Fans "boo" moment of national unity

That's been proved long ago, so "no, not once more."
I figured you’d wimp out

let me help

are black people too stupid to obtain a picture id from the DMV?

whites can do it easily
Look you dumb fuck racist asshole.

First, there are no statistics showing any significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent.

Next, there are 10-12% of eligible voters that do not have an approved photo ID. These people are disproportionately minority.

Republicans wanted to erect a hurdle that only some voters had to climb over. These were disproportionately Democrat voters. Disproportionately black.

This by definition is voter suppression.

Republicans knew not all would make the effort.

Here in. PA they passed the law & then made no effort to help people get these new photoi IDs. Nearly every county has one location to get this special photo ID. Most rural counties do not have public transportation.

Why can't your pathetic party win based on better candidates or better ideas? What do trhey have to cheat? Are you really that pathetic?
Did you really just claim that the Democrats are running better candidates and better ideas? With all due respect,'re running Joe Biden (who's having a good day if he doesn't drool on himself!) and your platform is raising taxes and imposing a Green New Deal that's going to crush the economy!
Joe Biden may be half the man he was, which makes him four times better than Trump. The party's program is far better for the working classes than the GOP. No brainer.
Ghost, just support national unity, huh?

I'm not the one kneeling for the National Anthem.
Then you are not for national unity if you condemn them.
See. This is the problem. If you disagree (Condem) then we can’t be unified.
It’s not an either-or. In the US it’s everyone’s right to have any opinion. Your post is as un-American as there is.
You don't have to agree with their goals, but if you disagree with their right to protest, then that disagreement shows that such people do not support American civil liberties. To right protest is an one way street only.
Showing that you disagree with a protest is just as much a protest as the protest itself! When those fans booed the players they were protesting. Despite what liberals now appear to don't get to silence the opposition because YOU have a point of view! Their voices are just as protected as yours are!

Disagreeing is one thing. Being the president and calling for them to be fired is another.
I personally wouldn't call on them to be fired.

But the president did.

I would however call on those who think politics shouldn't be mixed with sports to ignore them. If I go to the local diner for breakfast and the waitress insists on giving me a lecture about something she feels strongly about...then I'm probably not going to frequent that establishment. Now if the owner of that diner ends up firing her because she's killing their business then that's really not on it?

A president is suppose to address the complaints of the people, not call them SOB's.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?

Thomas Jefferson.

Trump speaks his mind. He's not a politician. A large portion of the country agrees with that view. That portion of the population also happens to be the most rabid NFL fans! That doesn't bode well for the NFL. Just saying...

Trump lies & spews hate and his supporters love it., Only an ass would be proud of that.
You support Black Lives Matter. They support riots. Who's REALLY the "ass" in this conversation? :)
Silly comment. BLM supports protest. White supremacists and looters support riots
Ghost, just support national unity, huh?

I'm not the one kneeling for the National Anthem.
Then you are not for national unity if you condemn them.
See. This is the problem. If you disagree (Condem) then we can’t be unified.
It’s not an either-or. In the US it’s everyone’s right to have any opinion. Your post is as un-American as there is.
You don't have to agree with their goals, but if you disagree with their right to protest, then that disagreement shows that such people do not support American civil liberties. To right protest is an one way street only.
Showing that you disagree with a protest is just as much a protest as the protest itself! When those fans booed the players they were protesting. Despite what liberals now appear to don't get to silence the opposition because YOU have a point of view! Their voices are just as protected as yours are!

Disagreeing is one thing. Being the president and calling for them to be fired is another.
I personally wouldn't call on them to be fired.

But the president did.

I would however call on those who think politics shouldn't be mixed with sports to ignore them. If I go to the local diner for breakfast and the waitress insists on giving me a lecture about something she feels strongly about...then I'm probably not going to frequent that establishment. Now if the owner of that diner ends up firing her because she's killing their business then that's really not on it?

A president is suppose to address the complaints of the people, not call them SOB's.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?

Thomas Jefferson.

Trump speaks his mind. He's not a politician. A large portion of the country agrees with that view. That portion of the population also happens to be the most rabid NFL fans! That doesn't bode well for the NFL. Just saying...

Trump lies & spews hate and his supporters love it., Only an ass would be proud of that.
You support Black Lives Matter. They support riots. Who's REALLY the "ass" in this conversation? :)

A riot is the language of the unheard


For those who care, hear is the quote explained in context:

"Some have taken to quoting MLK on riots as the "the language of the unheard," of the oppressed and downtrodden. Let's be crystal clear then, as well, about his thoughts on the matter, as fully expressed in his "The Other America" speech from 1967. His entire point in the relevant section was that riots are counterproductive—but that we must recognize the grievances over injustice expressed in them, the violent conditions suffered that create them. Some seem to leave out the counterproductive bit, and others the injustice bit. " George Floyd and What Martin Luther King Jr. Really Said about Riots and "the Language of the Unheard" | Kai M. Wright
Ghost, just support national unity, huh?

I'm not the one kneeling for the National Anthem.
Then you are not for national unity if you condemn them.
See. This is the problem. If you disagree (Condem) then we can’t be unified.
It’s not an either-or. In the US it’s everyone’s right to have any opinion. Your post is as un-American as there is.
You don't have to agree with their goals, but if you disagree with their right to protest, then that disagreement shows that such people do not support American civil liberties. To right protest is an one way street only.
Showing that you disagree with a protest is just as much a protest as the protest itself! When those fans booed the players they were protesting. Despite what liberals now appear to don't get to silence the opposition because YOU have a point of view! Their voices are just as protected as yours are!

Disagreeing is one thing. Being the president and calling for them to be fired is another.
I personally wouldn't call on them to be fired.

But the president did.

I would however call on those who think politics shouldn't be mixed with sports to ignore them. If I go to the local diner for breakfast and the waitress insists on giving me a lecture about something she feels strongly about...then I'm probably not going to frequent that establishment. Now if the owner of that diner ends up firing her because she's killing their business then that's really not on it?

A president is suppose to address the complaints of the people, not call them SOB's.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?

Thomas Jefferson.

Trump speaks his mind. He's not a politician. A large portion of the country agrees with that view. That portion of the population also happens to be the most rabid NFL fans! That doesn't bode well for the NFL. Just saying...

Trump lies & spews hate and his supporters love it., Only an ass would be proud of that.
You support Black Lives Matter. They support riots. Who's REALLY the "ass" in this conversation? :)

A riot is the language of the unheard


For those who care, hear is the quote explained in context:

"Some have taken to quoting MLK on riots as the "the language of the unheard," of the oppressed and downtrodden. Let's be crystal clear then, as well, about his thoughts on the matter, as fully expressed in his "The Other America" speech from 1967. His entire point in the relevant section was that riots are counterproductive—but that we must recognize the grievances over injustice expressed in them, the violent conditions suffered that create them. Some seem to leave out the counterproductive bit, and others the injustice bit. " George Floyd and What Martin Luther King Jr. Really Said about Riots and "the Language of the Unheard" | Kai M. Wright

MLK was noting that if the complaints of the people are ignored that the result would be riots. No, it shouldn't come to that but it should be expected that if people present their complaints in a peaceful manner and are called SOB's that riots will be inevitable.
Ghost, just support national unity, huh?

I'm not the one kneeling for the National Anthem.
Then you are not for national unity if you condemn them.
See. This is the problem. If you disagree (Condem) then we can’t be unified.
It’s not an either-or. In the US it’s everyone’s right to have any opinion. Your post is as un-American as there is.
You don't have to agree with their goals, but if you disagree with their right to protest, then that disagreement shows that such people do not support American civil liberties. To right protest is an one way street only.
Showing that you disagree with a protest is just as much a protest as the protest itself! When those fans booed the players they were protesting. Despite what liberals now appear to don't get to silence the opposition because YOU have a point of view! Their voices are just as protected as yours are!

Disagreeing is one thing. Being the president and calling for them to be fired is another.
I personally wouldn't call on them to be fired.

But the president did.

I would however call on those who think politics shouldn't be mixed with sports to ignore them. If I go to the local diner for breakfast and the waitress insists on giving me a lecture about something she feels strongly about...then I'm probably not going to frequent that establishment. Now if the owner of that diner ends up firing her because she's killing their business then that's really not on it?

A president is suppose to address the complaints of the people, not call them SOB's.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?

Thomas Jefferson.

Trump speaks his mind. He's not a politician. A large portion of the country agrees with that view. That portion of the population also happens to be the most rabid NFL fans! That doesn't bode well for the NFL. Just saying...

Trump lies & spews hate and his supporters love it., Only an ass would be proud of that.
You support Black Lives Matter. They support riots. Who's REALLY the "ass" in this conversation? :)

A riot is the language of the unheard


For those who care, hear is the quote explained in context:

"Some have taken to quoting MLK on riots as the "the language of the unheard," of the oppressed and downtrodden. Let's be crystal clear then, as well, about his thoughts on the matter, as fully expressed in his "The Other America" speech from 1967. His entire point in the relevant section was that riots are counterproductive—but that we must recognize the grievances over injustice expressed in them, the violent conditions suffered that create them. Some seem to leave out the counterproductive bit, and others the injustice bit. " George Floyd and What Martin Luther King Jr. Really Said about Riots and "the Language of the Unheard" | Kai M. Wright

MLK was noting that if the complaints of the people are ignored that the result would be riots. No, it shouldn't come to that but it should be expected that if people present their complaints in a peaceful manner and are called SOB's that riots will be inevitable.

to what episodes of "peaceful manner" do you refer?
Put cotton in your ears and stay close to the freezer to avoid snowflake melt because going to be a lot of booing today about the false compliance shenanigans these dorks are fostering
Owners want stadiums mostly empty because boos would be thunderous otherwise
Ghost, just support national unity, huh?

I'm not the one kneeling for the National Anthem.
Then you are not for national unity if you condemn them.
See. This is the problem. If you disagree (Condem) then we can’t be unified.
It’s not an either-or. In the US it’s everyone’s right to have any opinion. Your post is as un-American as there is.
You don't have to agree with their goals, but if you disagree with their right to protest, then that disagreement shows that such people do not support American civil liberties. To right protest is an one way street only.
Showing that you disagree with a protest is just as much a protest as the protest itself! When those fans booed the players they were protesting. Despite what liberals now appear to don't get to silence the opposition because YOU have a point of view! Their voices are just as protected as yours are!

Disagreeing is one thing. Being the president and calling for them to be fired is another.
I personally wouldn't call on them to be fired.

But the president did.

I would however call on those who think politics shouldn't be mixed with sports to ignore them. If I go to the local diner for breakfast and the waitress insists on giving me a lecture about something she feels strongly about...then I'm probably not going to frequent that establishment. Now if the owner of that diner ends up firing her because she's killing their business then that's really not on it?

A president is suppose to address the complaints of the people, not call them SOB's.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?

Thomas Jefferson.

Trump speaks his mind. He's not a politician. A large portion of the country agrees with that view. That portion of the population also happens to be the most rabid NFL fans! That doesn't bode well for the NFL. Just saying...

Trump lies & spews hate and his supporters love it., Only an ass would be proud of that.
You support Black Lives Matter. They support riots. Who's REALLY the "ass" in this conversation? :)

A riot is the language of the unheard


For those who care, hear is the quote explained in context:

"Some have taken to quoting MLK on riots as the "the language of the unheard," of the oppressed and downtrodden. Let's be crystal clear then, as well, about his thoughts on the matter, as fully expressed in his "The Other America" speech from 1967. His entire point in the relevant section was that riots are counterproductive—but that we must recognize the grievances over injustice expressed in them, the violent conditions suffered that create them. Some seem to leave out the counterproductive bit, and others the injustice bit. " George Floyd and What Martin Luther King Jr. Really Said about Riots and "the Language of the Unheard" | Kai M. Wright

MLK was noting that if the complaints of the people are ignored that the result would be riots. No, it shouldn't come to that but it should be expected that if people present their complaints in a peaceful manner and are called SOB's that riots will be inevitable.

to what episodes of "peaceful manner" do you refer?

People kneeling.

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Most on the right – Trump supporters in particular – maintain the wrongheaded notion that there is no inequality.
Where exactly do you claim the law is unequal? I think you're delusional.
For rightists to acknowledge the fact that inequality exists is to acknowledge that conservatives are wrong about issues such as public assistance, housing programs, and education outreach for minorities.

It’s to acknowledge the fact that demonstrations and protests against inequality are justified and appropriate.

It’s to acknowledge the fact that black Americans are subject to discrimination by law enforcement.

Conservatives can’t acknowledge the fact of inequality and discrimination because it would take from them the lie they use to motivate the base to vote – the lie that inequality doesn’t exist.
The only inequality is unequal effort and responsibility on the part of the “unity” dimbulbs
The white supremacist are losing and they aren't happy.

When you call good people white supremacists based on the fact they don't like being insulted, you are the asshole.

Many of those "good people" showed how good they were by responding to the show of unity with their tomahawk chop.
Ten years ago, there was no problem between the races. Maybe a few ignorant on both sides, but Obama's biggest accomplishment. Was to set that back 50 years.

10 years ago there were people saying the same thing they are now but no one listened. Video is what changed all of that.

Once again you are another that only care about your politics. Screw people.
9 black people were killed by police last year. 19 white people. The two black people you are idolizing. One is a robber and drug addict, that died from a drug overdose. The other is a rapist, you do realize that kinda thinking is gonna cost you the election?

I can not win the election. I do not support either candidate. I know I have pointed this out at least 50 times.

But as long as something doesn't happen every day, I suppose we can just look the other way when a person gets murdered.

That noted, I have also pointed out it is not just about the killing of people. It's about looking away while people have their civil rights violated. That can include being killed.
Like I said you two heroes are a robber and a rapist. Neither of them deserves to live in a civil society.
So you disagree with the truth?

Robber and rapist could as easily apply to Trump.
But it doesn't, they are the democrats heroes.

Trump was found guilty of robbing people and has been equally accused of rape.
Lol, whatever makes you feel better. You talk about mortality when your man running for president continually gropes young girls on camera. Lol

What a cowardly response. You know that I do not support Biden.
You're a liberal, you will vote for him.
The white supremacist are losing and they aren't happy.

When you call good people white supremacists based on the fact they don't like being insulted, you are the asshole.

Many of those "good people" showed how good they were by responding to the show of unity with their tomahawk chop.
Ten years ago, there was no problem between the races. Maybe a few ignorant on both sides, but Obama's biggest accomplishment. Was to set that back 50 years.

10 years ago there were people saying the same thing they are now but no one listened. Video is what changed all of that.

Once again you are another that only care about your politics. Screw people.
9 black people were killed by police last year. 19 white people. The two black people you are idolizing. One is a robber and drug addict, that died from a drug overdose. The other is a rapist, you do realize that kinda thinking is gonna cost you the election?

I can not win the election. I do not support either candidate. I know I have pointed this out at least 50 times.

But as long as something doesn't happen every day, I suppose we can just look the other way when a person gets murdered.

That noted, I have also pointed out it is not just about the killing of people. It's about looking away while people have their civil rights violated. That can include being killed.
Like I said you two heroes are a robber and a rapist. Neither of them deserves to live in a civil society.
So you disagree with the truth?

Robber and rapist could as easily apply to Trump.
But it doesn't, they are the democrats heroes.

Trump was found guilty of robbing people and has been equally accused of rape.
Lol, whatever makes you feel better. You talk about mortality when your man running for president continually gropes young girls on camera. Lol

What a cowardly response. You know that I do not support Biden.
You're a liberal, you will vote for him.

I get labelled that but if so it would be why I will not vote for him. Kamala Harris is even the very person that the riots are over.
Ghost, just support national unity, huh?

I'm not the one kneeling for the National Anthem.
Then you are not for national unity if you condemn them.
See. This is the problem. If you disagree (Condem) then we can’t be unified.
It’s not an either-or. In the US it’s everyone’s right to have any opinion. Your post is as un-American as there is.
You don't have to agree with their goals, but if you disagree with their right to protest, then that disagreement shows that such people do not support American civil liberties. To right protest is an one way street only.
Showing that you disagree with a protest is just as much a protest as the protest itself! When those fans booed the players they were protesting. Despite what liberals now appear to don't get to silence the opposition because YOU have a point of view! Their voices are just as protected as yours are!

Disagreeing is one thing. Being the president and calling for them to be fired is another.
I personally wouldn't call on them to be fired.

But the president did.

I would however call on those who think politics shouldn't be mixed with sports to ignore them. If I go to the local diner for breakfast and the waitress insists on giving me a lecture about something she feels strongly about...then I'm probably not going to frequent that establishment. Now if the owner of that diner ends up firing her because she's killing their business then that's really not on it?

A president is suppose to address the complaints of the people, not call them SOB's.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?

Thomas Jefferson.

Trump speaks his mind. He's not a politician. A large portion of the country agrees with that view. That portion of the population also happens to be the most rabid NFL fans! That doesn't bode well for the NFL. Just saying...

Trump lies & spews hate and his supporters love it., Only an ass would be proud of that.
You support Black Lives Matter. They support riots. Who's REALLY the "ass" in this conversation? :)

A riot is the language of the unheard


For those who care, hear is the quote explained in context:

"Some have taken to quoting MLK on riots as the "the language of the unheard," of the oppressed and downtrodden. Let's be crystal clear then, as well, about his thoughts on the matter, as fully expressed in his "The Other America" speech from 1967. His entire point in the relevant section was that riots are counterproductive—but that we must recognize the grievances over injustice expressed in them, the violent conditions suffered that create them. Some seem to leave out the counterproductive bit, and others the injustice bit. " George Floyd and What Martin Luther King Jr. Really Said about Riots and "the Language of the Unheard" | Kai M. Wright

MLK was noting that if the complaints of the people are ignored that the result would be riots. No, it shouldn't come to that but it should be expected that if people present their complaints in a peaceful manner and are called SOB's that riots will be inevitable.

to what episodes of "peaceful manner" do you refer?

People kneeling.

Criticism of the morons who observe the quasi-religious ritual of dropping to one knee during
the playing of the National Anthem galvanized
rioting, pillage and murder on the part of those
who support that silly stupidity? Those supporters
should try to grow a pair
Ghost, just support national unity, huh?

I'm not the one kneeling for the National Anthem.
Then you are not for national unity if you condemn them.
See. This is the problem. If you disagree (Condem) then we can’t be unified.
It’s not an either-or. In the US it’s everyone’s right to have any opinion. Your post is as un-American as there is.
You don't have to agree with their goals, but if you disagree with their right to protest, then that disagreement shows that such people do not support American civil liberties. To right protest is an one way street only.
Showing that you disagree with a protest is just as much a protest as the protest itself! When those fans booed the players they were protesting. Despite what liberals now appear to don't get to silence the opposition because YOU have a point of view! Their voices are just as protected as yours are!

Disagreeing is one thing. Being the president and calling for them to be fired is another.
I personally wouldn't call on them to be fired.

But the president did.

I would however call on those who think politics shouldn't be mixed with sports to ignore them. If I go to the local diner for breakfast and the waitress insists on giving me a lecture about something she feels strongly about...then I'm probably not going to frequent that establishment. Now if the owner of that diner ends up firing her because she's killing their business then that's really not on it?

A president is suppose to address the complaints of the people, not call them SOB's.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?

Thomas Jefferson.

Trump speaks his mind. He's not a politician. A large portion of the country agrees with that view. That portion of the population also happens to be the most rabid NFL fans! That doesn't bode well for the NFL. Just saying...

Trump lies & spews hate and his supporters love it., Only an ass would be proud of that.
You support Black Lives Matter. They support riots. Who's REALLY the "ass" in this conversation? :)

A riot is the language of the unheard


For those who care, hear is the quote explained in context:

"Some have taken to quoting MLK on riots as the "the language of the unheard," of the oppressed and downtrodden. Let's be crystal clear then, as well, about his thoughts on the matter, as fully expressed in his "The Other America" speech from 1967. His entire point in the relevant section was that riots are counterproductive—but that we must recognize the grievances over injustice expressed in them, the violent conditions suffered that create them. Some seem to leave out the counterproductive bit, and others the injustice bit. " George Floyd and What Martin Luther King Jr. Really Said about Riots and "the Language of the Unheard" | Kai M. Wright

MLK was noting that if the complaints of the people are ignored that the result would be riots. No, it shouldn't come to that but it should be expected that if people present their complaints in a peaceful manner and are called SOB's that riots will be inevitable.

to what episodes of "peaceful manner" do you refer?

People kneeling.

Criticism of the morons who observe the quasi-religious ritual of dropping to one knee during
the playing of the National Anthem galvanized
rioting, pillage and murder on the part of those
who support that silly stupidity? Those supporters
should try to grow a pair

So now you are attacking people over their religion also?

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Why aren’t there more Whites in football?!

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Most on the right – Trump supporters in particular – maintain the wrongheaded notion that there is no inequality.
Where exactly do you claim the law is unequal? I think you're delusional.
For rightists to acknowledge the fact that inequality exists is to acknowledge that conservatives are wrong about issues such as public assistance, housing programs, and education outreach for minorities.

It’s to acknowledge the fact that demonstrations and protests against inequality are justified and appropriate.

It’s to acknowledge the fact that black Americans are subject to discrimination by law enforcement.

Conservatives can’t acknowledge the fact of inequality and discrimination because it would take from them the lie they use to motivate the base to vote – the lie that inequality doesn’t exist.

I think we can all agree life is not equal or fair. That is life, I think the idea that you believe we can make life fair or equal is insane.

No one said life was fair, equal or easy. Also, the empty Democrats will do nothing to bring about equality, make it fair or easy, they expect government to do that form them, which is where it goes down hill.
Ghost, just support national unity, huh?

I'm not the one kneeling for the National Anthem.
Then you are not for national unity if you condemn them.
See. This is the problem. If you disagree (Condem) then we can’t be unified.
It’s not an either-or. In the US it’s everyone’s right to have any opinion. Your post is as un-American as there is.
You don't have to agree with their goals, but if you disagree with their right to protest, then that disagreement shows that such people do not support American civil liberties. To right protest is an one way street only.
Showing that you disagree with a protest is just as much a protest as the protest itself! When those fans booed the players they were protesting. Despite what liberals now appear to don't get to silence the opposition because YOU have a point of view! Their voices are just as protected as yours are!

Disagreeing is one thing. Being the president and calling for them to be fired is another.
I personally wouldn't call on them to be fired.

But the president did.

I would however call on those who think politics shouldn't be mixed with sports to ignore them. If I go to the local diner for breakfast and the waitress insists on giving me a lecture about something she feels strongly about...then I'm probably not going to frequent that establishment. Now if the owner of that diner ends up firing her because she's killing their business then that's really not on it?

A president is suppose to address the complaints of the people, not call them SOB's.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?

Thomas Jefferson.

Trump speaks his mind. He's not a politician. A large portion of the country agrees with that view. That portion of the population also happens to be the most rabid NFL fans! That doesn't bode well for the NFL. Just saying...

Trump lies & spews hate and his supporters love it., Only an ass would be proud of that.
You support Black Lives Matter. They support riots. Who's REALLY the "ass" in this conversation? :)

A riot is the language of the unheard


For those who care, hear is the quote explained in context:

"Some have taken to quoting MLK on riots as the "the language of the unheard," of the oppressed and downtrodden. Let's be crystal clear then, as well, about his thoughts on the matter, as fully expressed in his "The Other America" speech from 1967. His entire point in the relevant section was that riots are counterproductive—but that we must recognize the grievances over injustice expressed in them, the violent conditions suffered that create them. Some seem to leave out the counterproductive bit, and others the injustice bit. " George Floyd and What Martin Luther King Jr. Really Said about Riots and "the Language of the Unheard" | Kai M. Wright

MLK was noting that if the complaints of the people are ignored that the result would be riots. No, it shouldn't come to that but it should be expected that if people present their complaints in a peaceful manner and are called SOB's that riots will be inevitable.

to what episodes of "peaceful manner" do you refer?

People kneeling.

Criticism of the morons who observe the quasi-religious ritual of dropping to one knee during
the playing of the National Anthem galvanized
rioting, pillage and murder on the part of those
who support that silly stupidity? Those supporters
should try to grow a pair

So now you are attacking people over their religion also?

the kneeling jerks claim a RELIGION? the action is
that it claims to represent a "religion"

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Most on the right – Trump supporters in particular – maintain the wrongheaded notion that there is no inequality.
Where exactly do you claim the law is unequal? I think you're delusional.
For rightists to acknowledge the fact that inequality exists is to acknowledge that conservatives are wrong about issues such as public assistance, housing programs, and education outreach for minorities.

It’s to acknowledge the fact that demonstrations and protests against inequality are justified and appropriate.

It’s to acknowledge the fact that black Americans are subject to discrimination by law enforcement.

Conservatives can’t acknowledge the fact of inequality and discrimination because it would take from them the lie they use to motivate the base to vote – the lie that inequality doesn’t exist.
I'll remember that next time I serve filet mignon to someone who pays with foodstamps and drives away in a Beamer. Think I'm kidding?

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Most on the right – Trump supporters in particular – maintain the wrongheaded notion that there is no inequality.
Where exactly do you claim the law is unequal? I think you're delusional.
For rightists to acknowledge the fact that inequality exists is to acknowledge that conservatives are wrong about issues such as public assistance, housing programs, and education outreach for minorities.

It’s to acknowledge the fact that demonstrations and protests against inequality are justified and appropriate.

It’s to acknowledge the fact that black Americans are subject to discrimination by law enforcement.

Conservatives can’t acknowledge the fact of inequality and discrimination because it would take from them the lie they use to motivate the base to vote – the lie that inequality doesn’t exist.
I'll remember that next time I serve filet mignon to someone who pays with foodstamps and drives away in a Beamer. Think I'm kidding?

Foodstamps can't be used for prepared food.
All USA promises is equal opportunity and not equal results and certainly not equal results when effort is not equal
Can’t clear the bar? Then lower the bar-BLM 101
Put cotton in your ears and stay close to the freezer to avoid snowflake melt because going to be a lot of booing today about the false compliance shenanigans these dorks are fostering
Owners want stadiums mostly empty because boos would be thunderous otherwise
No and no. Watching the Fabulous Five on Fox, the announcers have the themes of "all of us" getting it right. Those who can't hear that call are misinformed or a lost soul.

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