Far Rightwing Republican Candidate Rises The Ranks by Trashing Black Americans


Damn evil sons of bitchin' White people...fighting and dying to end slavery and freeing Black slaves like 15 minutes before they were gonna free themselves!🤬😡🤬

They totally planned it that way just to steal Black peoples thunder.
View attachment 965274

Damn evil sons of bitchin' White people...fighting and dying to end slavery and freeing Black slaves like 15 minutes before they were gonna free themselves!🤬😡🤬

They totally planned it that way just to steal Black peoples thunder.
“Stopping our racist patterns must be more important than working to convince others that we don't have them. We do have them, and people of color already know we have them; our efforts to prove otherwise are not convincing.
Robin DiAngelo, White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
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I told ya.

You can't handle having White saviors.

If my people had been slaves for a century, I'd make up myths about how we saved ourselves too.
I understand how whites like you want give yourselves credit for saving blacks from slavery, but if you think that blacks just sat there and waited 245 years for whites to save them, you are crazy. I presented facts, as usual. The only thing made up here is your bellief.

Because slavery was based on a false belief. It was a mistake whites made. All whites did was correct their error. They cleaned up a mess they made. If I set your house on fire, you aren't going to thank me because I called the fire department.

So go study the real history of this country and stop trying to gaslight me because I am unapologetic about not giving whites credit for fixing a fuck up they made happen that didn't have to.

One historian (Herbert Aptheker), calculated that over two hundred separate slave revolts and conspiracies took place from the 1600's to the end of the U.S. Civil War in 1865. In addition to the major rebellions listed below, many slaves took part in acts of individual opposition to their slave status.

I understand how whites like you want give yourselves credit for saving blacks from slavery, but if you think that blacks just sat there and waited 245 years for whites to save them, you are crazy. I
Hell no, black people did NOT just sit there and “waited” 245 years for whites to save them. Black people kept enslaving black people until the whites came to make black people stop exporting black slaves from Africa. The British Royal Navy lost over 1,000 men fighting to end the slave trade coming from Africa. That was AFTER Britain and the US had abolished slavery.

Juneteenth is like the dumbest holiday ever. Not only did the Native Americans enslave their BLACK slaves for an entire year after “Juneteenth” but the blacks in Africa kept exporting black slaves long after “Juneteenth”.
As I recently stated in another thread just today, it seems the more rightwing and Republican a person is, the more anti-Black they are.

So much so that here we have a Columbian Immigrant, Valentina Gomez, going out of her way to trash Black Americans and going so far as to call Juneteenth a "ratchet" holiday...

And, as expected, she has risen in the ranks due to her foreign brand of racism, bigotry and anti-Blackness because that is exactly what her domestic base wants.

Many blacks of past generations for instance are ashamed of many blacks today. How should they feel considering all the crime a large portion do, they're not respectful, they gang up on people, so on a so forth. And to this day 90% support the same party that fought for slavery. They drive people like you to make stupid posts making excuses for them.
Many blacks of past generations for instance are ashamed of many blacks today. How should they feel considering all the crime a large portion do, they're not respectful, they gang up on people, so on a so forth. And to this day 90% support the same party that fought for slavery. They drive people like you to make stupid posts making excuses for them.
No they aren't. Stop being white making up stuff about blacks. I'm 63 and am not ashamed of young blacks. Whites commiit more crime and do more ganging up on people. And today it's the Republican party that supports slavery. Your party supports the confederacy, that is supporting slavery.


I speak using facts. But you call yurself idiocracy, therefore we know your memtal makeup. A dumbass.
How about the capsule summary? What, exactly, did she say that was false and defamatory to the descendants of enslaved Americans?

For example, if one thinks that Juneteenth is a bullshit ("ratchet"???) holiday, does that make them racist? What about people who refuse to celebrate Columbus Day? Are they anti-Italian bigots? People who think the St Patrick's Day parade is ratchet? Are they anti-Irish bigots?

Is it not possible to reject the validity of Juneteenth without being a racist?

Apparently not.

There could be if she was making any sort of valid argument against the holiday, or if it wasn't the ONLY holiday she thought was bogus.

It's possible to make all kinds of arguments about anything without even mentioning race, unless it's only one culture you're constantly railing against, or callling out.
As I recently stated in another thread just today, it seems the more rightwing and Republican a person is, the more anti-Black they are.

So much so that here we have a Columbian Immigrant, Valentina Gomez, going out of her way to trash Black Americans and going so far as to call Juneteenth a "ratchet" holiday...

And, as expected, she has risen in the ranks due to her foreign brand of racism, bigotry and anti-Blackness because that is exactly what her domestic base wants.

You wouldn’t be attacking her if she where a rice white guy like Joey Xiden

But a female, hispanic, immigrant…of course the demklan attack s
They usually cant offer even one

Lib/lefty trump haters cant even define “racism” when I ask them to

You're keep making these sweeping generalized statements about people on the left and none of them are true, including this one. And this one is just bullshit.

Racism is the belief that some people are "inferior" to others because of the colour of their skin or their national origins. Racism is one of the easiest things in the world to define.

Instead of consistently slamming leftists, why don't you try facing reality for a change???
You wouldn’t be attacking her if she where a rice white guy like Joey Xiden

But a female, hispanic, immigrant…of course the demklan attack s

You wouldn't be attacking IM2 if you could refute anything he posted, but since you can't refute the content of the post, you go straight to attacking the OP.

It's not uncommon for minority members of the Republican Party to attack other members of their own or other racial minorities, to curry favour with Party leadership. Like Byron Donalds saying "Jim Crow was good for black people". Or Dr. Ben Carson, who grew up in the projects, saying "Affirmative action" is unnecessary. He would never have gotten into med school without it.
You wouldn't be attacking IM2 if you could refute anything he posted, but since you can't refute the content of the post, you go straight to attacking the OP.

It's not uncommon for minority members of the Republican Party to attack other members of their own or other racial minorities, to curry favour with Party leadership. Like Byron Donalds saying "Jim Crow was good for black people". Or Dr. Ben Carson, who grew up in the projects, saying "Affirmative action" is unnecessary. He would never have gotten into med school without it.
I wasn’t responding to IM2, but to the OP

They weren’t attacking minorities in their comments but policies they disagree with. Admittedly Donald’s comment was idiotic, his larger point about families was right
You're keep making these sweeping generalized statements about people on the left and none of them are true, including this one. And this one is just bullshit.

Racism is the belief that some people are "inferior" to others because of the colour of their skin or their national origins. Racism is one of the easiest things in the world to define.

Instead of consistently slamming leftists, why don't you try facing reality for a change???
Hey hoser, your hypocrisy is awesome.
Talk about "sweeping generalized statements about people"????
That's the predicate of this very (retarded) thread!
I don't know why you hitch you wagon with these race-baiting idiots like the OP, but what exactly is your point?
You're not even a black person or an American!
Take off!!!! :eusa_hand:
As I recently stated in another thread just today, it seems the more rightwing and Republican a person is, the more anti-Black they are.

So much so that here we have a Columbian Immigrant, Valentina Gomez, going out of her way to trash Black Americans and going so far as to call Juneteenth a "ratchet" holiday...

And, as expected, she has risen in the ranks due to her foreign brand of racism, bigotry and anti-Blackness because that is exactly what her domestic base wants.

Cry harder you race-baiting pos!
And dammit, your posting style is pathetic.

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