Fans "boo" moment of national unity

It can be a birth certificate and utility bill in their name showing their residence.
Thats not good enough

can anyone fly with just a utility bill to establish their identity?

no of course not and neither should they be allowed to vote

Irrelevant as to what you think should be done. It is what is being done and that would be absolutely nothing.
Because no one actually believes in it or they would have instituted it already.
Democrats do not want to require a picture id to vote

Democrats do not run many states and none of the Republican run states have instituted picture voter I.D. cards.
Republicans have gone as far as activist lib clinton and obama judges will allow them to

No judge has ever stopped a state from handing out photo voter I.D. cards.
Ghost, just support national unity, huh?

I'm not the one kneeling for the National Anthem.
Then you are not for national unity if you condemn them.
See. This is the problem. If you disagree (Condem) then we can’t be unified.
It’s not an either-or. In the US it’s everyone’s right to have any opinion. Your post is as un-American as there is.
You don't have to agree with their goals, but if you disagree with their right to protest, then that disagreement shows that such people do not support American civil liberties. To right protest is an one way street only.
Showing that you disagree with a protest is just as much a protest as the protest itself! When those fans booed the players they were protesting. Despite what liberals now appear to don't get to silence the opposition because YOU have a point of view! Their voices are just as protected as yours are!

Disagreeing is one thing. Being the president and calling for them to be fired is another.
I personally wouldn't call on them to be fired.

But the president did.

I would however call on those who think politics shouldn't be mixed with sports to ignore them. If I go to the local diner for breakfast and the waitress insists on giving me a lecture about something she feels strongly about...then I'm probably not going to frequent that establishment. Now if the owner of that diner ends up firing her because she's killing their business then that's really not on it?

A president is suppose to address the complaints of the people, not call them SOB's.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?

Thomas Jefferson.

Trump speaks his mind. He's not a politician. A large portion of the country agrees with that view. That portion of the population also happens to be the most rabid NFL fans! That doesn't bode well for the NFL. Just saying...

Trump lies & spews hate and his supporters love it., Only an ass would be proud of that.
You support Black Lives Matter. They support riots. Who's REALLY the "ass" in this conversation? :)

A riot is the language of the unheard

Do you want me to rattle off a few dozen Martin Luther King quotes that are against violence? The man did NOT support violent protests!

He didn't but like Thomas Jefferson he understand that when you have a government ignoring the pleas of the people riots is what you will get.

Their words were warnings to the government, not to the people.
So what was Martin's response when government ignored pleas of the people? It wasn't violent protest. It was non violent protest. Black Lives Matter has nothing in common with Martin Luther King. They believe that they can strong arm America into giving into their demands and those demands in many ways have ZERO to do with racism!
You seem very confused. We are talking about player protests not voting ID requirements.
You and RealDave claim voter suppression and I asked you to tell me why requiring a picture id represents minority voter suppression

which you have so far failed to explain

Why? Because no one actually believes in it or they would have instituted it already. There is nothing to stop a state from giving out a photo voter I.D. card when people register to vote.

This is nothing more than a way to divide people.
they need an ID to register,,,,

They do. And? It can be a birth certificate and utility bill in their name showing their residence. What is your point?
not in missouri,,,got to be a photo ID

Tell me how that works since you can register online in Missouri?
it works that way because you need a photo ID when you go to vote,,,

point is at some point you need a photo ID to vote,,,

You can vote by mail in Missouri.
after youve shown a photo ID,,, really should excuse yourself when you don't even know your own state requirements.
You seem very confused. We are talking about player protests not voting ID requirements.
You and RealDave claim voter suppression and I asked you to tell me why requiring a picture id represents minority voter suppression

which you have so far failed to explain

Why? Because no one actually believes in it or they would have instituted it already. There is nothing to stop a state from giving out a photo voter I.D. card when people register to vote.

This is nothing more than a way to divide people.
they need an ID to register,,,,

They do. And? It can be a birth certificate and utility bill in their name showing their residence. What is your point?
not in missouri,,,got to be a photo ID

Tell me how that works since you can register online in Missouri?
it works that way because you need a photo ID when you go to vote,,,

point is at some point you need a photo ID to vote,,,

You can vote by mail in Missouri.
after youve shown a photo ID,,, really should excuse yourself when you don't even know your own state requirements.
why are you so intent on making our voting open for fraud and making it like blacks are to stupid to get an ID???
Ghost, just support national unity, huh?

I'm not the one kneeling for the National Anthem.
Then you are not for national unity if you condemn them.
See. This is the problem. If you disagree (Condem) then we can’t be unified.
It’s not an either-or. In the US it’s everyone’s right to have any opinion. Your post is as un-American as there is.
You don't have to agree with their goals, but if you disagree with their right to protest, then that disagreement shows that such people do not support American civil liberties. To right protest is an one way street only.
Showing that you disagree with a protest is just as much a protest as the protest itself! When those fans booed the players they were protesting. Despite what liberals now appear to don't get to silence the opposition because YOU have a point of view! Their voices are just as protected as yours are!

Disagreeing is one thing. Being the president and calling for them to be fired is another.
I personally wouldn't call on them to be fired.

But the president did.

I would however call on those who think politics shouldn't be mixed with sports to ignore them. If I go to the local diner for breakfast and the waitress insists on giving me a lecture about something she feels strongly about...then I'm probably not going to frequent that establishment. Now if the owner of that diner ends up firing her because she's killing their business then that's really not on it?

A president is suppose to address the complaints of the people, not call them SOB's.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?

Thomas Jefferson.

Trump speaks his mind. He's not a politician. A large portion of the country agrees with that view. That portion of the population also happens to be the most rabid NFL fans! That doesn't bode well for the NFL. Just saying...

Trump lies & spews hate and his supporters love it., Only an ass would be proud of that.
You support Black Lives Matter. They support riots. Who's REALLY the "ass" in this conversation? :)

A riot is the language of the unheard

Do you want me to rattle off a few dozen Martin Luther King quotes that are against violence? The man did NOT support violent protests!

He didn't but like Thomas Jefferson he understand that when you have a government ignoring the pleas of the people riots is what you will get.

Their words were warnings to the government, not to the people.
So what was Martin's response when government ignored pleas of the people? It wasn't violent protest. It was non violent protest. Black Lives Matter has nothing in common with Martin Luther King. They believe that they can strong arm America into giving into their demands and those demands in many ways have ZERO to do with racism!

Well in the end we don't know what MLK might have accepted as he was killed. Also we must note that we tried to make strides towards a more equal society during King's life. We enacted the Civil Rights Act. There was plenty of violence during the 60's.

Now those with complaints get called SOB's by the president.
Ghost, just support national unity, huh?

I'm not the one kneeling for the National Anthem.
Then you are not for national unity if you condemn them.
See. This is the problem. If you disagree (Condem) then we can’t be unified.
It’s not an either-or. In the US it’s everyone’s right to have any opinion. Your post is as un-American as there is.
You don't have to agree with their goals, but if you disagree with their right to protest, then that disagreement shows that such people do not support American civil liberties. To right protest is an one way street only.
Showing that you disagree with a protest is just as much a protest as the protest itself! When those fans booed the players they were protesting. Despite what liberals now appear to don't get to silence the opposition because YOU have a point of view! Their voices are just as protected as yours are!

Disagreeing is one thing. Being the president and calling for them to be fired is another.
I personally wouldn't call on them to be fired.

But the president did.

I would however call on those who think politics shouldn't be mixed with sports to ignore them. If I go to the local diner for breakfast and the waitress insists on giving me a lecture about something she feels strongly about...then I'm probably not going to frequent that establishment. Now if the owner of that diner ends up firing her because she's killing their business then that's really not on it?

A president is suppose to address the complaints of the people, not call them SOB's.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?

Thomas Jefferson.

Trump speaks his mind. He's not a politician. A large portion of the country agrees with that view. That portion of the population also happens to be the most rabid NFL fans! That doesn't bode well for the NFL. Just saying...

Trump lies & spews hate and his supporters love it., Only an ass would be proud of that.
You support Black Lives Matter. They support riots. Who's REALLY the "ass" in this conversation? :)

A riot is the language of the unheard

Do you want me to rattle off a few dozen Martin Luther King quotes that are against violence? The man did NOT support violent protests!

He didn't but like Thomas Jefferson he understand that when you have a government ignoring the pleas of the people riots is what you will get.

Their words were warnings to the government, not to the people.
So what was Martin's response when government ignored pleas of the people? It wasn't violent protest. It was non violent protest. Black Lives Matter has nothing in common with Martin Luther King. They believe that they can strong arm America into giving into their demands and those demands in many ways have ZERO to do with racism!

Well in the end we don't know what MLK might have accepted as he was killed. Also we must note that we tried to make strides towards a more equal society during King's life. We enacted the Civil Rights Act. There was plenty of violence during the 60's.

Now those with complaints get called SOB's by the president.
Those who play games are. There are a lot of people who play games. In lots of ways.
Irrelevant as to what you think should be done.
Why is my opinion irrevelant?

in a republic such as ours I have a right to demand change the same as you do to resist change

Your opinion is irrelevant to what politicians actually do. There is nothing stopping any state from issuing picture I.D. voter cards.
" Left Wing Insight Absent "

* Literacy Matters *

Tell me how that works since you can register online in Missouri?
Given your objectivity , ignorance and false assumptions about this issue , do you see why those concerned with the validity of the vote are justiified ?

4 . After the election authority receives your voter registration application, you will be sent confirmation within 7 business days. If you do not receive confirmation, contact the election authority.

6. Optional —If registering by mail for the first time, please submit a copy of one of the following forms of identification: current or valid photo ID, current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or other government document that shows your name and address, birth certificate, Native American tribal document or other proof of United States citizenship.

(You will be required to present identification when you vote.)
No judge has ever stopped a state from handing out photo voter I.D. cards.
Dont be obtuse

As you well know the issue is demanding that voters present picture id before they can vote
No judge has ever stopped a state from handing out photo voter I.D. cards.
Dont be obtuse

As you well know the issue is demanding that voters present picture id before they can vote

There is NO law that stops a state from asking for a voters registration card before voting. Make it a picture I.D. There is nothing stopping that from happening other than a desire to actually do that.
Your opinion is irrelevant to what politicians actually do.
You mean unelected judges who serve for life

republican politicians tried to do the right thing but were blocked by demigods in black robes
The white supremacist are losing and they aren't happy.

When you call good people white supremacists based on the fact they don't like being insulted, you are the asshole.

Many of those "good people" showed how good they were by responding to the show of unity with their tomahawk chop.
Ten years ago, there was no problem between the races. Maybe a few ignorant on both sides, but Obama's biggest accomplishment. Was to set that back 50 years.

10 years ago there were people saying the same thing they are now but no one listened. Video is what changed all of that.

Once again you are another that only care about your politics. Screw people.
9 black people were killed by police last year. 19 white people. The two black people you are idolizing. One is a robber and drug addict, that died from a drug overdose. The other is a rapist, you do realize that kinda thinking is gonna cost you the election?

I can not win the election. I do not support either candidate. I know I have pointed this out at least 50 times.

But as long as something doesn't happen every day, I suppose we can just look the other way when a person gets murdered.

That noted, I have also pointed out it is not just about the killing of people. It's about looking away while people have their civil rights violated. That can include being killed.
Like I said you two heroes are a robber and a rapist. Neither of them deserves to live in a civil society.
So you disagree with the truth?

Robber and rapist could as easily apply to Trump.
But it doesn't, they are the democrats heroes.

Trump was found guilty of robbing people and has been equally accused of rape.
Lol, whatever makes you feel better. You talk about mortality when your man running for president continually gropes young girls on camera. Lol
The white supremacist are losing and they aren't happy.

When you call good people white supremacists based on the fact they don't like being insulted, you are the asshole.

Many of those "good people" showed how good they were by responding to the show of unity with their tomahawk chop.
Ten years ago, there was no problem between the races. Maybe a few ignorant on both sides, but Obama's biggest accomplishment. Was to set that back 50 years.

10 years ago there were people saying the same thing they are now but no one listened. Video is what changed all of that.

Once again you are another that only care about your politics. Screw people.
9 black people were killed by police last year. 19 white people. The two black people you are idolizing. One is a robber and drug addict, that died from a drug overdose. The other is a rapist, you do realize that kinda thinking is gonna cost you the election?

I can not win the election. I do not support either candidate. I know I have pointed this out at least 50 times.

But as long as something doesn't happen every day, I suppose we can just look the other way when a person gets murdered.

That noted, I have also pointed out it is not just about the killing of people. It's about looking away while people have their civil rights violated. That can include being killed.
Like I said you two heroes are a robber and a rapist. Neither of them deserves to live in a civil society.
So you disagree with the truth?

Robber and rapist could as easily apply to Trump.
But it doesn't, they are the democrats heroes.

Trump was found guilty of robbing people and has been equally accused of rape.
Lol, whatever makes you feel better. You talk about mortality when your man running for president continually gropes young girls on camera. Lol

What a cowardly response. You know that I do not support Biden.

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