Family Kicked Off Flight After Daughter With Autism Deemed 'Disruptive'

This story is starting to smell. Given how fast the mother got her face on TV, and given how well she knew her young adult's behavior patterns, seems like a lawyers dream. "Young adult" now trotted out as a "child".

They may not win a case but big corporations will settle for anything less than a million because in the long run it's cheaper than a drawn out trial. Lawyers get a third to a half and the Mom walks away with a nice bag.

It smells. Call me cynical.
This story is starting to smell. Given how fast the mother got her face on TV, and given how well she knew her young adult's behavior patterns, seems like a lawyers dream. "Young adult" now trotted out as a "child".

They may not win a case but big corporations will settle for anything less than a million because in the long run it's cheaper than a drawn out trial. Lawyers get a third to a half and the Mom walks away with a nice bag.

It smells. Call me cynical.

a 15 year old with autism is in noway a young adult, or anywhere near.

For fuck's sakes some of you people are just downright stupid.
The pilot had no choice because the mother made it clear that the girl could become a physical threat. The outrage here is that this family selfishly cost all of these other people time and money.
Amen to this. The family knew that the girl having a meltdown was possible and yet they got on the plane anyways. To me, if a person can't show any consideration for other people, then that person is crazy to think that they are owed anything in return.

God bless you and everyone else on that plane always!!!

This story is starting to smell. Given how fast the mother got her face on TV, and given how well she knew her young adult's behavior patterns, seems like a lawyers dream. "Young adult" now trotted out as a "child".

They may not win a case but big corporations will settle for anything less than a million because in the long run it's cheaper than a drawn out trial. Lawyers get a third to a half and the Mom walks away with a nice bag.

It smells. Call me cynical.
Lawsuits against airlines suck because with all the regulations they comply with while remaining competitive, it's not like they have millions socked away somewhere to pay out. People will pay it through increased fares.

Besides which, since when do people get to cash in whenever they get bad customer service? When you get bad customer service you just go somewhere else. Nobody's entitled to a windfall because of a bad experience.
This story is starting to smell. Given how fast the mother got her face on TV, and given how well she knew her young adult's behavior patterns, seems like a lawyers dream. "Young adult" now trotted out as a "child".

They may not win a case but big corporations will settle for anything less than a million because in the long run it's cheaper than a drawn out trial. Lawyers get a third to a half and the Mom walks away with a nice bag.

It smells. Call me cynical.
Lawsuits against airlines suck because with all the regulations they comply with while remaining competitive, it's not like they have millions socked away somewhere to pay out. People will pay it through increased fares.

Besides which, since when do people get to cash in whenever they get bad customer service? When you get bad customer service you just go somewhere else. Nobody's entitled to a windfall because of a bad experience.

UNLESS that bad service violated federal law. And to be clear, I hate the various accommodation laws, but it IS federal law that businesses have to make reasonable accommodations for the disabled.
Reasonable accommodation was made for this woman and her disabled daughter. Paying for coach then demanding first class isn't a reasonable accommodation.
Let me guess, United Airlines?

Basically the worst airline for service in America, and still is if this is any indication, so if I have a choice I never fly it.

Delta, Southwest, and Virgin,etc are like paradise in comparison as they offer entertainment systems, the ability to buy food and drink, and staff that don't treat you like a pesky rodent.
Reasonable accommodation was made for this woman and her disabled daughter. Paying for coach then demanding first class isn't a reasonable accommodation.
Lol. You can expect bad service if you fly United, and whenever I have flown them I have learned to keep my mouth shut, and be thankful that the plane hasn't hurtled to the ground and killed me. ;)
a 15 year old with autism is in noway a young adult, or anywhere near.

For fuck's sakes some of you people are just downright stupid.

Tap the brakes there Internet tough guy. Bet you wouldn't insult me like this to my face. I may not have as much jet time as you but I'll put my 11,000+ jet hours and 32 years up against your jet time any day of the week. How much jet time do you have by the way?

A 15-year-old with autism may not be considered an adult mentally but physically, she can create havoc if she becomes unhinged in flight. Any interruption with the duties of the flight crew is in violation of the CFRs.

Your "reasonable accommodations for the disabled" don't apply on an aircraft or ship when it comes to safety and the captain's authority.

a 15 year old with autism is in noway a young adult, or anywhere near.

For fuck's sakes some of you people are just downright stupid.

Tap the brakes there Internet tough guy. Bet you wouldn't insult me like this to my face. I may not have as much jet time as you but I'll put my 11,000+ jet hours and 32 years up against your jet time any day of the week. How much jet time do you have by the way?

A 15-year-old with autism may not be considered an adult mentally but physically, she can create havoc if she becomes unhinged in flight. Any interruption with the duties of the flight crew is in violation of the CFRs.

Your "reasonable accommodations for the disabled" don't apply on an aircraft or ship when it comes to safety and the captain's authority.


Hilarious meme given that it was YOU who acted like the tough guy "you wouldn't say that to my face" and not me.

And I've known lots of stupid pilots, so I believe you are a pilot, but again reread "REASONABLE accommodation"
a 15 year old with autism is in noway a young adult, or anywhere near.

For fuck's sakes some of you people are just downright stupid.

Tap the brakes there Internet tough guy. Bet you wouldn't insult me like this to my face. I may not have as much jet time as you but I'll put my 11,000+ jet hours and 32 years up against your jet time any day of the week. How much jet time do you have by the way?

A 15-year-old with autism may not be considered an adult mentally but physically, she can create havoc if she becomes unhinged in flight. Any interruption with the duties of the flight crew is in violation of the CFRs.

Your "reasonable accommodations for the disabled" don't apply on an aircraft or ship when it comes to safety and the captain's authority.

People can always drive or take trains, and the later is often a lot more fun, unfortunately many states are still off the rail grid.

I went to school with a kid with ADHD, and nearly every lunch hour when his meds ran out, he would go pyscho. He was a semi friend, as when he wasn't pyscho he was okay be around. That said, had to hold a door closed a few times till he calmed down.

Autism can be a bit like that at times, though the parents should know better than to expect special treatment on a budget airline like United, as they have less resources to deal with things.

But sleeping pills can help, as can good parenting skills, though since the airline had to get involved, guessing the parents had neither.
And maybe you can tell me why?!
While our government(i understand that there are two words to describe that - "Double Standards") are trying to make lives of one part of our society better, they forget about other...
How long will we see such incompetence?!
An Oregon mom has filed a complaint against United Airlines after it removed her and family from a flight because it said her 15-year-old daughter, who has autism, had become "disruptive."
Family Kicked Off Flight After Daughter With Autism Deemed Disruptive - NBC News
The woman, Dr. Donna Beegle of Tigard, Oregon — a prominent advocate for anti-poverty programs who frequently consults with state and federal government agencies — was returning home with her family from a trip to Walt Disney World last week when her daughter Juliette became agitated because she was hungry during a layover in Houston, Beegle said.
Gee, we going to blame the government for United Airlines decision to remove the family from the plane. Why not? We blame the government for everything else.

I wonder if the parent notified the airline that her daughter was a special needs child. If you alert airline personnel to a possible problem, then they are more likely to work with you to resolve the problem.

From the information in the story, I don't think anyone was at fault. The parent indicated that child had been flying on airlines since she was very young without problems. If the airline personnel believe that the child was out of control and causing a problem for other passengers, they acted as they should.
I like United because TWICE, they brought us home when stuck in Maui due to Delta having engine troubles. Stick us in a motel after waiting HOURS and then try to pawn off the same airplane as a new one that just arrived from LA but the scorch marks were on the tail near the it was the SAME PLANE. We went to United and asked if they would bring us home and they said yes. That was the second time they did that. First time was long ago, where Delta bumped us off due to over booking, so we went to United and they accepted Delta's ticket and took us home.
I like United because TWICE, they brought us home when stuck in Maui due to Delta having engine troubles. Stick us in a motel after waiting HOURS and then try to pawn off the same airplane as a new one that just arrived from LA but the scorch marks were on the tail near the it was the SAME PLANE. We went to United and asked if they would bring us home and they said yes. That was the second time they did that. First time was long ago, where Delta bumped us off due to over booking, so we went to United and they accepted Delta's ticket and took us home.
I've had excellent treatment from United and Alaska Air. Hopefully, I will never have to fly American again.
...but again reread "REASONABLE accommodation"

Here you go champ:

Air Travelers with Disabilities Know your rights

Show us where disruptive behavior, not complying with crew instructions or the captain's unlimited authority is overridden by reasonable accommodations.

Sec. 121.533 — Responsibility for operational control: Domestic operations.
(d) Each pilot in command of an aircraft is, during flight time, in command of the aircraft and crew and is responsible for the safety of the passengers, crewmembers, cargo, and airplane.

(e) Each pilot in command has full control and authority in the operation of the aircraft, without limitation, over other crewmembers and their duties during flight time, whether or not he holds valid certificates authorizing him to perform the duties of those crewmembers.
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The woman made mistakes. She didn't make sure her daughter ate before getting on the plane.
She tried to...her daughter refused at that time.

Then she demanded that her daughter get a first class meal.
She asked if she could be accomodated.
Then she threatened the plane that if a first class meal wasn't immediately forthcoming the girl would melt down injuring passengers and crew.
Threatened? Are you claiming that she had control over whether or not her daughter had a meltdown? She was stating what would happen.

It was entirely proper to remove this family from the plane, but they should also be put on the no fly list.
At the time the pilot landed the plane the girl had eaten and was calm and there was no reason to expect further issues.
I think you probably don't fly much.
Ah, I've always liked that tactic: imply that the other person can't know what he's talking about but not actually providing a real argument that can be countered. Kind of lazy of you.

But I've flown quote a bit, that doesn't change the fact that, according to the mother and witnesses, the child never caused an actual disturbance.

First off Esmeralda made the best point. The passengers need to feel comfortable and safe. Not just one passenger, all passengers.

The women stated that her child could melt down, scream and scratch and disrupt the flight. That is a threat to all passengers. It is incumbent upon the flight attendant to take it seriously as a potential problem. The flight attendant is going to take that as a serious issue. She went to the head flight attendant, and the head flight attendant said get her the food, I'll speak to the pilot. The pilot probably called into Salt lake and asked for permission to land and then changed course and started descent, which is usually 30 minutes. The tower alerted local authorities. Once it is set in motion and after descent begins, there is no turning back. Once they landed, they needed the issue resolved, that is taking the mom and girl of the plane and let them catch a later flight when things are more settled.

For the majority of the passengers, it was a good call.
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It's sad how terrified people in this country are of people with autism; as evidenced in this thread. Thank goodness awareness is increasing.
Having an autistic grandchild, I certainly agree. However, most people just don't understand. They just see a weird or unruly child the parent can't control. If you haven't had to care for an autistic child, it's really hard to understand just how exhausting, frustrating, and heartbreaking it is. A few years ago, I took my granddaughter to the zoo. Normally, she is complexly docile and pays little attention to other people. However, this day she saw something that upset her and she just went nuts. We had to carry to car screaming all the way. Except for one zoo attendant no one offered to help. In fact, most turned and walked away from us.
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