Far Rightwing Republican Candidate Rises The Ranks by Trashing Black Americans

You likely couldn't have given her a more ringing endorsement.

Valentina Gomez does not have the support of anti-white black racists.

Won't fit on a bumper sticker, but good enough for me.
There is no anti wite racist here. Anti racism doesn't make one anti white. Unless the white racist believes that whites are entitled to be racist or that racism is an inherent right that comes wth being white. Valentina Gomez is a sellout who is going for power no matter if she hasto shit on her own people. And like I said, she probably opposes DEI, while not recognizing that she is where she is because of DEI. Someone once asked,"what does it profit a man to gain the world and lose your soul." Valentina Gomez must have missed that verse. You never knew it.
Are Black Americans interchangeable with Juneteenth?

Let's be honest here...Juneteenth is a holiday celebrating the day that slaves in Texas learned that the White Union Army had fought and won a war that allowed the proclamation of a White Republican President to free them from their Democrat oppressors.

Even you have to conclude that holiday ain't exactly the narrative you want promoted.

If there is anything factually inaccurate in that description, feel free to argue your case.
What narrative do you think I want promoted?
There is no anti wite racist here. Anti racism doesn't make one anti white. Unless the white racist believes that whites are entitled to be racist or that racism is an inherent right that comes wth being white. Valentina Gomez is a sellout who is going for power no matter if she hasto shit on her own people. And like I said, she probably opposes DEI, while not recognizing that she is where she is because of DEI. Someone once asked,"what does it profit a man to gain the world and lose your soul." Valentina Gomez must have missed that verse. You never knew it.
No two ways about it IM2... You're a racist. You need to come to terms with that. You're no different than BrokeLoser or Flash... the only divergence is the quantity of melanin contained in the skin of the people you hate.
If you look at Soros (tax exempt) Media Matters stuff you can interpret anything as "trashing black Americans" if you are desperate enough to try yo deflect attention to the mental deterioration of the president
There is no anti wite racist here. Anti racism doesn't make one anti white. Unless the white racist believes that whites are entitled to be racist or that racism is an inherent right that comes wth being white. Valentina Gomez is a sellout who is going for power no matter if she hasto shit on her own people. And like I said, she probably opposes DEI, while not recognizing that she is where she is because of DEI. Someone once asked,"what does it profit a man to gain the world and lose your soul." Valentina Gomez must have missed that verse. You never knew it.
Are Black Americans interchangeable with Juneteenth?

Let's be honest here...Juneteenth is a holiday celebrating the day that slaves in Texas learned that the White Union Army had fought and won a war that allowed the proclamation of a White Republican President to free them from their Democrat oppressors.

Even you have to conclude that holiday ain't exactly the narrative you want promoted.

If there is anything factually inaccurate in that description, feel free to argue your case.
Blacks fought in the Union Army dumbass. And the 75,000 troops that showed up in Texas were black. You really need to stop wIth the lies about Republicans freeing blacks from Democrats. Everything in your descripton is inaccurate.

But since you want to go there white boy, American whites did not gain independence from Britain on July 4th, 1776. And black soldiers fought to help whites win a war that did not free blacks.

George Bryjak, Black Americans in the Revolutionary War Black Americans in the Revolutionary War - New York Almanack.

Kathy Weiser-Alexander, Salem Poor – From Slave to Hero, Salem Poor – From Slave to Hero – Legends of America

The white revolutionary war ended on Sept. 3, 1783. The Black Revolutionary War,has paused on 2 occasions thus far, June 19, 1865 and July 2, 1964. And until we get complete equal rights, meaning ecoomic equality, the Black Revlutionary war will not end.

So we don't have to conclude a damn thing. It is YOU who has to conclude that your narratve is bs.
Blacks fought in the Union Army dumbass. And the 75,000 troops that showed up in Texas were black. You really need to stop wIth the lies about Republicans freeing blacks from Democrats. Everything in your descripton is inaccurate.

But since you want to go there white boy, American whites did not gain independence from Britain on July 4th, 1776. And black soldiers fought to help whites win a war that did not free blacks.

George Bryjak, Black Americans in the Revolutionary War Black Americans in the Revolutionary War - New York Almanack.

Kathy Weiser-Alexander, Salem Poor – From Slave to Hero, Salem Poor – From Slave to Hero – Legends of America

The white revolutionary war ended on Sept. 3, 1783. The Black Revolutionary War,has paused on 2 occasions thus far, June 19, 1865 and July 2, 1964. And until we get complete equal rights, meaning ecoomic equality, the Black Revlutionary war will not end.

So we don't have to conclude a damn thing. It is YOU who has to conclude that your narratve is bs.
That's why I used the words "overwhelming White".

And look at how mad you get having to face the fact that it was overwhelmingly "white boys" just like me that won Black slaves freedom from slavery.

Chaps your ass, doesn't it.

Like I say,. you're a dye in the wool racist.
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No I am here to say what I said. The OP is trolling.
Here is the dumb conspiracy theory nutjob. The OP isn't trolling. The OP speaks truth. There is plenty of evidence supporting this. For example how did Candace Owens, a no skill black college dropout from Rhode Island University, end up worth over 5 million at the present time?
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Whitey has to be the oppressor. The bad guy. The Boogyman.

Can't have any White Saviors.

But truth be told...it was overwhelmingly White People that fought and died to end slavery.
So you want to give all this credit to "whitey".

Are you as willing to give all the blame for the same "whitey" who enlsaved Black people in the first place?
Here is the dumb conspiracy theory nutjob. The OP isn't trolling. The OP speaks truth. Thereis plenty of evidence supporting this. For examplle how did Candace Owens, a no skill black college dropout from Rhode Island University, end up worth over 5 million at the present time?
As I recently stated in another thread just today, it seems the more rightwing and Republican a person is, the more anti-Black they are.

So much so that here we have a Columbian Immigrant, Valentina Gomez, going out of her way to trash Black Americans and going so far as to call Juneteenth a "ratchet" holiday...

And, as expected, she has risen in the ranks due to her foreign brand of racism, bigotry and anti-Blackness because that is exactly what her domestic base wants.

Racism from Republicans comes as no surprise.

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