Farmers on welfare ... U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia

Donald Trump has permanently damaged the agricultural industry with his trade war. The effects will translate into economic death for some rural communities as the lack of economic activity dries up jobs.

It appears the soybean market might already be lost for US farmers based on historical precedent with loss of chicken exports to Russia.

But, on the bright side, Trump might be able to lean on Boris Johnson to get British to eat more US chicken if they eventually accept chlorinated chicken, and if it is actually competitive with other suppliers.

In the meantime, Donald Trump has spent more on subsidies to farmers than was spent on the auto industry bailout of 2008-9 which was eventually mostly paid back by the auto industry. Fat chance that farmers will ever pay back because the sustainability of the industry has deteriorated since the trade war.

Thank you Donald Trump.

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion
Ken Roberts

If U.S. soybean exporters want a glimpse of their future in China, they might consider what has happened to the U.S. chicken export market after the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
It disappeared.
This is the risk of the U.S.-China trade war to not only the soybean industry but a number of targeted industries, including oil and lumber.
While there are some differences between the Chinese and Russian cases, there are also striking similarities.
In both cases, the United States was the dominant export market.
As recently as last year, China was buying as much as 57% of U.S. soybean exports. Russia, while not as dominant a market for U.S. poultry exporters, ranked first from 2003 to 2009 and was a leading market through 2013.
In August of last year, Chinese imports of U.S. soybeans dropped to 2% of the U.S. export market. While they recovered to 54% in August of this year, they dropped to 25% in September, the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data available.
U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November -- until this year, as the effects of the U.S.-China trade war took hold.

U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November ...
As for Russia, since 2013, it has not purchased any poultry from the United States. None. The global U.S. poultry export market has yet to fully recover. ...
The Brits are too smart to buy american meat product....they know our food is compromised, heck they see trump rallies and all the hippos in there...most jobless and obese.
Perhaps. Will be interesting to see. Too bad the Brits didn't decide say in the EU.
I mean, they knew what he was and still voted for him.
Seriously mental defectives....

Getting really Old, Dude.
Winning does mean that some will have to face hardships....that is why he is subsidizing them....but I would not deny that it angers you commie, anti-Americans that his tariffs on China and others, (N.Korea getting more, along with Russia) are putting more hardships on them than anything harmful to parts of our economy....but trying to explain that to ideologies is a fruitless adventure. Fortunately most Independents understand the concept and will vote accordingly!

It is arguable that most Americans are feeling hardships since January 2017.
Yes, just look at our UNEMPLOYMENT.....OUR TAXES that put money back in our pocket....have you sent yours back yet?...The STOCK MARKET that just broke another record high this week....have you looked at your 401K. Perhaps, just for you I should repost all the things he has done for us.....yes?

Its an illusion driven by debt.

GDP is rising at ~ 2% while Federal debt is rising at ~ 5% of GDP.

America's debt is increasing faster than its income and the rate of the discrepancy is accelerating since the orange buffoon came to power.
Donald Trump has permanently damaged the agricultural industry with his trade war. The effects will translate into economic death for some rural communities as the lack of economic activity dries up jobs.

It appears the soybean market might already be lost for US farmers based on historical precedent with loss of chicken exports to Russia.

But, on the bright side, Trump might be able to lean on Boris Johnson to get British to eat more US chicken if they eventually accept chlorinated chicken, and if it is actually competitive with other suppliers.

In the meantime, Donald Trump has spent more on subsidies to farmers than was spent on the auto industry bailout of 2008-9 which was eventually mostly paid back by the auto industry. Fat chance that farmers will ever pay back because the sustainability of the industry has deteriorated since the trade war.

Thank you Donald Trump.

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion
Ken Roberts

If U.S. soybean exporters want a glimpse of their future in China, they might consider what has happened to the U.S. chicken export market after the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
It disappeared.
This is the risk of the U.S.-China trade war to not only the soybean industry but a number of targeted industries, including oil and lumber.
While there are some differences between the Chinese and Russian cases, there are also striking similarities.
In both cases, the United States was the dominant export market.
As recently as last year, China was buying as much as 57% of U.S. soybean exports. Russia, while not as dominant a market for U.S. poultry exporters, ranked first from 2003 to 2009 and was a leading market through 2013.
In August of last year, Chinese imports of U.S. soybeans dropped to 2% of the U.S. export market. While they recovered to 54% in August of this year, they dropped to 25% in September, the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data available.
U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November -- until this year, as the effects of the U.S.-China trade war took hold.

U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November ...
As for Russia, since 2013, it has not purchased any poultry from the United States. None. The global U.S. poultry export market has yet to fully recover. ...

It’s not “Trump’s trade war”, it’s China’s trade war and they have been at war with us for 30+ years.

Farmers need to learn to stop depending on communists to make a living.

Trump has claimed it as his trade war.

The only way the farmers can sell more agricultural goods without relying on China would be if Americans made the big sacrifice and became more obese and gobbled up the surplus produce at a premium. I believe that Donald Trump's howling mob would buy that if he sold it.
Winning does mean that some will have to face hardships....that is why he is subsidizing them....but I would not deny that it angers you commie, anti-Americans that his tariffs on China and others, (N.Korea getting more, along with Russia) are putting more hardships on them than anything harmful to parts of our economy....but trying to explain that to ideologies is a fruitless adventure. Fortunately most Independents understand the concept and will vote accordingly!

It is arguable that most Americans are feeling hardships since January 2017.
Yes, just look at our UNEMPLOYMENT.....OUR TAXES that put money back in our pocket....have you sent yours back yet?...The STOCK MARKET that just broke another record high this week....have you looked at your 401K. Perhaps, just for you I should repost all the things he has done for us.....yes?

Its an illusion driven by debt.

GDP is rising at ~ 2% while Federal debt is rising at ~ 5% of GDP.

America's debt is increasing faster than its income and the rate of the discrepancy is accelerating since the orange buffoon came to power.
What are you investing in?
Donald Trump has permanently damaged the agricultural industry with his trade war. The effects will translate into economic death for some rural communities as the lack of economic activity dries up jobs.

It appears the soybean market might already be lost for US farmers based on historical precedent with loss of chicken exports to Russia.

But, on the bright side, Trump might be able to lean on Boris Johnson to get British to eat more US chicken if they eventually accept chlorinated chicken, and if it is actually competitive with other suppliers.

In the meantime, Donald Trump has spent more on subsidies to farmers than was spent on the auto industry bailout of 2008-9 which was eventually mostly paid back by the auto industry. Fat chance that farmers will ever pay back because the sustainability of the industry has deteriorated since the trade war.

Thank you Donald Trump.

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion
Ken Roberts

If U.S. soybean exporters want a glimpse of their future in China, they might consider what has happened to the U.S. chicken export market after the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
It disappeared.
This is the risk of the U.S.-China trade war to not only the soybean industry but a number of targeted industries, including oil and lumber.
While there are some differences between the Chinese and Russian cases, there are also striking similarities.
In both cases, the United States was the dominant export market.
As recently as last year, China was buying as much as 57% of U.S. soybean exports. Russia, while not as dominant a market for U.S. poultry exporters, ranked first from 2003 to 2009 and was a leading market through 2013.
In August of last year, Chinese imports of U.S. soybeans dropped to 2% of the U.S. export market. While they recovered to 54% in August of this year, they dropped to 25% in September, the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data available.
U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November -- until this year, as the effects of the U.S.-China trade war took hold.

U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November ...
As for Russia, since 2013, it has not purchased any poultry from the United States. None. The global U.S. poultry export market has yet to fully recover. ...

In case your not understanding HOW "Trump paid more subsidies to farmers" recently -- let me explain.. It will only hurt if you're totally ignorant of tariffs and what's goin on...

China PAYS the tariffs on goods coming in.. Whether those costs are passed on to consumers is not as clear as most MSNBC morons make it out to be... Actually very little price inflation has incurred. But those TARIFFS are REAL ACTUAL MONEY to the US Treasury.. This WHOLE DAMN COUNTRY used to depend on tariffs for income before the income tax was enacted..

So -- Trump is simply backing up the FARMERS with those larger incoming tariffs. Because THEY are getting slammed by tariffs China raised on their EXPORTS.. You're paying LESS for corn and soybeans so STFU...

Now I'm not a FAN of corporate or product subsidies OR tariffs.. But to negotiate TRADE --- TEMPORARY tariffs are a huge motivator to get a better "new balance sheet" with particular countries.. And the END goal should be to have the most minimal tariffs that both sides can negotiate...

You still there Wiz?????

I also find it hard that your whining about farmers getting subsidized when YOUR Blue State Billionaires are being supported by Dem politicians crying over taking away their State/Local Tax Deductions... THAT subsidy goes to the 1 or 2%... For no other reason that they MAKE TOO MUCH MONEY and their Blue state masters TAX them too much...

Donald Trump is handing out free money and everybody loves free money and will clamor for it.

Have no doubt that Donald Trump will rescue his associates and friends from loss of deductibility of State/Local Tax by either increasing debt further or finding some other way to separate his foolish followers from the hard-earned cash.
Have no doubt that Donald Trump will rescue his associates and friends from loss of deductibility of State/Local Tax by either increasing debt further or finding some other way to separate his foolish followers from the hard-earned cash.
That's pretty easy to do when they think the exporters pay the tariffs to the US Treasury.
Donald Trump has permanently damaged the agricultural industry with his trade war. The effects will translate into economic death for some rural communities as the lack of economic activity dries up jobs.

It appears the soybean market might already be lost for US farmers based on historical precedent with loss of chicken exports to Russia.

But, on the bright side, Trump might be able to lean on Boris Johnson to get British to eat more US chicken if they eventually accept chlorinated chicken, and if it is actually competitive with other suppliers.

In the meantime, Donald Trump has spent more on subsidies to farmers than was spent on the auto industry bailout of 2008-9 which was eventually mostly paid back by the auto industry. Fat chance that farmers will ever pay back because the sustainability of the industry has deteriorated since the trade war.

Thank you Donald Trump.

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion
Ken Roberts

If U.S. soybean exporters want a glimpse of their future in China, they might consider what has happened to the U.S. chicken export market after the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
It disappeared.
This is the risk of the U.S.-China trade war to not only the soybean industry but a number of targeted industries, including oil and lumber.
While there are some differences between the Chinese and Russian cases, there are also striking similarities.
In both cases, the United States was the dominant export market.
As recently as last year, China was buying as much as 57% of U.S. soybean exports. Russia, while not as dominant a market for U.S. poultry exporters, ranked first from 2003 to 2009 and was a leading market through 2013.
In August of last year, Chinese imports of U.S. soybeans dropped to 2% of the U.S. export market. While they recovered to 54% in August of this year, they dropped to 25% in September, the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data available.
U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November -- until this year, as the effects of the U.S.-China trade war took hold.

U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November ...
As for Russia, since 2013, it has not purchased any poultry from the United States. None. The global U.S. poultry export market has yet to fully recover. ...
The Brits are too smart to buy american meat product....they know our food is compromised, heck they see trump rallies and all the hippos in there...most jobless and obese.

Perhaps Trump could start feeding the poor obese stooges at his rallies with food made from surplus soybeans and slugging them the special Trump premium for it.
Have no doubt that Donald Trump will rescue his associates and friends from loss of deductibility of State/Local Tax by either increasing debt further or finding some other way to separate his foolish followers from the hard-earned cash.
That's pretty easy to do when they think the exporters pay the tariffs to the US Treasury.
Hardly .........the Importers pay the Tariffs or shop for a place without tariffs..............

Tariffs are a tax on goods..............but I simply don't care because they are having effects on China who has been growing big time and are our biggest military threat in the world..............They have been using that wealth to advance their military which we may one day have to fight.

Our goal under Trump is not Globalism...........but trying to boost our jobs for average Americans here.

Subsidies on businesses in a Trade War is common practice to make sure they don't go under while we do hard negotiation.......and this is being done during a time of good economics here in the United States........which is the best time to do it.

Under Hillary .....she would have signed the TPP..........and did NOTHING about the abuses of China at all...........and that is not in our best interest here.

Globalist and those gambling on the markets may say otherwise........oh well.
Have no doubt that Donald Trump will rescue his associates and friends from loss of deductibility of State/Local Tax by either increasing debt further or finding some other way to separate his foolish followers from the hard-earned cash.
That's pretty easy to do when they think the exporters pay the tariffs to the US Treasury.

Wrong. Importers pay the tariffs.

You are a typical Trump uneducated supporter that Trump loves dearly for your gullibility.
Winning does mean that some will have to face hardships....that is why he is subsidizing them....but I would not deny that it angers you commie, anti-Americans that his tariffs on China and others, (N.Korea getting more, along with Russia) are putting more hardships on them than anything harmful to parts of our economy....but trying to explain that to ideologies is a fruitless adventure. Fortunately most Independents understand the concept and will vote accordingly!

It is arguable that most Americans are feeling hardships since January 2017.
Yes, just look at our UNEMPLOYMENT.....OUR TAXES that put money back in our pocket....have you sent yours back yet?...The STOCK MARKET that just broke another record high this week....have you looked at your 401K. Perhaps, just for you I should repost all the things he has done for us.....yes?

Its an illusion driven by debt.

GDP is rising at ~ 2% while Federal debt is rising at ~ 5% of GDP.

America's debt is increasing faster than its income and the rate of the discrepancy is accelerating since the orange buffoon came to power.

Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.
Winning does mean that some will have to face hardships....that is why he is subsidizing them....but I would not deny that it angers you commie, anti-Americans that his tariffs on China and others, (N.Korea getting more, along with Russia) are putting more hardships on them than anything harmful to parts of our economy....but trying to explain that to ideologies is a fruitless adventure. Fortunately most Independents understand the concept and will vote accordingly!

It is arguable that most Americans are feeling hardships since January 2017.
Yes, just look at our UNEMPLOYMENT.....OUR TAXES that put money back in our pocket....have you sent yours back yet?...The STOCK MARKET that just broke another record high this week....have you looked at your 401K. Perhaps, just for you I should repost all the things he has done for us.....yes?

Its an illusion driven by debt.

GDP is rising at ~ 2% while Federal debt is rising at ~ 5% of GDP.

America's debt is increasing faster than its income and the rate of the discrepancy is accelerating since the orange buffoon came to power.

Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.
Donald Trump has permanently damaged the agricultural industry with his trade war. The effects will translate into economic death for some rural communities as the lack of economic activity dries up jobs.

It appears the soybean market might already be lost for US farmers based on historical precedent with loss of chicken exports to Russia.

But, on the bright side, Trump might be able to lean on Boris Johnson to get British to eat more US chicken if they eventually accept chlorinated chicken, and if it is actually competitive with other suppliers.

In the meantime, Donald Trump has spent more on subsidies to farmers than was spent on the auto industry bailout of 2008-9 which was eventually mostly paid back by the auto industry. Fat chance that farmers will ever pay back because the sustainability of the industry has deteriorated since the trade war.

Thank you Donald Trump.

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion

U.S. Soybean Exporters Might Find Painful Lesson In Chicken Exports To Russia After 2014 Ukraine Invasion
Ken Roberts

If U.S. soybean exporters want a glimpse of their future in China, they might consider what has happened to the U.S. chicken export market after the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
It disappeared.
This is the risk of the U.S.-China trade war to not only the soybean industry but a number of targeted industries, including oil and lumber.
While there are some differences between the Chinese and Russian cases, there are also striking similarities.
In both cases, the United States was the dominant export market.
As recently as last year, China was buying as much as 57% of U.S. soybean exports. Russia, while not as dominant a market for U.S. poultry exporters, ranked first from 2003 to 2009 and was a leading market through 2013.
In August of last year, Chinese imports of U.S. soybeans dropped to 2% of the U.S. export market. While they recovered to 54% in August of this year, they dropped to 25% in September, the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data available.
U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November -- until this year, as the effects of the U.S.-China trade war took hold.

U.S. soybean exports had followed a regular pattern for years, with surges in October and November ...
As for Russia, since 2013, it has not purchased any poultry from the United States. None. The global U.S. poultry export market has yet to fully recover. ...
The Brits are too smart to buy american meat product....they know our food is compromised, heck they see trump rallies and all the hippos in there...most jobless and obese.
Perhaps. Will be interesting to see. Too bad the Brits didn't decide say in the EU.
Johnson will bend over and take whatever trump gives him. He has to. The only hope is that Pelosi stands up for the GFA and vetoes any trade deal.
Winning does mean that some will have to face hardships....that is why he is subsidizing them....but I would not deny that it angers you commie, anti-Americans that his tariffs on China and others, (N.Korea getting more, along with Russia) are putting more hardships on them than anything harmful to parts of our economy....but trying to explain that to ideologies is a fruitless adventure. Fortunately most Independents understand the concept and will vote accordingly!

It is arguable that most Americans are feeling hardships since January 2017.
Yes, just look at our UNEMPLOYMENT.....OUR TAXES that put money back in our pocket....have you sent yours back yet?...The STOCK MARKET that just broke another record high this week....have you looked at your 401K. Perhaps, just for you I should repost all the things he has done for us.....yes?

Its an illusion driven by debt.

GDP is rising at ~ 2% while Federal debt is rising at ~ 5% of GDP.

America's debt is increasing faster than its income and the rate of the discrepancy is accelerating since the orange buffoon came to power.

Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.

Excuses. Excuses. Always excuses.

When Coolidge had a failing economy, he cut spending, and cut taxes, and the economy recovered into what was the roaring twenties.

Never ending excuses with you people.

When you have less money coming in.... you cut spending. That is the very essence of fiscal responsibility.

When revenue declines, you don't jack up spending even more. That irresponsible and foolish.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

And you are a liar.

Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund.

AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies

DNC sought to hide details of Clinton funding deal

EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi paid husband with PAC funds

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

Rep. Maxine Waters’ family continues to profit directly from her position in Congress

Yeah.... about that.... Not much room to talk. Either practice what you preach, or stop preaching.
Winning does mean that some will have to face hardships....that is why he is subsidizing them....but I would not deny that it angers you commie, anti-Americans that his tariffs on China and others, (N.Korea getting more, along with Russia) are putting more hardships on them than anything harmful to parts of our economy....but trying to explain that to ideologies is a fruitless adventure. Fortunately most Independents understand the concept and will vote accordingly!

It is arguable that most Americans are feeling hardships since January 2017.
Yes, just look at our UNEMPLOYMENT.....OUR TAXES that put money back in our pocket....have you sent yours back yet?...The STOCK MARKET that just broke another record high this week....have you looked at your 401K. Perhaps, just for you I should repost all the things he has done for us.....yes?

Its an illusion driven by debt.

GDP is rising at ~ 2% while Federal debt is rising at ~ 5% of GDP.

America's debt is increasing faster than its income and the rate of the discrepancy is accelerating since the orange buffoon came to power.

Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.
We all know what a sick liar you are but from now on everytime one of you sick fucking ABNORMALS state he's making all sorts of money from being president, I think I'll DROP this NBC NEWS story on your heads, and notice it IS an anti-Trump NBC worthless piece of shit actually believes his own FAKE NEWS!

Trump has lost $1 billion in personal wealth since running for president - NBC News
Oct 3, 2018 · The presidency has been bad for Donald Trump's finances, with his personal net worth falling from $4.5 billion to $3.1 billion over
It is arguable that most Americans are feeling hardships since January 2017.
Yes, just look at our UNEMPLOYMENT.....OUR TAXES that put money back in our pocket....have you sent yours back yet?...The STOCK MARKET that just broke another record high this week....have you looked at your 401K. Perhaps, just for you I should repost all the things he has done for us.....yes?

Its an illusion driven by debt.

GDP is rising at ~ 2% while Federal debt is rising at ~ 5% of GDP.

America's debt is increasing faster than its income and the rate of the discrepancy is accelerating since the orange buffoon came to power.

Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.

Excuses. Excuses. Always excuses.

When Coolidge had a failing economy, he cut spending, and cut taxes, and the economy recovered into what was the roaring twenties.

Never ending excuses with you people.

When you have less money coming in.... you cut spending. That is the very essence of fiscal responsibility.

When revenue declines, you don't jack up spending even more. That irresponsible and foolish.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

And you are a liar.

Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund.

AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies

DNC sought to hide details of Clinton funding deal

EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi paid husband with PAC funds

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

Rep. Maxine Waters’ family continues to profit directly from her position in Congress

Yeah.... about that.... Not much room to talk. Either practice what you preach, or stop preaching.

Donald Trump fined $2 million for stealing from his own charities. Whole Trump family banned from operating charities until they pass a course on how not to steal from charities.
Yes, just look at our UNEMPLOYMENT.....OUR TAXES that put money back in our pocket....have you sent yours back yet?...The STOCK MARKET that just broke another record high this week....have you looked at your 401K. Perhaps, just for you I should repost all the things he has done for us.....yes?

Its an illusion driven by debt.

GDP is rising at ~ 2% while Federal debt is rising at ~ 5% of GDP.

America's debt is increasing faster than its income and the rate of the discrepancy is accelerating since the orange buffoon came to power.

Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.

Excuses. Excuses. Always excuses.

When Coolidge had a failing economy, he cut spending, and cut taxes, and the economy recovered into what was the roaring twenties.

Never ending excuses with you people.

When you have less money coming in.... you cut spending. That is the very essence of fiscal responsibility.

When revenue declines, you don't jack up spending even more. That irresponsible and foolish.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

And you are a liar.

Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund.

AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies

DNC sought to hide details of Clinton funding deal

EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi paid husband with PAC funds

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

Rep. Maxine Waters’ family continues to profit directly from her position in Congress

Yeah.... about that.... Not much room to talk. Either practice what you preach, or stop preaching.

Donald Trump fined $2 million for stealing from his own charities. Whole Trump family banned from operating charities until they pass a course on how not to steal from charities.

Changes nothing of what I said. Almost the entire Democrap party is loaded with corrupt people enriching themselves off the public.
It is arguable that most Americans are feeling hardships since January 2017.
Yes, just look at our UNEMPLOYMENT.....OUR TAXES that put money back in our pocket....have you sent yours back yet?...The STOCK MARKET that just broke another record high this week....have you looked at your 401K. Perhaps, just for you I should repost all the things he has done for us.....yes?

Its an illusion driven by debt.

GDP is rising at ~ 2% while Federal debt is rising at ~ 5% of GDP.

America's debt is increasing faster than its income and the rate of the discrepancy is accelerating since the orange buffoon came to power.

Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.

We all know what a sick liar you are but from now on everytime one of you sick fucking ABNORMALS state he's making all sorts of money from being president, I think I'll DROP this NBC NEWS story on your heads, and notice it IS an anti-Trump NBC worthless piece of shit actually believes his own FAKE NEWS!

Trump has lost $1 billion in personal wealth since running for president - NBC News
Oct 3, 2018 · The presidency has been bad for Donald Trump's finances, with his personal net worth falling from $4.5 billion to $3.1 billion over

Trump is a crook and grifter. In regard to his family, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The losses are from Russian mob money to Trump drying up because there is too much risk of exposure while he is POTUS.
Yes, just look at our UNEMPLOYMENT.....OUR TAXES that put money back in our pocket....have you sent yours back yet?...The STOCK MARKET that just broke another record high this week....have you looked at your 401K. Perhaps, just for you I should repost all the things he has done for us.....yes?

Its an illusion driven by debt.

GDP is rising at ~ 2% while Federal debt is rising at ~ 5% of GDP.

America's debt is increasing faster than its income and the rate of the discrepancy is accelerating since the orange buffoon came to power.

Um... when Bush was in power, the deficit declined every year until 2007, when it was $161 Billion. It bounced to $450 Billion or so, because of the sub-prime crash and recession. That a record deficit in 2008, of $450 Billion plus.

Obama had deficits that were over $1.4 Trillion. In Obama first two years, he had spent more money of deficit spending, than Bush had in the entire 8 years in office.

..... NOW..... NOW suddenly, you pretend you care about deficits? Only now you care? Why didn't you care so much when Obama was in office?

In fact, when Republicans shut down the government, were you blaming Obama for spending too much? Or did you blame Republicans for trying to stop Obama from spending too much?

honestly, I'm all for cutting the deficit, and reducing spending. And I don't have a problem with you saying we should do that.

However, trying to blame 'the orange man', when you people were blowing money all over the place for years until the Republicans shut down the government..... laughable. Laughable sir. No credibility, not with your history.

Obama received a failing economy from Bush but turned it around in one year.

Donald Trump received a growing economy and is priming the pump harder than Obama did in a failing economy.

The orange man is directing money into his own pockets and those of his associates.

While Trump is blithering about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, and Jared Kushner are filling their pockets with free money as fast as they can. Melania was implicated in $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration fund. The whole family are crooks.

We all know what a sick liar you are but from now on everytime one of you sick fucking ABNORMALS state he's making all sorts of money from being president, I think I'll DROP this NBC NEWS story on your heads, and notice it IS an anti-Trump NBC worthless piece of shit actually believes his own FAKE NEWS!

Trump has lost $1 billion in personal wealth since running for president - NBC News
Oct 3, 2018 · The presidency has been bad for Donald Trump's finances, with his personal net worth falling from $4.5 billion to $3.1 billion over

Trump is a crook and grifter. In regard to his family, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The losses are from Russian mob money to Trump drying up because there is too much risk of exposure while he is POTUS.

ANd once again.... a liar.

Even if you were right.... still doesn't change anything I said, that was accurate and true. The entire Democrap party is full of people no better than Trump.

So all you are saying here is.... Trump sucks as bad as we Democrats do.

Ok.... still better than voting for a Democrat then.

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