Fascism Is as Fascism Does

Calling her a monkey means YOU lost the argument.

Game, set, match.

Let me ask you a couple questions I guarantee you won't give me a straight honest answer on.

PoliticalChic has repeatedly engaged in namecalling in this thread and does so in all her threads.

The questions:

Why have you never once called her out on that? Why have you never once told her that she just lost the argument because she namecalled or personally insulted someone?
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You two are by far the least of all to lecture anyone about lofting insults. Shut it.

only because you think you're so superior, you have proven you are not..at being able to discuss..the subject at hand..but your youth will mislead you every time..

Really, and when have you ever made a cogent argument in your life? At least I don't have the ball and chain of liberal senility bogging me down. That will be something you need to work on personally.

Let me ask you another question:

Do you honestly believe that some examples of architectural style from 1930's America prove that FDR was a fascist?

Yes or no and why or why not.

Because that, in case you missed it, is the argument that PC made in the OP.
I remember when Beck ran with this shit for a while but you know what? FDR did not end up being torn to pieces by an angry crowd and has a place in history as savior of the country. You can sully his memory all you want but the fact remains that he brought us through hell on earth and we came out better than ever on the other side.

You mean ... he took us into hell and left us with a Socialist mess on our hands. He was a Communist sympathizer and supporter and turned America in the wrong direction with his executive orders and abuse of power.

You receive an F- for that stupid interpretation of the most perilous period in the last 100 years.

You're a damn fool. You don't know the first thing about the history of the Progressive Era. American Progressives, including FDR, unabashedly embraced the construct of so-called "liberal fascism/liberal national socialism." They actually believed it to be the future of America, and for the Marxist New Dealers in FDR's administration, the transitional phase of capitalist America in the historical dialectic toward true communism.

The Progressive era in American politics formally lasted from the 1890s until the 1920s. But its legacy continued thereafter, permeating the philosophy and the policies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), who was first elected President in 1932, while the U.S. was mired in an economic depression. FDR campaigned, successfully, on a pledge to re-create the war socialism of the Wilson administration, a goal that was wildly popular with the liberal establishment of Roosevelt's day.

Once FDR had been elected, progressive-minded newspaper editorial boards, politicians, and pundits exhorted him to become a “dictator.” The revered reporter and political commentator Walter Lippmann, for instance, told Roosevelt in a private meeting: “The [economic] situation is critical, Franklin. You may have no alternative but to assume dictatorial powers.” Similarly, Eleanor Roosevelt mused that America might need the leadership of a “benevolent dictator.”

In FDR's day, the term “dictator” did not carry the negative connotations with which it is currently freighted; rather, it signified the idea that a political "general" or "commander" was needed to take charge of the battle against the economic depression in a manner similar to how Woodrow Wilson and the progressives had fought World War I.

FDR chose to attack the depression with his so-called New Deal, a series of economic programs passed during his first term in office. These programs greatly expanded the size, scope, and power of the federal government, giving the President and his Brain Trust near-dictatorial status. “I want to assure you,” Roosevelt's aide Harry Hopkins told an audience of New Deal activists in New York, “that we are not afraid of exploring anything within the law, and we have a lawyer who will declare anything you want to do legal.”

“The New Deal,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “was conceived at the climax of a worldwide fascist moment, a moment when socialists in many countries were increasingly becoming nationalists and nationalists could embrace nothing other than socialism.”

Many of Roosevelt's ideas and policies were entirely indistinguishable from the fascism of Mussolini. In fact, writes Goldberg, there were “many common features among New Deal liberalism, Italian Fascism, and German National Socialism, all of which shared many of the same historical and intellectual forebears.” Like American progressives, many Italian Fascist and German Nazi intellectuals championed a “middle” or “Third Way” between capitalism and socialism. Goldberg explains:

“The 'middle way' sounds moderate and un-radical. Its appeal is that it sounds unideological and freethinking. But philosophically the Third Way is not mere difference splitting; it is utopian and authoritarian. Its utopian aspect becomes manifest in its antagonism to the idea that politics is about trade-offs. The Third Wayer says that there are no false choices—'I refuse to accept that X should come at the expense of Y.' The Third Way holds that we can have capitalism and socialism, individual liberty and absolute unity.”

The Progressive Era's Legacy: FDR's New Deal - Discover the Networks
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You mean ... he took us into hell and left us with a Socialist mess on our hands. He was a Communist sympathizer and supporter and turned America in the wrong direction with his executive orders and abuse of power.

You receive an F- for that stupid interpretation of the most perilous period in the last 100 years.

You're a damn fool. You don't know the first thing about the history of the Progressive Era. American Progressives, including FDR, unabashedly embraced the construct of so-called "liberal fascism/liberal national socialism." They actually believed it to be the future of America, and for the Marxist New Dealers in FDR's administration, the transitional phase of capitalist America in the historical dialectic toward true communism.

You're a friggin's know nothing making baby talk. Shut the hell up.

The Progressive era in American politics formally lasted from the 1890s until the 1920s. But its legacy continued thereafter, permeating the philosophy and the policies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), who was first elected President in 1932, while the U.S. was mired in an economic depression. FDR campaigned, successfully, on a pledge to re-create the war socialism of the Wilson administration, a goal that was wildly popular with the liberal establishment of Roosevelt's day.

Once FDR had been elected, progressive-minded newspaper editorial boards, politicians, and pundits exhorted him to become a “dictator.” The revered reporter and political commentator Walter Lippmann, for instance, told Roosevelt in a private meeting: “The [economic] situation is critical, Franklin. You may have no alternative but to assume dictatorial powers.” Similarly, Eleanor Roosevelt mused that America might need the leadership of a “benevolent dictator.”

In FDR's day, the term “dictator” did not carry the negative connotations with which it is currently freighted; rather, it signified the idea that a political "general" or "commander" was needed to take charge of the battle against the economic depression in a manner similar to how Woodrow Wilson and the progressives had fought World War I.

FDR chose to attack the depression with his so-called New Deal, a series of economic programs passed during his first term in office. These programs greatly expanded the size, scope, and power of the federal government, giving the President and his Brain Trust near-dictatorial status. “I want to assure you,” Roosevelt's aide Harry Hopkins told an audience of New Deal activists in New York, “that we are not afraid of exploring anything within the law, and we have a lawyer who will declare anything you want to do legal.”

“The New Deal,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “was conceived at the climax of a worldwide fascist moment, a moment when socialists in many countries were increasingly becoming nationalists and nationalists could embrace nothing other than socialism.”

Many of Roosevelt's ideas and policies were entirely indistinguishable from the fascism of Mussolini. In fact, writes Goldberg, there were “many common features among New Deal liberalism, Italian Fascism, and German National Socialism, all of which shared many of the same historical and intellectual forebears.” Like American progressives, many Italian Fascist and German Nazi intellectuals championed a “middle” or “Third Way” between capitalism and socialism. Goldberg explains:

“The 'middle way' sounds moderate and un-radical. Its appeal is that it sounds unideological and freethinking. But philosophically the Third Way is not mere difference splitting; it is utopian and authoritarian. Its utopian aspect becomes manifest in its antagonism to the idea that politics is about trade-offs. The Third Wayer says that there are no false choices—'I refuse to accept that X should come at the expense of Y.' The Third Way holds that we can have capitalism and socialism, individual liberty and absolute unity.”

The Progressive Era's Legacy: FDR's New Deal - Discover the Networks

And what, precisely and specifically, did Roosevelt do that qualifies as uniquely fascist under any sane definition of fascism, and that was uniquely an FDR policy?
The great fascist government in our history was that of George W. Bush, with the intermingling of government and business. The difference between Roosevelt and Bush's types of fascism were that the people won over business in FDR's administrations.

Trot along, PC. You truly do not have the tools necessary for a successful blogging career.

George W. Bush, George W. Bush, George W. Bush,
is that all you fucking commies can say, George W. Bush ????

You receive an F- for that stupid interpretation of the most perilous period in the last 100 years.

You're a damn fool. You don't know the first thing about the history of the Progressive Era. American Progressives, including FDR, unabashedly embraced the construct of so-called "liberal fascism/liberal national socialism." They actually believed it to be the future of America, and for the Marxist New Dealers in FDR's administration, the transitional phase of capitalist America in the historical dialectic toward true communism.

You're a friggin's know nothing making baby talk. Shut the hell up.

The Progressive era in American politics formally lasted from the 1890s until the 1920s. But its legacy continued thereafter, permeating the philosophy and the policies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), who was first elected President in 1932, while the U.S. was mired in an economic depression. FDR campaigned, successfully, on a pledge to re-create the war socialism of the Wilson administration, a goal that was wildly popular with the liberal establishment of Roosevelt's day.

Once FDR had been elected, progressive-minded newspaper editorial boards, politicians, and pundits exhorted him to become a “dictator.” The revered reporter and political commentator Walter Lippmann, for instance, told Roosevelt in a private meeting: “The [economic] situation is critical, Franklin. You may have no alternative but to assume dictatorial powers.” Similarly, Eleanor Roosevelt mused that America might need the leadership of a “benevolent dictator.”

In FDR's day, the term “dictator” did not carry the negative connotations with which it is currently freighted; rather, it signified the idea that a political "general" or "commander" was needed to take charge of the battle against the economic depression in a manner similar to how Woodrow Wilson and the progressives had fought World War I.

FDR chose to attack the depression with his so-called New Deal, a series of economic programs passed during his first term in office. These programs greatly expanded the size, scope, and power of the federal government, giving the President and his Brain Trust near-dictatorial status. “I want to assure you,” Roosevelt's aide Harry Hopkins told an audience of New Deal activists in New York, “that we are not afraid of exploring anything within the law, and we have a lawyer who will declare anything you want to do legal.”

“The New Deal,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “was conceived at the climax of a worldwide fascist moment, a moment when socialists in many countries were increasingly becoming nationalists and nationalists could embrace nothing other than socialism.”

Many of Roosevelt's ideas and policies were entirely indistinguishable from the fascism of Mussolini. In fact, writes Goldberg, there were “many common features among New Deal liberalism, Italian Fascism, and German National Socialism, all of which shared many of the same historical and intellectual forebears.” Like American progressives, many Italian Fascist and German Nazi intellectuals championed a “middle” or “Third Way” between capitalism and socialism. Goldberg explains:

“The 'middle way' sounds moderate and un-radical. Its appeal is that it sounds unideological and freethinking. But philosophically the Third Way is not mere difference splitting; it is utopian and authoritarian. Its utopian aspect becomes manifest in its antagonism to the idea that politics is about trade-offs. The Third Wayer says that there are no false choices—'I refuse to accept that X should come at the expense of Y.' The Third Way holds that we can have capitalism and socialism, individual liberty and absolute unity.”

The Progressive Era's Legacy: FDR's New Deal - Discover the Networks

And what, precisely and specifically, did Roosevelt do that qualifies as uniquely fascist under any sane definition of fascism, and that was uniquely an FDR policy?

The NRA was fascist to the bone. It formed all industry into big cartels and minutely regulated everything they did. The Roosevelt administration took a dry cleaner to court because he charged less than the government approved rate. That's how it got up to the supreme court and declared unconstitutional.

"Of Corporatism, Fascism and the First New Deal" by James Q. Whitman

Of Corporatism, Fascism and the First New Deal

James Q. Whitman, Yale Law School
Document Type


Of Corporatism, Fascism and the First New Deal, 39 Am. J. Comp. L. 750 (1991)

Early in the Autumn of 1934, after several weeks of bureaucratic intrigue within the Roosevelt White House, General Hugh Johnson was forced to resign as chief of the National Recovery Administration. For some months, the President had resisted pressure to dismiss Johnson, who had presided over the NRA in erratic and impolitic fashion. But in late September, after several instances of egregious misbehavior on Johnson's part, the President pushed him out. A few weeks later, General Johnson gave his farewell speech, invoking the "shining name" of Benito Mussolini It was not the first time that the Director of the NRA, who was widely rumored to have fascist inclinations, had spoken glowingly of Italian practices. Nor was General Johnson alone in the early New Deal years. A startling number of New Dealers had kind words for Mussolini. Rexford Tugwell spoke of the virtues of the Italian Fascist order. So did internal NRA studies. And the President himself expressed interest in bringing the programs of "that admirable Italian gentleman" to America. Moreover, the early New Dealers seemed, to many contemporaries, willing to pass beyond praise into active imitation. To supporters and critics alike, General Johnson's NRA, a vast scheme for delegating governmental authority to private cartels, seemed akin to the "corporativism" of Italian Fascism. Only with the invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 did the New Dealers abruptly drop their public praise for Italian Fascism (at the same moment that Cole Porter abruptly dropped, from his popular hit, the line "You're the top! You're Mussolini!"); only in 1935 and 1936, after the Supreme Court struck down the NRA and its companion program, the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, did New Deal policies cease reminding contemporaries of those of the Fascist stato corporativo.
What does FDR have to do with Mussolini? Other than ultimately being responsible for his being deposed and killed?

The Liberal obligatory methodology: deny everything.

To pretend that the thread hasn't proven the relationship is simply more proof that you are a lying sleaze.

Stay tuned.....I've just provided tons of info documenting the similarities, and....tons more to come.

The two are, in many ways, joined at the hip.

There is an ancient saying that has moment, here, in this discussion. It applies to my teaching you: "A fool, though in the company of the wise, understands nothing of the doctrine being discussed, as a spoon tastes not the flavor of the soup."

Just what your post indicates.

Ah! I hit on this very thing this morning. I'll copy and paste it here. I don't want to draw attention away from this thread.

The exchange:

. . . the statist bootlick, that fascist pig, JakeStarkey simpered.

You can't even define fascism or statism, or that I fit into either category.

But you certainly do follow The Big Lie tactics of Goebbels and Streicher.

The difference between statism and fascism?! You idiot.

What's the difference between socialism and statism?

What's the difference between positive rights and negative rights?

Never mind. As you read this, the point is flying right over your head and beyond.

The Big Lie, eh? Sort of like how the term liberal has been usurped in the parlance of popular culture to refer to you bootlicking socialists/communists?

That Big Lie?

The nonsense that the fascism of Nazi Germany was a rightwing ideology, when in fact it was a leftwing ideology that originated in Italy under Mussolini, a former Marxist who turned national socialist, admired by American progressives: Woodrow Wilson, Richard Washburn Child, Wallace Stevens, H.G. Wells, Samuel McClure, W.E.B. Du Bois, FDR. . . . This list goes on and on.

That Big Lie?

Hitler, Mussolini, Roosevelt - Reason.com

By the way, the Hegelian historical dialectic is the ontological foundation for both communism and fascism, leftwing ideologies that eschew historical liberalism.

And what's that other term you statists use? Oh, that's right progressive. Yeah. The progressive march of cultural Marxism toward that totalitarian dystopia: the egalitarianism of mediocrity . . . er . . . the expansion of "freedoms" . . . er . . . the expansion of governmentally imposed positive rights . . . er . . . the artificial normalization of the lunatic fringe at the expense of free-association and private property . . . er . . . the tyranny of mob rule, i.e., the strong man raised by the mob . . . er . . . collectivism . . . er . . . the subversion of natural and constitutional law . . . er . . . the universal suppression of inalienable human rights. . . .

That Big Lie?

But don't let me interrupt your delusions. By all means, carry on.

Lefty will never understand anything about the rights of others but for the business end of a loaded gun pointed at his stupid head. But, of course, he really doesn't want to take our guns. . . . Another Big Lie! Perhaps the most cynical of all: one told to suggest that the defenders of the right to keep and bear arms are just being paranoid. LOL! See there, Goebbels, Jr. . . . er . . . JakeStarkey. We get it. We see right through your Big Lie. You political sociopaths are pretty transparent, really.

You're just another thug who has no problem with the prospect of the government fining or jailing a Christian photographer or baker . . . and for what exactly? Refusing to take part in a pagan ritual? Inalienable rights, anybody? Religious liberty, anybody? They're Christians, you friggin' moron! You brown-shirt jackboot!

"The self-victimizers [of] the far right"? Is that what you said, you fascist pig? Sort of like the Big Lie of the Nazis?

"Shut up, Jew, and bake that cake or else we'll fine you out of business! My boot on your face is all you 'self-victimizers' deserve."

That Big Lie?

"Reactionary losers"?! Psst. Dumbass, that is the very same rhetoric spouted by the American progressives/fascists of national socialism in the 1920's and 30's about the classical liberals of their time.

That Big Lie?

Oops. WWII. The Holocaust. The devastation of Europe. More than 60 million dead. Not so cool after all, eh? But you bootlicking statists never learn the lessons of history, do you?

And when the self-victimizers of America, fed up with you pc Nazis, take up arms against you and put you down for the rabid dogs that you are, will they be self-victimizers then, bitch?

This is you, Goebbels, Jr.:



In the end, what difference does it make?

I highly recommend the Schivelbusch book, "Three New Deals."
Calling her a monkey means YOU lost the argument.

Game, set, match.

Let me ask you a couple questions I guarantee you won't give me a straight honest answer on.

PoliticalChic has repeatedly engaged in namecalling in this thread and does so in all her threads.

The questions:

Why have you never once called her out on that? Why have you never once told her that she just lost the argument because she namecalled or personally insulted someone?


Name calling????

Why, you mouth-breathing, half-witted, scruffy-looking, rotten, lying no good, four-flushing, snake-licking, sleezy, slimy, sticky, stinky, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, hopeless, bug-eyed, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sacks of sewage. you....you ignoble, ignorant, illiterate, incestuous, illegitimate progeny of parents who belong to the phyla insecta.....

....how dare you!!!
only because you think you're so superior, you have proven you are not..at being able to discuss..the subject at hand..but your youth will mislead you every time..

Really, and when have you ever made a cogent argument in your life? At least I don't have the ball and chain of liberal senility bogging me down. That will be something you need to work on personally.

Let me ask you another question:

Do you honestly believe that some examples of architectural style from 1930's America prove that FDR was a fascist?

Yes or no and why or why not.

Because that, in case you missed it, is the argument that PC made in the OP.

Ok.....you've convinced me....I almost said 'appealed to my better nature'.....but, just for you, halfhead, I will add more to the documentation of FDR being a dictator and fascist sympathizer.

Stay tuned.
What does FDR have to do with Mussolini? Other than ultimately being responsible for his being deposed and killed?

The Liberal obligatory methodology: deny everything.

To pretend that the thread hasn't proven the relationship is simply more proof that you are a lying sleaze.

Stay tuned.....I've just provided tons of info documenting the similarities, and....tons more to come.

The two are, in many ways, joined at the hip.

There is an ancient saying that has moment, here, in this discussion. It applies to my teaching you: "A fool, though in the company of the wise, understands nothing of the doctrine being discussed, as a spoon tastes not the flavor of the soup."

Just what your post indicates.

Ah! I hit on this very thing this morning. I'll copy and paste it here. I don't want to draw attention away from this thread.

The exchange:

. . . the statist bootlick, that fascist pig, JakeStarkey simpered.

You can't even define fascism or statism, or that I fit into either category.

But you certainly do follow The Big Lie tactics of Goebbels and Streicher.

The difference between statism and fascism?! You idiot.

What's the difference between socialism and statism?

What's the difference between positive rights and negative rights?

Never mind. As you read this, the point is flying right over your head and beyond.

The Big Lie, eh? Sort of like how the term liberal has been usurped in the parlance of popular culture to refer to you bootlicking socialists/communists?

That Big Lie?

The nonsense that the fascism of Nazi Germany was a rightwing ideology, when in fact it was a leftwing ideology that originated in Italy under Mussolini, a former Marxist who turned national socialist, admired by American progressives: Woodrow Wilson, Richard Washburn Child, Wallace Stevens, H.G. Wells, Samuel McClure, W.E.B. Du Bois, FDR. . . . This list goes on and on.

That Big Lie?

Hitler, Mussolini, Roosevelt - Reason.com

By the way, the Hegelian historical dialectic is the ontological foundation for both communism and fascism, leftwing ideologies that eschew historical liberalism.

And what's that other term you statists use? Oh, that's right progressive. Yeah. The progressive march of cultural Marxism toward that totalitarian dystopia: the egalitarianism of mediocrity . . . er . . . the expansion of "freedoms" . . . er . . . the expansion of governmentally imposed positive rights . . . er . . . the artificial normalization of the lunatic fringe at the expense of free-association and private property . . . er . . . the tyranny of mob rule, i.e., the strong man raised by the mob . . . er . . . collectivism . . . er . . . the subversion of natural and constitutional law . . . er . . . the universal suppression of inalienable human rights. . . .

That Big Lie?

But don't let me interrupt your delusions. By all means, carry on.

Lefty will never understand anything about the rights of others but for the business end of a loaded gun pointed at his stupid head. But, of course, he really doesn't want to take our guns. . . . Another Big Lie! Perhaps the most cynical of all: one told to suggest that the defenders of the right to keep and bear arms are just being paranoid. LOL! See there, Goebbels, Jr. . . . er . . . JakeStarkey. We get it. We see right through your Big Lie. You political sociopaths are pretty transparent, really.

You're just another thug who has no problem with the prospect of the government fining or jailing a Christian photographer or baker . . . and for what exactly? Refusing to take part in a pagan ritual? Inalienable rights, anybody? Religious liberty, anybody? They're Christians, you friggin' moron! You brown-shirt jackboot!

"The self-victimizers [of] the far right"? Is that what you said, you fascist pig? Sort of like the Big Lie of the Nazis?

"Shut up, Jew, and bake that cake or else we'll fine you out of business! My boot on your face is all you 'self-victimizers' deserve."

That Big Lie?

"Reactionary losers"?! Psst. Dumbass, that is the very same rhetoric spouted by the American progressives/fascists of national socialism in the 1920's and 30's about the classical liberals of their time.

That Big Lie?

Oops. WWII. The Holocaust. The devastation of Europe. More than 60 million dead. Not so cool after all, eh? But you bootlicking statists never learn the lessons of history, do you?

And when the self-victimizers of America, fed up with you pc Nazis, take up arms against you and put you down for the rabid dogs that you are, will they be self-victimizers then, bitch?

This is you, Goebbels, Jr.:



In the end, what difference does it make?

In case you missed it we still have a democratic government in this country.

Losing elections is not tyranny, fascism, or Nazism.

The ultimate source of rightwing crackpot misery is the simple fact that you're an itty bitty minority that thinks it's a majority.
In case you missed it we still have a democratic government in this country.

Losing elections is not tyranny, fascism, or Nazism.

The ultimate source of rightwing crackpot misery is the simple fact that you're an itty bitty minority that thinks it's a majority.

"But don't let me interrupt...."

Now...what was I saying before you attempted to interrupt.......

Oh...right....that Franklin Delano Roosevelt 'You never let a serious crisis go to waste. .... it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before..'

He used one to move America into the wagon ruts of every dictator of the era. Starting with Mussolini.

a. There was the edifice complex....government buildings festooned with fascist symbols and architecture.

b. economic policies that brought praise from Mussolini....and Hitler.

c. an overbearing attitude that sent folks to prison if they dared charge as much as a nickel over his wishes.

16. ".... President Franklin D. Roosevelt shared his enthusiasm about Mussolini in a letter to the American ambassador in Rome:
“I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his restoring Italy and seeking to prevent general European trouble.”

How better to fulfill the role of dictator than by putting a chill on robust political speech?

And, that gift that keeps on giving- to dictators- we find that same overbearing attitude in today's 'FDR'.....

(" Obama Channels FDR and Mimics His Failed Policies" During the Depression, FDR was just such a president – high-handed, hostile to critics and determined to remake American society. - Obama Channels FDR and Mimics His Failed Policies | The Fiscal Times)

17. So.....who was FDR channeling?
Well, under another Progressive, America was the very first fascist nation....Woodrow Wilson.

"Nearly a quarter million ‘goons’ were given legal authority to beat and intimidate ‘slackers’ and dissenters....
http://www.ncpa.org/pdfs/Classical_Liberalism_vs_Modern_Liberal_Conservatism.pdf p. 9

a. Wilson’s Sedition Act, May 1918 banned “uttering, printing, writing, or publishing any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the United States government or the military.

b. “The Nation, on April 17, 1920, recounted how a clothing salesman received six months in jail for saying that Vladimir Lenin was smart.” "The Most Brainiest Man?" The Red Scare and Free Speech in Connecticut

c. Because the Oklahoma Council of Defense was an extralegal organization, numerous incidents of extreme measures occurred to eliminate dissent. Men were beaten with leather straps and tarred and feathered. OKLAHOMA COUNCIL OF DEFENSE

Would Wilson, or FDR,- or Mussolini, for that manner, put up with mocking and criticism??

Guess who else?

18. " DOJ investigates Nebraska parade float critical of Obama
The U.S. Department of Justice has sent a member of its Community Relations Service. team... who handles discrimination disputes ... to investigate a Nebraska parade float that criticized President Obama.

A Fourth of July parade float featured at the annual Independence Day parade in Norfolk sparked criticism when it depicted a zombie-like figure resembling Mr. Obama standing outside an outhouse, which was labeled the “Obama Presidential Library.”
DOJ investigates Nebraska parade float critical of Obama - Washington Times

Now just cut out that darned free speech!!!!

Did somebody say "fascist"????
In case you missed it we still have a democratic government in this country.

Losing elections is not tyranny, fascism, or Nazism.

The ultimate source of rightwing crackpot misery is the simple fact that you're an itty bitty minority that thinks it's a majority.

"But don't let me interrupt...."

Now...what was I saying before you attempted to interrupt.......

Oh...right....that Franklin Delano Roosevelt 'You never let a serious crisis go to waste. .... it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before..'

He used one to move America into the wagon ruts of every dictator of the era. Starting with Mussolini.

a. There was the edifice complex....government buildings festooned with fascist symbols and architecture.

b. economic policies that brought praise from Mussolini....and Hitler.

c. an overbearing attitude that sent folks to prison if they dared charge as much as a nickel over his wishes.

16. ".... President Franklin D. Roosevelt shared his enthusiasm about Mussolini in a letter to the American ambassador in Rome:
“I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his restoring Italy and seeking to prevent general European trouble.”

How better to fulfill the role of dictator than by putting a chill on robust political speech?

And, that gift that keeps on giving- to dictators- we find that same overbearing attitude in today's 'FDR'.....

(" Obama Channels FDR and Mimics His Failed Policies" During the Depression, FDR was just such a president – high-handed, hostile to critics and determined to remake American society. - Obama Channels FDR and Mimics His Failed Policies | The Fiscal Times)

17. So.....who was FDR channeling?
Well, under another Progressive, America was the very first fascist nation....Woodrow Wilson.

"Nearly a quarter million ‘goons’ were given legal authority to beat and intimidate ‘slackers’ and dissenters....
http://www.ncpa.org/pdfs/Classical_Liberalism_vs_Modern_Liberal_Conservatism.pdf p. 9

a. Wilson’s Sedition Act, May 1918 banned “uttering, printing, writing, or publishing any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the United States government or the military.

b. “The Nation, on April 17, 1920, recounted how a clothing salesman received six months in jail for saying that Vladimir Lenin was smart.” "The Most Brainiest Man?" The Red Scare and Free Speech in Connecticut

c. Because the Oklahoma Council of Defense was an extralegal organization, numerous incidents of extreme measures occurred to eliminate dissent. Men were beaten with leather straps and tarred and feathered. OKLAHOMA COUNCIL OF DEFENSE

Would Wilson, or FDR,- or Mussolini, for that manner, put up with mocking and criticism??

Guess who else?

18. " DOJ investigates Nebraska parade float critical of Obama
The U.S. Department of Justice has sent a member of its Community Relations Service. team... who handles discrimination disputes ... to investigate a Nebraska parade float that criticized President Obama.

A Fourth of July parade float featured at the annual Independence Day parade in Norfolk sparked criticism when it depicted a zombie-like figure resembling Mr. Obama standing outside an outhouse, which was labeled the “Obama Presidential Library.”
DOJ investigates Nebraska parade float critical of Obama - Washington Times

Now just cut out that darned free speech!!!!

Did somebody say "fascist"????

That last story is untrue. The Community Relations Service does not conduct DoJ investigations.

If you have to lie to try to make a point, you've lost the argument.
If conservatives think Social Security is a product of Mussolini style fascism, maybe they should run on that theme;

I'm sure that would make it much easier to end Grandma's monthly checks.

It's telling that the GOP cannot state what it's true goals and intentions are.
If conservatives think Social Security is a product of Mussolini style fascism, maybe they should run on that theme;

I'm sure that would make it much easier to end Grandma's monthly checks.

It's telling that the GOP cannot state what it's true goals and intentions are.

The GOP is nothing more than a coalition of minority special interests that individually have no chance of winning majority support;

the GOP scheme is to cobble together those minority special interest groups, people who are voting on one or two unpopular issues, until they have enough issues to be competitive.

You get the minority of voters who want to end Social Security to vote GOP for that reason, plus the minority of voters who want to end abortion to vote GOP, plus the minority of voters who want to end Medicare, plus the minority of voters who oppose gay rights, plus the minority of voters who are gun rights extremists, etc., etc. etc.

Pretty soon you have most of the supporters of losing issues on your side. That's the GOP coalition.
If conservatives think Social Security is a product of Mussolini style fascism, maybe they should run on that theme;

I'm sure that would make it much easier to end Grandma's monthly checks.

It's telling that the GOP cannot state what it's true goals and intentions are.

I have several bones to pick with you!!!!

1. You have taken down the picture of the slut that had been your idol...and I was having such a good time with that ....

I demand you put back the Sandra Fluke avi!!!

Remember that bouncy thing that used to be called a "Jumpoline" until she got on it?

Bring her back!!!

Wait...she may not be a slut....but if she were food, she'd be a free sample.

Bring her back!

2. Speaking of bringing back...why did you remove my quote from your sig???
You don't like me anymore?

If it was inadvertent....here is the original, so you can but it back:
"You are a loser. I am a goddess. Any questions?"

C'mon....be a pal....
In case you missed it we still have a democratic government in this country.

Losing elections is not tyranny, fascism, or Nazism.

The ultimate source of rightwing crackpot misery is the simple fact that you're an itty bitty minority that thinks it's a majority.

"But don't let me interrupt...."

Now...what was I saying before you attempted to interrupt.......

Oh...right....that Franklin Delano Roosevelt 'You never let a serious crisis go to waste. .... it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before..'

He used one to move America into the wagon ruts of every dictator of the era. Starting with Mussolini.

a. There was the edifice complex....government buildings festooned with fascist symbols and architecture.

b. economic policies that brought praise from Mussolini....and Hitler.

c. an overbearing attitude that sent folks to prison if they dared charge as much as a nickel over his wishes.

16. ".... President Franklin D. Roosevelt shared his enthusiasm about Mussolini in a letter to the American ambassador in Rome:
“I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his restoring Italy and seeking to prevent general European trouble.”

How better to fulfill the role of dictator than by putting a chill on robust political speech?

And, that gift that keeps on giving- to dictators- we find that same overbearing attitude in today's 'FDR'.....

(" Obama Channels FDR and Mimics His Failed Policies" During the Depression, FDR was just such a president – high-handed, hostile to critics and determined to remake American society. - Obama Channels FDR and Mimics His Failed Policies | The Fiscal Times)

17. So.....who was FDR channeling?
Well, under another Progressive, America was the very first fascist nation....Woodrow Wilson.

"Nearly a quarter million ‘goons’ were given legal authority to beat and intimidate ‘slackers’ and dissenters....
http://www.ncpa.org/pdfs/Classical_Liberalism_vs_Modern_Liberal_Conservatism.pdf p. 9

a. Wilson’s Sedition Act, May 1918 banned “uttering, printing, writing, or publishing any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the United States government or the military.

b. “The Nation, on April 17, 1920, recounted how a clothing salesman received six months in jail for saying that Vladimir Lenin was smart.” "The Most Brainiest Man?" The Red Scare and Free Speech in Connecticut

c. Because the Oklahoma Council of Defense was an extralegal organization, numerous incidents of extreme measures occurred to eliminate dissent. Men were beaten with leather straps and tarred and feathered. OKLAHOMA COUNCIL OF DEFENSE

Would Wilson, or FDR,- or Mussolini, for that manner, put up with mocking and criticism??

Guess who else?

18. " DOJ investigates Nebraska parade float critical of Obama
The U.S. Department of Justice has sent a member of its Community Relations Service. team... who handles discrimination disputes ... to investigate a Nebraska parade float that criticized President Obama.

A Fourth of July parade float featured at the annual Independence Day parade in Norfolk sparked criticism when it depicted a zombie-like figure resembling Mr. Obama standing outside an outhouse, which was labeled the “Obama Presidential Library.”
DOJ investigates Nebraska parade float critical of Obama - Washington Times

Now just cut out that darned free speech!!!!

Did somebody say "fascist"????

That last story is untrue. The Community Relations Service does not conduct DoJ investigations.

If you have to lie to try to make a point, you've lost the argument.

1. I never lie.

2. "That last story is untrue."
So...you agree that every other as aspect of my charges in this thread are correct?
You're on the right path!

3. And the story is true:

"The Omaha World-Herald reported Friday that the Department of Justice sent a CRS member who handles discrimination disputes to a Thursday meeting about the issue."
DOJ investigates Nebraska parade float critical of Obama - Washington Times
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4. And now for your daily vocabulary lesson:
in·ves·ti·gate verb \in-ˈves-tə-ˌgāt\
: to try to find out the facts about (something, such as a crime or an accident) in order to learn how it happened, who did it, etc.

: to try to get information about (someone who may have done something illegal)
Investigate - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The story is correct, it is an abuse of governmental power to look at criticism of a President....and it is more consistent with a fascist state than a democracy.

And you are a moron.
If conservatives think Social Security is a product of Mussolini style fascism, maybe they should run on that theme;

I'm sure that would make it much easier to end Grandma's monthly checks.
They'd be wrong. It's a direct Tax to the Bankers created when the USA went bankrupt in 1933. (oh you didn't know that?)

That's why there's been no Social Security "Trust Fund". Ever.
That last story is untrue. The Community Relations Service does not conduct DoJ investigations.
You're right. They call it "Conflict Resolution" instead.
What We Do | CRS | Department of Justice

CRS is a conflict resolution agency that provides mediation, facilitation, training, and consulting services to help communities enhance their ability to independently prevent and resolve future conflicts.
Sounds like an Investigation to me.

The problem is that if an "official" from the Justice Department were to show up at MY door, I wouldn't think that they showed up for "conflict resolution".

Your friends and relatives are there for "Conflict Resolution" NOT the Government.
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If conservatives think Social Security is a product of Mussolini style fascism, maybe they should run on that theme;

I'm sure that would make it much easier to end Grandma's monthly checks.
They'd be wrong. It's a direct Tax to the Bankers created when the USA went bankrupt in 1933. (oh you didn't know that?)

That's why there's been no Social Security "Trust Fund". Ever.

Bankers don't pay SS taxes. We do. They also don't receive any SS funds.

Your post is idiotic.

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