Farmers on welfare ... U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia

Yes, just look at our UNEMPLOYMENT.....OUR TAXES that put money back in our pocket....have you sent yours back yet?...The STOCK MARKET that just broke another record high this week....have you looked at your 401K. Perhaps, just for you I should repost all the things he has done for us.....yes?

Its an illusion driven by debt.

GDP is rising at ~ 2% while Federal debt is rising at ~ 5% of GDP.

America's debt is increasing faster than its income and the rate of the discrepancy is accelerating since the orange buffoon came to power.

Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.

Excuses. Excuses. Always excuses.

When Coolidge had a failing economy, he cut spending, and cut taxes, and the economy recovered into what was the roaring twenties.

Never ending excuses with you people.

When you have less money coming in.... you cut spending. That is the very essence of fiscal responsibility.

When revenue declines, you don't jack up spending even more. That irresponsible and foolish.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

And you are a liar.

Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund.

AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies

DNC sought to hide details of Clinton funding deal

EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi paid husband with PAC funds

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

Rep. Maxine Waters’ family continues to profit directly from her position in Congress

Yeah.... about that.... Not much room to talk. Either practice what you preach, or stop preaching.

Donald Trump fined $2 million for stealing from his own charities. Whole Trump family banned from operating charities until they pass a course on how not to steal from charities.
From a fraudulent DemonRAT CONTROLLED COURT AND PROSECUTOR in N.Y...again caught you with bullshit!!!
In case your not understanding HOW "Trump paid more subsidies to farmers" recently -- let me explain.. It will only hurt if you're totally ignorant of tariffs and what's goin on...

China PAYS the tariffs on goods coming in.. Whether those costs are passed on to consumers is not as clear as most MSNBC morons make it out to be... Actually very little price inflation has incurred.

Not really true, prices on good and food have been going up steadily while energy has been going down keeping the inflation in check.
Its an illusion driven by debt.

GDP is rising at ~ 2% while Federal debt is rising at ~ 5% of GDP.

America's debt is increasing faster than its income and the rate of the discrepancy is accelerating since the orange buffoon came to power.

Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.

Excuses. Excuses. Always excuses.

When Coolidge had a failing economy, he cut spending, and cut taxes, and the economy recovered into what was the roaring twenties.

Never ending excuses with you people.

When you have less money coming in.... you cut spending. That is the very essence of fiscal responsibility.

When revenue declines, you don't jack up spending even more. That irresponsible and foolish.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

And you are a liar.

Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund.

AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies

DNC sought to hide details of Clinton funding deal

EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi paid husband with PAC funds

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

Rep. Maxine Waters’ family continues to profit directly from her position in Congress

Yeah.... about that.... Not much room to talk. Either practice what you preach, or stop preaching.

Donald Trump fined $2 million for stealing from his own charities. Whole Trump family banned from operating charities until they pass a course on how not to steal from charities.

Changes nothing of what I said. Almost the entire Democrap party is loaded with corrupt people enriching themselves off the public.

You have ingested too much Trump dogma and propaganda.

You will never be normal again.
Its an illusion driven by debt.

GDP is rising at ~ 2% while Federal debt is rising at ~ 5% of GDP.

America's debt is increasing faster than its income and the rate of the discrepancy is accelerating since the orange buffoon came to power.

Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.

We all know what a sick liar you are but from now on everytime one of you sick fucking ABNORMALS state he's making all sorts of money from being president, I think I'll DROP this NBC NEWS story on your heads, and notice it IS an anti-Trump NBC worthless piece of shit actually believes his own FAKE NEWS!

Trump has lost $1 billion in personal wealth since running for president - NBC News
Oct 3, 2018 · The presidency has been bad for Donald Trump's finances, with his personal net worth falling from $4.5 billion to $3.1 billion over

Trump is a crook and grifter. In regard to his family, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The losses are from Russian mob money to Trump drying up because there is too much risk of exposure while he is POTUS.

ANd once again.... a liar.

Even if you were right.... still doesn't change anything I said, that was accurate and true. The entire Democrap party is full of people no better than Trump.

So all you are saying here is.... Trump sucks as bad as we Democrats do.

Ok.... still better than voting for a Democrat then.

Trump is evil. Even the evangelicals are reaching that conculsion.
Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

You have the same lack of credibility by blaming Obama and giving Trump and the GOP a free pass with what is going on now.
Yes, just look at our UNEMPLOYMENT.....OUR TAXES that put money back in our pocket....have you sent yours back yet?...The STOCK MARKET that just broke another record high this week....have you looked at your 401K. Perhaps, just for you I should repost all the things he has done for us.....yes?

Its an illusion driven by debt.

GDP is rising at ~ 2% while Federal debt is rising at ~ 5% of GDP.

America's debt is increasing faster than its income and the rate of the discrepancy is accelerating since the orange buffoon came to power.

Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.

We all know what a sick liar you are but from now on everytime one of you sick fucking ABNORMALS state he's making all sorts of money from being president, I think I'll DROP this NBC NEWS story on your heads, and notice it IS an anti-Trump NBC worthless piece of shit actually believes his own FAKE NEWS!

Trump has lost $1 billion in personal wealth since running for president - NBC News
Oct 3, 2018 · The presidency has been bad for Donald Trump's finances, with his personal net worth falling from $4.5 billion to $3.1 billion over

Trump is a crook and grifter. In regard to his family, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The losses are from Russian mob money to Trump drying up because there is too much risk of exposure while he is POTUS.
But MUELLER after over $30 million wasted tax dollars and over 2 years COULDN'T PROVE SHIT, BUT you silly bastard still believes Biden and his sons EXTORTION AND BRIBERY has been actuallyvbelieved that shit when even Ukraine now has revealed

$ 16.5 million stolen by Bidens', Ukrainian General ...

The residents of Ukraine would be more than happy if all corrupt Ukrainian officials (as well as their American bosses) and their crimes are investigated. The sooner the better. $ 16.5 million in royalties from Burisma Biden and partners - stolen from Ukra.

Yes, Biden Is Guilty Of Actual Crimes In Ukraine, But The ...

Yes, Biden Is Guilty Of Actual Crimes In Ukraine, But The Left Is Desperate to Hide It With Their Phony Impeachment. by Patrick M. Arnold November 22, 2019, 8:10 pm. ... has been highly involved in the Ukraine Energy goldmine as Shane Trejo reported in...

Biden faces scrutiny for demanding ouster of Ukraine ...
Biden faces scrutiny for demanding ouster of Ukraine official probing firm that employed his son
But Biden's role in the firing of Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in 2016, after Shokin as part of a corruption probe targeted a natural gas firm that hired Biden's son two years earlier

Joe Biden & Son exposed in massive Ukraine fracking ...

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris examine how former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden may have leveraged the Maidan coup and war in East Ukraine to strike lucrative oil fracking deals in East Ukraine

Want MORE?...... YOU have been exposed!
Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.

We all know what a sick liar you are but from now on everytime one of you sick fucking ABNORMALS state he's making all sorts of money from being president, I think I'll DROP this NBC NEWS story on your heads, and notice it IS an anti-Trump NBC worthless piece of shit actually believes his own FAKE NEWS!

Trump has lost $1 billion in personal wealth since running for president - NBC News
Oct 3, 2018 · The presidency has been bad for Donald Trump's finances, with his personal net worth falling from $4.5 billion to $3.1 billion over

Trump is a crook and grifter. In regard to his family, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The losses are from Russian mob money to Trump drying up because there is too much risk of exposure while he is POTUS.

ANd once again.... a liar.

Even if you were right.... still doesn't change anything I said, that was accurate and true. The entire Democrap party is full of people no better than Trump.

So all you are saying here is.... Trump sucks as bad as we Democrats do.

Ok.... still better than voting for a Democrat then.

Trump is evil. Even the evangelicals are reaching that conculsion.
And being called out for it by other evangelicals

Evangelical Trump supporters bash Christianity Today for calling for removal from office
wrote Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of evangelical Liberty University. ... evangelical leader Billy Graham, in 1956, on Thursday called for Trump's
Further, as a gentleman farmer , i've zero good to say about a potus who wouldn't know a barn rat from a hay loft bat ~S~

Sparky, Sparky, I spent time running a Harrow and digging ditches. And it was a tough act to make a profit but we did it. The Good years balanced out the bad years with, maybe, a profit on the books. Outside of large Corporate Farmers, I don't know a single farmer that gets rich and doesn't live from one crop to the next. They are smart, shrewed and some of the most wonderful people on the face of the Earth. I don't know a single one that would not give some of their crop to a hungry family no questioned asked. They deserve better than this.

It's definitely a certain mindset Daryl , for me so far it's a 'productive hobby' or maybe retirement delusion .....which can feed the fam, just not quite enough to quit the daytime gig yankin' wire....... tariffs aside my rounds to small farms that might deal with local co-ops would be tax structure and all the bureaucratic oversight lumped on by Gub'Mit which ....i'm probably preachin'' to the choir about here....~S~

Its an illusion driven by debt.

GDP is rising at ~ 2% while Federal debt is rising at ~ 5% of GDP.

America's debt is increasing faster than its income and the rate of the discrepancy is accelerating since the orange buffoon came to power.

Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.

Excuses. Excuses. Always excuses.

When Coolidge had a failing economy, he cut spending, and cut taxes, and the economy recovered into what was the roaring twenties.

Never ending excuses with you people.

When you have less money coming in.... you cut spending. That is the very essence of fiscal responsibility.

When revenue declines, you don't jack up spending even more. That irresponsible and foolish.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

And you are a liar.

Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund.

AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies

DNC sought to hide details of Clinton funding deal

EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi paid husband with PAC funds

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

Rep. Maxine Waters’ family continues to profit directly from her position in Congress

Yeah.... about that.... Not much room to talk. Either practice what you preach, or stop preaching.

Donald Trump fined $2 million for stealing from his own charities. Whole Trump family banned from operating charities until they pass a course on how not to steal from charities.

From a fraudulent DemonRAT CONTROLLED COURT AND PROSECUTOR in N.Y...again caught you with bullshit!!!

Donald Trump can't corrupt state courts as easy as Federal courts. There aren't 50 bill Barr's on the market.
Its an illusion driven by debt.

GDP is rising at ~ 2% while Federal debt is rising at ~ 5% of GDP.

America's debt is increasing faster than its income and the rate of the discrepancy is accelerating since the orange buffoon came to power.

Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.

We all know what a sick liar you are but from now on everytime one of you sick fucking ABNORMALS state he's making all sorts of money from being president, I think I'll DROP this NBC NEWS story on your heads, and notice it IS an anti-Trump NBC worthless piece of shit actually believes his own FAKE NEWS!

Trump has lost $1 billion in personal wealth since running for president - NBC News
Oct 3, 2018 · The presidency has been bad for Donald Trump's finances, with his personal net worth falling from $4.5 billion to $3.1 billion over

Trump is a crook and grifter. In regard to his family, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The losses are from Russian mob money to Trump drying up because there is too much risk of exposure while he is POTUS.
But MUELLER after over $30 million wasted tax dollars and over 2 years COULDN'T PROVE SHIT, BUT you silly bastard still believes Biden and his sons EXTORTION AND BRIBERY has been actuallyvbelieved that shit when even Ukraine now has revealed

$ 16.5 million stolen by Bidens', Ukrainian General ...

The residents of Ukraine would be more than happy if all corrupt Ukrainian officials (as well as their American bosses) and their crimes are investigated. The sooner the better. $ 16.5 million in royalties from Burisma Biden and partners - stolen from Ukra.

Yes, Biden Is Guilty Of Actual Crimes In Ukraine, But The ...

Yes, Biden Is Guilty Of Actual Crimes In Ukraine, But The Left Is Desperate to Hide It With Their Phony Impeachment. by Patrick M. Arnold November 22, 2019, 8:10 pm. ... has been highly involved in the Ukraine Energy goldmine as Shane Trejo reported in...

Biden faces scrutiny for demanding ouster of Ukraine ...
Biden faces scrutiny for demanding ouster of Ukraine official probing firm that employed his son

But Biden's role in the firing of Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in 2016, after Shokin as part of a corruption probe targeted a natural gas firm that hired Biden's son two years earlier

Joe Biden & Son exposed in massive Ukraine fracking ...

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris examine how former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden may have leveraged the Maidan coup and war in East Ukraine to strike lucrative oil fracking deals in East Ukraine

Want MORE?...... YOU have been exposed!

The Trump family and associates are filling their pockets with Uncle Sam's money as we debate.
Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.

We all know what a sick liar you are but from now on everytime one of you sick fucking ABNORMALS state he's making all sorts of money from being president, I think I'll DROP this NBC NEWS story on your heads, and notice it IS an anti-Trump NBC worthless piece of shit actually believes his own FAKE NEWS!

Trump has lost $1 billion in personal wealth since running for president - NBC News
Oct 3, 2018 · The presidency has been bad for Donald Trump's finances, with his personal net worth falling from $4.5 billion to $3.1 billion over

Trump is a crook and grifter. In regard to his family, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The losses are from Russian mob money to Trump drying up because there is too much risk of exposure while he is POTUS.
But MUELLER after over $30 million wasted tax dollars and over 2 years COULDN'T PROVE SHIT, BUT you silly bastard still believes Biden and his sons EXTORTION AND BRIBERY has been actuallyvbelieved that shit when even Ukraine now has revealed

$ 16.5 million stolen by Bidens', Ukrainian General ...

The residents of Ukraine would be more than happy if all corrupt Ukrainian officials (as well as their American bosses) and their crimes are investigated. The sooner the better. $ 16.5 million in royalties from Burisma Biden and partners - stolen from Ukra.

Yes, Biden Is Guilty Of Actual Crimes In Ukraine, But The ...

Yes, Biden Is Guilty Of Actual Crimes In Ukraine, But The Left Is Desperate to Hide It With Their Phony Impeachment. by Patrick M. Arnold November 22, 2019, 8:10 pm. ... has been highly involved in the Ukraine Energy goldmine as Shane Trejo reported in...

Biden faces scrutiny for demanding ouster of Ukraine ...
Biden faces scrutiny for demanding ouster of Ukraine official probing firm that employed his son

But Biden's role in the firing of Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in 2016, after Shokin as part of a corruption probe targeted a natural gas firm that hired Biden's son two years earlier

Joe Biden & Son exposed in massive Ukraine fracking ...

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris examine how former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden may have leveraged the Maidan coup and war in East Ukraine to strike lucrative oil fracking deals in East Ukraine

Want MORE?...... YOU have been exposed!

The Trump family and associates are filling their pockets with Uncle Sam's money as we debate.

Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Winter Vacation Pushes Taxpayer Golf Tab Above $118 million

The new total is the equivalent of 296 years of the $400,000 presidential salary that his supporters often boast that he is not taking.
Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.

We all know what a sick liar you are but from now on everytime one of you sick fucking ABNORMALS state he's making all sorts of money from being president, I think I'll DROP this NBC NEWS story on your heads, and notice it IS an anti-Trump NBC worthless piece of shit actually believes his own FAKE NEWS!

Trump has lost $1 billion in personal wealth since running for president - NBC News
Oct 3, 2018 · The presidency has been bad for Donald Trump's finances, with his personal net worth falling from $4.5 billion to $3.1 billion over

Trump is a crook and grifter. In regard to his family, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The losses are from Russian mob money to Trump drying up because there is too much risk of exposure while he is POTUS.
But MUELLER after over $30 million wasted tax dollars and over 2 years COULDN'T PROVE SHIT, BUT you silly bastard still believes Biden and his sons EXTORTION AND BRIBERY has been actuallyvbelieved that shit when even Ukraine now has revealed

$ 16.5 million stolen by Bidens', Ukrainian General ...

The residents of Ukraine would be more than happy if all corrupt Ukrainian officials (as well as their American bosses) and their crimes are investigated. The sooner the better. $ 16.5 million in royalties from Burisma Biden and partners - stolen from Ukra.

Yes, Biden Is Guilty Of Actual Crimes In Ukraine, But The ...

Yes, Biden Is Guilty Of Actual Crimes In Ukraine, But The Left Is Desperate to Hide It With Their Phony Impeachment. by Patrick M. Arnold November 22, 2019, 8:10 pm. ... has been highly involved in the Ukraine Energy goldmine as Shane Trejo reported in...

Biden faces scrutiny for demanding ouster of Ukraine ...
Biden faces scrutiny for demanding ouster of Ukraine official probing firm that employed his son

But Biden's role in the firing of Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in 2016, after Shokin as part of a corruption probe targeted a natural gas firm that hired Biden's son two years earlier

Joe Biden & Son exposed in massive Ukraine fracking ...

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris examine how former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden may have leveraged the Maidan coup and war in East Ukraine to strike lucrative oil fracking deals in East Ukraine

Want MORE?...... YOU have been exposed!

The Trump family and associates are filling their pockets with Uncle Sam's money as we debate.

Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Winter Vacation Pushes Taxpayer Golf Tab Above $118 million

The new total is the equivalent of 296 years of the $400,000 presidential salary that his supporters often boast that he is not taking.

Trump claimed his POTUS salary was being donated to charity.

Donald Trump's favorite charity is Donald Trump.

Now Donald Trump's bogus charities have been shut down the money is going back into Donald Trump's pocket.
We all know what a sick liar you are but from now on everytime one of you sick fucking ABNORMALS state he's making all sorts of money from being president, I think I'll DROP this NBC NEWS story on your heads, and notice it IS an anti-Trump NBC worthless piece of shit actually believes his own FAKE NEWS!

Trump has lost $1 billion in personal wealth since running for president - NBC News
Oct 3, 2018 · The presidency has been bad for Donald Trump's finances, with his personal net worth falling from $4.5 billion to $3.1 billion over

Trump is a crook and grifter. In regard to his family, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The losses are from Russian mob money to Trump drying up because there is too much risk of exposure while he is POTUS.
But MUELLER after over $30 million wasted tax dollars and over 2 years COULDN'T PROVE SHIT, BUT you silly bastard still believes Biden and his sons EXTORTION AND BRIBERY has been actuallyvbelieved that shit when even Ukraine now has revealed

$ 16.5 million stolen by Bidens', Ukrainian General ...

The residents of Ukraine would be more than happy if all corrupt Ukrainian officials (as well as their American bosses) and their crimes are investigated. The sooner the better. $ 16.5 million in royalties from Burisma Biden and partners - stolen from Ukra.

Yes, Biden Is Guilty Of Actual Crimes In Ukraine, But The ...

Yes, Biden Is Guilty Of Actual Crimes In Ukraine, But The Left Is Desperate to Hide It With Their Phony Impeachment. by Patrick M. Arnold November 22, 2019, 8:10 pm. ... has been highly involved in the Ukraine Energy goldmine as Shane Trejo reported in...

Biden faces scrutiny for demanding ouster of Ukraine ...
Biden faces scrutiny for demanding ouster of Ukraine official probing firm that employed his son

But Biden's role in the firing of Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in 2016, after Shokin as part of a corruption probe targeted a natural gas firm that hired Biden's son two years earlier

Joe Biden & Son exposed in massive Ukraine fracking ...

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris examine how former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden may have leveraged the Maidan coup and war in East Ukraine to strike lucrative oil fracking deals in East Ukraine

Want MORE?...... YOU have been exposed!

The Trump family and associates are filling their pockets with Uncle Sam's money as we debate.

Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Winter Vacation Pushes Taxpayer Golf Tab Above $118 million

The new total is the equivalent of 296 years of the $400,000 presidential salary that his supporters often boast that he is not taking.

Trump claimed his POTUS salary was being donated to charity.

Donald Trump's favorite charity is Donald Trump.

Now Donald Trump's bogus charities have been shut down the money is going back into Donald Trump's pocket.

He tends to go back on a lot of promises he makes...

March 2018...Trump: 'I will never sign a bill like this again"
Dec 2019....Trump signs a bill like this for the 2nd times since those famous words that his followers hung on like a cliff edge.

June 2015...Trump: “I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done,”
Dec 2019...Trump spends his 250th plus day away from the White House, not including official business.

Aug 2016...Trump "I'm not going to have time to go play golf"
Dec 2019....Trump plays his 230th round of golf
Have no doubt that Donald Trump will rescue his associates and friends from loss of deductibility of State/Local Tax by either increasing debt further or finding some other way to separate his foolish followers from the hard-earned cash.
That's pretty easy to do when they think the exporters pay the tariffs to the US Treasury.

Wrong. Importers pay the tariffs.

You are a typical Trump uneducated supporter that Trump loves dearly for your gullibility.
Your reading comprehension has failed you.
Trump is a crook and grifter. In regard to his family, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The losses are from Russian mob money to Trump drying up because there is too much risk of exposure while he is POTUS.
But MUELLER after over $30 million wasted tax dollars and over 2 years COULDN'T PROVE SHIT, BUT you silly bastard still believes Biden and his sons EXTORTION AND BRIBERY has been actuallyvbelieved that shit when even Ukraine now has revealed

$ 16.5 million stolen by Bidens', Ukrainian General ...

The residents of Ukraine would be more than happy if all corrupt Ukrainian officials (as well as their American bosses) and their crimes are investigated. The sooner the better. $ 16.5 million in royalties from Burisma Biden and partners - stolen from Ukra.

Yes, Biden Is Guilty Of Actual Crimes In Ukraine, But The ...

Yes, Biden Is Guilty Of Actual Crimes In Ukraine, But The Left Is Desperate to Hide It With Their Phony Impeachment. by Patrick M. Arnold November 22, 2019, 8:10 pm. ... has been highly involved in the Ukraine Energy goldmine as Shane Trejo reported in...

Biden faces scrutiny for demanding ouster of Ukraine ...
Biden faces scrutiny for demanding ouster of Ukraine official probing firm that employed his son

But Biden's role in the firing of Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in 2016, after Shokin as part of a corruption probe targeted a natural gas firm that hired Biden's son two years earlier

Joe Biden & Son exposed in massive Ukraine fracking ...

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris examine how former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden may have leveraged the Maidan coup and war in East Ukraine to strike lucrative oil fracking deals in East Ukraine

Want MORE?...... YOU have been exposed!

The Trump family and associates are filling their pockets with Uncle Sam's money as we debate.

Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Winter Vacation Pushes Taxpayer Golf Tab Above $118 million

The new total is the equivalent of 296 years of the $400,000 presidential salary that his supporters often boast that he is not taking.

Trump claimed his POTUS salary was being donated to charity.

Donald Trump's favorite charity is Donald Trump.

Now Donald Trump's bogus charities have been shut down the money is going back into Donald Trump's pocket.

He tends to go back on a lot of promises he makes...

March 2018...Trump: 'I will never sign a bill like this again"
Dec 2019....Trump signs a bill like this for the 2nd times since those famous words that his followers hung on like a cliff edge.

June 2015...Trump: “I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done,”
Dec 2019...Trump spends his 250th plus day away from the White House, not including official business.

Aug 2016...Trump "I'm not going to have time to go play golf"
Dec 2019....Trump plays his 230th round of golf

Golf is a hidden blessing. While he is looking for his balls Trump is not screwing up the US economy and not publishing insulting tweets.
Have no doubt that Donald Trump will rescue his associates and friends from loss of deductibility of State/Local Tax by either increasing debt further or finding some other way to separate his foolish followers from the hard-earned cash.
That's pretty easy to do when they think the exporters pay the tariffs to the US Treasury.

Wrong. Importers pay the tariffs.

You are a typical Trump uneducated supporter that Trump loves dearly for your gullibility.

Your reading comprehension has failed you.

Repeating denunciations other made against you is not rational. Makes you appear dumb.
Have no doubt that Donald Trump will rescue his associates and friends from loss of deductibility of State/Local Tax by either increasing debt further or finding some other way to separate his foolish followers from the hard-earned cash.
That's pretty easy to do when they think the exporters pay the tariffs to the US Treasury.

Wrong. Importers pay the tariffs.

You are a typical Trump uneducated supporter that Trump loves dearly for your gullibility.

Your reading comprehension has failed you.

Repeating denunciations other made against you is not rational. Makes you appear dumb.

I am pretty sure that cnm is not a Trumper at all.

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