Farmers on welfare ... U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia

Right, which is still better than Obama who screwed up the economy,

Total disregard for HISTORY. Seriously Andylusion , c'mon dude, tell me again how Obama screwed up the Economy?
You might argue that trump has been better, but to CLAIM that Obama "screwed up the Economy" just shows your ignorance.
It is that simple Andy.
Right, which is still better than Obama who screwed up the economy,

Total disregard for HISTORY. Seriously Andylusion , c'mon dude, tell me again how Obama screwed up the Economy?
You might argue that trump has been better, but to CLAIM that Obama "screwed up the Economy" just shows your ignorance.
It is that simple Andy.

Yes, absolutely. There have been numerous times in US history where we had recession, and even worse recessions than the 2008 one. In most of those times, the government spent far less, intervened in the economy far less, and the economy recovered very fast.

This was the absolute worse recovery in US history, and there are many examples of Obama's bad policy that caused this.

The simplest and most obvious example, was cash for clunkers. We literally had the government destroying wealth. It was on par with the policies of FDR where we had the government literally destroying food. The idea that directly damaging the wealth of the country, won't have a negative impact, is ridiculous. Of course it will, and clearly it did.

Remember Obama sold us the stimulous package on the idea it would remedy the economy. Instead, by absolutely any measure possible, it made the situation worse.

In fact, by Obama's own economic advisors standards.... it made it worse.


You do not have to take my word for it, or a right-wingers word for it, or even an economist word for it..... just look at what Obama's own advisors said.

Without the stimulus package, they predicted based on the way the economy was already going, that unemployment would top out at 9%, and recover on its own, without government doing anything at all.

Their own economists said this.

According to their plan, if we blew all this money, the economy would cover faster. Instead, it recovered more slowly than the US has ever recovered with any other recession, except for the great depression, which un-ironically was the other other recession the government decided to make huge interventions into the economy.

So yes, by any rational measure, Obama cause the recession to drag out for a decade in the worst recovery in US history. Absolutely.
Winning does mean that some will have to face hardships....that is why he is subsidizing them....but I would not deny that it angers you commie, anti-Americans that his tariffs on China and others, (N.Korea getting more, along with Russia) are putting more hardships on them than anything harmful to parts of our economy....but trying to explain that to ideologies is a fruitless adventure. Fortunately most Independents understand the concept and will vote accordingly!

Farm bankruptcies are up 25% in 2019 over a year ago. Even with recent increases in sales, American farmers are only at half the sales of soy beans to the Chinese. The rest won’t be back.

They will be when millions of Chinese start starving to death!

The Chinese are now buying their soybeans from Brazil, Mexico and other South American countries, and that’s not going to change. That’s why the Brazilians are burning down the rainforest, to clear land for farming. The South Americans production costs are lower, hence their beans are cheaper.

Trump shot himself in the foot on this.

Bottom line is tariffs and their tougher stance sanctions are ineffective ,unless one gains allegiance with the rest of the world

Pay the bills. After all, so many people here say they're doing very well in the Trump economy...

Well as soon as "Pay the bills" runs for office, I'll vote for him.

Until then, I have to vote for who will actually win, which is a choice between left-wing bankrupt-the-country-with-endless-programs, and Trump.

So far, Trump is the better choice.

When you actually give me a better alternative, I'll consider it. But I don't see "pay the bills" on the ballot.

And honestly, how about "cut the spending" if we're going to make up mythical candidates.

Trump is the most successful bankrupt ever in the USA. He is currently bankrupting the USA with GDP growth < 2% and debt growth ~5% of GDP.

Pappy Fred is not here to bail out son Donny with cash in black plastic bags.

In Donald Trump's casinos, the house loses and Donald Trump has brought that MO to the office of POTUS.

The US was already bankrupt 5 to 10 years ago.

The amount of money we owed, was far greater than we can logically pay, before Trump was ever in office.

That said, I agree he isn't helping. But again..... what is your alternative? Green New Deal, where we tear down and rebuild, every building in the country to make it eco-friendly? Maybe Warren, who just said "There is always more money!" when asked how she would pay for her plans? Or Sanders, free healthcare, food, housing, education?

Seriously.... You can b!tch and moan like a teenager, but until you have a better choice, you have no real point to make. Give me an alternative.

You put up some guy to run against Trump that wants to cut all those programs, and social security, and medicare, and so on..... I will vote for that man. I will gladly vote against Trump, if you have someone willing to cut the spending. I'm all for it.

But none of your guys wants to do that. They are all pro-baby-murder, and hate Israel, and want to destroy the culture with their "I can't even figure out what is between my legs" belief system, and on the government budget, want to blow the nation appart with free-everything.

Basically the entire Democrat party, is twice as bad as Trump on the budget, but without any good qualities at all. Like all the good things Trump has done, the Democrats oppose... and on the one thing he's done really terrible on... you are twice as in favor of over-spending as he is.

Donald Trump is long on boasting, blathering, lying, slandering, and insulting but short on actually doing anything.

Everything Donald Trump has done so far is superficial.

Where is the wall he promised.

Where is the infrastructure that is unlikely to happen in Donald Trump's tenure even if it lasts 8 years?

Donald Trump will not deliver on anything other than short term superficial BS that arouses the howling mob. Donald Trump has no interest in strategic social and economic actions that take years to show an effect.

Right, which is still better than Obama who screwed up the economy, and dragged out the recession for years, and stirred up racial tension his entire 8 years.

Honestly, you guys got Trump elected, more than anything Trump did.

Trump left a lot of sore anuses and punctured egos at the GOP before he contested the POTUS election.

What a bunch of losers GOP lawmakers are that could not field a candidate to beat Trump. The GOP POTUS nomination contest wasn't even close.
S&P 500 had almost doubled the past 23 presidents .. that’s manufacturing! Blue collar wage is a rap past 3 decades! Thank you trump!
Winning does mean that some will have to face hardships....that is why he is subsidizing them....but I would not deny that it angers you commie, anti-Americans that his tariffs on China and others, (N.Korea getting more, along with Russia) are putting more hardships on them than anything harmful to parts of our economy....but trying to explain that to ideologies is a fruitless adventure. Fortunately most Independents understand the concept and will vote accordingly!

Farm bankruptcies are up 25% in 2019 over a year ago. Even with recent increases in sales, American farmers are only at half the sales of soy beans to the Chinese. The rest won’t be back.

They will be when millions of Chinese start starving to death!

The Chinese are now buying their soybeans from Brazil, Mexico and other South American countries, and that’s not going to change. That’s why the Brazilians are burning down the rainforest, to clear land for farming. The South Americans production costs are lower, hence their beans are cheaper.

Trump shot himself in the foot on this.

So that is why the Chinese are bending to our will on trade?

Try keeping current.

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