Zone1 Fascism and Christianity?


Gold Member
Fascism is very catholic, even Hitler was catholic. I mean Protestant too generally Christian, some Orthodox Priests/Saints/Monks were facsist too like Ljotic in Serbia, it is not surprising that chetniks had a link to christianity and all fascist collaborators and fascist states like the Ustashe. Im a devout Christian, but it is sadly part of history of Christianity. Nowadays people say Hitler vs. Christianity as if Hitler wasnt a devout Christian and Catholic. He even believe he is doing Gods work by killing jews. People generalise Islamic Terrorism as very muslim but nowadays they have the idea that nothing of what happened in the past was christian and that christian means those lgbtq multi-culti and liberal tolerant thing.
People generalise Islamic Terrorism as very muslim but nowadays they have the idea that nothing of what happened in the past was christian and that christian means those lgbtq multi-culti and liberal tolerant thing.
We have you as an example to show that is not the case.
Fascism is very catholic, even Hitler was catholic. I mean Protestant too generally Christian, some Orthodox Priests/Saints/Monks were facsist too like Ljotic in Serbia, it is not surprising that chetniks had a link to christianity and all fascist collaborators and fascist states like the Ustashe. Im a devout Christian, but it is sadly part of history of Christianity. Nowadays people say Hitler vs. Christianity as if Hitler wasnt a devout Christian and Catholic. He even believe he is doing Gods work by killing jews. People generalise Islamic Terrorism as very muslim but nowadays they have the idea that nothing of what happened in the past was christian and that christian means those lgbtq multi-culti and liberal tolerant thing.
You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion [Islam] too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?

Adolf Hitler
Fascism is very catholic, even Hitler was catholic. I mean Protestant too generally Christian, some Orthodox Priests/Saints/Monks were facsist too like Ljotic in Serbia, it is not surprising that chetniks had a link to christianity and all fascist collaborators and fascist states like the Ustashe. Im a devout Christian, but it is sadly part of history of Christianity. Nowadays people say Hitler vs. Christianity as if Hitler wasnt a devout Christian and Catholic. He even believe he is doing Gods work by killing jews. People generalise Islamic Terrorism as very muslim but nowadays they have the idea that nothing of what happened in the past was christian and that christian means those lgbtq multi-culti and liberal tolerant thing.
Our current fascists are atheists.
Our current fascists are atheists.
Whoever holds power tends to turn into a fascist.

In fact, once the American Revolution was finished, the same people who fought to be free from tyranny implemented the Alien and Sedition Acts which made it illegal to speak out against the government.

If it were not for Jefferson to overturn them, the nation would have been a far darker place.

As it was, he used them before he did away with them.

Some of the Alien and Sedition Acts remained, however, as FDR used them to lock up innocent Japanese Americans during the war.
fascism - is the desert religions without the veneer of "religion".
Fascism is a religion wherein the state replaces God. In a fascist state, all are called to be loyal to and serve the state, not one another and certainly not God.
Fascism and Christianity are two separate but equal systems of mind control. People should try using their own brains for a change.
Fascism and Christianity are two separate but equal systems of mind control. People should try using their own brains for a change.
I suspect you know nothing about Jesus's teachings.
I suspect you know nothing about Jesus's teachings.

I've read many a Jesus Saves bumper sticker in my life rolling down the highway of life. He just never appealed to me as my savior I don't know why.
I've read many a Jesus Saves bumper sticker my entire life rolling down the highway of life. He just never appealed to me I don't know why.
Yea, living forever in paradise is overrated.
fascism - is the desert religions without the veneer of "religion".
Fascism is a religion wherein the state replaces God. In a fascist state, all are called to be loyal to and serve the state, not one another and certainly not God.

so claim the religious fanatics ...


not so the truth, nothing heavenly about it.

I suspect you know nothing about Jesus's teachings.

liberation theology, self determination true religion what jesus taught is no where to be found in christianity.
vs. The fiery pit of hell, both of them being run by the same God. Think about it.
My beliefs differ from most of my Christian compadres. I know that God doesn't torture people in Hell forever. In fact, God doesn't torture at all. In the end, ALL who ever lived, including you, will live with God in his kingdom.
liberation theology, self determination true religion what jesus taught is no where to be found in christianity.
Jesus taught us to love and follow God and to love and be kind to one another. We're supposed to be obedient to God and that includes obeying the laws of the land, unless those laws contradict God's laws.
My beliefs differ from most of my Christian compadres. I know that God doesn't torture people in Hell forever. In fact, God doesn't torture at all. In the end, ALL who ever lived, including you, will live with God in his kingdom.

Thanks for sparing me eternal damnation in a lake of fire like other religions seem to want me to go there. It means a lot to me that there are more tolerant religions.
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Thanks for sparing me eternal damnation in a lake of fire like other religions seem to want me to go there. It means a lot to me that there are more tolerant religions.
Maybe Hitler will be your neighbor


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