Farmers on welfare ... U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia

And you would bend over and say to a potential enemy........please do me without Vasoline...

Free trade advoactes did
I was never one for free trade, open market, and /or it's globaist henchmen Eagle

so you see, your angst and hatred is completely off target

again at that....

They and India have a 1/3rd of the population of the earth.............they will need the dang food.....STOP WHINING.

let them >>>

Globalist did.......all over profits on the Markets.....

The Unions have been complaining about no body taking them on for decades......the politicians have said something needs to be done......for elections........then do nothing.

Finally someone takes them on and all of them stop whining.........You think the bidens went there and a company his son gets a Billion dollar contract for nothing........LOL

Now you complain about the Unions and how we are so bad but they voted for Trump because of this......are you confused? And are you confused that China is potential enemy one day?

You are either for the American Worker or the Chinese Worker...which is it?

While I'm asking ...........riddle me this.........Why did BRICS choose S. Africa as part of an alliance to destroy the Petro Dollar..................
Nice video huh Sparks.............lets get their GDP growth rate back to 15% so they can build more of them..

hmmm...........Still want to lift your skirt to them Sparks.
Say Warren is the challenger. And it's a choice of Warren or Trump. You come on here, and say "How can you vote for Trump! He's over spending!"

Well Warren just said publicly about how to pay for all the programs she supports "Well there's always more money!".

Which do you think I'm going to vote for? [...]
Not paying the bills.

Again... give me an alternative.

All of your guys are much worse than Trump on many levels.
The Brits are too smart to buy american meat product....they know our food is compromised, heck they see trump rallies and all the hippos in there...most jobless and obese.

Hmm...boy oh boy those inconvenient fact always get in the way...huh?

Obesity affects some groups more than others

  • Hispanics (47.0%) and non-Hispanic blacks (46.8%) had the highest age-adjusted prevalence of obesity, followed by non-Hispanic whites (37.9%) and non-Hispanic Asians (12.7%).
  • The prevalence of obesity was 35.7% among young adults aged 20 to 39 years, 42.8% among middle-aged adults aged 40 to 59 years, and 41.0% among older adults aged 60 and older..Adult Obesity Facts | Overweight & Obesity | CDC
Who Participated in Welfare?
  • The black population: At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
White liberals generally are healthier on the coasts and in big cities. Not so much in trailer parks, flyover states and the deep south. You know this more than I do you live in OC.
Just look at the trump rallies bunch of obese dummies led by a a fat orangina.

Ignorance of "the rest of the country" is an epidemic amongst the left.. Just stereotypes and faulty memes.. Here in the Hillbilly Hollywood section of the South, we have more stairmasters, tread mills, and running, biking, skating miles of trails -- per capita --- than ANYWHERE else in the country that I've lived.. We could power most of Tenn and Kentucky from the aerobic machines at the many public gyms and Ys.. And our KIDS --- still have REAL P.E. classes...

I was designing industrial scale LED lighting for a client back in 2015 or 16.. So I know this is a WEAK point for China.. Because most of the products are INDEED CHINESE GOODS.. Not American manufacturers.. The American importers are rebranding this stuff for market and many US suppliers sell the same shit under different names... Lighting is a low tech commodity item now... It's all labor and the price of the LEDs...

So THIS example blows away your assertion that US manufacturers have to pay the tariffs.. For THIS market, it's China paying the tariffs...

But even so -- there are NO NUMBERS in that article about price increases.... And as I sad, the MARGINS ARE SO HIGH on this stuff, that importers will absorb the bulk of a 15 OR 25% tariff until the war ends or they find other countries of origin for the goods..

You STILL haven't given an example of a single number for a price increase due to tariffs....
Free trade advoactes did
I was never one for free trade, open market, and /or it's globaist henchmen Eagle

I've always been for global free trade. And will be.. But I saw several of my largest clients get MIRED in China to the point that the Home office in USA couldn't write a check without it coming out of China.. And their tech IP -- their ONLY REAL market advantage is now incorporated into the Chinese military that "owns" all of their designs, manufacturing notes and trade secrets.. All they had left was their marketing and engineering..

That's NOT free trade.. And it was pulled on them GRADUALLY like in the "boiling frog" fable.. They weren't smart enough to get OUT early enough.. It kinda ruined my career, because I was working night shift just to take communcations from China for factory issues or supply chain issues.. I was even essentially "working for them"...
But dude, he's owning libs...

Donald Trump owns GOP lawmakers who infest his anus. But he doesn't trust any of the GOP lawmakers because owning someone by fear of having their future destroyed by Trump and his howling hordes is causing Trump to be fearful that the worms might turn one day.
Well, I'm from Idaho.
We produce 30 pct of the country's sugar
We produce 30 pct of the country"s potatoes
We are the leading state exporter of fish

From what I've seen you're full of it.
Have no doubt that Donald Trump will rescue his associates and friends from loss of deductibility of State/Local Tax by either increasing debt further or finding some other way to separate his foolish followers from the hard-earned cash.
That's pretty easy to do when they think the exporters pay the tariffs to the US Treasury.
Hardly .........the Importers pay the Tariffs or shop for a place without tariffs..............

Tariffs are a tax on goods..............but I simply don't care because they are having effects on China who has been growing big time and are our biggest military threat in the world..............They have been using that wealth to advance their military which we may one day have to fight.

Our goal under Trump is not Globalism...........but trying to boost our jobs for average Americans here.

Subsidies on businesses in a Trade War is common practice to make sure they don't go under while we do hard negotiation.......and this is being done during a time of good economics here in the United States........which is the best time to do it.

Under Hillary .....she would have signed the TPP..........and did NOTHING about the abuses of China at all...........and that is not in our best interest here.

Globalist and those gambling on the markets may say otherwise........oh well.
On another thread denizen's chili is the authority on psychology
Now he's an agricultural expert.
Hillarious, if ya ask me.
But dude, he's owning libs...

Donald Trump owns GOP lawmakers who infest his anus. But he doesn't trust any of the GOP lawmakers because owning someone by fear of having their future destroyed by Trump and his howling hordes is causing Trump to be fearful that the worms might turn one day.
Well, I'm from Idaho.
We produce 30 pct of the country's sugar
We produce 30 pct of the country"s potatoes
We are the leading state exporter of fish

From what I've seen you're full of it.

None of which are items we export much of and thus did not get too much damage from the stupid ass trade war.
But dude, he's owning libs...

Donald Trump owns GOP lawmakers who infest his anus. But he doesn't trust any of the GOP lawmakers because owning someone by fear of having their future destroyed by Trump and his howling hordes is causing Trump to be fearful that the worms might turn one day.
Well, I'm from Idaho.
We produce 30 pct of the country's sugar
We produce 30 pct of the country"s potatoes
We are the leading state exporter of fish

From what I've seen you're full of it.

None of which are items we export much of and thus did not get too much damage from the stupid ass trade war.
Why do you worship China..

But dude, he's owning libs...

Donald Trump owns GOP lawmakers who infest his anus. But he doesn't trust any of the GOP lawmakers because owning someone by fear of having their future destroyed by Trump and his howling hordes is causing Trump to be fearful that the worms might turn one day.
Well, I'm from Idaho.
We produce 30 pct of the country's sugar
We produce 30 pct of the country"s potatoes
We are the leading state exporter of fish

From what I've seen you're full of it.

None of which are items we export much of and thus did not get too much damage from the stupid ass trade war.
Why do you worship China..


I do not. Just stating the facts.

Why do you worship Trump?
One of my smarter clients (the one doing large scale Industrial LED) got lured into looking at Chinese manufacturers, went over there and a month later his corporate servers were getting slammed by China intrusion.. HE got the message. Redesigned his OWN server farm and security. No clouds, no ISP. Put every Inet machine under Ubuntu Op System.. And then he and I rethought the entire design concept for large scale Industrial LED lighting fixtures.. He re-purposed a large chunk of his floor space to manufacture as much as he could here in the US... And held onto his designs and IProperty.

Tell me it ain't worth $10 on a bicycle or $5 on a lamp if it came to that.... :death:
But dude, he's owning libs...

Donald Trump owns GOP lawmakers who infest his anus. But he doesn't trust any of the GOP lawmakers because owning someone by fear of having their future destroyed by Trump and his howling hordes is causing Trump to be fearful that the worms might turn one day.
Well, I'm from Idaho.
We produce 30 pct of the country's sugar
We produce 30 pct of the country"s potatoes
We are the leading state exporter of fish

From what I've seen you're full of it.

None of which are items we export much of and thus did not get too much damage from the stupid ass trade war.
Why do you worship China..


I do not. Just stating the facts.

Why do you worship Trump?
Oh so you caught my

Why do you want them to continue raping the world with unfair trade practices.......and how is that in our best interest........especially when they are doing it to advance their military with it.

In other words......WHO'S DANG SIDE ARE YOU ON........
Oh so you caught my

Why do you want them to continue raping the world with unfair trade practices.......and how is that in our best interest........especially when they are doing it to advance their military with it.

In other words......WHO'S DANG SIDE ARE YOU ON........

I do not want them to continue to do that, that is why I am annoyed about Trump's stupid ass trade war. He decided to go to war with the whole world at the same time, which is a stupid idea. China does to everyone what they do to us. Would it not have been better to have some allies when we went into a trade war with China instead of pissing off everyone at the same time?

And what have we gotten for our pain? not a damn thing so far. The vaunted "Phase 1" is basically just moving back in time a year or so.

There is a wrong way to do the right thing, and Trump found that way.
Oh so you caught my

Why do you want them to continue raping the world with unfair trade practices.......and how is that in our best interest........especially when they are doing it to advance their military with it.

In other words......WHO'S DANG SIDE ARE YOU ON........

I do not want them to continue to do that, that is why I am annoyed about Trump's stupid ass trade war. He decided to go to war with the whole world at the same time, which is a stupid idea. China does to everyone what they do to us. Would it not have been better to have some allies when we went into a trade war with China instead of pissing off everyone at the same time?

And what have we gotten for our pain? not a damn thing so far. The vaunted "Phase 1" is basically just moving back in time a year or so.

There is a wrong way to do the right thing, and Trump found that way.
He did it in a time of great prosperity...........and the EU weren't doing a dang thin about it a matter of fact they were SCREWING US TOO.

How many times are you gonna lift up your skirt and say do me bro............

You either make a stand or YOU DON'T.....and NOBODY has been making a Stand......and finally someone does and you WHINE like a wittle liberal.
Oh so you caught my

Why do you want them to continue raping the world with unfair trade practices.......and how is that in our best interest........especially when they are doing it to advance their military with it.

In other words......WHO'S DANG SIDE ARE YOU ON........

I do not want them to continue to do that, that is why I am annoyed about Trump's stupid ass trade war. He decided to go to war with the whole world at the same time, which is a stupid idea. China does to everyone what they do to us. Would it not have been better to have some allies when we went into a trade war with China instead of pissing off everyone at the same time?

And what have we gotten for our pain? not a damn thing so far. The vaunted "Phase 1" is basically just moving back in time a year or so.

There is a wrong way to do the right thing, and Trump found that way.
But dude, he's owning libs...

Donald Trump owns GOP lawmakers who infest his anus. But he doesn't trust any of the GOP lawmakers because owning someone by fear of having their future destroyed by Trump and his howling hordes is causing Trump to be fearful that the worms might turn one day.
Well, I'm from Idaho.
We produce 30 pct of the country's sugar
We produce 30 pct of the country"s potatoes
We are the leading state exporter of fish

From what I've seen you're full of it.

None of which are items we export much of and thus did not get too much damage from the stupid ass trade war.

Not so fast there Gator San...
U.S. potato and potato product exports grew 4.58% in volume and 4.63% in value in 2017 compared to 2016, according to Potatoes USA.

Fresh potato exports were up 6% in 2017 while frozen and chip exports up 1%, according to a news release.

On a fresh weight equivalent basis, Potatoes USA said frozen potatoes account for 53% of total potato exports, with dehydrated exports at 24% and fresh accounting for 15%. Calculated on the fresh weight equivalent measure, about 20% of U.S. potato output is exported, according to the potato promotion group.

Exports of all U.S. potatoes and potato products reached a record $1.76 billion for the July 2016-June 2017 marketing year.

U.S. potato exports up across the board during first quarter - Spudman

U.S. fresh, frozen and dehy potato exports saw significant growth during the first quarter of the July 2019-to-June 2020 marketing year, reports Potatoes USA. This continues the growth seen at the end of last marketing year and is in lieu of the continuing trade issues in Asia.

Exports of frozen potato products increased 9% in volume and 10% in value to $305,045,624.

  • The volume growth was driven by a 58% increase to the Middle East, 42% increase to the Philippines and 19% increase to Central America.
  • The elimination of the retaliatory tariff on fries entering Mexico resulted in a 7% increase, less of a rebound than anticipated.
  • Exports to Japan were up 2% as product from the EU, New Zealand and Canada now enjoy tariff concessions into this market.
  • U.S. exports to China declined -4% as the U.S. product incurs a 15% retaliatory tariff into that market.

Seems like potatoes are just as fungible as oil.. And NEW markets have compensated for any loss to Chinese imports...

But dude, he's owning libs...

Donald Trump owns GOP lawmakers who infest his anus. But he doesn't trust any of the GOP lawmakers because owning someone by fear of having their future destroyed by Trump and his howling hordes is causing Trump to be fearful that the worms might turn one day.
Well, I'm from Idaho.
We produce 30 pct of the country's sugar
We produce 30 pct of the country"s potatoes
We are the leading state exporter of fish

From what I've seen you're full of it.

None of which are items we export much of and thus did not get too much damage from the stupid ass trade war.
Why do you worship China..


I do not. Just stating the facts.

Why do you worship Trump?
ya we have a secret cult on this forum. We have secret hand shakes and talk to one another on the dark web
If someone post,"the chair is against the wall, the chair is against the wall."
Ya better run like hell.

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