Far Rightwing Republican Candidate Rises The Ranks by Trashing Black Americans

So you want to give all this credit to "whitey".

Are you as willing to give all the blame for the same "whitey" who enlsaved Black people in the first place?

Are you willing to give the blame of the actual enslavement to the Black Africans that sold Blacks into slavery to the White Man?

I'll give the blame for keeping slaves and forcing them to work and breed more slaves overwhelmingly on Whites...but, like the Blacks who served in both Armies, there were Blacks and Native Americans like the Cherokee that also furthered the institution of slavery right along side them.
As I recently stated in another thread just today, it seems the more rightwing and Republican a person is, the more anti-Black they are.

So much so that here we have a Columbian Immigrant, Valentina Gomez, going out of her way to trash Black Americans and going so far as to call Juneteenth a "ratchet" holiday...

And, as expected, she has risen in the ranks due to her foreign brand of racism, bigotry and anti-Blackness because that is exactly what her domestic base wants.

Bub...blacks are evil, systemic racist, criminal people. You need to find a filthy white commie to sucker in under the white guilt umbrella.

white hating liberal guilt.jpg
That's why I used the word "overwhelming".
But you're wrong. That is the problem. Blacks had been fightiing and dyiing to end slavery from 1619. In fact, the black Gullah, fought the US Army for over 100 years. History calls it the Seminole Wars. So the racist narratve of whitey fightiing and dying to end slavery is fake news, so it's time your white ass stopped repeatiing it. There was nothing overwhelming and all whites did was die due to the error of their thinking.

The Gullah Wars: How Blacks freed themselves​

Learn your history junior.
As I recently stated in another thread just today, it seems the more rightwing and Republican a person is, the more anti-Black they are.

So much so that here we have a Columbian Immigrant, Valentina Gomez, going out of her way to trash Black Americans and going so far as to call Juneteenth a "ratchet" holiday...

And, as expected, she has risen in the ranks due to her foreign brand of racism, bigotry and anti-Blackness because that is exactly what her domestic base wants.

Lets not mention Jamal Bowman, Omar, AOC or Corey Bush.

They all get a free pass?
Either is you taking a suck at the pump. Statements like that only add to the problem this constant whining about racism that only spawns hate.
White racism is real. The hate is already here. You and those like you spawn it.
As I recently stated in another thread just today, it seems the more rightwing and Republican a person is, the more anti-Black they are.

So much so that here we have a Columbian Immigrant, Valentina Gomez, going out of her way to trash Black Americans and going so far as to call Juneteenth a "ratchet" holiday...

And, as expected, she has risen in the ranks due to her foreign brand of racism, bigotry and anti-Blackness because that is exactly what her domestic base wants.

What is so racist about a Latina speaking out? You must be racist against Latinos who don’t agree with you.
But you're wrong. That is the problem. Blacks had been fightiing and dyiing to end slavery from 1619. In fact, the black Gullah, fought the US Army for over 100 years. History calls it the Seminole Wars. So the racist narratve of whitey fightiing and dying to end slavery is fake news, so it's time your white ass stopped repeatiing it. There was nothing overwhelming and all whites did was die due to the error of their thinking.

The Gullah Wars: How Blacks freed themselves​

Learn your history junior.

No Missourian, this is not fake news. It is historical fact. Learn the real history of this nation, not the great white lie.
But you're wrong. That is the problem. Blacks had been fightiing and dyiing to end slavery from 1619. In fact, the black Gullah, fought the US Army for over 100 years. History calls it the Seminole Wars. So the racist narratve of whitey fightiing and dying to end slavery is fake news, so it's time your white ass stopped repeatiing it. There was nothing overwhelming and all whites did was die due to the error of their thinking.

The Gullah Wars: How Blacks freed themselves​

Learn your history junior.

The Civil War was fought to end slavery.

And they are the ones that SUCCEEDED in ending slavery.

The fact that you not only refuse to admit that...but instead that it angers you so much is proof positive you are a bigot who is filled with hate.

No point in arguing with a racist.

You will never change your mind if it involves giving the least amount of credit to those you despise...not based on the content of their character...but only on the color of their skin.

Pretty ironic, isn't it.
No Missourian, this is not fake news. It is historical fact. Learn the real history of this nation, not the great white lie.
I told ya.

You can't handle having White saviors.

If my people had been slaves for a century, I'd make up myths about how we saved ourselves too.

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