Families of Dead Robbers Want Shooter Arrested

Oh, and btw from this article, it appears he didnt just start ablazin away, he told them to stop, they resisted with arms, and he shot thier asses.

Shots fired at corner store in Reading; 2 people dead | Regional: Berks - Home

If this is what happened?

Those family members will be laughed out of the court.

That's not enough.
I want them to cheer at billboard signs of their bullet ridden bastards before I forgive them for their perverse love of vile criminal bags of shit.

They also should pay to clean up the shit that spilled from their relatives fouling up the law abiding streets !!
Fucking scumbags!

Meh, Pauli, methinks the warmth of human kindness and mercy aint beaten somewhere.

Don't let the bastards rob your humanity from you, nor your grace.
You hypocritical rw's just crack me up.

A few weeks ago, I posted a news article about a cop who wanted to be paid by the family of a guy he killed.

You were all in favor of it.

You never think. Its all just one knee jerk after another.

lol, you are a ridiculous old fool.

Wake up.
Them families are crazy if they think that they can get what it is that they want there. No one would have been shot at if those who are dead had not decided to hold a place up.

God bless you and whoever stopped them always!!!

You hypocritical rw's just crack me up.

A few weeks ago, I posted a news article about a cop who wanted to be paid by the family of a guy he killed.

You were all in favor of it.

You never think. Its all just one knee jerk after another.

Dead criminals families should pay.
Good honest folk who kill criminals should not.

Too difficult for ya ?
Go back to your special porn stash!!
The one you say is for research only!!
That's what they all say!!!
You can always make a citizens arrest due to a suscpicion, however if you are wrong you open yourself up to criminal and civil liabilities. Police have inherent immunities from this, citizens dont. Nothing prevents you from trying however.

True, you can always try to make one. In this case the important thing to note is that it wasn't just the reaction of the suspects that mattered. If an innocent had been hurt the concerned bystander would have been in serious trouble, fortunately for him no innocents were harmed.

All he did was tell them to wait for police. they then initiated some form of contact, pulled thier weps, and got thier asses shot.

This is the part I've been having trouble with. Two criminals had their weapons out already pointed at him, then he drew and killed them both without a scratch? And you think asking questions about this story is unreasonable, don't you?

Lemme guess, you are a former/current LEO who thinks only government agents such as yourself should have the right to use force, and the rest of us peons have to wait for our knight-like overlords to show up, right?

I am not now nor have I ever been a cop, a security guard, a neighborhood watchman, or anything else related in anyway to law enforcement. All I am is a guy who asked a few questions which occurred to me after reading about an incident in Pennsylvania and I don't think the questions I asked were unusual or out of line in anyway. I would however prefer that civilians not try to perform law enforcement duties whenever possible. Sometimes you don't have a choice, we need more information in order to decide whether or not the bystander in this case was in that situation.

There is video of the incient, which is clearing stated in the article.
There is video of the incient, which is clearing stated in the article.

And? The video is all over the Internet, it doesn't answer any of the questions I asked earlier though.

As far as I'm concerned the family members shouldn't get a dime because the two suspects obviously stayed on the scene to confront the armed bystander, all I'm wondering is if attempting a citizen's arrest was a good move in this case and the video doesn't really resolve that.
There is video of the incient, which is clearing stated in the article.

And? The video is all over the Internet, it doesn't answer any of the questions I asked earlier though.

As far as I'm concerned the family members shouldn't get a dime because the two suspects obviously stayed on the scene to confront the armed bystander, all I'm wondering is if attempting a citizen's arrest was a good move in this case and the video doesn't really resolve that.

The DA did a thorough investigation, including video and witnesses, you are being idiotic in questioning his decision.
Do you bother reading threads in their entirety before you call people out? You might want to start because I've already beat you to the observation that the authorities aren't pressing charges.

Since you want to go there though, the reason he's not being charged because he was in fact threatened by those two men. The decision not to charge him is not an endorsement of his attempt to make a citizen's arrest though and it is the wisdom of attempting a citizen's arrest in this case that I'm questioning.

What is it with you right-wingers and name calling? It seems like a compulsion with some of you.
Do you bother reading threads in their entirety before you call people out? You might want to start because I've already beat you to the observation that the authorities aren't pressing charges.

Since you want to go there though, the reason he's not being charged because he was in fact threatened by those two men. The decision not to charge him is not an endorsement of his attempt to make a citizen's arrest though and it is the wisdom of attempting a citizen's arrest in this case that I'm questioning.

What is it with you right-wingers and name calling? It seems like a compulsion with some of you.

You are attempting to make it questionable whether or not the decision to not charge him was the correct call. Otherwise your entire line of questioning is pointless.
You are attempting to make it questionable whether or not the decision to not charge him was the correct call. Otherwise your entire line of questioning is pointless.

I asked four common-sense questions earlier in the thread and no one, including you, has made a serious attempt to even think about them. Fine, it's a free country and you don't have to but think about this...one stray bullet from any of those three weapons hitting anyone who wasn't involved in this attempted citizen's arrest and we are having an entirely different conversation and that's why questioning the wisdom of the armed bystander attempting the arrest isn't pointless. If your avatar is to believed then you of all people should know that sometimes shit happens once firearms are drawn.
Do you bother reading threads in their entirety before you call people out? You might want to start because I've already beat you to the observation that the authorities aren't pressing charges.

Since you want to go there though, the reason he's not being charged because he was in fact threatened by those two men. The decision not to charge him is not an endorsement of his attempt to make a citizen's arrest though and it is the wisdom of attempting a citizen's arrest in this case that I'm questioning.

What is it with you right-wingers and name calling? It seems like a compulsion with some of you.

Stfu fanatical liberal totalitarian of the Obamacult!
You are attempting to make it questionable whether or not the decision to not charge him was the correct call. Otherwise your entire line of questioning is pointless.

I asked four common-sense questions earlier in the thread and no one, including you, has made a serious attempt to even think about them. Fine, it's a free country and you don't have to but think about this...one stray bullet from any of those three weapons hitting anyone who wasn't involved in this attempted citizen's arrest and we are having an entirely different conversation and that's why questioning the wisdom of the armed bystander attempting the arrest isn't pointless. If your avatar is to believed then you of all people should know that sometimes shit happens once firearms are drawn.
See my last post, vile liberal fanatic!!!
Your obamessiah needs your prayers!!
See my last post, vile liberal fanatic!!!
Your obamessiah needs your prayers!!

I could have sworn I told you to shut up earlier...oh well, just in case you missed it earlier, shaddup! :)

You should also know that as much as you dislike Obama and the Progressives, I dislike them even more. The difference between you and me is that I actually know why I dislike them. I'm not to thrilled with you and yours either.
Love that family to try my house!!!:lol::lol:

Just picked up some exotic 410. ammo from FireQuest. Stuff is so fucking nasty.......like mini barbed wire shot shells.

To fucking bad for those families.....but tough shit.
The bystander shot two armed robbers. There is nothing more that needs to be said. The man deserves a reward. There is no right to commit armed robbery. They are not in pursuit of any lawful activity.

the family wonders aloud

there aught to be laws against stopping armed criminals

what is this world coming too


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