Family Kicked Off Flight After Daughter With Autism Deemed 'Disruptive'

If I were still traveling..I would pay more for a kid free flight.
I'm beginning to think you strangled your inner child.
Why is it so hard for you and others to understand that some folks do not want to be around screaming kids. I did my time. I raised mine, worked my ass off to make sure they had all they needed. I'm DONE with kids. I don't want to relive what I already did. And I am not alone in wanting that. Nobody should be subject to out of control kids. Personally, I don't blame the kids. I blame the PARENTS for not teaching them proper behavior. the meantime....I don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks. I don't want to be around kids on an airplane and am willing to PAY for that to happen. If you want to be around them, knock yourself out.
If I were still traveling..I would pay more for a kid free flight.
I'm beginning to think you strangled your inner child.
Why is it so hard for you and others to understand that some folks do not want to be around screaming kids. I did my time. I raised mine, worked my ass off to make sure they had all they needed. I'm DONE with kids. I don't want to relive what I already did. And I am not alone in wanting that. Nobody should be subject to out of control kids. Personally, I don't blame the kids. I blame the PARENTS for not teaching them proper behavior. the meantime....I don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks. I don't want to be around kids on an airplane and am willing to PAY for that to happen. If you want to be around them, knock yourself out.
I am around them. Four of them. It never occurs to me to think of them as a bane. Most parents don't. The company you share are the young couples who hate kids and have agreed never to have them, opting instead to live lives of self indulgence and no sacrifice. Saying you raised kids makes even less sense.

And since you blamed the parents (again) I should remind you this thread is about autistic children and parents can only do so much with them.
If I were still traveling..I would pay more for a kid free flight.
I'm beginning to think you strangled your inner child.
Why is it so hard for you and others to understand that some folks do not want to be around screaming kids. I did my time. I raised mine, worked my ass off to make sure they had all they needed. I'm DONE with kids. I don't want to relive what I already did. And I am not alone in wanting that. Nobody should be subject to out of control kids. Personally, I don't blame the kids. I blame the PARENTS for not teaching them proper behavior. the meantime....I don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks. I don't want to be around kids on an airplane and am willing to PAY for that to happen. If you want to be around them, knock yourself out.
I am around them. Four of them. It never occurs to me to think of them as a bane. Most parents don't. The company you share are the young couples who hate kids and have agreed never to have them, opting instead to live lives of self indulgence and no sacrifice. Saying you raised kids makes even less sense.

And since you blamed the parents (again) I should remind you this thread is about autistic children and parents can only do so much with them.
Well goody for you that you have 4 kids. Now go fuck yourself and stick your waggling finger up your ass.
If I were still traveling..I would pay more for a kid free flight.
I'm beginning to think you strangled your inner child.
Why is it so hard for you and others to understand that some folks do not want to be around screaming kids. I did my time. I raised mine, worked my ass off to make sure they had all they needed. I'm DONE with kids. I don't want to relive what I already did. And I am not alone in wanting that. Nobody should be subject to out of control kids. Personally, I don't blame the kids. I blame the PARENTS for not teaching them proper behavior. the meantime....I don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks. I don't want to be around kids on an airplane and am willing to PAY for that to happen. If you want to be around them, knock yourself out.
I am around them. Four of them. It never occurs to me to think of them as a bane. Most parents don't. The company you share are the young couples who hate kids and have agreed never to have them, opting instead to live lives of self indulgence and no sacrifice. Saying you raised kids makes even less sense.

And since you blamed the parents (again) I should remind you this thread is about autistic children and parents can only do so much with them.
Well goody for you that you have 4 kids. Now go fuck yourself and stick your waggling finger up your ass.
Ok, Ms Grumpy-pants. You have a nice night. Get some sleep, sweetie.
Wait...why the different standard? You're saying they were right to kick the girl off because she might cause a disturbance even though she actually didn't, but the infant would have to actually be making "enough of a disturbance.

The mother sunk herself, she said, "How about we wait for her to have a meltdown? She’ll be crying and trying to scratch in frustration. I don’t want her to get to that point.”

That is a threat and it worried the flight attendants. If a mother said, my baby is upset and is going to cry, then the kid should be taken off the plane until they are ready to fly.
If a mother said, my baby is upset and is going to cry, then the kid should be taken off the plane until they are ready to fly. :cuckoo:

If the child,is upset, and will not calm down, why subject the parent, child or others to the screaming?
You sound like someone who has had to endure a 4 hour flight with a mother and screaming child.

Interesting how you came to that conclusion. I have done no such thing. The issue with babies is the ear popping. If they have an ear infection and are flying they are in a lot of pain, why would anyone loving parent do that to their own child.
A baby with an ear infection should obviously not be flying. Having flown many times with our own kids, I would think it would be a unusual occurrence for a mother to fly with a baby with an ear infection. I'm sure it occurs but not that often. When our kids were young and had ear pain, it was always on take off or landing and lasted only a few minutes. Usually a pacifier or bottle took care of it.

I've flown on a hell of a lot of planes over the last 50 years and I rarely have been really bothered by babies. Yes, there were babies that cried from time to time but I always considered it a minor annoyance compared to the crappy food, lines to get into the restroom, being bumped at the gate, sweltering in a hot plane at the gate waiting for who knows what, weather delays, cancelled fights, and sleeping in the airport.
If I were still traveling..I would pay more for a kid free flight.
I'm beginning to think you strangled your inner child.
Why is it so hard for you and others to understand that some folks do not want to be around screaming kids. I did my time. I raised mine, worked my ass off to make sure they had all they needed. I'm DONE with kids. I don't want to relive what I already did. And I am not alone in wanting that. Nobody should be subject to out of control kids. Personally, I don't blame the kids. I blame the PARENTS for not teaching them proper behavior. the meantime....I don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks. I don't want to be around kids on an airplane and am willing to PAY for that to happen. If you want to be around them, knock yourself out.
If you use public transportation, you don't get choose your travel companions. I had a guy, I believe was drunk, vomited on me. I don't mean just spit up a bit, I mean he covered me from head to toe. I spent over 4 hours on a LA to NY flight smelling like a slop jar.
The airline made the right decision. The mom couldn't control her child. No one could. End of.
The airline didn't make the decision: the pilot did.
The child was under control and never causeed a disturbance.

The mother stated the the could throw a "tantrum," she also stated that her child would "scratch" things. The mother was worried about her losing control, not the flight attendants.
Right. But once the flght attendents gave the girl hot food, no tantrum and no scratching.

Passengers said that unintelligible words were coming from her girl, and the flight attendants were working to keep her calm.
That would be true for infants as well...should they all be kicked off? (I'm torn on that). But the point is she did stay calm.

Once the pilot is aware of the situation, he has to react, his reaction was to make a landing in Salt Lake so the passenger could regroup.
He didn't personally check the situation,. And the girl never caused an actual disturbance.

Hell if you land a plane because their might be a disturbance, then you could just ground every plane.
That's not true. If there is significant concern regarding a possible or probable disturbance, the pilot is not only allowed but obligated to remove the person or persons whose presence threatens a possible disturbance. I can't imagine that you are a regular air passenger. You should know this.
The airline made the right decision. The mom couldn't control her child. No one could. End of.
The airline didn't make the decision: the pilot did.
The child was under control and never causeed a disturbance.

The mother stated the the could throw a "tantrum," she also stated that her child would "scratch" things. The mother was worried about her losing control, not the flight attendants.
Right. But once the flght attendents gave the girl hot food, no tantrum and no scratching.

Passengers said that unintelligible words were coming from her girl, and the flight attendants were working to keep her calm.
That would be true for infants as well...should they all be kicked off? (I'm torn on that). But the point is she did stay calm.

Once the pilot is aware of the situation, he has to react, his reaction was to make a landing in Salt Lake so the passenger could regroup.
He didn't personally check the situation,. And the girl never caused an actual disturbance.

Hell if you land a plane because their might be a disturbance, then you could just ground every plane.

Sorry, the pilot takes the assessment from his crew, he flys the plane. The mother used key words the flight attendants alerted the pilot, the pilot made a quick decision to land the plane. From the time the disturbance was reported to landing was a half hour, that is usually the time a descent is started, so the pilot made a decision based on the words of the mother. Airlines take words very seriously. The pilot reacted. If I was on the flight, I would trust the pilots judgement over a mothers.
If I were still traveling..I would pay more for a kid free flight.
I'm beginning to think you strangled your inner child.
Why is it so hard for you and others to understand that some folks do not want to be around screaming kids. I did my time. I raised mine, worked my ass off to make sure they had all they needed. I'm DONE with kids. I don't want to relive what I already did. And I am not alone in wanting that. Nobody should be subject to out of control kids. Personally, I don't blame the kids. I blame the PARENTS for not teaching them proper behavior. the meantime....I don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks. I don't want to be around kids on an airplane and am willing to PAY for that to happen. If you want to be around them, knock yourself out.
If you use public transportation, you don't get choose your travel companions. I had a guy, I believe was drunk, vomited on me. I don't mean just spit up a bit, I mean he covered me from head to toe. I spent over 4 hours on a LA to NY flight smelling like a slop jar.
I don't think you can literally compare all other public transportation with flying, due to the very long time of the travel and the very confined spaces. And especially for air travel, the instances of terrorism. Of course this girl is not a terrorist by any means, but terrorism has put air travelers on pins and needles, so to speak, as far as disturbances on an airline.

On one of my more recent flights, I was seated next to a very large man. Mine was an aisle seat, he had the window seat. He was so large that he spread into about 1/3 of my seat. I was pinned in and had to lean out into the aisle just to be a little bit comfortable. Of course, when you sit on the aisle and lean out into the aisle, everyone who walks past bumps against you. So I was squeezed into my seat on one side and pulverized on the other. After a short period, I went to the flight attendants and said I refused to sit in that seat any longer. I sat on the jump seat until they found another seat for me. It was a 5-6 hour flight. Someone like that man should have to buy 2 seats.

Long flights are difficult under any circumstances. As far as crying babies or noisy children, I use either earplugs or headphones to shut them out. There are plenty of noisy kids and babies on the flights I am familiar with: plenty.
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If I were still traveling..I would pay more for a kid free flight.
I'm beginning to think you strangled your inner child.
Why is it so hard for you and others to understand that some folks do not want to be around screaming kids. I did my time. I raised mine, worked my ass off to make sure they had all they needed. I'm DONE with kids. I don't want to relive what I already did. And I am not alone in wanting that. Nobody should be subject to out of control kids. Personally, I don't blame the kids. I blame the PARENTS for not teaching them proper behavior. the meantime....I don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks. I don't want to be around kids on an airplane and am willing to PAY for that to happen. If you want to be around them, knock yourself out.
If you use public transportation, you don't get choose your travel companions. I had a guy, I believe was drunk, vomited on me. I don't mean just spit up a bit, I mean he covered me from head to toe. I spent over 4 hours on a LA to NY flight smelling like a slop jar.
I would have gone to the flight attendants and asked for them to help clean up my clothing, and also, I would have asked for another seat. I am not passive about these things. The best thing to do is be calm, polite, and use rhetorical skills.

Also, I've had my luggage lost a couple of times. Now I always carry, in my carry on baggage, a change of clothing and enough mini-toiletries for at least one or two days. Think how your situation could have been different if you had those things in your carry on. :)
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I am lucky to have been born HFA (high functioning autistic), but there will always be those challenges. I've trained myself over the years to seem "normal". The thing is that it's mentally exhausting. I live my life going through an act. This autistic woman in a documentary explained my days perfectly. You play out every conversation in your head in the morning like a script, but if anyone strays from that script during the day it can lead to a meltdown.
I documentary film about an autistic girl, well worth watching.

I've heard of this movie! Never seen it though. I'll check it out this week! :thup:

The film is about Temple Grandin, a girl born in 1947 when no one had ever heard of Autism. It's told in her words giving the viewer a perspective of how she views the world. Today you she's a professor of animal science at Colorado State University, a best-selling author, an autistic activist, and a consultant to the livestock industry on animal behavior.

It's true that the general public knew nothing about autism, but it was first identified by a Russian neurologist in the 1920s. The research was later picked up by Hans Asperger in the mid 1940s, which is where the term Aspergers Syndrome comes from.

In the 1950's, it was belived that autism represented nothing less than the emotional withdrawal of an infant at the hands of a cold and emotionally distant parent. Parents of autistic children in the 1950s and 1960s sought professional help only to be sent into psychoanalysis intended to help them understand how they had, perhaps unknowingly, rejected their child.

We've come a long way with understanding autism, not near far enough with treatment, and prevention is just avoiding some things that have a correlation with autism and could be a possible cause.

Obviously, many people still don't understand autism. But I truly believe, and I've worked with autistic children, that this thread is not about autism. It's about any passenger causing a disturbance, or threatening to cause a disturbance, on an airliner.
Yes, if the infant is causing enough of a disturbance, the child needs to be taken off until the parents and the child are in better moods. .
Wait...why the different standard? You're saying they were right to kick the girl off because she might cause a disturbance even though she actually didn't, but the infant would have to actually be making "enough of a disturbance.

The mother sunk herself, she said, "How about we wait for her to have a meltdown? She’ll be crying and trying to scratch in frustration. I don’t want her to get to that point.”

That is a threat and it worried the flight attendants. If a mother said, my baby is upset and is going to cry, then the kid should be taken off the plane until they are ready to fly.
If a mother said, my baby is upset and is going to cry, then the kid should be taken off the plane until they are ready to fly. :cuckoo:

If the child,is upset, and will not calm down, why subject the parent, child or others to the screaming?

People are subjected to that everyday by children and adults without autism. It's a part of everyday life. Sometimes a parent is forced to bring a crying baby onto a plane. Sometimes your neighbor will play their music too loud.Sometimes the guy on the bus next to you smells like BO. Sometimes people will talk through a movie. Usually black people, but you get the point.
On an airliner, it is a completely different thing. You can't get away from it, you don't want it to escalate, you should not need to be concerned with unforetold outcomes. The confined space of an airliner, 3000 feet up in the air, is not the same as normal, day to day experience and setting.
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If I were still traveling..I would pay more for a kid free flight.
I'm beginning to think you strangled your inner child.
Why is it so hard for you and others to understand that some folks do not want to be around screaming kids. I did my time. I raised mine, worked my ass off to make sure they had all they needed. I'm DONE with kids. I don't want to relive what I already did. And I am not alone in wanting that. Nobody should be subject to out of control kids. Personally, I don't blame the kids. I blame the PARENTS for not teaching them proper behavior. the meantime....I don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks. I don't want to be around kids on an airplane and am willing to PAY for that to happen. If you want to be around them, knock yourself out.
If you use public transportation, you don't get choose your travel companions. I had a guy, I believe was drunk, vomited on me. I don't mean just spit up a bit, I mean he covered me from head to toe. I spent over 4 hours on a LA to NY flight smelling like a slop jar.
I don't fly any more. But if I did, I would NOT want to be next to kids, obese people who take up my seat AND theirs, drunk people, etc. And no, I don't get to choose when I use public transportation. And there are many like me, tired of being stuffed like sardines next to brats, drunks, fatties. It's already an uncomfortable ride that cost ridiculous shouldn't have to spill over on to my head space or ear space. They already took leg space and elbow space.
I don't get why some folks INSIST we "tolerate" and "shut up" and "have some sympathy" when it shouldn't be our problem or what we state we do not like when flying and have a hissy fit just because we expect PEACE...if possible...when flying. We can't expect it, but I for one damn sure won't pussyfoot around and be all pc and say "oh, its ok". It's NOT ok.
The airline made the right decision. The mom couldn't control her child. No one could. End of.
The airline didn't make the decision: the pilot did.
The child was under control and never causeed a disturbance.

The mother stated the the could throw a "tantrum," she also stated that her child would "scratch" things. The mother was worried about her losing control, not the flight attendants.
Right. But once the flght attendents gave the girl hot food, no tantrum and no scratching.

Passengers said that unintelligible words were coming from her girl, and the flight attendants were working to keep her calm.
That would be true for infants as well...should they all be kicked off? (I'm torn on that). But the point is she did stay calm.

Once the pilot is aware of the situation, he has to react, his reaction was to make a landing in Salt Lake so the passenger could regroup.
He didn't personally check the situation,. And the girl never caused an actual disturbance.

Hell if you land a plane because their might be a disturbance, then you could just ground every plane.
That's not true. If there is significant concern regarding a possible or probable disturbance, the pilot is not only allowed but obligated to remove the person or persons whose presence threatens a possible disturbance. I can't imagine that you are a regular air passenger. You should know this.
All airlines are required to remove passengers that the airline crew believe represent a danger to other passengers. How an airline handles a disturbance such as caused by a crying baby, abusive language, lewd clothing, being odorous, or drunk is up to the airline. Each airline has a Contract of Carriage that is part of every ticket sold. You will find in the contract a list of things that can get you thrown off of a plane. Most airlines rely on the judgement of crew in enforcing the terms of the contract You will not find in the contract common disturbances such as crying babies, loud snoring, passengers that can't stop talking, or annoying children.
The airline made the right decision. The mom couldn't control her child. No one could. End of.
The airline didn't make the decision: the pilot did.
The child was under control and never causeed a disturbance.

The mother stated the the could throw a "tantrum," she also stated that her child would "scratch" things. The mother was worried about her losing control, not the flight attendants.
Right. But once the flght attendents gave the girl hot food, no tantrum and no scratching.

Passengers said that unintelligible words were coming from her girl, and the flight attendants were working to keep her calm.
That would be true for infants as well...should they all be kicked off? (I'm torn on that). But the point is she did stay calm.

Once the pilot is aware of the situation, he has to react, his reaction was to make a landing in Salt Lake so the passenger could regroup.
He didn't personally check the situation,. And the girl never caused an actual disturbance.

Hell if you land a plane because their might be a disturbance, then you could just ground every plane.
That's not true. If there is significant concern regarding a possible or probable disturbance, the pilot is not only allowed but obligated to remove the person or persons whose presence threatens a possible disturbance. I can't imagine that you are a regular air passenger. You should know this.
All airlines are required to remove passengers that the airline crew believe represent a danger to other passengers. How an airline handles a disturbance such as caused by a crying baby, abusive language, lewd clothing, being odorous, or drunk is up to the airline. Each airline has a Contract of Carriage that is part of every ticket sold. You will find in the contract a list of things that can get you thrown off of a plane. Most airlines rely on the judgement of crew in enforcing the terms of the contract You will not find in the contract common disturbances such as crying babies, loud snoring, passengers that can't stop talking, or annoying children.
The mother did say the child could become violent. The girl weighed 120 pounds, the size of an adult woman. I think there is a difference between a teenager who is the size of an adult and a crying baby. And, violence was an issue. It goes beyond annoying. I think the pilot took reasonable action. He is responsible for the security and safety of one or two hundred people.
If I were still traveling..I would pay more for a kid free flight.
I'm beginning to think you strangled your inner child.
Why is it so hard for you and others to understand that some folks do not want to be around screaming kids. I did my time. I raised mine, worked my ass off to make sure they had all they needed. I'm DONE with kids. I don't want to relive what I already did. And I am not alone in wanting that. Nobody should be subject to out of control kids. Personally, I don't blame the kids. I blame the PARENTS for not teaching them proper behavior. the meantime....I don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks. I don't want to be around kids on an airplane and am willing to PAY for that to happen. If you want to be around them, knock yourself out.
If you use public transportation, you don't get choose your travel companions. I had a guy, I believe was drunk, vomited on me. I don't mean just spit up a bit, I mean he covered me from head to toe. I spent over 4 hours on a LA to NY flight smelling like a slop jar.
I don't fly any more. But if I did, I would NOT want to be next to kids, obese people who take up my seat AND theirs, drunk people, etc. And no, I don't get to choose when I use public transportation. And there are many like me, tired of being stuffed like sardines next to brats, drunks, fatties. It's already an uncomfortable ride that cost ridiculous shouldn't have to spill over on to my head space or ear space. They already took leg space and elbow space.
I don't get why some folks INSIST we "tolerate" and "shut up" and "have some sympathy" when it shouldn't be our problem or what we state we do not like when flying and have a hissy fit just because we expect PEACE...if possible...when flying. We can't expect it, but I for one damn sure won't pussyfoot around and be all pc and say "oh, its ok". It's NOT ok.
No one makes you buy an airline ticket but if you do, you are agreeing to the contract of carriage which allows most of the inconvenience and disturbances you object to. If the airline didn't let the fatties, the kids, the drunks, and noisy passengers on the plane, they couldn't stay in business. Most of us are smart enough to realize this so we tolerate it.
If I were still traveling..I would pay more for a kid free flight.
I'm beginning to think you strangled your inner child.
Why is it so hard for you and others to understand that some folks do not want to be around screaming kids. I did my time. I raised mine, worked my ass off to make sure they had all they needed. I'm DONE with kids. I don't want to relive what I already did. And I am not alone in wanting that. Nobody should be subject to out of control kids. Personally, I don't blame the kids. I blame the PARENTS for not teaching them proper behavior. the meantime....I don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks. I don't want to be around kids on an airplane and am willing to PAY for that to happen. If you want to be around them, knock yourself out.
If you use public transportation, you don't get choose your travel companions. I had a guy, I believe was drunk, vomited on me. I don't mean just spit up a bit, I mean he covered me from head to toe. I spent over 4 hours on a LA to NY flight smelling like a slop jar.
I don't fly any more. But if I did, I would NOT want to be next to kids, obese people who take up my seat AND theirs, drunk people, etc. And no, I don't get to choose when I use public transportation. And there are many like me, tired of being stuffed like sardines next to brats, drunks, fatties. It's already an uncomfortable ride that cost ridiculous shouldn't have to spill over on to my head space or ear space. They already took leg space and elbow space.
I don't get why some folks INSIST we "tolerate" and "shut up" and "have some sympathy" when it shouldn't be our problem or what we state we do not like when flying and have a hissy fit just because we expect PEACE...if possible...when flying. We can't expect it, but I for one damn sure won't pussyfoot around and be all pc and say "oh, its ok". It's NOT ok.
No one makes you buy an airline ticket but if you do, you are agreeing to the contract of carriage which allows most of the inconvenience and disturbances you object to. If the airline didn't let the fatties, the kids, the drunks, and noisy passengers on the plane, they couldn't stay in business. Most of us are smart enough to realize this so we tolerate it.
I agree with you. So keep that in mind when the airlines say enough is enough and boot those people OFF THE PLANE.
I'm beginning to think you strangled your inner child.
Why is it so hard for you and others to understand that some folks do not want to be around screaming kids. I did my time. I raised mine, worked my ass off to make sure they had all they needed. I'm DONE with kids. I don't want to relive what I already did. And I am not alone in wanting that. Nobody should be subject to out of control kids. Personally, I don't blame the kids. I blame the PARENTS for not teaching them proper behavior. the meantime....I don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks. I don't want to be around kids on an airplane and am willing to PAY for that to happen. If you want to be around them, knock yourself out.
If you use public transportation, you don't get choose your travel companions. I had a guy, I believe was drunk, vomited on me. I don't mean just spit up a bit, I mean he covered me from head to toe. I spent over 4 hours on a LA to NY flight smelling like a slop jar.
I don't fly any more. But if I did, I would NOT want to be next to kids, obese people who take up my seat AND theirs, drunk people, etc. And no, I don't get to choose when I use public transportation. And there are many like me, tired of being stuffed like sardines next to brats, drunks, fatties. It's already an uncomfortable ride that cost ridiculous shouldn't have to spill over on to my head space or ear space. They already took leg space and elbow space.
I don't get why some folks INSIST we "tolerate" and "shut up" and "have some sympathy" when it shouldn't be our problem or what we state we do not like when flying and have a hissy fit just because we expect PEACE...if possible...when flying. We can't expect it, but I for one damn sure won't pussyfoot around and be all pc and say "oh, its ok". It's NOT ok.
No one makes you buy an airline ticket but if you do, you are agreeing to the contract of carriage which allows most of the inconvenience and disturbances you object to. If the airline didn't let the fatties, the kids, the drunks, and noisy passengers on the plane, they couldn't stay in business. Most of us are smart enough to realize this so we tolerate it.
I agree with you. So keep that in mind when the airlines say enough is enough and boot those people OFF THE PLANE.
Airlines are in business to make money. When they kick people off the plane they have to refund them their ticket. Also, they often end up in costly legal battles that get settled out of court.
Why is it so hard for you and others to understand that some folks do not want to be around screaming kids. I did my time. I raised mine, worked my ass off to make sure they had all they needed. I'm DONE with kids. I don't want to relive what I already did. And I am not alone in wanting that. Nobody should be subject to out of control kids. Personally, I don't blame the kids. I blame the PARENTS for not teaching them proper behavior. the meantime....I don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks. I don't want to be around kids on an airplane and am willing to PAY for that to happen. If you want to be around them, knock yourself out.
If you use public transportation, you don't get choose your travel companions. I had a guy, I believe was drunk, vomited on me. I don't mean just spit up a bit, I mean he covered me from head to toe. I spent over 4 hours on a LA to NY flight smelling like a slop jar.
I don't fly any more. But if I did, I would NOT want to be next to kids, obese people who take up my seat AND theirs, drunk people, etc. And no, I don't get to choose when I use public transportation. And there are many like me, tired of being stuffed like sardines next to brats, drunks, fatties. It's already an uncomfortable ride that cost ridiculous shouldn't have to spill over on to my head space or ear space. They already took leg space and elbow space.
I don't get why some folks INSIST we "tolerate" and "shut up" and "have some sympathy" when it shouldn't be our problem or what we state we do not like when flying and have a hissy fit just because we expect PEACE...if possible...when flying. We can't expect it, but I for one damn sure won't pussyfoot around and be all pc and say "oh, its ok". It's NOT ok.
No one makes you buy an airline ticket but if you do, you are agreeing to the contract of carriage which allows most of the inconvenience and disturbances you object to. If the airline didn't let the fatties, the kids, the drunks, and noisy passengers on the plane, they couldn't stay in business. Most of us are smart enough to realize this so we tolerate it.
I agree with you. So keep that in mind when the airlines say enough is enough and boot those people OFF THE PLANE.
Airlines are in business to make money. When they kick people off the plane they have to refund them their ticket. Also, they often end up in costly legal battles that get settled out of court.
They also lose business when people decide to go via train, boat, bus or their own vehicle. It's time for the airlines to consider ALL their passengers...not just screaming kids, drunks, the obese, assholes. That means no alcohol served on the plane, no passengers under the influence (make them take a breath test if they seem drunk before boarding), obese people need to purchase two seats (at a discount) and screaming kids parents told they will not be allowed to board until the kids are calmed down. Babies...they don't count. Babies cry. It's what they do.

And, airlines ARE waking up. Back of the plane...make a play room for children. Changing tables, etc. Stop the sardine cramming. And no booze served or allowed on the plane at any time. Bigger seats for obese people. Smooth all that out and the airlines will do fine. Until then..they will lose business because the NUMBER ONE COMPLAINT from airline passengers is...drumroll....KIDS.
On one trip to Maui (4.5 hour flight) some kids a couple of row in front of us were having a hissy. Yelling, crying, they want this, they want that, hollering NO every time the parent said to sit down, kicking seats, squirming and elbowing and kicking the passengers on either side or in front or back. It was awful. I was so thankful we were about 5 rows behind them. People were getting pissed off. guy from way in the back was going to Maui to do some kind of show and happened to have his favorite things. Balloons. So he got his spare gear from the overhead, went to the front of the plane section where the kids were holding every hostage with their temper tantrums, and commenced to dance as well as he could in the aisle while blowing up balloons into animal shapes. This guy did this for an hour. He entertained the kids..and the rest of the passengers in that section. We all applauded him for doing what he did.

Now....the airlines should make some sort of area in the back section of the plane near the bathrooms and changing tables. They don't serve food any more on those flights. So use that space for toy boxes, cribs, a few seats for parents.

It isn't rocket science. People will pay more for a peaceful and safe ride. That's where they make their money. And airlines ARE pondering these ideas due to people saying Fuck It. I'll go a different mode to get where I need to go.

I will never get back to maui again. But if some miracle happened and I could..I would take a cruise ship. No more flights for me. Why not? See above.

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