Far left proves that they believe in death panels.

Right now we have many choices and a few options. If the socialist have their way the govt will control everything and all decisions with regard to medical care. Thing is where do people from countries run like that go for care? We have price problems not care problems. No tort reform no buying across state lines no competition in the market. Instead we got forced coverage of illnesses that will bankrupt the ins companies thus driving up the costs. We essentially shot ourselves in the foot and now are demanding that the wound be fixed for free.
It should NEVER be up to anyone but your doctor, wallet and ins company what treatment you do or don't receive.

And this is too damn funny considering its you're side always claiming WE are the ones wanting to throw grandma off the cliff.

Wait, so you think whether or not a person receives a life-saving procedure should depend on whether they can afford it and whether their insurance policy will cover it?

And you want to talk about death panels? Well, what you are advocating, my friend, is free-market death panels. They have been in existence for years. That is precisely what the ACA will help eliminate.

Please point out where I said what you just inferred. Hospitals are required by law to give life sustaining aid no matter your financial condition.
....No matter what it costs, right??


.....of you!!!

Wait, so you think whether or not a person receives a life-saving procedure should depend on whether they can afford it and whether their insurance policy will cover it?

And you want to talk about death panels? Well, what you are advocating, my friend, is free-market death panels. They have been in existence for years. That is precisely what the ACA will help eliminate.

Please point out where I said what you just inferred. Hospitals are required by law to give life sustaining aid no matter your financial condition.
....No matter what it costs, right??


.....of you!!!


It's the LAW numbnuts.
Right now we have many choices and a few options. If the socialist have their way the govt will control everything and all decisions with regard to medical care. Thing is where do people from countries run like that go for care? We have price problems not care problems.




[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxNhOBemsic]Q&A: T.R. Reid - YouTube[/ame]​
I ment that part.

Well, that's my point. If you think that receiving treatment should depend on the amount of money a person has or whether an insurance policy will cover it, then you already support death panels, whether you know it or not. I'm not trying to be an ass. But seriously, tink about it. If I can't afford an operation, and I have no insurance, or if I do, my policy won't pay for it? What are my options? Maybe I can get some charity care, but maybe not. The almighty dollar is the death panel.

There is a difference between life saving care and life extending care. If I smoke for thirty years then die because I needed a new heart how is it someone else's fault because they said no to the treatment?

Fault should not be assigned. Health care is health care. If an insurance policy won't cover a procedure because of a pre-existing condition or a life choice, then they are deciding who lives and who dies; ie, a "death panel". From a business standpoint, it makes sense, but health care shouldn't be subjected to the business model.
Well, that's my point. If you think that receiving treatment should depend on the amount of money a person has or whether an insurance policy will cover it, then you already support death panels, whether you know it or not. I'm not trying to be an ass. But seriously, tink about it. If I can't afford an operation, and I have no insurance, or if I do, my policy won't pay for it? What are my options? Maybe I can get some charity care, but maybe not. The almighty dollar is the death panel.

There is a difference between life saving care and life extending care. If I smoke for thirty years then die because I needed a new heart how is it someone else's fault because they said no to the treatment?

Fault should not be assigned. Health care is health care. If an insurance policy won't cover a procedure because of a pre-existing condition or a life choice, then they are deciding who lives and who dies; ie, a "death panel". From a business standpoint, it makes sense, but health care shouldn't be subjected to the business model.

What's surprising is that you honestly believe that it won't be if goverment controlled. It's not like the government doesn't belive in control of minutinae.
Well, that's my point. If you think that receiving treatment should depend on the amount of money a person has or whether an insurance policy will cover it, then you already support death panels, whether you know it or not. I'm not trying to be an ass. But seriously, tink about it. If I can't afford an operation, and I have no insurance, or if I do, my policy won't pay for it? What are my options? Maybe I can get some charity care, but maybe not. The almighty dollar is the death panel.

There is a difference between life saving care and life extending care. If I smoke for thirty years then die because I needed a new heart how is it someone else's fault because they said no to the treatment?

Fault should not be assigned. Health care is health care. If an insurance policy won't cover a procedure because of a pre-existing condition or a life choice, then they are deciding who lives and who dies; ie, a "death panel". From a business standpoint, it makes sense, but health care shouldn't be subjected to the business model.

Insurance is a for profit venture. When the profit ceases so will the product. Then all we have left is our own wealth or the govt.

Why do you want less options for your health coverage?
The real problem is the amount of good americans uncovered by the current monopolized health care system.

Health Insurance has poured trillions into Congress for the purpose of creating an anticompetitive system. They also fund the rightwing media machine, which screams socialism every time the health care monopoly is threatened.

I used to think nobody listened to hacks like Hannity (on the right) and Olbermann (on the left), but now I realize that some people get most of their data from these propaganda tools.

Obama took a page from Bob Dole and Mitt Romney by trying to get more people to pay into the system, thus allowing providers to bring down rates. The people NOT paying into the system are the ones who when they eventually go into an emergency room get paid for by the rest of us AT EMERGENCY ROOM RATES. These costs cripple the system.

"Death Panel" is a talk radio term. It is based on legislation first proposed by a Republican. The idea behind it is that seniors should have consultation with doctors to determine end of life care - so that the medical institution doesn't merely choose their level of care. Republicans have turned this concept - a concept they invented - into a fear-mongering exaggeration. They can get away with this because their base lacks higher education. They literally live in a world that Sean Hannity frames for them.
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The real problem is the amount of good americans uncovered by the current monopolized health care system.

Health Insurance has poured trillions into Congress for the purpose of creating an anticompetitive system. They also fund the rightwing media machine, which screams socialism every time the health care monopoly is threatened.

I used to think nobody listened to hacks like Hannity (on the right) and Olbermann (on the left), but now I realize that some people get most of their data from these propaganda tools.

Obama took a page from Bob Dole and Mitt Romney by trying to get more people to pay into the system, thus allowing providers to bring down rates. The people paying into the system are the ones who when they eventually go into an emergency room get paid for by the rest of us.

"Death Panel" is a talk radio term. It is based on legislation first proposed by a Republican. The idea behind it is that seniors should have consultation with doctors to determine end of life care - so that the medical institution doesn't merely choose their level of care. Republicans have turned this concept - a concept they invented - into a fear-mongering exaggeration. They can get away with this because their base lacks higher education. They literally live in a world that Sean Hannity frames for them.

If that were true then why didn't Obama target them with a program? Instead he put his boot on EVERY American.
It should NEVER be up to anyone but your doctor, wallet and ins company what treatment you do or don't receive.

And this is too damn funny considering its you're side always claiming WE are the ones wanting to throw grandma off the cliff.

In other words, you have no problems with death panels, as long as they are composed of hospitals an insurance companies focused on their profit margin.
It should NEVER be up to anyone but your doctor, wallet and ins company what treatment you do or don't receive.

And this is too damn funny considering its you're side always claiming WE are the ones wanting to throw grandma off the cliff.

In other words, you have no problems with death panels, as long as they are composed of hospitals an insurance companies focused on their profit margin.

The free market isn't always a bed of roses but its better than the utopia you liberals are trying to create.
It should NEVER be up to anyone but your doctor, wallet and ins company what treatment you do or don't receive.

And this is too damn funny considering its you're side always claiming WE are the ones wanting to throw grandma off the cliff.

In other words, you have no problems with death panels, as long as they are composed of hospitals an insurance companies focused on their profit margin.

The free market isn't always a bed of roses but its better than the utopia you liberals are trying to create.

How come we don't leave firefighting to the free market?
Or policing?
Or water or sewage treatment?
Or the roads?

Because it's important to control the OUTCOME of those enterprises.
The free market works best in situations where you don't care about the end result (which sells more? An Ipad vs a kindle for example). However when it MATTERS how well the delivered product works....firefighting....police....municipal infrastructure and roads, you want to control the outcome and not leave it to the free market, whose primary concern is PROFIT (as it should be). If you privatize the sewer system and have 5 companies all with different plumbing standards, how well would that work? If you changed sewer companies, they'd have to come out and dig up your whole yard to change your pipes. Doesn't make much sense, does it?

The greatest problem with the Republican party is that they hate government, yet want to control it. I don't know about you, but if you want something done right, you have to put people in charge who BELIEVE in what they're doing. You can't say government is the problem in one sentence then suggest you're the person to run it in the next. Would you give a job running a hospital to a person who doesn't believe that medicine works?
The free market isn't always a bed of roses but its better than the utopia you liberals are trying to create.

I'm not a liberal, I've already told you this. And I'm not interested in creating a Utopia. I want practicable solutions to real problems faced by the American people. The health care law doesn't accomplish that. But neither does your babbling about all evil death panels, especially when you clearly have no objection to death panels, as long as they are run by hospitals and insurance companies.
In other words, you have no problems with death panels, as long as they are composed of hospitals an insurance companies focused on their profit margin.

The free market isn't always a bed of roses but its better than the utopia you liberals are trying to create.

How come we don't leave firefighting to the free market?
Or policing?
Or water or sewage treatment?
Or the roads?

Because it's important to control the OUTCOME of those enterprises.
The free market works best in situations where you don't care about the end result (which sells more? An Ipad vs a kindle for example). However when it MATTERS how well the delivered product works....firefighting....police....municipal infrastructure and roads, you want to control the outcome and not leave it to the free market, whose primary concern is PROFIT (as it should be). If you privatize the sewer system and have 5 companies all with different plumbing standards, how well would that work? If you changed sewer companies, they'd have to come out and dig up your whole yard to change your pipes. Doesn't make much sense, does it?

The greatest problem with the Republican party is that they hate government, yet want to control it. I don't know about you, but if you want something done right, you have to put people in charge who BELIEVE in what they're doing. You can't say government is the problem in one sentence then suggest you're the person to run it in the next. Would you give a job running a hospital to a person who doesn't believe that medicine works?

What's more laughable here?

Your post or your assertion that you're a republican?

Stupidity vs lies

By the way plumbing companies all function and follow the same rules and regulations put forth by the GOVT.
There is a difference between life saving care and life extending care. If I smoke for thirty years then die because I needed a new heart how is it someone else's fault because they said no to the treatment?

Fault should not be assigned. Health care is health care. If an insurance policy won't cover a procedure because of a pre-existing condition or a life choice, then they are deciding who lives and who dies; ie, a "death panel". From a business standpoint, it makes sense, but health care shouldn't be subjected to the business model.

Insurance is a for profit venture. When the profit ceases so will the product. Then all we have left is our own wealth or the govt.

Why do you want less options for your health coverage?

So you DO support death panels; for-profit death panels. Thanks for clearing that up.
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There is a difference between life saving care and life extending care. If I smoke for thirty years then die because I needed a new heart how is it someone else's fault because they said no to the treatment?

Fault should not be assigned. Health care is health care. If an insurance policy won't cover a procedure because of a pre-existing condition or a life choice, then they are deciding who lives and who dies; ie, a "death panel". From a business standpoint, it makes sense, but health care shouldn't be subjected to the business model.

What's surprising is that you honestly believe that it won't be if goverment controlled. It's not like the government doesn't belive in control of minutinae.

First of all, I never said that. Second, the ACA does not put gov't in control of health insurance; it mandates that citizens purchase health insurance from private companies. In other words, it gives customers to the private insurance market. It does, however, forbid those companies from denying coverage or dropping the insured for getting sick.
Fault should not be assigned. Health care is health care. If an insurance policy won't cover a procedure because of a pre-existing condition or a life choice, then they are deciding who lives and who dies; ie, a "death panel". From a business standpoint, it makes sense, but health care shouldn't be subjected to the business model.

Insurance is a for profit venture. When the profit ceases so will the product. Then all we have left is our own wealth or the govt.

Why do you want less options for your health coverage?

So you DO support death panels; for-profit death panels. Thanks for clearing that up.

With the obvious difference being outside govt control we have multiple options. With govt control we have NONE
Insurance is a for profit venture. When the profit ceases so will the product. Then all we have left is our own wealth or the govt.

Why do you want less options for your health coverage?

So you DO support death panels; for-profit death panels. Thanks for clearing that up.

With the obvious difference being outside govt control we have multiple options. With govt control we have NONE

Right. And the options for the for-profit model are, money = health care; no money = you're shit out of luck. Unless we go with the ACA, which provides subsidies for those who can't afford the high cost of private insurance.

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