Family Kicked Off Flight After Daughter With Autism Deemed 'Disruptive'

What does the government have to do with a private airline removing a customer from an airplane?

I do think the family has a suit though, not that I agree with the law, but you can't discriminate against the handicapped.

but you can't discriminate against the handicapped.

How is removing a disruptive passenger discrimination?
Unless they routinely allow disruptions by the non-handicapped?

The way the law reads you have to make "reasonable" allowances for the handicapped. Now, I don't know what level of disturbance the girl was creating, but I doubt it was so bad that they couldn't have made an allowance. She's a little girl , for God's sakes.

The way the law reads you have to make "reasonable" allowances for the handicapped.

I guess wailing and screaming for an hour wasn't reasonable enough.

She's a little girl

No, she's 15. And the Mom said if she didn't get a hot meal, she might start scratching people.
They did the right thing.

Why are people so illiterate?

I don't agree with the laws protecting certain groups, but those laws exist, so this family has a possible lawsuit. It entirely depends on just how much of a disturbance this little girl was , and yes shes a little girl, It's just a turn of phrase, why morons like you are trying to make a big deal of it is beyond me.

It entirely depends on just how much of a disturbance this little girl was

Enough of a disturbance that after an hour of the crew trying to calm her down, the pilot decided to make an emergency landing.

and yes shes a little girl, It's just a turn of phrase

I know, you're wrong. Get over it.
I can't watch the video so would appreciate if someone could describe what the girl did.

A 15yo is NOT " a little girl" and could be VERY disruptive. Should other passengers be forced to put up with it? Was the girl causing any danger? Should her behavior get a pass because of her handicap?

A 15 year old female with autism certainly is a little girl. In terms of behavior anyway. And yes, according to the law the other passengers just have to put with reasonable allowances for her disability.

Remember , YOU are the one who agrees with public accommodation laws, not me.

GAWD, here we go again.

Read what I wrote IN CONTEXT. If that's difficult for you, note the words I bolded.

"A 15yo is NOT " a little girl" and could be VERY disruptive."

You wrote "little". I disagree that a 15yo is likely to be "little". IMO, its much more likely that she is closer to the size of an adult than of a "little girl". Get it?

"Remember , YOU are the one who agrees with public accommodation laws, not me."

Post proof that you know what laws I agree with.


The simple fact that you agree , for example, that bakeries should be forced by law to bake cakes for faggot "weddings" proves that you are pro public accommodation laws.
The pilot had no choice because the mother made it clear that the girl could become a physical threat. The outrage here is that this family selfishly cost all of these other people time and money.
Just another reason for me to believe that ANYONE under 18 years old on a flight should be required to be in a straightjacket, muzzle, and 5 point restraint in their seat from from the time they get on (first to board) and off (the last ones); so as not to interfere with the travel of people who paod for tickets on an airplane, not a daycare center.
Depending on how disruptive the kid is, they COI.d ask her to get off the plane.

I guess the key is what someone calls disruptive. I do feel for the kid and her mom, however if she is disrupting 100 passengers, then the airline is probably correct.
I can't watch the video so would appreciate if someone could describe what the girl did.

A 15yo is NOT " a little girl" and could be VERY disruptive. Should other passengers be forced to put up with it? Was the girl causing any danger? Should her behavior get a pass because of her handicap?

A 15 year old female with autism certainly is a little girl. In terms of behavior anyway. And yes, according to the law the other passengers just have to put with reasonable allowances for her disability.

Remember , YOU are the one who agrees with public accommodation laws, not me.

GAWD, here we go again.

Read what I wrote IN CONTEXT. If that's difficult for you, note the words I bolded.

"A 15yo is NOT " a little girl" and could be VERY disruptive."

You wrote "little". I disagree that a 15yo is likely to be "little". IMO, its much more likely that she is closer to the size of an adult than of a "little girl". Get it?

"Remember , YOU are the one who agrees with public accommodation laws, not me."

Post proof that you know what laws I agree with.


The simple fact that you agree , for example, that bakeries should be forced by law to bake cakes for faggot "weddings" proves that you are pro public accommodation laws.

Post where I ever said that.

You do this all the time. You make huge quantum leaps based on what you WANT to believe.

Why don't you just quit digging and stfu?


I can't watch the video so would appreciate if someone could describe what the girl did.

A 15yo is NOT " a little girl" and could be VERY disruptive. Should other passengers be forced to put up with it? Was the girl causing any danger? Should her behavior get a pass because of her handicap?

A 15 year old female with autism certainly is a little girl. In terms of behavior anyway. And yes, according to the law the other passengers just have to put with reasonable allowances for her disability.

Remember , YOU are the one who agrees with public accommodation laws, not me.

GAWD, here we go again.

Read what I wrote IN CONTEXT. If that's difficult for you, note the words I bolded.

"A 15yo is NOT " a little girl" and could be VERY disruptive."

You wrote "little". I disagree that a 15yo is likely to be "little". IMO, its much more likely that she is closer to the size of an adult than of a "little girl". Get it?

"Remember , YOU are the one who agrees with public accommodation laws, not me."

Post proof that you know what laws I agree with.


The simple fact that you agree , for example, that bakeries should be forced by law to bake cakes for faggot "weddings" proves that you are pro public accommodation laws.

Post where I ever said that.

You do this all the time. You make huge quantum leaps based on what you WANT to believe.

Why don't you just quit digging and stfu?



So you are claiming that you don't support bakeries being forced to serve gays? LOL what an outright lie.
I saw an interview with the mother. The staff was quite willing to feed the girl, except that she refused all food except for hot food. Hot meals are only served in first class. The temperature of hot meals is up to interpretation. The mother warned the staff that if her daughter was not immediately served a hot meal, the girl would go into full melt down including hitting, screaming, spitting and scratching.

The pilot had to land the plane and remove such a threat.
I can't watch the video so would appreciate if someone could describe what the girl did.

A 15yo is NOT " a little girl" and could be VERY disruptive. Should other passengers be forced to put up with it? Was the girl causing any danger? Should her behavior get a pass because of her handicap?

A 15 year old female with autism certainly is a little girl. In terms of behavior anyway. And yes, according to the law the other passengers just have to put with reasonable allowances for her disability.

Remember , YOU are the one who agrees with public accommodation laws, not me.

GAWD, here we go again.

Read what I wrote IN CONTEXT. If that's difficult for you, note the words I bolded.

"A 15yo is NOT " a little girl" and could be VERY disruptive."

You wrote "little". I disagree that a 15yo is likely to be "little". IMO, its much more likely that she is closer to the size of an adult than of a "little girl". Get it?

"Remember , YOU are the one who agrees with public accommodation laws, not me."

Post proof that you know what laws I agree with.


The simple fact that you agree , for example, that bakeries should be forced by law to bake cakes for faggot "weddings" proves that you are pro public accommodation laws.

Post where I ever said that.

You do this all the time. You make huge quantum leaps based on what you WANT to believe.

Why don't you just quit digging and stfu?



So you are claiming that you don't support bakeries being forced to serve gays? LOL what an outright lie.


And you lie again.

Post proof of this new lie or admit you're lying.

And maybe you can tell me why?!
While our government(i understand that there are two words to describe that - "Double Standards") are trying to make lives of one part of our society better, they forget about other...
How long will we see such incompetence?!
An Oregon mom has filed a complaint against United Airlines after it removed her and family from a flight because it said her 15-year-old daughter, who has autism, had become "disruptive."
Family Kicked Off Flight After Daughter With Autism Deemed Disruptive - NBC News
The woman, Dr. Donna Beegle of Tigard, Oregon — a prominent advocate for anti-poverty programs who frequently consults with state and federal government agencies — was returning home with her family from a trip to Walt Disney World last week when her daughter Juliette became agitated because she was hungry during a layover in Houston, Beegle said.

I think the family is being unreasonable. They should have realized how disruptive the situation had become, how they were affecting 2 or 3 hundred other passengers, etc. If it were me, I'd have agreed we should disembark, go back to the terminal, get the girl fed and calmed down, and taken the next available flight home. Why make a issue of it? Being contentious about it all surely upsets the child even more. Sometimes 'rights' get in the way of common sense and wisdom.
It was the captain's call. As soon as the word disruptive got thrown out by a crewmember, it was game over for that family. As soon as the possibility of passenger violence, however mild the threat could have been, the captain's call was made. A no brainer.

Most people don't realize that getting on an airplane or a ship is vastly different than other forms of transportation where they have a certain amount of influence. Most people don't realize that by getting on an airplane or a ship, they are voluntarily submitting to a dictatorship for the duration of the voyage. The captain is the first and final say in all maters. Laws pertaining to handicap provisions be damned.

§ 121.533 Responsibility for operational control: Domestic operations.

(d) Each pilot in command of an aircraft is, during flight time, in command of the aircraft and crew and is responsible for the safety of the passengers, crewmembers, cargo, and airplane.
(e) Each pilot in command has full control and authority in the operation of the aircraft, without limitation, over other crewmembers and their duties during flight time, whether or not he holds valid certificates authorizing him to perform the duties of those crewmembers.

14 CFR 121.533 - Responsibility for operational control Domestic operations. US Law LII Legal Information Institute
The woman made mistakes. She didn't make sure her daughter ate before getting on the plane. Then she demanded that her daughter get a first class meal. Then she threatened the plane that if a first class meal wasn't immediately forthcoming the girl would melt down injuring passengers and crew.

It was entirely proper to remove this family from the plane, but they should also be put on the no fly list.
The woman made mistakes. She didn't make sure her daughter ate before getting on the plane. Then she demanded that her daughter get a first class meal. Then she threatened the plane that if a first class meal wasn't immediately forthcoming the girl would melt down injuring passengers and crew.

It was entirely proper to remove this family from the plane, but they should also be put on the no fly list.

The no fly list is extreme, just like any kid, they can be disruptive and the airlines have a right to remove them if they are.
What does the government have to do with a private airline removing a customer from an airplane?

I do think the family has a suit though, not that I agree with the law, but you can't discriminate against the handicapped.

but you can't discriminate against the handicapped.

How is removing a disruptive passenger discrimination?
Unless they routinely allow disruptions by the non-handicapped?

The way the law reads you have to make "reasonable" allowances for the handicapped. Now, I don't know what level of disturbance the girl was creating, but I doubt it was so bad that they couldn't have made an allowance. She's a little girl , for God's sakes.

The way the law reads you have to make "reasonable" allowances for the handicapped.

I guess wailing and screaming for an hour wasn't reasonable enough.

She's a little girl

No, she's 15. And the Mom said if she didn't get a hot meal, she might start scratching people.
They did the right thing.

Why are people so illiterate?

I don't agree with the laws protecting certain groups, but those laws exist, so this family has a possible lawsuit. It entirely depends on just how much of a disturbance this little girl was , and yes shes a little girl, It's just a turn of phrase, why morons like you are trying to make a big deal of it is beyond me.

It entirely depends on just how much of a disturbance this little girl was

Enough of a disturbance that after an hour of the crew trying to calm her down, the pilot decided to make an emergency landing.
That was not in any of the accounts I read. The reports I've seen, including the OP, stated that the girl was calm and had been for some time before the pilot made the decision to land.
The reports say she was agitated, and the mother warned the crew that the girl could become violent.
The woman made mistakes. She didn't make sure her daughter ate before getting on the plane.
She tried to...her daughter refused at that time.

Then she demanded that her daughter get a first class meal.
She asked if she could be accomodated.
Then she threatened the plane that if a first class meal wasn't immediately forthcoming the girl would melt down injuring passengers and crew.
Threatened? Are you claiming that she had control over whether or not her daughter had a meltdown? She was stating what would happen.

It was entirely proper to remove this family from the plane, but they should also be put on the no fly list.
At the time the pilot landed the plane the girl had eaten and was calm and there was no reason to expect further issues.
I guess the girl needed to have hot food. The mom was unable to carry that kind of snack on board. There was a delay so the mom asked the staff for a hot sandwich that she could buy. From what I read they weren't being very helpful. I'm sure with a packed plane stewardesses were busy enough and most likely didn't have a clue about dealing with special needs people. The girl did finally get a hot rice dish and she was content.
On one hand I admire the family for taking her so many places. I do pt work in therapeutic riding and from talking to parents know they are constantly feeling isolated and just want their kids to have the best life possible.
Still...I've seen a couple older teen boys have "frustration meltdowns" sometimes for no apparent reason and it can get live real quick.
Not sure how severe her issues were, but being stuck in a crowded plane wouldn't be a good scenario.
I think the mom is trying to encourage more training
( awareness) for this type of thing.
I guess the girl needed to have hot food. The mom was unable to carry that kind of snack on board. There was a delay so the mom asked the staff for a hot sandwich that she could buy. From what I read they weren't being very helpful. I'm sure with a packed plane stewardesses were busy enough and most likely didn't have a clue about dealing with special needs people. The girl did finally get a hot rice dish and she was content.
On one hand I admire the family for taking her so many places. I do pt work in therapeutic riding and from talking to parents know they are constantly feeling isolated and just want their kids to have the best life possible.
Still...I've seen a couple older teen boys have "frustration meltdowns" sometimes for no apparent reason and it can get live real quick.
Not sure how severe her issues were, but being stuck in a crowded plane wouldn't be a good scenario.
I think the mom is trying to encourage more training
( awareness) for this type of thing.
I understand all your points; however, people with a child like this do not have the right to disrupt a plane full of people, 1, 2 or more hundred people. Flying is stressful, especially these days. It isn't just the annoyance and discomfort with all the noise of a child acting up...these days any kind of hint of violent behavior on a plane is anathema to what should be happening...that is what most or all passengers feel, I believe.

And I believe that is why the pilot turned the plane around and put the family out, though she may have been quiet at the time. Keeping people on a flight who suggest the possibility of violence is something a pilot does not have to and should not entertain.

I fly often, and often long distances. It's very, extremely, important for a flight to be calm and for passengers to feel safe and comfortable.

I think subjecting a plane full of people to the training of your child is not appropriate. Also, it is not an appropriate situation in which to inform or educate people about the problems of an autistic child.
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