Farmers on welfare ... U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia

Donald Trump has permanently damaged the agricultural industry with his trade war. The effects will translate into economic death for some rural communities as the lack of economic activity dries up jobs.

It appears the soybean market might already be lost for US farmers based on historical precedent with loss of chicken exports to Russia.

But, on the bright side, Trump might be able to lean on Boris Johnson to get British to eat more US chicken if they eventually accept chlorinated chicken, and if it is actually competitive with other suppliers.

In the meantime, Donald Trump has spent more on subsidies to farmers than was spent on the auto industry bailout of 2008-9 which was eventually mostly paid back by the auto industry. Fat chance that farmers will ever pay back because the sustainability of the industry has deteriorated since the trade war.

Thank you Donald Trump.

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion
The Brits are too smart to buy american meat product....they know our food is compromised, heck they see trump rallies and all the hippos in there...most jobless and obese.

Perhaps Trump could start feeding the poor obese stooges at his rallies with food made from surplus soybeans and slugging them the special Trump premium for it.

Gee...maybe as soon as liberals in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego et al, start feeding the homeless.

>>>tossing a FYI here : Most people who are poor are also obese

Fat Broke: The Link Between Poverty and Obesity - Healthcare Administration Degree Programs

The overweight and obesity transition from the wealthy to the poor in low- and middle-income countries: A survey of household data from 103 countries

"Most people who are poor are also obese"; and
Donald Trump is obese;
therefore Donald Trump is really poor?

Is Trump really obese?

His Doctors say NO!

They are addicted to paychecks.
The Brits are too smart to buy american meat product....they know our food is compromised, heck they see trump rallies and all the hippos in there...most jobless and obese.

Perhaps Trump could start feeding the poor obese stooges at his rallies with food made from surplus soybeans and slugging them the special Trump premium for it.

Gee...maybe as soon as liberals in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego et al, start feeding the homeless.

>>>tossing a FYI here : Most people who are poor are also obese

Fat Broke: The Link Between Poverty and Obesity - Healthcare Administration Degree Programs

The overweight and obesity transition from the wealthy to the poor in low- and middle-income countries: A survey of household data from 103 countries

"Most people who are poor are also obese"; and
Donald Trump is obese;
therefore Donald Trump is really poor?

Is Trump really obese?

His Doctors say NO!

They are addicted to paychecks.
White House protocol ... do not stand between Donald Trump and a loaded refrigerator if you value your life.
Donald Trump has permanently damaged the agricultural industry with his trade war. The effects will translate into economic death for some rural communities as the lack of economic activity dries up jobs.

It appears the soybean market might already be lost for US farmers based on historical precedent with loss of chicken exports to Russia.

But, on the bright side, Trump might be able to lean on Boris Johnson to get British to eat more US chicken if they eventually accept chlorinated chicken, and if it is actually competitive with other suppliers.

In the meantime, Donald Trump has spent more on subsidies to farmers than was spent on the auto industry bailout of 2008-9 which was eventually mostly paid back by the auto industry. Fat chance that farmers will ever pay back because the sustainability of the industry has deteriorated since the trade war.

Thank you Donald Trump.

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion
The Brits are too smart to buy american meat product....they know our food is compromised, heck they see trump rallies and all the hippos in there...most jobless and obese.

Perhaps Trump could start feeding the poor obese stooges at his rallies with food made from surplus soybeans and slugging them the special Trump premium for it.

Gee...maybe as soon as liberals in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego et al, start feeding the homeless.

>>>tossing a FYI here : Most people who are poor are also obese

Fat Broke: The Link Between Poverty and Obesity - Healthcare Administration Degree Programs

The overweight and obesity transition from the wealthy to the poor in low- and middle-income countries: A survey of household data from 103 countries

"Most people who are poor are also obese"; and
Donald Trump is obese;
therefore Donald Trump is really poor?

Is Trump really obese?

His Doctors say NO!
If he is obese, than WTF is good old boy Jerry Nadler?
The Brits are too smart to buy american meat product....they know our food is compromised, heck they see trump rallies and all the hippos in there...most jobless and obese.

Perhaps Trump could start feeding the poor obese stooges at his rallies with food made from surplus soybeans and slugging them the special Trump premium for it.

Gee...maybe as soon as liberals in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego et al, start feeding the homeless.

>>>tossing a FYI here : Most people who are poor are also obese

Fat Broke: The Link Between Poverty and Obesity - Healthcare Administration Degree Programs

The overweight and obesity transition from the wealthy to the poor in low- and middle-income countries: A survey of household data from 103 countries

"Most people who are poor are also obese"; and
Donald Trump is obese;
therefore Donald Trump is really poor?

Is Trump really obese?

His Doctors say NO!
If he is obese, than WTF is good old boy Jerry Nadler?
I dont care if trump is fat

His job is mental not physical

And he beats every blowhard democrat out there with his policies for the country
The Brits are too smart to buy american meat product....they know our food is compromised, heck they see trump rallies and all the hippos in there...most jobless and obese.

Perhaps Trump could start feeding the poor obese stooges at his rallies with food made from surplus soybeans and slugging them the special Trump premium for it.

Gee...maybe as soon as liberals in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego et al, start feeding the homeless.

>>>tossing a FYI here : Most people who are poor are also obese

Fat Broke: The Link Between Poverty and Obesity - Healthcare Administration Degree Programs

The overweight and obesity transition from the wealthy to the poor in low- and middle-income countries: A survey of household data from 103 countries

"Most people who are poor are also obese"; and
Donald Trump is obese;
therefore Donald Trump is really poor?

Is Trump really obese?

His Doctors say NO!

If he is obese, than WTF is good old boy Jerry Nadler?

I will see you and raise you a Mike Pompeo who is qualified as ballast in a LNG production vessel of the heaviest class.
Back to the topic!

Thank you, our greatest president!

China’s imports of soybeans surged in November following the announcement of an interim trade deal with the United States.

Imports rose 53.7% over a year earlier to 5.4 million tons, according to customs data.

Imports of U.S. soybeans more than doubled from the previous month to 2.6 million tons, according to, a news website that serves the Chinese farming industry.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..
Back to the topic!

Thank you, our greatest president!

China’s imports of soybeans surged in November following the announcement of an interim trade deal with the United States.

Imports rose 53.7% over a year earlier to 5.4 million tons, according to customs data.

Imports of U.S. soybeans more than doubled from the previous month to 2.6 million tons, according to, a news website that serves the Chinese farming industry.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Imports of foreign election meddling to support Donald Trump is up 200%.
Back to the topic!

Thank you, our greatest president!

China’s imports of soybeans surged in November following the announcement of an interim trade deal with the United States.

Imports rose 53.7% over a year earlier to 5.4 million tons, according to customs data.

Imports of U.S. soybeans more than doubled from the previous month to 2.6 million tons, according to, a news website that serves the Chinese farming industry.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Imports of foreign election meddling to support Donald Trump is up 200%.
Proof or you are a scum sucking dickhead....waiting!
Back to the topic!

Thank you, our greatest president!

China’s imports of soybeans surged in November following the announcement of an interim trade deal with the United States.

Imports rose 53.7% over a year earlier to 5.4 million tons, according to customs data.

Imports of U.S. soybeans more than doubled from the previous month to 2.6 million tons, according to, a news website that serves the Chinese farming industry.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Imports of foreign election meddling to support Donald Trump is up 200%.

Proof or you are a scum sucking dickhead....waiting!

Verbatim repetition of insults others have laid on you is plagiarism.
Back to the topic!

Thank you, our greatest president!

China’s imports of soybeans surged in November following the announcement of an interim trade deal with the United States.

Imports rose 53.7% over a year earlier to 5.4 million tons, according to customs data.

Imports of U.S. soybeans more than doubled from the previous month to 2.6 million tons, according to, a news website that serves the Chinese farming industry.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Imports of foreign election meddling to support Donald Trump is up 200%.

Proof or you are a scum sucking dickhead....waiting!

Verbatim repetition of insults others have laid on you is plagiarism.
Sue me you clouted urchin-snouted odiferous stench!
Again... give me an alternative.
Pay the bills. After all, so many people here say they're doing very well in the Trump economy...

Well as soon as "Pay the bills" runs for office, I'll vote for him.

Until then, I have to vote for who will actually win, which is a choice between left-wing bankrupt-the-country-with-endless-programs, and Trump.

So far, Trump is the better choice.

When you actually give me a better alternative, I'll consider it. But I don't see "pay the bills" on the ballot.

And honestly, how about "cut the spending" if we're going to make up mythical candidates.

Trump is the most successful bankrupt ever in the USA. He is currently bankrupting the USA with GDP growth < 2% and debt growth ~5% of GDP.

Pappy Fred is not here to bail out son Donny with cash in black plastic bags.

In Donald Trump's casinos, the house loses and Donald Trump has brought that MO to the office of POTUS.

The US was already bankrupt 5 to 10 years ago.

The amount of money we owed, was far greater than we can logically pay, before Trump was ever in office.

That said, I agree he isn't helping. But again..... what is your alternative? Green New Deal, where we tear down and rebuild, every building in the country to make it eco-friendly? Maybe Warren, who just said "There is always more money!" when asked how she would pay for her plans? Or Sanders, free healthcare, food, housing, education?

Seriously.... You can b!tch and moan like a teenager, but until you have a better choice, you have no real point to make. Give me an alternative.

You put up some guy to run against Trump that wants to cut all those programs, and social security, and medicare, and so on..... I will vote for that man. I will gladly vote against Trump, if you have someone willing to cut the spending. I'm all for it.

But none of your guys wants to do that. They are all pro-baby-murder, and hate Israel, and want to destroy the culture with their "I can't even figure out what is between my legs" belief system, and on the government budget, want to blow the nation appart with free-everything.

Basically the entire Democrat party, is twice as bad as Trump on the budget, but without any good qualities at all. Like all the good things Trump has done, the Democrats oppose... and on the one thing he's done really terrible on... you are twice as in favor of over-spending as he is.

Donald Trump is long on boasting, blathering, lying, slandering, and insulting but short on actually doing anything.

Everything Donald Trump has done so far is superficial.

Where is the wall he promised.

Where is the infrastructure that is unlikely to happen in Donald Trump's tenure even if it lasts 8 years?

Donald Trump will not deliver on anything other than short term superficial BS that arouses the howling mob. Donald Trump has no interest in strategic social and economic actions that take years to show an effect.

Right, which is still better than Obama who screwed up the economy, and dragged out the recession for years, and stirred up racial tension his entire 8 years.

Honestly, you guys got Trump elected, more than anything Trump did.
China PAYS the tariffs on goods coming in


Who pays Trump's tariffs, China or U.S. customers and companies?

- U.S. President Donald Trump says China pays the tariffs he has imposed on $250 billion of Chinese exports to the United States.
But that is not how tariffs work. China’s government and companies in China do not pay tariffs directly. Tariffs are a tax on imports. They are paid by U.S.-registered firms to U.S. customs for the goods they import into the United States.
Importers often pass the costs of tariffs on to customers - manufacturers and consumers in the United States - by raising their prices.


If you do not buy their products, who takes it in the ass when their products never leave the country? Not Americans!
Its an illusion driven by debt.

GDP is rising at ~ 2% while Federal debt is rising at ~ 5% of GDP.

America's debt is increasing faster than its income and the rate of the discrepancy is accelerating since the orange buffoon came to power.

Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.

Excuses. Excuses. Always excuses.

When Coolidge had a failing economy, he cut spending, and cut taxes, and the economy recovered into what was the roaring twenties.

Never ending excuses with you people.

When you have less money coming in.... you cut spending. That is the very essence of fiscal responsibility.

When revenue declines, you don't jack up spending even more. That irresponsible and foolish.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

And you are a liar.

Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund.

AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies

DNC sought to hide details of Clinton funding deal

EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi paid husband with PAC funds

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

Rep. Maxine Waters’ family continues to profit directly from her position in Congress

Yeah.... about that.... Not much room to talk. Either practice what you preach, or stop preaching.

Donald Trump fined $2 million for stealing from his own charities. Whole Trump family banned from operating charities until they pass a course on how not to steal from charities.

Changes nothing of what I said. Almost the entire Democrap party is loaded with corrupt people enriching themselves off the public.

And yet it's the republicans who are on record as going to jail and having corrupt administrations since Nixon at least. Reagan was the worst of all with convictions and indictments.This crumbum trump crowd is not much better. Six or seven of his fixers and associates in jail, one waiting for sentencing and who knows where this crackpot Guiliani will end up.

The massive Reagan Administration corruption
Winning does mean that some will have to face hardships....that is why he is subsidizing them....but I would not deny that it angers you commie, anti-Americans that his tariffs on China and others, (N.Korea getting more, along with Russia) are putting more hardships on them than anything harmful to parts of our economy....but trying to explain that to ideologies is a fruitless adventure. Fortunately most Independents understand the concept and will vote accordingly!

Farm bankruptcies are up 25% in 2019 over a year ago. Even with recent increases in sales, American farmers are only at half the sales of soy beans to the Chinese. The rest won’t be back.

They will be when millions of Chinese start starving to death!
Winning does mean that some will have to face hardships....that is why he is subsidizing them....but I would not deny that it angers you commie, anti-Americans that his tariffs on China and others, (N.Korea getting more, along with Russia) are putting more hardships on them than anything harmful to parts of our economy....but trying to explain that to ideologies is a fruitless adventure. Fortunately most Independents understand the concept and will vote accordingly!

Farm bankruptcies are up 25% in 2019 over a year ago. Even with recent increases in sales, American farmers are only at half the sales of soy beans to the Chinese. The rest won’t be back.

They will be when millions of Chinese start starving to death!

The Chinese are now buying their soybeans from Brazil, Mexico and other South American countries, and that’s not going to change. That’s why the Brazilians are burning down the rainforest, to clear land for farming. The South Americans production costs are lower, hence their beans are cheaper.

Trump shot himself in the foot on this.
After looking at the Environmental Disaster that China has become I'm of the opinion I don't want a damn thing from China............I don't care if it costs me more.

The destruction of Asia via their industrial revolution is BARBARIC.

We need to produce as much here as possible........and provide the means to deal with our own waste.........The West ignores the INHUMANITY of the Far East now........we need to open our eyes.

I would disagree with all of that.

Specifically as it relates to the environment, we seem to forget our own history. Naturally, nations build, grow and expand, and in process they have problems. Growth by nature, results in problems and issues. Every country has growth first, runs into problems, and then addresses the problems. This is normal.

Our country had this happen constantly. We had a river catch on fire, and then when you see the problem, you fix it.

China will no doubt have the same deal. They have massive growth, and then they have big problems, and then they fix the problems. This is the normal evolution of any society.

The problem the west has, is they expect modernization in backward 3rd world countries, to be instantly to western standards. That they'll have a middle class income, with western standard pollution controls, and safety on par with western standards.... and that's crazy.

It's like the phases of development is like a triathlon, and while every western country has had to go through all the phases of the triathlon, we expect China to skip straight from the first to the last, instantly.

Well it doesn't work like that. Every country has to go through these phases. Every single one of them.

Now as far as brutal governments...

Honestly, I have kind of come to the conclusion that we should largely ignore them, unless they present themselves as a real international threat. Like Iran and N.Korea I consider international threats.

However, beyond that... I have more of a Domestic Violence view on this.

I can't do anything to force a women to leave her abusive husband. I can't. Can't do it. I know this, because I have specifically tried, and it didn't work.

All you can do, is be nice, be friendly, and hope the woman eventually figures it out and leaves.

We all know that the Saudis are generally..... generally.... are supported by their people. We can't change that. Trying to oppose the Saudis will do nothing, except make us more enemies in the world, and gain sympathy for the Saudis..... again, because their people generally support them.

Similarly, the Chinese people have to be the ones that stand up to the Chinese government, and as near as I can tell, they are not inclined to do so. Opposing the Chinese government directly, will not do anything but gain sympathy for China, and rally the people around their government.

Ironically I think trade with China is the best way to invoke change in China. Whether that change is for good or bad, depends on the people. But the bottom line is, having more wealthy people in China is the only chance for change.

If you look at history, most revolutions come with wealth, rather than poverty. Poor people can't change the system, and never do. How many decades has Castro's regime been in power? And why? Because he utterly and totally impoverished the people. Poor people don't have time to protest, because they are too busy trying to not starve to death.

Same thing is true in Venezuela, and Iran even. Both of the 'revolutions' happened when standards of living were improving, and people had time to complain and protest.

Now in both countries, the public can't do anything to stop the governments. They are starving to death in Venezuela, and the protestors in Iran were just utterly slaughtered.

So in my view, engaging in trade with China, is the most likely way to raise the wealthy of the public, which could lead to positive changes for the country.

I don't think it's our duty to force change elsewhere in the world. If anything, we should offer asylum to those leaving those countries. But that's it.
Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.

Excuses. Excuses. Always excuses.

When Coolidge had a failing economy, he cut spending, and cut taxes, and the economy recovered into what was the roaring twenties.

Never ending excuses with you people.

When you have less money coming in.... you cut spending. That is the very essence of fiscal responsibility.

When revenue declines, you don't jack up spending even more. That irresponsible and foolish.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

And you are a liar.

Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund.

AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies

DNC sought to hide details of Clinton funding deal

EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi paid husband with PAC funds

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

Rep. Maxine Waters’ family continues to profit directly from her position in Congress

Yeah.... about that.... Not much room to talk. Either practice what you preach, or stop preaching.

Donald Trump fined $2 million for stealing from his own charities. Whole Trump family banned from operating charities until they pass a course on how not to steal from charities.

Changes nothing of what I said. Almost the entire Democrap party is loaded with corrupt people enriching themselves off the public.

And yet it's the republicans who are on record as going to jail and having corrupt administrations since Nixon at least. Reagan was the worst of all with convictions and indictments.This crumbum trump crowd is not much better. Six or seven of his fixers and associates in jail, one waiting for sentencing and who knows where this crackpot Guiliani will end up.

The massive Reagan Administration corruption

Oh bull. Reagan was not the most corrupt. That is just ridiculous. You guys are listening to too many partisan talking heads.

That said....

Yes, on record I'm sure Republicans appear based on the record, as being more corrupt. There's a simple reason for this..... You guys don't care about corruption in your party, and we do. Because we're better than you.

It's that simple. If read just 1/4 of the Starr report on the non-stop corruption of Bill Clinton, and his administration, you would understand what the difference is between Republicans and Democrats, because if Bill had been a Republican, we would never have defended him.

But he was a Democrat. And Democrats are anti-G-d, Anti-absolute-Truth, anti-Morality, and anti-ethics. Democrats stand for whatever is evil.

This is why AOC can say that Truth doesn't matter. This is why Clinton can say "it depends on what the definition of 'is' is." and actually have democrats defend him.

So logically, when your party has no standards whatsoever, it shouldn't be surprising that fewer of your corrupt politicians go to jail.

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