Farmers on welfare ... U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia

Seriously.... You can b!tch and moan like a teenager, but until you have a better choice, you have no real point to make. Give me an alternative.

there isn't any Andy

we've created valuation out of thin air now for a century

a debt driven economy eventually hits the wall

I've always been for global free trade. And will be..

It kinda ruined my career, because I was working night shift just to take communcations from China for factory issues or supply chain issues.. I was even essentially "working for them"...

Free Trade ,and those who believe in free trade believe in a market of merit flacaltenn

They believe that, cloaked in the guise capitalism ,the market is self adjusting and self curing , cream rises to the top, etc

Unfortunately , nothing could possibly be further from the truth. and i don't mean to be cruel, but admitting you ended up a minion of it all...for gawd's sake....


That's ironic given that every single time capitalism is tried, exactly what you deny happens.

And conversely every single time socialism is tried, the reverse happens.

Because any given system can succumb to greed , where the wealth 'redistributes' to the top 1%


Capitalism does not "redistribute" to the top 1%. In Capitalism, the Waltons never get penny of mine, unless I get something from them in the way of goods or services. Under Capitalism, Ford does not get a dime from me, unless they give me a Grand Marquis that I enjoy to driving.

There is no "redistribution" under capitalism.

Socialism, is always redistributing to the 1%. GM gets plenty of my money, because the government confiscated my rightful earnings, and gave it to GM, and the Unions. Under Socialism, government takes my money, and gives it Elon Musk, because he makes green energy. I get nothing... and Musk gets rich.

Under Capitalism, none of those people, or the banks, or anyone, would get my money, unless they give me something in return.

Socialism ALWAYS redistributes to the top 1%. The Soviets had stores available only to members of government, within 10 years of taking over. Castro flew in his own private doctor from Brazil, with his medical equipment, only for the Castro families use. Maduro's sons have opened operations selling food outside the country, at huge profits, while the people in the country are starving.

Socialism always...... ALWAYS redistributes wealth to the top 1%.
Seriously.... You can b!tch and moan like a teenager, but until you have a better choice, you have no real point to make. Give me an alternative.

there isn't any Andy

we've created valuation out of thin air now for a century

a debt driven economy eventually hits the wall


That's my point.

And it isn't because of valuation out of thin air.... values are always out of thin air. Everything that has value, only has value because people value it.

If everyone in the world decided that gold was just a boring shiny rock, the value of gold tomorrow would be zero. That's why gold prices go up and down. Because it's value is out of thin air. All values are out of thin air.

The truth is, we could still, even now, fix this problem. We could cut spending, and balance the budget.

The problem is... people don't want that. It's that simple. People don't want it. People want the spending. They want to have free everything. They want a universal living wage, so they can stay at home, and never work for anything, live off the backs of tax payers, and the tax payers are simply not going to pay the bill.

If someone wants to run a candidate that will cut the government, I'm for it. I'll vote for that person.
The economy is in fact, doing very well.

We've always heard that as long as our rice bowls are full Andy


It doesn't matter what you heard. Statistical facts, the economy is doing very well.

If YOUR economy isn't doing well... that's on you to improve it. Get a second job. Get a better job. Learn a new skill that makes you more valuable.

But you can't tell me that the economy is sucking, when people are getting better jobs all the time. My Uncle is an engineer. He's working. Plenty of work. My relative is in production management. He's got more work than he can even handle right now. Everyone I know is doing really well, except for me and that's my fault.

So... look in the mirror if all you have is a rice bowl.
There is no "redistribution" under capitalism.
got a few minutes Andy?


The fact the wealthy have more wealth, is not evidence of "redistribution". Far from it. The fact the wealthy have wealth, is because they are producing goods and services that benefit the public.

Again... the Walton's do not have wealth, because it was "redistributed" to them. They have wealth, because they provide goods and services at their stores, that people want. They provided us with products for a low prices, and thus they have the money we choose to give them in exchange for those goods and services.

That's not "redistribution". That's people earning money. If you provided goods and services to 40 Million people every single week, you'll be wealthy too. And lets not forget, providing 2.1 Million jobs as well.

No one gets to choose in a free-market, how wealth is 'distributed'. That's the whole point of a free-market. People get wealth, by providing services and goods to their fellow man. The more goods and services they provide, the more wealthy they will get.

And that's the way it should be. Why should you, for example, get to be wealthy like the Walton's, when I doubt you have served barely a dozen people this week?

But it's even more than that. The reason wealthy people are wealthy, is not just because they provide goods and services to more people, but also because they invest the money.

When you invest... you get more wealthy. When you spend... you get more poor.

The reason poor people have no wealth, is because they consume all their income.

Wealthy people are wealthy, because they invest it.

Again, my favorite example is Sharon Tirabassi, and Steve Jobs. Both ended up with $10 Million dollars. Sharon won the lottery. She got $10 Million dollars, and in 10 years she was broke, no car, living in an apartment, and catching the bus to work.

Steve Jobs, in the 80s, was kicked out of Apple, and had $10 Million dollars from the separation. He invested the money in a small company. That company produced a movie Toy Story, and in late 2000s, sold that company to Disney for almost $10 Billion.

Sharon ended up poor, because she consumed her money, and it was gone. Jobs was rich, because he invested his money, and became more wealthy.

No one came and "redistributed" Sharon's $10 Million dollars. She blew the money, and it was gone.
No one came and "redistributed" Jobs $10 Billion dollars. Jobs invested the $10 Million, and made it grow into $10 Billion.

You know what happens when you invest wisely like Steve Jobs?

A janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune and left most of it to his library and hospital

You end up wealthy. Even if you are just a lowly Janitor, even with a low income, you can still invest and become wealthy.

You want to change how that dumb wealthy distribution chart looks? Great... start buying stock. Start investing. Convince others to save and invest. Get more and more people to buy stock and invest their money. We could flip that chart around in 10 years, if people would stop blowing their money, and start saving and investing.
I prefer a broader overview vs anecdotal's Andy


I think the post is accurate to reality. In fact, I know it is, because I've met people who did it.

Honestly, if people come here from Uganda, and can open and business and be successful, then what excuse do Americans have?
Donald Trump has permanently damaged the agricultural industry with his trade war. The effects will translate into economic death for some rural communities as the lack of economic activity dries up jobs.

It appears the soybean market might already be lost for US farmers based on historical precedent with loss of chicken exports to Russia.

But, on the bright side, Trump might be able to lean on Boris Johnson to get British to eat more US chicken if they eventually accept chlorinated chicken, and if it is actually competitive with other suppliers.

In the meantime, Donald Trump has spent more on subsidies to farmers than was spent on the auto industry bailout of 2008-9 which was eventually mostly paid back by the auto industry. Fat chance that farmers will ever pay back because the sustainability of the industry has deteriorated since the trade war.

Thank you Donald Trump.

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion
Ken Roberts

If U.S. soybean exporters want a glimpse of their future in China, they might consider what has happened to the U.S. chicken export market after the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
It disappeared.
This is the risk of the U.S.-China trade war to not only the soybean industry but a number of targeted industries, including oil and lumber.
While there are some differences between the Chinese and Russian cases, there are also striking similarities.
In both cases, the United States was the dominant export market.
As recently as last year, China was buying as much as 57% of U.S. soybean exports. Russia, while not as dominant a market for U.S. poultry exporters, ranked first from 2003 to 2009 and was a leading market through 2013.
In August of last year, Chinese imports of U.S. soybeans dropped to 2% of the U.S. export market. While they recovered to 54% in August of this year, they dropped to 25% in September, the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data available.
U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November -- until this year, as the effects of the U.S.-China trade war took hold.
U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November ...
As for Russia, since 2013, it has not purchased any poultry from the United States. None. The global U.S. poultry export market has yet to fully recover. ...

Popular wheat farmer mantra in the late seventies, bring back Nixon and 4 dollar wheat. Nixon sold millions of tons of wheat to the USSR which drove up the price.
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That said, I don't support IP to begin with. Intellectually Property is that concept that you can control 'thought' using the power of government. I don't agree with that. Now I get it that you can't slap your label on my product, and sell it.

IP is SUPPOSED to be a corporate secret.. NOT a public benefit.. Companies have lawyers to see to it that it is protected... Only patents prevent others from duplicating.. Because IP is generally secret and NEVER public -- unless some country's intel agencies commit industrial espionage -- but no other entity is supposed to ever even SEE IT....

You can't STEAL other's products.. It's as simple as that.. Same with the recording industry or broadcast material.. I'm not an anarchist, so I can't sympathize with what you feel is an imposition on others that they can't USE YOUR STUFF -- without agreement and compensation...
That said, I don't support IP to begin with. Intellectually Property is that concept that you can control 'thought' using the power of government. I don't agree with that. Now I get it that you can't slap your label on my product, and sell it.

IP is SUPPOSED to be a corporate secret.. NOT a public benefit.. Companies have lawyers to see to it that it is protected... Only patents prevent others from duplicating.. Because IP is generally secret and NEVER public -- unless some country's intel agencies commit industrial espionage -- but no other entity is supposed to ever even SEE IT....

You can't STEAL other's products.. It's as simple as that.. Same with the recording industry or broadcast material.. I'm not an anarchist, so I can't sympathize with what you feel is an imposition on others that they can't USE YOUR STUFF -- without agreement and compensation...

I see copy right, as a completely different thing than IP.

Copy right, is a material that you create. So I gather that you should not just be able to copy something that I created. I get that.

If you didn't have copy rights, then pretty much the very first store you gave your book to, in order to sell it, the store itself could make a million copies, and sell it themselves without paying you.

So I completely understand copy rights.

Intellectual Property is a different beast. You are trying to control thought. If I come up with some idea.... a store that only sells shoe laces.... Can I patent that thought? What makes one thought patentable, and another is not?

A self propelled car for example. There were dozens of people coming up with a self propelled car.

Yet the same is true of air planes, and the Wright Brothers were able to patent it. No one was stealing anyone else's product. They were simply all coming up with the same basic idea. But one gets to lock everyone else out of the market, because they have the patent?

Do you even know where the concept of Intellectual Property came from? It was from the government, trying to keep out business, from their income. The first "patent" as it were, was for salt. The British government was giving out government locks on markets, and the first was for salt, so that only the government sponsored business could sell salt.

It was a way to keep the government wealthy, at the expense of the public.

And we see this today. We actually have Patent Shark Companies, that run around producing absolutely nothing, but use the government, and the legal system to file endless lawsuits, to find some obscure patent somewhere, that someone did something, and make an infringement case out of it.
Patent Sharks

I might be able to make a better engine for a car or some other product, that uses less energy, or is cheaper to build, or is more durable.

But it doesn't matter how much better my product is, than some companies product... all that matters is they have a patent, and even though I came up with my own product, I'm out of business.

That's an affront to the Free-market Capitalist system.
The Brits are too smart to buy american meat product....they know our food is compromised, heck they see trump rallies and all the hippos in there...most jobless and obese.

Hmm...boy oh boy those inconvenient fact always get in the way...huh?

Obesity affects some groups more than others

  • Hispanics (47.0%) and non-Hispanic blacks (46.8%) had the highest age-adjusted prevalence of obesity, followed by non-Hispanic whites (37.9%) and non-Hispanic Asians (12.7%).
  • The prevalence of obesity was 35.7% among young adults aged 20 to 39 years, 42.8% among middle-aged adults aged 40 to 59 years, and 41.0% among older adults aged 60 and older..Adult Obesity Facts | Overweight & Obesity | CDC
Who Participated in Welfare?
  • The black population: At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
White liberals generally are healthier on the coasts and in big cities. Not so much in trailer parks, flyover states and the deep south. You know this more than I do you live in OC.
Just look at the trump rallies bunch of obese dummies led by a a fat orangina.

Ignorance of "the rest of the country" is an epidemic amongst the left.. Just stereotypes and faulty memes.. Here in the Hillbilly Hollywood section of the South, we have more stairmasters, tread mills, and running, biking, skating miles of trails -- per capita --- than ANYWHERE else in the country that I've lived.. We could power most of Tenn and Kentucky from the aerobic machines at the many public gyms and Ys.. And our KIDS --- still have REAL P.E. classes...
I have no beef in this , I'm an immigrant who lived here for 20 years and traveled around. Those in blue areas seem more educated, healthier and most importantly more accepting of others.
The Brits are too smart to buy american meat product....they know our food is compromised, heck they see trump rallies and all the hippos in there...most jobless and obese.

Hmm...boy oh boy those inconvenient fact always get in the way...huh?

Obesity affects some groups more than others

  • Hispanics (47.0%) and non-Hispanic blacks (46.8%) had the highest age-adjusted prevalence of obesity, followed by non-Hispanic whites (37.9%) and non-Hispanic Asians (12.7%).
  • The prevalence of obesity was 35.7% among young adults aged 20 to 39 years, 42.8% among middle-aged adults aged 40 to 59 years, and 41.0% among older adults aged 60 and older..Adult Obesity Facts | Overweight & Obesity | CDC
Who Participated in Welfare?
  • The black population: At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
White liberals generally are healthier on the coasts and in big cities. Not so much in trailer parks, flyover states and the deep south. You know this more than I do you live in OC.
Just look at the trump rallies bunch of obese dummies led by a a fat orangina.

Ignorance of "the rest of the country" is an epidemic amongst the left.. Just stereotypes and faulty memes.. Here in the Hillbilly Hollywood section of the South, we have more stairmasters, tread mills, and running, biking, skating miles of trails -- per capita --- than ANYWHERE else in the country that I've lived.. We could power most of Tenn and Kentucky from the aerobic machines at the many public gyms and Ys.. And our KIDS --- still have REAL P.E. classes...
I have no beef in this , I'm an immigrant who lived here for 20 years and traveled around. Those in blue areas seem more educated, healthier and most importantly more accepting of others.

Where have you traveled?
Have no doubt that Donald Trump will rescue his associates and friends from loss of deductibility of State/Local Tax by either increasing debt further or finding some other way to separate his foolish followers from the hard-earned cash.
That's pretty easy to do when they think the exporters pay the tariffs to the US Treasury.
Hardly .........the Importers pay the Tariffs or shop for a place without tariffs..............

Tariffs are a tax on goods..............but I simply don't care because they are having effects on China who has been growing big time and are our biggest military threat in the world..............They have been using that wealth to advance their military which we may one day have to fight.

Our goal under Trump is not Globalism...........but trying to boost our jobs for average Americans here.

Subsidies on businesses in a Trade War is common practice to make sure they don't go under while we do hard negotiation.......and this is being done during a time of good economics here in the United States........which is the best time to do it.

Under Hillary .....she would have signed the TPP..........and did NOTHING about the abuses of China at all...........and that is not in our best interest here.

Globalist and those gambling on the markets may say otherwise........oh well.
On another thread denizen's chili is the authority on psychology
Now he's an agricultural expert.
Hillarious, if ya ask me.

Your agricultural expert?
pretty much
480 acres
dry beans
sugar beets
Well, I'm from Idaho.
We produce 30 pct of the country's sugar
We produce 30 pct of the country"s potatoes
We are the leading state exporter of fish

From what I've seen you're full of it.

None of which are items we export much of and thus did not get too much damage from the stupid ass trade war.

Not so fast there Gator San...
U.S. potato and potato product exports grew 4.58% in volume and 4.63% in value in 2017 compared to 2016, according to Potatoes USA.

Fresh potato exports were up 6% in 2017 while frozen and chip exports up 1%, according to a news release.

On a fresh weight equivalent basis, Potatoes USA said frozen potatoes account for 53% of total potato exports, with dehydrated exports at 24% and fresh accounting for 15%. Calculated on the fresh weight equivalent measure, about 20% of U.S. potato output is exported, according to the potato promotion group.

Exports of all U.S. potatoes and potato products reached a record $1.76 billion for the July 2016-June 2017 marketing year.

U.S. potato exports up across the board during first quarter - Spudman

U.S. fresh, frozen and dehy potato exports saw significant growth during the first quarter of the July 2019-to-June 2020 marketing year, reports Potatoes USA. This continues the growth seen at the end of last marketing year and is in lieu of the continuing trade issues in Asia.

Exports of frozen potato products increased 9% in volume and 10% in value to $305,045,624.

  • The volume growth was driven by a 58% increase to the Middle East, 42% increase to the Philippines and 19% increase to Central America.
  • The elimination of the retaliatory tariff on fries entering Mexico resulted in a 7% increase, less of a rebound than anticipated.
  • Exports to Japan were up 2% as product from the EU, New Zealand and Canada now enjoy tariff concessions into this market.
  • U.S. exports to China declined -4% as the U.S. product incurs a 15% retaliatory tariff into that market.

Seems like potatoes are just as fungible as oil.. And NEW markets have compensated for any loss to Chinese imports...

Ag exports for that year were 143 potatoes did not even make up 2% of it.

Thanks for verifying my comments.

I have inside information that you're going to be paying more for french fries in the near future.
See if I'm right.

You are evidently a McDonald's University alumnus.
Not really, I just know the market right now
Donald Trump has permanently damaged the agricultural industry with his trade war. The effects will translate into economic death for some rural communities as the lack of economic activity dries up jobs.

It appears the soybean market might already be lost for US farmers based on historical precedent with loss of chicken exports to Russia.


Reads Like Trying To Find A Dark Cloud
Within A Silver Lining!

Food Production Is A National Security.
Get It or Not!


Again... give me an alternative.
Pay the bills. After all, so many people here say they're doing very well in the Trump economy...

Well as soon as "Pay the bills" runs for office, I'll vote for him.

Until then, I have to vote for who will actually win, which is a choice between left-wing bankrupt-the-country-with-endless-programs, and Trump.

So far, Trump is the better choice.

When you actually give me a better alternative, I'll consider it. But I don't see "pay the bills" on the ballot.

And honestly, how about "cut the spending" if we're going to make up mythical candidates.

Trump is the most successful bankrupt ever in the USA. He is currently bankrupting the USA with GDP growth < 2% and debt growth ~5% of GDP.

Pappy Fred is not here to bail out son Donny with cash in black plastic bags.

In Donald Trump's casinos, the house loses and Donald Trump has brought that MO to the office of POTUS.

The US was already bankrupt 5 to 10 years ago.

The amount of money we owed, was far greater than we can logically pay, before Trump was ever in office.

That said, I agree he isn't helping. But again..... what is your alternative? Green New Deal, where we tear down and rebuild, every building in the country to make it eco-friendly? Maybe Warren, who just said "There is always more money!" when asked how she would pay for her plans? Or Sanders, free healthcare, food, housing, education?

Seriously.... You can b!tch and moan like a teenager, but until you have a better choice, you have no real point to make. Give me an alternative.

You put up some guy to run against Trump that wants to cut all those programs, and social security, and medicare, and so on..... I will vote for that man. I will gladly vote against Trump, if you have someone willing to cut the spending. I'm all for it.

But none of your guys wants to do that. They are all pro-baby-murder, and hate Israel, and want to destroy the culture with their "I can't even figure out what is between my legs" belief system, and on the government budget, want to blow the nation appart with free-everything.

Basically the entire Democrat party, is twice as bad as Trump on the budget, but without any good qualities at all. Like all the good things Trump has done, the Democrats oppose... and on the one thing he's done really terrible on... you are twice as in favor of over-spending as he is.

Donald Trump is long on boasting, blathering, lying, slandering, and insulting but short on actually doing anything.

Everything Donald Trump has done so far is superficial.

Where is the wall he promised.

Where is the infrastructure that is unlikely to happen in Donald Trump's tenure even if it lasts 8 years?

Donald Trump will not deliver on anything other than short term superficial BS that arouses the howling mob. Donald Trump has no interest in strategic social and economic actions that take years to show an effect.
Have no doubt that Donald Trump will rescue his associates and friends from loss of deductibility of State/Local Tax by either increasing debt further or finding some other way to separate his foolish followers from the hard-earned cash.
That's pretty easy to do when they think the exporters pay the tariffs to the US Treasury.
Hardly .........the Importers pay the Tariffs or shop for a place without tariffs..............

Tariffs are a tax on goods..............but I simply don't care because they are having effects on China who has been growing big time and are our biggest military threat in the world..............They have been using that wealth to advance their military which we may one day have to fight.

Our goal under Trump is not Globalism...........but trying to boost our jobs for average Americans here.

Subsidies on businesses in a Trade War is common practice to make sure they don't go under while we do hard negotiation.......and this is being done during a time of good economics here in the United States........which is the best time to do it.

Under Hillary .....she would have signed the TPP..........and did NOTHING about the abuses of China at all...........and that is not in our best interest here.

Globalist and those gambling on the markets may say otherwise........oh well.
On another thread denizen's chili is the authority on psychology
Now he's an agricultural expert.
Hillarious, if ya ask me.

Your agricultural expert?
pretty much
480 acres
dry beans
sugar beets

Appears like a register of Donald Trump's assets after the laundered Russian mob money is subtracted.
None of which are items we export much of and thus did not get too much damage from the stupid ass trade war.

Not so fast there Gator San...
U.S. potato and potato product exports grew 4.58% in volume and 4.63% in value in 2017 compared to 2016, according to Potatoes USA.

Fresh potato exports were up 6% in 2017 while frozen and chip exports up 1%, according to a news release.

On a fresh weight equivalent basis, Potatoes USA said frozen potatoes account for 53% of total potato exports, with dehydrated exports at 24% and fresh accounting for 15%. Calculated on the fresh weight equivalent measure, about 20% of U.S. potato output is exported, according to the potato promotion group.

Exports of all U.S. potatoes and potato products reached a record $1.76 billion for the July 2016-June 2017 marketing year.

U.S. potato exports up across the board during first quarter - Spudman

U.S. fresh, frozen and dehy potato exports saw significant growth during the first quarter of the July 2019-to-June 2020 marketing year, reports Potatoes USA. This continues the growth seen at the end of last marketing year and is in lieu of the continuing trade issues in Asia.

Exports of frozen potato products increased 9% in volume and 10% in value to $305,045,624.

  • The volume growth was driven by a 58% increase to the Middle East, 42% increase to the Philippines and 19% increase to Central America.
  • The elimination of the retaliatory tariff on fries entering Mexico resulted in a 7% increase, less of a rebound than anticipated.
  • Exports to Japan were up 2% as product from the EU, New Zealand and Canada now enjoy tariff concessions into this market.
  • U.S. exports to China declined -4% as the U.S. product incurs a 15% retaliatory tariff into that market.

Seems like potatoes are just as fungible as oil.. And NEW markets have compensated for any loss to Chinese imports...

Ag exports for that year were 143 potatoes did not even make up 2% of it.

Thanks for verifying my comments.

I have inside information that you're going to be paying more for french fries in the near future.
See if I'm right.

You are evidently a McDonald's University alumnus.
Not really, I just know the market right now

You are a potato rustler?
Donald Trump has permanently damaged the agricultural industry with his trade war. The effects will translate into economic death for some rural communities as the lack of economic activity dries up jobs.

It appears the soybean market might already be lost for US farmers based on historical precedent with loss of chicken exports to Russia.

Reads Like Trying To Find A Dark Cloud
Within A Silver Lining!

Food Production Is A National Security.
Get It or Not!

Moi :26:

Donald Trump's peccadilloes are a national security issue, but they don't qualify for a taxpayer subsidy.

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