Families of Dead Robbers Want Shooter Arrested

1. question 1 is not material, as he noticed guys with skimasks exiting a building posthaste, and did not open fire, he told them to stay where they are and wait for police.

It does matter, you don't have a right to stop people on the street unless certain conditions are met, wearing ski masks isn't one of those conditions. You can't make a citizen's arrest based upon a suspicion.

2. again, not material, because once he told them to stop, they decided to scuffle with him and pull a weapon

Once again, you cannot make a citizen's arrest based upon a suspicion.

They pulled their weapons after the bystander tried to make a citizen's arrest based upon a suspicion...which I'm not sure you're aware of this but you can't do that ;)

4. not material, as he hit his targets.

And he's damn lucky he did, I'm glad no innocent bystanders were harmed.

All you want is an excuse to prosecute this guy because he had the audacity as a free citizen to try to prevent criminals from escaping.

No, what I want is some questions answered so we can see if there's a need to prosecute this guy. My opinion doesn't matter anyway, the relevant authorities have already said he won't be prosecuted but answers to the questions I asked would be nice, as is usually the case the media left a lot of stuff out.

You can always make a citizens arrest due to a suscpicion, however if you are wrong you open yourself up to criminal and civil liabilities. Police have inherent immunities from this, citizens dont. Nothing prevents you from trying however.

All he did was tell them to wait for police. they then initiated some form of contact, pulled thier weps, and got thier asses shot.

Lemme guess, you are a former/current LEO who thinks only government agents such as yourself should have the right to use force, and the rest of us peons have to wait for our knight-like overlords to show up, right?
It's very difficult to feel sorry for two guys who committed a crime at gun point but there are a few questions that need to be answered that I haven't found on the Internet.

Did the bystander witness the crime?
Did the bystander know that a felony had been committed, and if so, how did he know?
Did the bystander know that the two men were armed?
How many people were in that immediate area at the time, within gunshot range?

Hard to feel sorry for dirtbags getting what they deserve but I'm not going to congratulate the bystander because as far as we know that situation could have turned far worse than it already was due to his actions. Get a description and call the police.
Far worse?
They had just robbed a store at gunpoint!!
Are you fucking retarded?
They terrorized a poor store clerk at fucking gun point.
You freaks always fly to the defense of criminals , never think about the victims and blame the guy who did the right thing!!
He made the situation worse for the robbers, better for society.
Well done that man.
Can we erect 10 by 10 billboards with photos of the stiffs outside the homes of their scumbag families?
I will gladly front up the cash!!
1. question 1 is not material, as he noticed guys with skimasks exiting a building posthaste, and did not open fire, he told them to stay where they are and wait for police.

It does matter, you don't have a right to stop people on the street unless certain conditions are met, wearing ski masks isn't one of those conditions. You can't make a citizen's arrest based upon a suspicion.

2. again, not material, because once he told them to stop, they decided to scuffle with him and pull a weapon

Once again, you cannot make a citizen's arrest based upon a suspicion.

They pulled their weapons after the bystander tried to make a citizen's arrest based upon a suspicion...which I'm not sure you're aware of this but you can't do that ;)

4. not material, as he hit his targets.

And he's damn lucky he did, I'm glad no innocent bystanders were harmed.

All you want is an excuse to prosecute this guy because he had the audacity as a free citizen to try to prevent criminals from escaping.

No, what I want is some questions answered so we can see if there's a need to prosecute this guy. My opinion doesn't matter anyway, the relevant authorities have already said he won't be prosecuted but answers to the questions I asked would be nice, as is usually the case the media left a lot of stuff out.

Why have you got a hard on for criminals?
You can always make a citizens arrest due to a suscpicion, however if you are wrong you open yourself up to criminal and civil liabilities. Police have inherent immunities from this, citizens dont. Nothing prevents you from trying however.

True, you can always try to make one. In this case the important thing to note is that it wasn't just the reaction of the suspects that mattered. If an innocent had been hurt the concerned bystander would have been in serious trouble, fortunately for him no innocents were harmed.

All he did was tell them to wait for police. they then initiated some form of contact, pulled thier weps, and got thier asses shot.

This is the part I've been having trouble with. Two criminals had their weapons out already pointed at him, then he drew and killed them both without a scratch? And you think asking questions about this story is unreasonable, don't you?

Lemme guess, you are a former/current LEO who thinks only government agents such as yourself should have the right to use force, and the rest of us peons have to wait for our knight-like overlords to show up, right?

I am not now nor have I ever been a cop, a security guard, a neighborhood watchman, or anything else related in anyway to law enforcement. All I am is a guy who asked a few questions which occurred to me after reading about an incident in Pennsylvania and I don't think the questions I asked were unusual or out of line in anyway. I would however prefer that civilians not try to perform law enforcement duties whenever possible. Sometimes you don't have a choice, we need more information in order to decide whether or not the bystander in this case was in that situation.
You can always make a citizens arrest due to a suscpicion, however if you are wrong you open yourself up to criminal and civil liabilities. Police have inherent immunities from this, citizens dont. Nothing prevents you from trying however.

True, you can always try to make one. In this case the important thing to note is that it wasn't just the reaction of the suspects that mattered. If an innocent had been hurt the concerned bystander would have been in serious trouble, fortunately for him no innocents were harmed.

All he did was tell them to wait for police. they then initiated some form of contact, pulled thier weps, and got thier asses shot.

This is the part I've been having trouble with. Two criminals had their weapons out already pointed at him, then he drew and killed them both without a scratch? And you think asking questions about this story is unreasonable, don't you?

Lemme guess, you are a former/current LEO who thinks only government agents such as yourself should have the right to use force, and the rest of us peons have to wait for our knight-like overlords to show up, right?

I am not now nor have I ever been a cop, a security guard, a neighborhood watchman, or anything else related in anyway to law enforcement. All I am is a guy who asked a few questions which occurred to me after reading about an incident in Pennsylvania and I don't think the questions I asked were unusual or out of line in anyway. I would however prefer that civilians not try to perform law enforcement duties whenever possible. Sometimes you don't have a choice, we need more information in order to decide whether or not the bystander in this case was in that situation.

If bystanders had been shot, they could imagine they were in NYC, NYPD frequently shoot bystanders!
But they weren't shot, so shut the fuck up asshole.
According to Medina, William was "no big hard criminal"

Surely an open-ended term but I'd wager in most people's books armed robbery qualifies as big hard criminal.

They once had similar ridiculousness around here, where armed suspect leading police on high speed chase wrecks car and dies. His family sues the city of course since the police pursuit got their son killed.

They should be apologizing for raising a criminal who harms society.
You can always make a citizens arrest due to a suscpicion, however if you are wrong you open yourself up to criminal and civil liabilities. Police have inherent immunities from this, citizens dont. Nothing prevents you from trying however.

True, you can always try to make one. In this case the important thing to note is that it wasn't just the reaction of the suspects that mattered. If an innocent had been hurt the concerned bystander would have been in serious trouble, fortunately for him no innocents were harmed.

All he did was tell them to wait for police. they then initiated some form of contact, pulled thier weps, and got thier asses shot.

This is the part I've been having trouble with. Two criminals had their weapons out already pointed at him, then he drew and killed them both without a scratch? And you think asking questions about this story is unreasonable, don't you?

Lemme guess, you are a former/current LEO who thinks only government agents such as yourself should have the right to use force, and the rest of us peons have to wait for our knight-like overlords to show up, right?

I am not now nor have I ever been a cop, a security guard, a neighborhood watchman, or anything else related in anyway to law enforcement. All I am is a guy who asked a few questions which occurred to me after reading about an incident in Pennsylvania and I don't think the questions I asked were unusual or out of line in anyway. I would however prefer that civilians not try to perform law enforcement duties whenever possible. Sometimes you don't have a choice, we need more information in order to decide whether or not the bystander in this case was in that situation.

No, they went for their weapons after a scuffle.

Also remember that law enforcement officers ARE civillians, not soldiers. They are peace officers, with supposedly no more additional rights than any other citizen, just additional immunities to be used in the pursuit of the job.

We keep forgetting that.
These people seem to want a lot of things, however if the force used was reasonable and necessary to stop these two maybe to get the empty shell casings

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Also remember that law enforcement officers ARE civillians, not soldiers. They are peace officers, with supposedly no more additional rights than any other citizen, just additional immunities to be used in the pursuit of the job.

We keep forgetting that.

What you just said is that the law doesn't see police officers the same way it sees some guy on the street, cops are different. If you want to focus on the word Civilian that's OK but if that's what we're talking about now then I think we've run out of anything substantive to discuss. If there's new information regarding this case then I'll have more to say, until then I've said all I have to say.
The bystander shot two armed robbers. There is nothing more that needs to be said. The man deserves a reward. There is no right to commit armed robbery. They are not in pursuit of any lawful activity.
Read the article i quoted. He told them to stop and that the police were on the way, they went after him and pulled thier weapons, he fired and killed them.

We are not supposed to be sheep allowing people to get away with crimes just because some people think only the police are allowed to resist crime. Your mentality is why criminals can get away with 1/2 the crap they do. Its not my problem, its the police's problem.

I did read the article you quoted, could you please direct me to the part of your article that answers any of the questions I asked?

1. question 1 is not material, as he noticed guys with skimasks exiting a building posthaste, and did not open fire, he told them to stay where they are and wait for police.
2. again, not material, because once he told them to stop, they decided to scuffle with him and pull a weapon
3. again, not material as they pulled thier weapons, thus showing they were armed.
4. not material, as he hit his targets.

All you want is an excuse to prosecute this guy because he had the audacity as a free citizen to try to prevent criminals from escaping.

Damn, Marty, you're fucking good at these responses, aren't you?
You can always make a citizens arrest due to a suscpicion, however if you are wrong you open yourself up to criminal and civil liabilities. Police have inherent immunities from this, citizens dont. Nothing prevents you from trying however.

True, you can always try to make one. In this case the important thing to note is that it wasn't just the reaction of the suspects that mattered. If an innocent had been hurt the concerned bystander would have been in serious trouble, fortunately for him no innocents were harmed.

This is the part I've been having trouble with. Two criminals had their weapons out already pointed at him, then he drew and killed them both without a scratch? And you think asking questions about this story is unreasonable, don't you?

Lemme guess, you are a former/current LEO who thinks only government agents such as yourself should have the right to use force, and the rest of us peons have to wait for our knight-like overlords to show up, right?

I am not now nor have I ever been a cop, a security guard, a neighborhood watchman, or anything else related in anyway to law enforcement. All I am is a guy who asked a few questions which occurred to me after reading about an incident in Pennsylvania and I don't think the questions I asked were unusual or out of line in anyway. I would however prefer that civilians not try to perform law enforcement duties whenever possible. Sometimes you don't have a choice, we need more information in order to decide whether or not the bystander in this case was in that situation.

No, they went for their weapons after a scuffle.

Also remember that law enforcement officers ARE civillians, not soldiers. They are peace officers, with supposedly no more additional rights than any other citizen, just additional immunities to be used in the pursuit of the job.

We keep forgetting that.

Yeah, because with our brand new War on Terror, the cops are being militarized at an alarming rate.
Oh, and btw from this article, it appears he didnt just start ablazin away, he told them to stop, they resisted with arms, and he shot thier asses.

Two men, both armed with guns and wearing masks, had just left the store with stolen cigarettes and lottery tickets when they were confronted by the "concerned citizen," telling both suspects that he was going to call police and advising them to stay where they were, said Berks County District Attorney John Adams.

A brief scuffle ensued, during which the suspects pulled out their guns, Adams said. The citizen then pulled out his gun, for which he had a license to carry, and shot both suspects, said Adams, who personally reviewed surveillance video of the scene.

Shots fired at corner store in Reading; 2 people dead | Regional: Berks - Home

If this is what happened?

Those family members will be laughed out of the court.
"[William] had no right to lose his life over something that man could have called the police for," said Medina. "He took the law into his own hands and walked away scot-free."

That's not what the DA says:
"The majority of this whole incident was captured on video footage. We were able to review that video footage, and we also benefited from the fact that there were a number of witnesses," said District Attorney John Adams.

After extensively investigating the incident, police determined the private citizen, whose name has not been released, acted within the law when he tried to stop the two suspects from fleeing the convenience store.

Adams said the private citizen demanded that they stop and wait for police. He said when the robbers refused and pulled out their guns, the citizen shot them in self-defense.

And here we go with the "He was a good boy" speech. Barf!

According to Medina, William was "no big hard criminal" and was rather a family-man who loved his young daughter.
Oh, and btw from this article, it appears he didnt just start ablazin away, he told them to stop, they resisted with arms, and he shot thier asses.

Two men, both armed with guns and wearing masks, had just left the store with stolen cigarettes and lottery tickets when they were confronted by the "concerned citizen," telling both suspects that he was going to call police and advising them to stay where they were, said Berks County District Attorney John Adams.

A brief scuffle ensued, during which the suspects pulled out their guns, Adams said. The citizen then pulled out his gun, for which he had a license to carry, and shot both suspects, said Adams, who personally reviewed surveillance video of the scene.

Shots fired at corner store in Reading; 2 people dead | Regional: Berks - Home

If this is what happened?

Those family members will be laughed out of the court.

That's not enough.
I want them to cheer at billboard signs of their bullet ridden bastards before I forgive them for their perverse love of vile criminal bags of shit.

They also should pay to clean up the shit that spilled from their relatives fouling up the law abiding streets !!
Fucking scumbags!
You hypocritical rw's just crack me up.

A few weeks ago, I posted a news article about a cop who wanted to be paid by the family of a guy he killed.

You were all in favor of it.

You never think. Its all just one knee jerk after another.
Maybe they should consider arresting the mother for child abuse for encouraging her son to rob and threaten citizens.
Oh, and btw from this article, it appears he didnt just start ablazin away, he told them to stop, they resisted with arms, and he shot thier asses.

Two men, both armed with guns and wearing masks, had just left the store with stolen cigarettes and lottery tickets when they were confronted by the "concerned citizen," telling both suspects that he was going to call police and advising them to stay where they were, said Berks County District Attorney John Adams.

A brief scuffle ensued, during which the suspects pulled out their guns, Adams said. The citizen then pulled out his gun, for which he had a license to carry, and shot both suspects, said Adams, who personally reviewed surveillance video of the scene.

Shots fired at corner store in Reading; 2 people dead | Regional: Berks - Home

If this is what happened?

Those family members will be laughed out of the court.

Shit, Swallow, we agree on sumpin! What are the damned odds? lol

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