Farmers on welfare ... U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia

That said, I don't support IP to begin with. Intellectually Property is that concept that you can control 'thought' using the power of government. I don't agree with that. Now I get it that you can't slap your label on my product, and sell it.

IP is SUPPOSED to be a corporate secret.. NOT a public benefit.. Companies have lawyers to see to it that it is protected... Only patents prevent others from duplicating.. Because IP is generally secret and NEVER public -- unless some country's intel agencies commit industrial espionage -- but no other entity is supposed to ever even SEE IT....

You can't STEAL other's products.. It's as simple as that.. Same with the recording industry or broadcast material.. I'm not an anarchist, so I can't sympathize with what you feel is an imposition on others that they can't USE YOUR STUFF -- without agreement and compensation...

Methinks most would agree market anarchy would eventually eat all the little dogs up.

So weather we'd like it or not, some level of regulatory bureaucracy needs to exist

Donald Trump has permanently damaged the agricultural industry with his trade war. The effects will translate into economic death for some rural communities as the lack of economic activity dries up jobs.

It appears the soybean market might already be lost for US farmers based on historical precedent with loss of chicken exports to Russia.

Reads Like Trying To Find A Dark Cloud
Within A Silver Lining!

Food Production Is A National Security.
Get It or Not!

Moi :26:

Donald Trump's peccadilloes are a national security issue, but they don't qualify for a taxpayer subsidy.

Yet that's exactly how his trade war sugared off

Trump is trying to fix capitalism w/socialism

He's far from the first potus to go down this road

As such, methinks most can see how it works out

Not so fast there Gator San...
U.S. potato and potato product exports grew 4.58% in volume and 4.63% in value in 2017 compared to 2016, according to Potatoes USA.

Fresh potato exports were up 6% in 2017 while frozen and chip exports up 1%, according to a news release.

On a fresh weight equivalent basis, Potatoes USA said frozen potatoes account for 53% of total potato exports, with dehydrated exports at 24% and fresh accounting for 15%. Calculated on the fresh weight equivalent measure, about 20% of U.S. potato output is exported, according to the potato promotion group.

Exports of all U.S. potatoes and potato products reached a record $1.76 billion for the July 2016-June 2017 marketing year.

U.S. potato exports up across the board during first quarter - Spudman

U.S. fresh, frozen and dehy potato exports saw significant growth during the first quarter of the July 2019-to-June 2020 marketing year, reports Potatoes USA. This continues the growth seen at the end of last marketing year and is in lieu of the continuing trade issues in Asia.

Exports of frozen potato products increased 9% in volume and 10% in value to $305,045,624.

  • The volume growth was driven by a 58% increase to the Middle East, 42% increase to the Philippines and 19% increase to Central America.
  • The elimination of the retaliatory tariff on fries entering Mexico resulted in a 7% increase, less of a rebound than anticipated.
  • Exports to Japan were up 2% as product from the EU, New Zealand and Canada now enjoy tariff concessions into this market.
  • U.S. exports to China declined -4% as the U.S. product incurs a 15% retaliatory tariff into that market.

Seems like potatoes are just as fungible as oil.. And NEW markets have compensated for any loss to Chinese imports...

Ag exports for that year were 143 potatoes did not even make up 2% of it.

Thanks for verifying my comments.

I have inside information that you're going to be paying more for french fries in the near future.
See if I'm right.

You are evidently a McDonald's University alumnus.
Not really, I just know the market right now

You are a potato rustler?
Potatoes are kinda like milking a herd of cows.
they require a lot of attention
Intellectual Property is a different beast. You are trying to control thought. If I come up with some idea.... a store that only sells shoe laces.... Can I patent that thought? What makes one thought patentable, and another is not?

MOST IP IS patented.. So the point is almost mute.. But NOT ALL OF IT... And that's the difference..

Advanced research and development has to be protected differently... You DONT patent that early in the process. It's a big investment, and it is the equivalent of human thought process for a corporation.. Things a company is THINKING of doing -- can't be patented. But it's the future and important discoveries are made in that stage of development..

You also do not patent EVERYTHING. Because doing so, exposes your R&D efforts and planning. The patent process is TOO PUBLIC.. So sometimes patents are held back until the whole enchilada is formulated...

The third exception to IP that is not patented, is stuff that NEVER goes to market exposed for anyone to reverse engineer... The company might have INTERNAL development tools or processes that COULD be patented, but with no public disclosure or visibility in the product, the competition can't duplicate or design around you.. IBM's development of Watson is kind of an example of that.. Watson is applied AI -- it might have some small patented elements, but the TOOLS and ALGORITHMS for various Watson applications will NEVER go public thru patent or otherwise....

So --- outside of patents, there's a lot of valuable work that CAN be stolen thru INTENTIONAL ESPIONAGE... And thats the situation that China has put US in... Not to mention that THEIR companies are not even trying to comply with patent and trademark law most of the time....
Intellectual Property is a different beast. You are trying to control thought. If I come up with some idea.... a store that only sells shoe laces.... Can I patent that thought? What makes one thought patentable, and another is not?

MOST IP IS patented.. So the point is almost mute.. But NOT ALL OF IT... And that's the difference..

Advanced research and development has to be protected differently... You DONT patent that early in the process. It's a big investment, and it is the equivalent of human thought process for a corporation.. Things a company is THINKING of doing -- can't be patented. But it's the future and important discoveries are made in that stage of development..

You also do not patent EVERYTHING. Because doing so, exposes your R&D efforts and planning. The patent process is TOO PUBLIC.. So sometimes patents are held back until the whole enchilada is formulated...

The third exception to IP that is not patented, is stuff that NEVER goes to market exposed for anyone to reverse engineer... The company might have INTERNAL development tools or processes that COULD be patented, but with no public disclosure or visibility in the product, the competition can't duplicate or design around you.. IBM's development of Watson is kind of an example of that.. Watson is applied AI -- it might have some small patented elements, but the TOOLS and ALGORITHMS for various Watson applications will NEVER go public thru patent or otherwise....

So --- outside of patents, there's a lot of valuable work that CAN be stolen thru INTENTIONAL ESPIONAGE... And thats the situation that China has put US in... Not to mention that THEIR companies are not even trying to comply with patent and trademark law most of the time....

Anecdotally, I'm a bit player in an international patent war. The Chinese are legal untouchables, consumers being the guilty party should they purchase from them via internet sources, a really backasswards situation.

yet the Internal espionage has been phenomenal , UL, CSPC, NEMA all conspiring together, because the players conspired for personal profit w/the help of a billion $$$ global industry.

i know of 3 class action suits that never past the court threshold , Canada, USofA, Paris , all intimidated via deeper pockets & company thugs.

I have to ask what protective bureaucracy could possibly apply to the very elements conscripted by Gub'Mit for it's people here?

After looking at the Environmental Disaster that China has become I'm of the opinion I don't want a damn thing from China............I don't care if it costs me more.

The destruction of Asia via their industrial revolution is BARBARIC.

We need to produce as much here as possible........and provide the means to deal with our own waste.........The West ignores the INHUMANITY of the Far East now........we need to open our eyes.
Winning does mean that some will have to face hardships....that is why he is subsidizing them....but I would not deny that it angers you commie, anti-Americans that his tariffs on China and others, (N.Korea getting more, along with Russia) are putting more hardships on them than anything harmful to parts of our economy....but trying to explain that to ideologies is a fruitless adventure. Fortunately most Independents understand the concept and will vote accordingly!

It is arguable that most Americans are feeling hardships since January 2017.

No it isn't.
Lets stop all welfare to everybody.

No welfare, subsidies, entitlements, grants, bailouts or foreign aid to anybody

It is the right thing to do.
Donald Trump has permanently damaged the agricultural industry with his trade war. The effects will translate into economic death for some rural communities as the lack of economic activity dries up jobs.

It appears the soybean market might already be lost for US farmers based on historical precedent with loss of chicken exports to Russia.

But, on the bright side, Trump might be able to lean on Boris Johnson to get British to eat more US chicken if they eventually accept chlorinated chicken, and if it is actually competitive with other suppliers.

In the meantime, Donald Trump has spent more on subsidies to farmers than was spent on the auto industry bailout of 2008-9 which was eventually mostly paid back by the auto industry. Fat chance that farmers will ever pay back because the sustainability of the industry has deteriorated since the trade war.

Thank you Donald Trump.

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion
Ken Roberts

If U.S. soybean exporters want a glimpse of their future in China, they might consider what has happened to the U.S. chicken export market after the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
It disappeared.
This is the risk of the U.S.-China trade war to not only the soybean industry but a number of targeted industries, including oil and lumber.
While there are some differences between the Chinese and Russian cases, there are also striking similarities.
In both cases, the United States was the dominant export market.
As recently as last year, China was buying as much as 57% of U.S. soybean exports. Russia, while not as dominant a market for U.S. poultry exporters, ranked first from 2003 to 2009 and was a leading market through 2013.
In August of last year, Chinese imports of U.S. soybeans dropped to 2% of the U.S. export market. While they recovered to 54% in August of this year, they dropped to 25% in September, the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data available.
U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November -- until this year, as the effects of the U.S.-China trade war took hold.

U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November ...
As for Russia, since 2013, it has not purchased any poultry from the United States. None. The global U.S. poultry export market has yet to fully recover. ...
The Brits are too smart to buy american meat product....they know our food is compromised, heck they see trump rallies and all the hippos in there...most jobless and obese.

Perhaps Trump could start feeding the poor obese stooges at his rallies with food made from surplus soybeans and slugging them the special Trump premium for it.

Gee...maybe as soon as liberals in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego et al, start feeding the homeless.

>>>tossing a FYI here : Most people who are poor are also obese

Fat Broke: The Link Between Poverty and Obesity - Healthcare Administration Degree Programs

The overweight and obesity transition from the wealthy to the poor in low- and middle-income countries: A survey of household data from 103 countries

There is no "redistribution" under capitalism.
got a few minutes Andy?


How pathetic!!!

There will always be poor people.

There will always be 'rich' people.

It's an individual's personal responsibility to rise themselves up if they want to 'acquire' more wealth.

Sadly, libs are the ones to SCREAM that 'they don't have enough'.

liberal tears...waaaa
After looking at the Environmental Disaster that China has become I'm of the opinion I don't want a damn thing from China............I don't care if it costs me more.

The destruction of Asia via their industrial revolution is BARBARIC.

We need to produce as much here as possible........and provide the means to deal with our own waste.........The West ignores the INHUMANITY of the Far East now........we need to open our eyes.

1. Stop blathering;
2. Sober up;
3. Get off your anus; and
4. Actually do something instead of whining.
After looking at the Environmental Disaster that China has become I'm of the opinion I don't want a damn thing from China............I don't care if it costs me more.

The destruction of Asia via their industrial revolution is BARBARIC.

We need to produce as much here as possible........and provide the means to deal with our own waste.........The West ignores the INHUMANITY of the Far East now........we need to open our eyes.

1. Stop blathering;
2. Sober up;
3. Get off your anus; and
4. Actually do something instead of whining.
Raw nerve ending hit with this guy...........Truth sucks doesn't it..........You can't hide it.
Winning does mean that some will have to face hardships....that is why he is subsidizing them....but I would not deny that it angers you commie, anti-Americans that his tariffs on China and others, (N.Korea getting more, along with Russia) are putting more hardships on them than anything harmful to parts of our economy....but trying to explain that to ideologies is a fruitless adventure. Fortunately most Independents understand the concept and will vote accordingly!

It is arguable that most Americans are feeling hardships since January 2017.

No it isn't.

In your case 'flaccidships'?
Winning does mean that some will have to face hardships....that is why he is subsidizing them....but I would not deny that it angers you commie, anti-Americans that his tariffs on China and others, (N.Korea getting more, along with Russia) are putting more hardships on them than anything harmful to parts of our economy....but trying to explain that to ideologies is a fruitless adventure. Fortunately most Independents understand the concept and will vote accordingly!

It is arguable that most Americans are feeling hardships since January 2017.

No it isn't.

In your case 'flaccidships'?


I'm so sorry you can't read and comprehend without insulting.
But...that's just another liberal failure.

Donald Trump has permanently damaged the agricultural industry with his trade war. The effects will translate into economic death for some rural communities as the lack of economic activity dries up jobs.

It appears the soybean market might already be lost for US farmers based on historical precedent with loss of chicken exports to Russia.

But, on the bright side, Trump might be able to lean on Boris Johnson to get British to eat more US chicken if they eventually accept chlorinated chicken, and if it is actually competitive with other suppliers.

In the meantime, Donald Trump has spent more on subsidies to farmers than was spent on the auto industry bailout of 2008-9 which was eventually mostly paid back by the auto industry. Fat chance that farmers will ever pay back because the sustainability of the industry has deteriorated since the trade war.

Thank you Donald Trump.

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion
Ken Roberts

If U.S. soybean exporters want a glimpse of their future in China, they might consider what has happened to the U.S. chicken export market after the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
It disappeared.
This is the risk of the U.S.-China trade war to not only the soybean industry but a number of targeted industries, including oil and lumber.
While there are some differences between the Chinese and Russian cases, there are also striking similarities.
In both cases, the United States was the dominant export market.
As recently as last year, China was buying as much as 57% of U.S. soybean exports. Russia, while not as dominant a market for U.S. poultry exporters, ranked first from 2003 to 2009 and was a leading market through 2013.
In August of last year, Chinese imports of U.S. soybeans dropped to 2% of the U.S. export market. While they recovered to 54% in August of this year, they dropped to 25% in September, the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data available.
U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November -- until this year, as the effects of the U.S.-China trade war took hold.

U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November ...
As for Russia, since 2013, it has not purchased any poultry from the United States. None. The global U.S. poultry export market has yet to fully recover. ...
The Brits are too smart to buy american meat product....they know our food is compromised, heck they see trump rallies and all the hippos in there...most jobless and obese.

Perhaps Trump could start feeding the poor obese stooges at his rallies with food made from surplus soybeans and slugging them the special Trump premium for it.

Gee...maybe as soon as liberals in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego et al, start feeding the homeless.

>>>tossing a FYI here : Most people who are poor are also obese

Fat Broke: The Link Between Poverty and Obesity - Healthcare Administration Degree Programs

The overweight and obesity transition from the wealthy to the poor in low- and middle-income countries: A survey of household data from 103 countries

"Most people who are poor are also obese"; and
Donald Trump is obese;
therefore Donald Trump is really poor?
After looking at the Environmental Disaster that China has become I'm of the opinion I don't want a damn thing from China............I don't care if it costs me more.

The destruction of Asia via their industrial revolution is BARBARIC.

We need to produce as much here as possible........and provide the means to deal with our own waste.........The West ignores the INHUMANITY of the Far East now........we need to open our eyes.

1. Stop blathering;
2. Sober up;
3. Get off your anus; and
4. Actually do something instead of whining.

Raw nerve ending hit with this guy...........Truth sucks doesn't it..........You can't hide it.

Thanks for sharing your experience.
After looking at the Environmental Disaster that China has become I'm of the opinion I don't want a damn thing from China............I don't care if it costs me more.

The destruction of Asia via their industrial revolution is BARBARIC.

We need to produce as much here as possible........and provide the means to deal with our own waste.........The West ignores the INHUMANITY of the Far East now........we need to open our eyes.

1. Stop blathering;
2. Sober up;
3. Get off your anus; and
4. Actually do something instead of whining.

Raw nerve ending hit with this guy...........Truth sucks doesn't it..........You can't hide it.

Thanks for sharing your experience.
Your Trolling impresses NO ONE............we only have discourse with you because of a slow news and being bored........But please continue.
Donald Trump has permanently damaged the agricultural industry with his trade war. The effects will translate into economic death for some rural communities as the lack of economic activity dries up jobs.

It appears the soybean market might already be lost for US farmers based on historical precedent with loss of chicken exports to Russia.

But, on the bright side, Trump might be able to lean on Boris Johnson to get British to eat more US chicken if they eventually accept chlorinated chicken, and if it is actually competitive with other suppliers.

In the meantime, Donald Trump has spent more on subsidies to farmers than was spent on the auto industry bailout of 2008-9 which was eventually mostly paid back by the auto industry. Fat chance that farmers will ever pay back because the sustainability of the industry has deteriorated since the trade war.

Thank you Donald Trump.

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion
Ken Roberts

If U.S. soybean exporters want a glimpse of their future in China, they might consider what has happened to the U.S. chicken export market after the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
It disappeared.
This is the risk of the U.S.-China trade war to not only the soybean industry but a number of targeted industries, including oil and lumber.
While there are some differences between the Chinese and Russian cases, there are also striking similarities.
In both cases, the United States was the dominant export market.
As recently as last year, China was buying as much as 57% of U.S. soybean exports. Russia, while not as dominant a market for U.S. poultry exporters, ranked first from 2003 to 2009 and was a leading market through 2013.
In August of last year, Chinese imports of U.S. soybeans dropped to 2% of the U.S. export market. While they recovered to 54% in August of this year, they dropped to 25% in September, the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data available.
U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November -- until this year, as the effects of the U.S.-China trade war took hold.

U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November ...
As for Russia, since 2013, it has not purchased any poultry from the United States. None. The global U.S. poultry export market has yet to fully recover. ...
The Brits are too smart to buy american meat product....they know our food is compromised, heck they see trump rallies and all the hippos in there...most jobless and obese.

Perhaps Trump could start feeding the poor obese stooges at his rallies with food made from surplus soybeans and slugging them the special Trump premium for it.

Gee...maybe as soon as liberals in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego et al, start feeding the homeless.

>>>tossing a FYI here : Most people who are poor are also obese

Fat Broke: The Link Between Poverty and Obesity - Healthcare Administration Degree Programs

The overweight and obesity transition from the wealthy to the poor in low- and middle-income countries: A survey of household data from 103 countries

"Most people who are poor are also obese"; and
Donald Trump is obese;
therefore Donald Trump is really poor?

Is Trump really obese?

His Doctors say NO!

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