responses you've gotten here, not only in this particular thread but during the entirety of your time on this board, and ask yourself: is what I'm doing helping or harming the cause (whatever that word might mean to you)?

I find patterns and I connect things based on what I have learned from a lot of due diligence. What we are facing is not easy and it's not even a battle of flesh and blood but evilness in high places (Ephesians 6-12). I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours reading, researching, listening to documentaries and lectures on-line by downloading them to my I-Pod and listening to them while at work and jotting down notes to do some proper vetting later. Those that are awake (such as yourself) already know that something is amiss and that is a good thing. I know from so many of the false flag events like the OKC bombing that the CIA, FBI and ATF will set people up to commit crimes and or catch them after they entrapped them and then claim credit for "cracking the case" that the article that I am posting is more than plausible.

There is nothing about the Orlando shooting that passes my sniff test. It reeks of "gubermint" involvement with Mateen and his father's ties to the state department. Not even 24 hours after this event, my e-mail box was full of leftwing groups wanting me to sign petitions to ban "assault weapons". There is an agenda and the powers that be keep ratcheting up the events. The globalist plan that they want to put in place is not conducive to an armed society so they are creating events that will lead to total gun confiscation. America is the last stand of what passes for a free and open society and that window closes more and more every day. There are some good people here that know that I speak from a position of knowledge and they send me e-mails to encourage what I write but they lack the ability to go as in depth that I do so they just support me in other ways. They are changing America and not in a good way and it has nothing to do with political parties. This is an oligarch of bloodline families that wish to bring in a totalitarian, communist world government system with their families sitting at the top.

dale smith said:
OMG! A news site that posted something the state controlled media didn't report! Because if it didn't come from the state controlled media, it didn't happen. ...
I see. Alex Jones and Matt Drudge are part of the "state controlled media", then? o_O

Don't get me wrong; I've heard of 'controlled opposition', ... but Alex Jones?! :laugh:

dale smith said:
...The eye witness accounts that claim there was more than one shooter substantiates this claim and then you add the crisis actors and thefaked injured it all points to this being just another psy-op. ...
Listen, I haven't bought into a single 'official narrative' since my eyes were opened to the truth regarding 9/11.

However, I think we have to be careful not to get caught up in an internet sleuthing game that's been compromised from the start by both innocent misinformation and purposeful disinformation. Frankly, that's a game we can't win.

The best we can do is urge others not to unwittingly play the role intended for them by the architects of these problem, reaction, solution-type events. That is, within our immediate spheres of influence, we should try to shape the public "reaction" in such a way that it runs contrary to the "solution(s)" the architects have apparently been going for.

Look at the bulk of the responses you've gotten here, not only in this particular thread but during the entirety of your time on this board, and ask yourself: is what I'm doing helping or harming the cause (whatever that word might mean to you)?

I find patterns and I connect things based on what I have learned from a lot of due diligence. What we are facing is not easy and it's not even a battle of flesh and blood but evilness in high places (Ephesians 6-12). I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours reading, researching, listening to documentaries and lectures on-line by downloading them to my I-Pod and listening to them while at work and jotting down notes to do some proper vetting later. Those that are awake (such as yourself) already know that something is amiss and that is a good thing. I know from so many of the false flag events like the OKC bombing that the CIA, FBI and ATF will set people up to commit crimes and or catch them after they entrapped them and then claim credit for "cracking the case" that the article that I am posting is more than plausible.

There is nothing about the Orlando shooting that passes my sniff test. It reeks of "gubermint" involvement with Mateen and his father's ties to the state department. Not even 24 hours after this event, my e-mail box was full of leftwing groups wanting me to sign petitions to ban "assault weapons". There is an agenda and the powers that be keep ratcheting up the events. The globalist plan that they want to put in place is not conducive to an armed society so they are creating events that will lead to total gun confiscation. America is the last stand of what passes for a free and open society and that window closes more and more every day. There are some good people here that know that I speak from a position of knowledge and they send me e-mails to encourage what I write but they lack the ability to go as in depth that I do so they just support me in other ways. They are changing America and not in a good way and it has nothing to do with political parties. This is an oligarch of bloodline families that wish to bring in a totalitarian, communist world government system with their families sitting at the top.


Laugh all you want....but I know more than you...infinitely more.
Okay dummy, I'll bite. Who killed JFK?

I know I'm not the dummy you're addressing but its pretty clear that Oswald killed JFK. We know the following:

He arrived at work with an oversized package that day he called "curtain rods".
After JFK was shot he left work without telling anyone.
We know he shot a cop.
We know he ran into a movie theater.
We know he said "I'm a patsy" when he was transferred from one room to another by the DPD.

There are too many coincidences for him to be innocent of being the triggerman. Add in the path he took from the TSBD to his house...He was obviously the trigger man.

Now, the question in my mind is whether or not he is the only one who is guilty. I tend to think otherwise.

The chief piece of evidence I rely on for this is that during the height of the cold war, this nobody who is not particularly charming from all reports, not particularly intelligent from all reports, not particularly polite from some reports and (most importantly) with nothing to offer either government was able to leave the US, transfer his citizenship to the Soviet Union, change his mind, come back home and JUST HAPPEN to be in Dallas on the limo route to kill an American President???

You couldn't do that during Perestroyka. You couldn't do that during today's comparatively congenial relationship. I don't think you'd be able to do it with friendly nations back in the 60's; much less your primary international rival.

Seems like someone wanted Oswald over here; someone was able to grease the skids with State. Someone was able to put him in a place where he would be of optimum usage.

I'd like to know your thoughts on what I wrote, Danger.

I belive it was Oswald.

That's an interesting theory, however, we'll simply never know. I'm guessing that if anyone else were involved or knew something, they're either already dead, or have one foot in the grave.

Well, I don't mean to sound like Deranged Dale here but it's not a theory. It is fact that Oswald was a US citizen, immigrated to Russia, then immigrated back to the US all during a time of massive tensions between the world's two super powers. Again, it is a fact that you'd have a hard time doing this with a friendly nation. Oswald was able to do it between 1959 and 1962.

What is a theory is that he was "placed" somewhere.

Whati s a massive coincidence is that likely the only person to ever (or one of the select few to ever) jump from USA to USSR back to USA just happens to be working on the motorcade route of JFK.


If you want to know what I think happened was that Oswald was acting on behalf of a foreign government; either Russia or Cuba.

I think that Johnson was informed of this and faced the unspoken choice that the US always faces when threatened...is the nuke option on the table? Was this worth destroying the world over? Because there would be no "limited war" with Russia in 1963. It was either go to the mattresses over JFK or not.

Personally, I think that is what Vietnam was all about. Johnson had to show the Rooskies that we were determined to stop communist aggression and it blew up in our faces.
Okay dummy, I'll bite. Who killed JFK?

I know I'm not the dummy you're addressing but its pretty clear that Oswald killed JFK. We know the following:

He arrived at work with an oversized package that day he called "curtain rods".
After JFK was shot he left work without telling anyone.
We know he shot a cop.
We know he ran into a movie theater.
We know he said "I'm a patsy" when he was transferred from one room to another by the DPD.

There are too many coincidences for him to be innocent of being the triggerman. Add in the path he took from the TSBD to his house...He was obviously the trigger man.

Now, the question in my mind is whether or not he is the only one who is guilty. I tend to think otherwise.

The chief piece of evidence I rely on for this is that during the height of the cold war, this nobody who is not particularly charming from all reports, not particularly intelligent from all reports, not particularly polite from some reports and (most importantly) with nothing to offer either government was able to leave the US, transfer his citizenship to the Soviet Union, change his mind, come back home and JUST HAPPEN to be in Dallas on the limo route to kill an American President???

You couldn't do that during Perestroyka. You couldn't do that during today's comparatively congenial relationship. I don't think you'd be able to do it with friendly nations back in the 60's; much less your primary international rival.

Seems like someone wanted Oswald over here; someone was able to grease the skids with State. Someone was able to put him in a place where he would be of optimum usage.

I'd like to know your thoughts on what I wrote, Danger.

Watch this if you really want to know what has been done to us.

No thanks.
Okay dummy, I'll bite. Who killed JFK?

I know I'm not the dummy you're addressing but its pretty clear that Oswald killed JFK. We know the following:

He arrived at work with an oversized package that day he called "curtain rods".
After JFK was shot he left work without telling anyone.
We know he shot a cop.
We know he ran into a movie theater.
We know he said "I'm a patsy" when he was transferred from one room to another by the DPD.

There are too many coincidences for him to be innocent of being the triggerman. Add in the path he took from the TSBD to his house...He was obviously the trigger man.

Now, the question in my mind is whether or not he is the only one who is guilty. I tend to think otherwise.

The chief piece of evidence I rely on for this is that during the height of the cold war, this nobody who is not particularly charming from all reports, not particularly intelligent from all reports, not particularly polite from some reports and (most importantly) with nothing to offer either government was able to leave the US, transfer his citizenship to the Soviet Union, change his mind, come back home and JUST HAPPEN to be in Dallas on the limo route to kill an American President???

You couldn't do that during Perestroyka. You couldn't do that during today's comparatively congenial relationship. I don't think you'd be able to do it with friendly nations back in the 60's; much less your primary international rival.

Seems like someone wanted Oswald over here; someone was able to grease the skids with State. Someone was able to put him in a place where he would be of optimum usage.

I'd like to know your thoughts on what I wrote, Danger.

I belive it was Oswald.

That's an interesting theory, however, we'll simply never know. I'm guessing that if anyone else were involved or knew something, they're either already dead, or have one foot in the grave.

Well, I don't mean to sound like Deranged Dale here but it's not a theory. It is fact that Oswald was a US citizen, immigrated to Russia, then immigrated back to the US all during a time of massive tensions between the world's two super powers. Again, it is a fact that you'd have a hard time doing this with a friendly nation. Oswald was able to do it between 1959 and 1962.

What is a theory is that he was "placed" somewhere.

Whati s a massive coincidence is that likely the only person to ever (or one of the select few to ever) jump from USA to USSR back to USA just happens to be working on the motorcade route of JFK.


If you want to know what I think happened was that Oswald was acting on behalf of a foreign government; either Russia or Cuba.

I think that Johnson was informed of this and faced the unspoken choice that the US always faces when threatened...is the nuke option on the table? Was this worth destroying the world over? Because there would be no "limited war" with Russia in 1963. It was either go to the mattresses over JFK or not.

Personally, I think that is what Vietnam was all about. Johnson had to show the Rooskies that we were determined to stop communist aggression and it blew up in our faces.

No fucking way that a mediocre marksman could have made those shots.......you are an idiot.
Okay dummy, I'll bite. Who killed JFK?

I know I'm not the dummy you're addressing but its pretty clear that Oswald killed JFK. We know the following:

He arrived at work with an oversized package that day he called "curtain rods".
After JFK was shot he left work without telling anyone.
We know he shot a cop.
We know he ran into a movie theater.
We know he said "I'm a patsy" when he was transferred from one room to another by the DPD.

There are too many coincidences for him to be innocent of being the triggerman. Add in the path he took from the TSBD to his house...He was obviously the trigger man.

Now, the question in my mind is whether or not he is the only one who is guilty. I tend to think otherwise.

The chief piece of evidence I rely on for this is that during the height of the cold war, this nobody who is not particularly charming from all reports, not particularly intelligent from all reports, not particularly polite from some reports and (most importantly) with nothing to offer either government was able to leave the US, transfer his citizenship to the Soviet Union, change his mind, come back home and JUST HAPPEN to be in Dallas on the limo route to kill an American President???

You couldn't do that during Perestroyka. You couldn't do that during today's comparatively congenial relationship. I don't think you'd be able to do it with friendly nations back in the 60's; much less your primary international rival.

Seems like someone wanted Oswald over here; someone was able to grease the skids with State. Someone was able to put him in a place where he would be of optimum usage.

I'd like to know your thoughts on what I wrote, Danger.

I belive it was Oswald.

That's an interesting theory, however, we'll simply never know. I'm guessing that if anyone else were involved or knew something, they're either already dead, or have one foot in the grave.

I am sure that you do because you are and have always been a "stupid klunt".........you have demonstrated that for all the time I have been here. (snicker)
Okay dummy, I'll bite. Who killed JFK?

I know I'm not the dummy you're addressing but its pretty clear that Oswald killed JFK. We know the following:

He arrived at work with an oversized package that day he called "curtain rods".
After JFK was shot he left work without telling anyone.
We know he shot a cop.
We know he ran into a movie theater.
We know he said "I'm a patsy" when he was transferred from one room to another by the DPD.

There are too many coincidences for him to be innocent of being the triggerman. Add in the path he took from the TSBD to his house...He was obviously the trigger man.

Now, the question in my mind is whether or not he is the only one who is guilty. I tend to think otherwise.

The chief piece of evidence I rely on for this is that during the height of the cold war, this nobody who is not particularly charming from all reports, not particularly intelligent from all reports, not particularly polite from some reports and (most importantly) with nothing to offer either government was able to leave the US, transfer his citizenship to the Soviet Union, change his mind, come back home and JUST HAPPEN to be in Dallas on the limo route to kill an American President???

You couldn't do that during Perestroyka. You couldn't do that during today's comparatively congenial relationship. I don't think you'd be able to do it with friendly nations back in the 60's; much less your primary international rival.

Seems like someone wanted Oswald over here; someone was able to grease the skids with State. Someone was able to put him in a place where he would be of optimum usage.

I'd like to know your thoughts on what I wrote, Danger.

Watch this if you really want to know what has been done to us.

No thanks.

Okay dummy, I'll bite. Who killed JFK?

I know I'm not the dummy you're addressing but its pretty clear that Oswald killed JFK. We know the following:

He arrived at work with an oversized package that day he called "curtain rods".
After JFK was shot he left work without telling anyone.
We know he shot a cop.
We know he ran into a movie theater.
We know he said "I'm a patsy" when he was transferred from one room to another by the DPD.

There are too many coincidences for him to be innocent of being the triggerman. Add in the path he took from the TSBD to his house...He was obviously the trigger man.

Now, the question in my mind is whether or not he is the only one who is guilty. I tend to think otherwise.

The chief piece of evidence I rely on for this is that during the height of the cold war, this nobody who is not particularly charming from all reports, not particularly intelligent from all reports, not particularly polite from some reports and (most importantly) with nothing to offer either government was able to leave the US, transfer his citizenship to the Soviet Union, change his mind, come back home and JUST HAPPEN to be in Dallas on the limo route to kill an American President???

You couldn't do that during Perestroyka. You couldn't do that during today's comparatively congenial relationship. I don't think you'd be able to do it with friendly nations back in the 60's; much less your primary international rival.

Seems like someone wanted Oswald over here; someone was able to grease the skids with State. Someone was able to put him in a place where he would be of optimum usage.

I'd like to know your thoughts on what I wrote, Danger.

I belive it was Oswald.

That's an interesting theory, however, we'll simply never know. I'm guessing that if anyone else were involved or knew something, they're either already dead, or have one foot in the grave.

Well, I don't mean to sound like Deranged Dale here but it's not a theory. It is fact that Oswald was a US citizen, immigrated to Russia, then immigrated back to the US all during a time of massive tensions between the world's two super powers. Again, it is a fact that you'd have a hard time doing this with a friendly nation. Oswald was able to do it between 1959 and 1962.

What is a theory is that he was "placed" somewhere.

Whati s a massive coincidence is that likely the only person to ever (or one of the select few to ever) jump from USA to USSR back to USA just happens to be working on the motorcade route of JFK.


If you want to know what I think happened was that Oswald was acting on behalf of a foreign government; either Russia or Cuba.

I think that Johnson was informed of this and faced the unspoken choice that the US always faces when threatened...is the nuke option on the table? Was this worth destroying the world over? Because there would be no "limited war" with Russia in 1963. It was either go to the mattresses over JFK or not.

Personally, I think that is what Vietnam was all about. Johnson had to show the Rooskies that we were determined to stop communist aggression and it blew up in our faces.

No fucking way that a mediocre marksman could have made those shots.......you are an idiot.

How do you know he was mediocre?
Okay dummy, I'll bite. Who killed JFK?

I know I'm not the dummy you're addressing but its pretty clear that Oswald killed JFK. We know the following:

He arrived at work with an oversized package that day he called "curtain rods".
After JFK was shot he left work without telling anyone.
We know he shot a cop.
We know he ran into a movie theater.
We know he said "I'm a patsy" when he was transferred from one room to another by the DPD.

There are too many coincidences for him to be innocent of being the triggerman. Add in the path he took from the TSBD to his house...He was obviously the trigger man.

Now, the question in my mind is whether or not he is the only one who is guilty. I tend to think otherwise.

The chief piece of evidence I rely on for this is that during the height of the cold war, this nobody who is not particularly charming from all reports, not particularly intelligent from all reports, not particularly polite from some reports and (most importantly) with nothing to offer either government was able to leave the US, transfer his citizenship to the Soviet Union, change his mind, come back home and JUST HAPPEN to be in Dallas on the limo route to kill an American President???

You couldn't do that during Perestroyka. You couldn't do that during today's comparatively congenial relationship. I don't think you'd be able to do it with friendly nations back in the 60's; much less your primary international rival.

Seems like someone wanted Oswald over here; someone was able to grease the skids with State. Someone was able to put him in a place where he would be of optimum usage.

I'd like to know your thoughts on what I wrote, Danger.

Watch this if you really want to know what has been done to us.

No thanks.


Wow, hard to get happy after that. A conspircay nutjob calling someone a coward for not watching a video... Terral would have laughed at you; that is how pathetic you are.
Okay dummy, I'll bite. Who killed JFK?

I know I'm not the dummy you're addressing but its pretty clear that Oswald killed JFK. We know the following:

He arrived at work with an oversized package that day he called "curtain rods".
After JFK was shot he left work without telling anyone.
We know he shot a cop.
We know he ran into a movie theater.
We know he said "I'm a patsy" when he was transferred from one room to another by the DPD.

There are too many coincidences for him to be innocent of being the triggerman. Add in the path he took from the TSBD to his house...He was obviously the trigger man.

Now, the question in my mind is whether or not he is the only one who is guilty. I tend to think otherwise.

The chief piece of evidence I rely on for this is that during the height of the cold war, this nobody who is not particularly charming from all reports, not particularly intelligent from all reports, not particularly polite from some reports and (most importantly) with nothing to offer either government was able to leave the US, transfer his citizenship to the Soviet Union, change his mind, come back home and JUST HAPPEN to be in Dallas on the limo route to kill an American President???

You couldn't do that during Perestroyka. You couldn't do that during today's comparatively congenial relationship. I don't think you'd be able to do it with friendly nations back in the 60's; much less your primary international rival.

Seems like someone wanted Oswald over here; someone was able to grease the skids with State. Someone was able to put him in a place where he would be of optimum usage.

I'd like to know your thoughts on what I wrote, Danger.

I belive it was Oswald.

That's an interesting theory, however, we'll simply never know. I'm guessing that if anyone else were involved or knew something, they're either already dead, or have one foot in the grave.

I am sure that you do because you are and have always been a "stupid klunt".........you have demonstrated that for all the time I have been here. (snicker)

How many meth induced hours have you spent investigating the JFK mystery?
I find patterns and I connect things based on what I have learned from a lot of due diligence. ...
You also seem to attach an undue level of certainty to your findings on a regular basis. That's a major red flag for delusional thought.

I'm not saying you're completely delusional (you're not), but I have seen you push disinformation with a high degree of confidence in other threads. More than once.

dale smith said:
...I know from so many of the false flag events like the OKC bombing that the CIA, FBI and ATF will set people up to commit crimes and or catch them after they entrapped them and then claim credit for "cracking the case" that the article that I am posting is more than plausible.
That doesn't mean it's true. Disinformation is plausible, as a general rule, by design. That's a big part of the reason it works so well.

You've spoken of "the sniff test" a number of times, but it seems to me that your nose can be pretty selective in its application of that test to the available evidence.

Take a step back and try to look objectively at what you've provided for us in the way of evidence in this thread. Even before the Santa Monica Chief of Police retracted her statement, she never implied any connection between Howell's alleged intentions in CA and the event in Orlando. What's more, the Get Off the BS article that you copied and pasted in the OP is full of strange statements reportedly made by unnamed Police sources. Cops are usually trained to keep their mouths shut about things that could later be used in evidence against a perp, so it seems more than a little odd that all of that detailed info might have come from those now conveniently gagged sources within the S.M.P.D.

Oh, and BTW, the title of this article pretty much sums up how the "state controlled media" feels about Alex Jones.
Mediamatters.org said:
Trump Ally Alex Jones Calls Orlando Shooting A “False Flag” To Take “Your Guns” And Speech ...
^^That's not likely a guy who'd pass up on this story if he felt there were any legitimacy to it at all.

Lastly, it's entirely possible that there's something to this SoCal story! BUT, that possibility isn't grounds for your apparent certainty on the matter, whether you're willing to face that fact...or not.

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