"Far Right" can't win for GOP? ...BS!

Who is your "solid conservative" for 2016?

A "Reagan" wouldn't win the 2016 GOP primary.

Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul.

Reagan would mop the floor with today's Liberal just like he did back then.

If you want to believe the world has dramatically changed and there aren't a lot of conservatives anymore, that's up to you. I can't do anything about your mental illness. I realize the last few elections have given you a false sense of security and you think the political momentum is just not stoppable. You've got a rude awakening ahead and I can hardly wait.
Don't you think it's kind of pathetic you're indulging this fantasy about Reagan kicking ass in 2016? It sounds like you have more faith in this fantasy then the actual candidates lol.

Cruz has NO CHANCES of becoming president. Accept it.

Boss is offering an elaborate and detailed diagram of the nonsense someone would have to tell themselves to believe the 'what Americans want is a conservative' fantasy.

You have to ignore polling.

You have to reimagine the term 'moderate' to mean 'conservative'.

You have to reimagine the term 'independant' to mean 'conservative'.

You have to pretend that you'll find more support OUTSIDE the GOP than you will within it, despite republicans being the most sympathetic to conservative ideas, with 70% of republicans self identifying as conservative.

Shrugs....you can't fix stupid.
I just watched Ted speak in New Hampshire. He gave the same speech he gave at his announcement. Does he think the audience he spoke to today didn't see that announcement speech? He needs to try a little harder if he wants to increase his speaking fee.

Also...he's got a little "tick" that I think will haunt him. Whenever he delivers one of his applause lines ( abolish the IRS and put agents on the border, repeal EVERY WORD of Obamacare )....he does a little giggle thing. It's very effeminate, actually.
I just watched Ted speak in New Hampshire. He gave the same speech he gave at his announcement. Does he think the audience he spoke to today didn't see that announcement speech? He needs to try a little harder if he wants to increase his speaking fee.

Also...he's got a little "tick" that I think will haunt him. Whenever he delivers one of his applause lines ( abolish the IRS and put agents on the border, repeal EVERY WORD of Obamacare )....he does a little giggle thing. It's very effeminate, actually.
If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance. How many times did your messiah say that?
I just watched Ted speak in New Hampshire. He gave the same speech he gave at his announcement. Does he think the audience he spoke to today didn't see that announcement speech? He needs to try a little harder if he wants to increase his speaking fee.

Also...he's got a little "tick" that I think will haunt him. Whenever he delivers one of his applause lines ( abolish the IRS and put agents on the border, repeal EVERY WORD of Obamacare )....he does a little giggle thing. It's very effeminate, actually.
If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance. How many times did your messiah say that?

Obama's running for president? Really?

Because that's the only way you reply is anything other than a hapless attempt to dodge what you're replying to.
I just watched Ted speak in New Hampshire. He gave the same speech he gave at his announcement. Does he think the audience he spoke to today didn't see that announcement speech? He needs to try a little harder if he wants to increase his speaking fee.

Also...he's got a little "tick" that I think will haunt him. Whenever he delivers one of his applause lines ( abolish the IRS and put agents on the border, repeal EVERY WORD of Obamacare )....he does a little giggle thing. It's very effeminate, actually.
If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance. How many times did your messiah say that?

Obama's running for president? Really?

Because that's the only way you reply is anything other than a hapless attempt to dodge what you're replying to.
Aww did the big commie not like me showing the obvious about speeches?
So your argument is when someone self identifies as a Moderate, what they *really* mean is that they are a conservative? Can you back any of that nonsense with more than your ability to type it?

Sure can, and it's really so simple an airhead such as yourself can comprehend it!

MOST people, when given the option, will identify as "moderate" in their views.

Case in point, if I asked you whether you are an Extremist or Moderate, what would you say? Of course, we all know you and love you as a radical left-wing extremist here, but you would probably call yourself "moderate" to make yourself appear reasonable, open-minded, objective. This is how MOST PEOPLE see themselves.

So the first problem with polls asking people to identify where they are given the option of "moderate" is that most people are going to pick "moderate" regardless. Doesn't mean they ARE moderate, just that "moderate" is how they view themselves. A certain percentage of these people are not being honest.

A "true" moderate is someone who doesn't have an ideological ax to grind. Someone who can objectively weigh all sides of an issue and make a pragmatic decision as to what is the best solution. This just so happens to be what primarily constitutes a Conservative philosophy. Conservative philosophy IS the moderate alternative to radical Liberalism.

The fact that some people don't want to identify as "Conservative" is a direct result of the Liberal left along with the media and establishment republicans rather successful run of denigrating and stigmatizing Conservatism as some abhorrent backwards ideology. This is because Conservatives have lacked a voice. A person who can articulate Conservative philosophy and refute the nonsense of the liberal left.
I just watched Ted speak in New Hampshire. He gave the same speech he gave at his announcement. Does he think the audience he spoke to today didn't see that announcement speech? He needs to try a little harder if he wants to increase his speaking fee.

Also...he's got a little "tick" that I think will haunt him. Whenever he delivers one of his applause lines ( abolish the IRS and put agents on the border, repeal EVERY WORD of Obamacare )....he does a little giggle thing. It's very effeminate, actually.
If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance. How many times did your messiah say that?

We kept ours. No problem. It got better. Our colonoscopies and other preventive care services are now absolutely free. No complaints.

Now.....tell us your horror story. Tell us how you.....on a convenience store clerk's salary.....had great insurance for you and your family until the ACA was passed. Right?
Case in point, if I asked you whether you are an Extremist or Moderate, what would you say? Of course, we all know you and love you as a radical left-wing extremist here, but you would probably call yourself "moderate" to make yourself appear reasonable, open-minded, objective. This is how MOST PEOPLE see themselves.

Ah, but remember your personal definition of moderate was imaginary bullshit that you made up. The actual definition of 'moderate', as used by most people is one whose views aren't extreme. You know, what the word means when used to describe people and politics:


"a person who is moderate in opinion or opposed to extreme views and actions, especially in politics or religion."

Moderate Define Moderate at Dictionary.com

See, that's what the term actually means. And that's how people use it. So when they self identify as 'Moderate', what they actually mean is 'Moderate'.

So the first problem with polls asking people to identify where they are given the option of "moderate" is that most people are going to pick "moderate" regardless. Doesn't mean they ARE moderate, just that "moderate" is how they view themselves. A certain percentage of these people are not being honest.

Says you, citing you. I'm gonna go with what people actually said they believe. Rather than what you imagined they believed.

As would any rational person. As you don't know what you're talking about.

A "true" moderate is someone who doesn't have an ideological ax to grind. Someone who can objectively weigh all sides of an issue and make a pragmatic decision as to what is the best solution. This just so happens to be what primarily constitutes a Conservative philosophy. Conservative philosophy IS the moderate alternative to radical Liberalism.

You realize that you made up all of that, right? Your definition of moderate, your definition of liberal, your definition of conservative.....all just your personal opinions backed by nothing.

If not, consider yourself informed.

And as an aside, is there anything to you but quoting yourself, backed by nothing?
Boss: "This is not the Badlands forum where you can flame at will. It's a Level 2 forum and the rules say: Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads."

Boss, I am reporting your attempt to silence me in this thread.

I will not tolerate behavior like yours.

I have stayed on OP. You have been told why your OP fails. I have corrected your false definitions. You are not a Conservative, merely a far right reactionary.

The far right cannot win the presidency for the GOP. There are not enough of you any more to do so. The millennials despise you on the far right, and they all can vote this next year for the first time. They outnumber you.

Tough to be you.


Ohhhh look!

"He" ran and told the teacher!


Ah well, Jake IS good at something and does get his exercise.

Meanwhile it may well be that true conservatives are not enough in number to win an election. But WE are sufficient in number to prevent closet Democrats like Jammie-Jake from ever seeing one of their ilk serve anything more than time.

Simple fact, if the country goes down the tubes it needs to be because of an actual Democrat - not a Closetcrat cleverly disguised as a "Republican".

Dead is dead and if you want America dead then you'll have to do by yourself, Democrats.
Ohhhh look!

"He" ran and told the teacher!


Ah well, Jake IS good at something and does get his exercise.

Meanwhile it may well be that true conservatives are not enough in number to win an election. But WE are sufficient in number to prevent closet Democrats like Jammie-Jake from ever seeing one of their ilk serve anything more than time.

As demonstrated by your 5 to 1 loss record for convincing the electorate to vote for a republican candidate over the last generation?

Simple fact, if the country goes down the tubes it needs to be because of an actual Democrat - not a Closetcrat cleverly disguised as a "Republican".

Its a simple fact that as the 'big tent party' gets smaller and smaller......they have fewer and fewer folks to draw votes from. Purging your party of support you desperately need isn't a winning strategy.
Boss claims, without evidence here, that "I am a Conservative, but I identify myself as a moderate because my personal views are moderate. That is why I can confidently challenge any Bozo here who wants to claim I am "far right:" or "radical extremist wacko right" or "fascist right" because they can't back that argument up with anything I've ever posted here. "

You can claim you are a zebra with as much effectiveness as the above: in other words, none. In fact, several times above Boss has clearly been pegged with his own remarks that he is indeed far right. One example is that he confuses socialism and fascism, refusing to accept the traditional definitions that fascism is a right wing progressive philosophy that merges state, party, and government under the leadership of the Leader.

fas·cism ˈfaSHˌizəm/ noun
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
    synonyms: authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy; More (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
Its a simple fact that as the 'big tent party' gets smaller and smaller......they have fewer and fewer folks to draw votes from. Purging your party of support you desperately need isn't a winning strategy.

If Jammie-Jake and his wrecking crew keep casting out conservatives and continue throwing up Closetcrat nominees then would it not be best simply to merge the Democrat and "official" Republican parties? Then we wouldn't need elections, only conventions.

Is that not what has worked best for China? Of course they don't call theirs "president".
Its a simple fact that as the 'big tent party' gets smaller and smaller......they have fewer and fewer folks to draw votes from. Purging your party of support you desperately need isn't a winning strategy.

If Jammie-Jake and his wrecking crew keep casting out conservatives and continue throwing up Closetcrat nominees then would it not be best simply to merge the Democrat and "official" Republican parties? Then we wouldn't need elections, only conventions.

Is that not what has worked best for China? Of course they don't call theirs "president".

If you can't convince ANY major party to support your beliefs or nominate a candidate that does......how does that make us like 'China'. As is so common among your ilk, when you can't convince the electorate to vote for you, its somehow the electorates fault.

A much simpler explanation is that your ideology is uncompellling and unpersuasive.

Take some personal responsibility, bud.
If you can't convince ANY major party to support your beliefs or nominate a candidate that does......how does that make us like 'China'. As is so common among your ilk, when you can't convince the electorate to vote for you, its somehow the electorates fault.

A much simpler explanation is that your ideology is uncompellling and unpersuasive.

Take some personal responsibility, bud.

I accept no responsibility, Skybar, for your reading comprehension failure.
By "Christian fundamentalist" he means religious people who are Conservatives.
Well since you have said you mindlessly agree with your MessiahRushie, as all on the Far Right do, consider this:

October 3, 2007
RUSH: We've reached a new day, when interpreters are allowed to determine the meaning of words spoken by others. What happens with that is the loss of meaning.
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The far right can't win for a number of reasons...People support paving our roads, building bridges, putting our money into modernizing things. They love our educational system and generally believe that the government needs to regulate businesses that wish to take advantage of their workers, our environment and of the general population.

Only a complete blind fool would think other wise.

Guess what, people like being warned of that hurricane! People like the fda keeping our food and water clean of shit. People like Nasa that discovers dozens of awesome things per year!!! People like being able to send their children to school! Not everyone has the time to home school or money to send them to private schools.

This is why the far right is fucked. And no you won't win in national election if the democrats play this up big time.
Case in point, if I asked you whether you are an Extremist or Moderate, what would you say? Of course, we all know you and love you as a radical left-wing extremist here, but you would probably call yourself "moderate" to make yourself appear reasonable, open-minded, objective. This is how MOST PEOPLE see themselves.

Ah, but remember your personal definition of moderate was imaginary bullshit that you made up. The actual definition of 'moderate', as used by most people is one whose views aren't extreme. You know, what the word means when used to describe people and politics:


"a person who is moderate in opinion or opposed to extreme views and actions, especially in politics or religion."

Moderate Define Moderate at Dictionary.com

See, that's what the term actually means. And that's how people use it. So when they self identify as 'Moderate', what they actually mean is 'Moderate'.

So the first problem with polls asking people to identify where they are given the option of "moderate" is that most people are going to pick "moderate" regardless. Doesn't mean they ARE moderate, just that "moderate" is how they view themselves. A certain percentage of these people are not being honest.

Says you, citing you. I'm gonna go with what people actually said they believe. Rather than what you imagined they believed.

As would any rational person. As you don't know what you're talking about.

A "true" moderate is someone who doesn't have an ideological ax to grind. Someone who can objectively weigh all sides of an issue and make a pragmatic decision as to what is the best solution. This just so happens to be what primarily constitutes a Conservative philosophy. Conservative philosophy IS the moderate alternative to radical Liberalism.

You realize that you made up all of that, right? Your definition of moderate, your definition of liberal, your definition of conservative.....all just your personal opinions backed by nothing.

If not, consider yourself informed.

And as an aside, is there anything to you but quoting yourself, backed by nothing?

Don't have any problem with your definition of "moderate" which is basically the same as the definition I presented.

a person who is moderate in opinion or opposed to extreme views and actions, especially in politics or religion.

Now let's look at the dictionary definition of Conservative:

holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.

Almost interchangeable.

And again, answer my question, Skylar... Do you consider yourself an extremist or moderate? Answer honestly please.
The far right can't win for a number of reasons...

First and foremost, because there is no such thing as "far right."

Conservatives, however, can win in landslide fashion. This is why it becomes important for you to keep on yammering "far right" in place of "conservative" and hope you can fool enough idiots. And there is no shortage of idiots as you guys continue to prove.

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