Fascism Is as Fascism Does

"But don't let me interrupt...."

Now...what was I saying before you attempted to interrupt.......

Oh...right....that Franklin Delano Roosevelt 'You never let a serious crisis go to waste. .... it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before..'

He used one to move America into the wagon ruts of every dictator of the era. Starting with Mussolini.

a. There was the edifice complex....government buildings festooned with fascist symbols and architecture.

b. economic policies that brought praise from Mussolini....and Hitler.

c. an overbearing attitude that sent folks to prison if they dared charge as much as a nickel over his wishes.

16. ".... President Franklin D. Roosevelt shared his enthusiasm about Mussolini in a letter to the American ambassador in Rome:
“I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his restoring Italy and seeking to prevent general European trouble.”

How better to fulfill the role of dictator than by putting a chill on robust political speech?

And, that gift that keeps on giving- to dictators- we find that same overbearing attitude in today's 'FDR'.....

(" Obama Channels FDR and Mimics His Failed Policies" During the Depression, FDR was just such a president – high-handed, hostile to critics and determined to remake American society. - Obama Channels FDR and Mimics His Failed Policies | The Fiscal Times)

17. So.....who was FDR channeling?
Well, under another Progressive, America was the very first fascist nation....Woodrow Wilson.

"Nearly a quarter million ‘goons’ were given legal authority to beat and intimidate ‘slackers’ and dissenters....
http://www.ncpa.org/pdfs/Classical_Liberalism_vs_Modern_Liberal_Conservatism.pdf p. 9

a. Wilson’s Sedition Act, May 1918 banned “uttering, printing, writing, or publishing any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the United States government or the military.

b. “The Nation, on April 17, 1920, recounted how a clothing salesman received six months in jail for saying that Vladimir Lenin was smart.” "The Most Brainiest Man?" The Red Scare and Free Speech in Connecticut

c. Because the Oklahoma Council of Defense was an extralegal organization, numerous incidents of extreme measures occurred to eliminate dissent. Men were beaten with leather straps and tarred and feathered. OKLAHOMA COUNCIL OF DEFENSE

Would Wilson, or FDR,- or Mussolini, for that manner, put up with mocking and criticism??

Guess who else?

18. " DOJ investigates Nebraska parade float critical of Obama
The U.S. Department of Justice has sent a member of its Community Relations Service. team... who handles discrimination disputes ... to investigate a Nebraska parade float that criticized President Obama.

A Fourth of July parade float featured at the annual Independence Day parade in Norfolk sparked criticism when it depicted a zombie-like figure resembling Mr. Obama standing outside an outhouse, which was labeled the “Obama Presidential Library.”
DOJ investigates Nebraska parade float critical of Obama - Washington Times

Now just cut out that darned free speech!!!!

Did somebody say "fascist"????

That last story is untrue. The Community Relations Service does not conduct DoJ investigations.

If you have to lie to try to make a point, you've lost the argument.

1. I never lie.

2. "That last story is untrue."
So...you agree that every other as aspect of my charges in this thread are correct?
You're on the right path!

3. And the story is true:

"The Omaha World-Herald reported Friday that the Department of Justice sent a CRS member who handles discrimination disputes to a Thursday meeting about the issue."
DOJ investigates Nebraska parade float critical of Obama - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

4. And now for your daily vocabulary lesson:
in·ves·ti·gate verb \in-ˈves-tə-ˌgāt\
: to try to find out the facts about (something, such as a crime or an accident) in order to learn how it happened, who did it, etc.

: to try to get information about (someone who may have done something illegal)
Investigate - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The story is correct, it is an abuse of governmental power to look at criticism of a President....and it is more consistent with a fascist state than a democracy.

And you are a moron.

They don't do investigations. Your semantical contortions notwithstanding.
That last story is untrue. The Community Relations Service does not conduct DoJ investigations.

If you have to lie to try to make a point, you've lost the argument.

1. I never lie.

2. "That last story is untrue."
So...you agree that every other as aspect of my charges in this thread are correct?
You're on the right path!

3. And the story is true:

"The Omaha World-Herald reported Friday that the Department of Justice sent a CRS member who handles discrimination disputes to a Thursday meeting about the issue."
DOJ investigates Nebraska parade float critical of Obama - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

4. And now for your daily vocabulary lesson:
in·ves·ti·gate verb \in-ˈves-tə-ˌgāt\
: to try to find out the facts about (something, such as a crime or an accident) in order to learn how it happened, who did it, etc.

: to try to get information about (someone who may have done something illegal)
Investigate - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The story is correct, it is an abuse of governmental power to look at criticism of a President....and it is more consistent with a fascist state than a democracy.

And you are a moron.

They don't do investigations. Your semantical contortions notwithstanding.

Oh,my....an "is not, is not" post!

How banal.

And....see if you find yourself in the following:

"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods.
Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata.

An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.'

How often must you be revealed as a lying sack of putrefaction?
Water off a ducks back, eh?

Must be great to be immune to shame.
If conservatives think Social Security is a product of Mussolini style fascism, maybe they should run on that theme;

I'm sure that would make it much easier to end Grandma's monthly checks.
They'd be wrong. It's a direct Tax to the Bankers created when the USA went bankrupt in 1933. (oh you didn't know that?)

That's why there's been no Social Security "Trust Fund". Ever.

Bankers don't pay SS taxes. We do. They also don't receive any SS funds.

Your post is idiotic.
I didn't say the Bankers pay the Tax. It's a Direct Tax to the Banks. They don't receive "SS Funds" because when they get the money it's just called Money.

Your post is idiotic and uniformed.

Go do research on the 1933 USA Bankruptcy and you just MAY find out why Americans pay SS Tax.
Do the Liberals in this this thread know that they lave a Local Government?

A Local Government that they've already paid for and can solve many of the problems that arise in their town WITHOUT Federal Interference?

Do the Liberals in this thread even know WHERE their seat of local government IS and visited it even ONCE?

Why do they keep inviting and expecting the f*ckin' Feds to get involved all the time?
1. I never lie.

2. "That last story is untrue."
So...you agree that every other as aspect of my charges in this thread are correct?
You're on the right path!

3. And the story is true:

"The Omaha World-Herald reported Friday that the Department of Justice sent a CRS member who handles discrimination disputes to a Thursday meeting about the issue."
DOJ investigates Nebraska parade float critical of Obama - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

4. And now for your daily vocabulary lesson:
in·ves·ti·gate verb \in-ˈves-tə-ˌgāt\
: to try to find out the facts about (something, such as a crime or an accident) in order to learn how it happened, who did it, etc.

: to try to get information about (someone who may have done something illegal)
Investigate - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The story is correct, it is an abuse of governmental power to look at criticism of a President....and it is more consistent with a fascist state than a democracy.

And you are a moron.

They don't do investigations. Your semantical contortions notwithstanding.

Oh,my....an "is not, is not" post!

How banal.

And....see if you find yourself in the following:

"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods.
Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata.

An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.'

How often must you be revealed as a lying sack of putrefaction?
Water off a ducks back, eh?

Must be great to be immune to shame.

If they don't conduct investigations they don't conduct investigations. That's all there is to it. Go to their website. Read what they actually do.
Do the Liberals in this this thread know that they lave a Local Government?

A Local Government that they've already paid for and can solve many of the problems that arise in their town WITHOUT Federal Interference?

Do the Liberals in this thread even know WHERE their seat of local government IS and visited it even ONCE?

Why do they keep inviting and expecting the f*ckin' Feds to get involved all the time?

You don't seem to know what the topic of this thread is.

The topic of this thread is the mentally retarded contention that FDR was a fascist because some federal buildings built in the 1930's used the fasces symbols as part of their outward design.

Discuss that if you want to be on topic.

In fairness to you it may have become confusing as to what the actual subject of this thread was since even the author of it has long since fled from its original stupidity.
Last edited:
Do the Liberals in this this thread know that they lave a Local Government?

A Local Government that they've already paid for and can solve many of the problems that arise in their town WITHOUT Federal Interference?

Do the Liberals in this thread even know WHERE their seat of local government IS and visited it even ONCE?

Why do they keep inviting and expecting the f*ckin' Feds to get involved all the time?

You don't seem to know what the topic of this thread is.

The topic of this thread is the mentally retarded contention that FDR was a fascist because some federal buildings built in the 1930's used the fasces symbols as part of their outward design.

Discuss that if you want to be on topic.

In fairness to you it may have become confusing as to what the actual subject of this thread was since even the author of it has long since fled from its original stupidity.

FDR was a fascist because he implemented fascist economic policies. A few decorations on some buildings may be indicative, but the policies are conclusive. The NRA was 100% pure fascism.

Notice how none of the liberal retards in this forum have bother to respond to this post.
Last edited:
They'd be wrong. It's a direct Tax to the Bankers created when the USA went bankrupt in 1933. (oh you didn't know that?)

That's why there's been no Social Security "Trust Fund". Ever.

Bankers don't pay SS taxes. We do. They also don't receive any SS funds.

Your post is idiotic.
I didn't say the Bankers pay the Tax. It's a Direct Tax to the Banks. They don't receive "SS Funds" because when they get the money it's just called Money.

Your post is idiotic and uniformed.

Go do research on the 1933 USA Bankruptcy and you just MAY find out why Americans pay SS Tax.

What the hell does "direct tax to the banks" mean? Banks either pay taxes or collect subsidies. Your terminology doesn't make any sense.
Any who have studied the history of the last century understand how very similar the economic policies of Mussolini and of Franklin Roosevelt were.

Economic policies?
....it goes well beyond economic policies. In many ways, elites desired this nation to mirror Fascist Italy....

The authoritarian designs of Italian government structures were also attractive to Roosevelt, as a way of symbolizing the strength of all-powerful state authority.

"The architecture of the three regimes in terms of ‘monumentality,’ the need of people to create symbols that reveal their inner life, their actions, and their social conceptions. The similarity of the architecture of National Socialism, of Fascism, and of that of the New Deal is a reminder of the fact that during the Great Depression, capitalism’s period of crisis, all three philosophies rejected modernism and turned, instead, to monumentality, a backward-looking, neoclassical architecture."
Wolfgang Schivelbusch, “Three New Deals”

1. "...structures that bear actual fascist symbols—those of the United States government, no less. Bizarre as it seems, many federal buildings in Washington were designed prominently with fasces, the emblem of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini’s twentieth-century regime. Even more surprisingly, these structures were erected in the 1920s and 1930s—just as Mussolini was ornamenting Italy’s government buildings with the same symbol.

2. The bas-reliefs on the flagpoles at the Supreme Court, done by the architect Charles Gilbert in 1935, also feature fasces as one of seven symbols of justice’s manifold attributes.

3. The federal fasces have oddly escaped the notice of modern observers, but their story sheds light on the often curious histories of cultural symbols. How did the fasces get there? Stranger still, how did they escape effacement during our mid-century war with the Italian fascist regime?
And how should we think about them today?

4. When he came to power in Italy in 1922, Mussolini resurrected the symbol and employed it to represent the strength and unity of the Italian state. Political fascism made physical power and the ability to impose order central to its ideology, and so the term “fascism” quickly became synonymous with authoritarian regimes.
Mussolini made the fasces symbol almost as common in Italy as the Nazi swastika became in Hitler’s Germany.

5. American architects knew of Mussolini’s grandiose building projects, and some publicly lauded them. Charles Gilbert, who designed the Supreme Court building, met Mussolini on a 1927 visit to Italy to procure marble for the project. No doubt Gilbert saw the countless fasces in Italian architecture. He was also favorably impressed by Il Duce himself.

6. But given the prominence of the fasces in Mussolini’s propaganda, [the architect] must have been aware that he wasn’t simply using ancient iconography. The architects working on the federal buildings of the 1930s were also extremely conscious of the political symbolism they employed.

They often looked to the socialist realism of Europe for inspiration.

The Federal Trade Commission building, for instance, completed in 1938, is adorned with socialist-realist reliefs of brawny workers engaged in various industries.

7. Today, it might seem improbable that American government projects would decorate themselves with symbols of European fascism, whatever the enthusiasms of architects. But at the time, Mussolini was widely admired by Americans for getting Italy back on its feet.
“I’m pretty high on that bird,” humorist Will Rogers said of Il Duce after visiting Italy and interviewing Mussolini. “Dictator form of government is the greatest form of government—that is, if you have the right dictator.”

The rise of fascism appeared to pose no direct threat to U.S. interests, and many saw it as a counterweight to scarier European movements. It was Bolshevism without the collectivization; Nazism without the racism."
When Fasces Aren't Fascist by Eugene Kontorovich, City Journal Spring 2014

" Political fascism made physical power and the ability to impose order central to its ideology, and so the term “fascism” quickly became synonymous with authoritarian regimes."

The more things change....the more they remain the same.

Because symbolism is more important than reality.......for some people.
Any who have studied the history of the last century understand how very similar the economic policies of Mussolini and of Franklin Roosevelt were.

Economic policies?
....it goes well beyond economic policies. In many ways, elites desired this nation to mirror Fascist Italy....

The authoritarian designs of Italian government structures were also attractive to Roosevelt, as a way of symbolizing the strength of all-powerful state authority.

"The architecture of the three regimes in terms of ‘monumentality,’ the need of people to create symbols that reveal their inner life, their actions, and their social conceptions. The similarity of the architecture of National Socialism, of Fascism, and of that of the New Deal is a reminder of the fact that during the Great Depression, capitalism’s period of crisis, all three philosophies rejected modernism and turned, instead, to monumentality, a backward-looking, neoclassical architecture."
Wolfgang Schivelbusch, “Three New Deals”

1. "...structures that bear actual fascist symbols—those of the United States government, no less. Bizarre as it seems, many federal buildings in Washington were designed prominently with fasces, the emblem of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini’s twentieth-century regime. Even more surprisingly, these structures were erected in the 1920s and 1930s—just as Mussolini was ornamenting Italy’s government buildings with the same symbol.

2. The bas-reliefs on the flagpoles at the Supreme Court, done by the architect Charles Gilbert in 1935, also feature fasces as one of seven symbols of justice’s manifold attributes.

3. The federal fasces have oddly escaped the notice of modern observers, but their story sheds light on the often curious histories of cultural symbols. How did the fasces get there? Stranger still, how did they escape effacement during our mid-century war with the Italian fascist regime?
And how should we think about them today?

4. When he came to power in Italy in 1922, Mussolini resurrected the symbol and employed it to represent the strength and unity of the Italian state. Political fascism made physical power and the ability to impose order central to its ideology, and so the term “fascism” quickly became synonymous with authoritarian regimes.
Mussolini made the fasces symbol almost as common in Italy as the Nazi swastika became in Hitler’s Germany.

5. American architects knew of Mussolini’s grandiose building projects, and some publicly lauded them. Charles Gilbert, who designed the Supreme Court building, met Mussolini on a 1927 visit to Italy to procure marble for the project. No doubt Gilbert saw the countless fasces in Italian architecture. He was also favorably impressed by Il Duce himself.

6. But given the prominence of the fasces in Mussolini’s propaganda, [the architect] must have been aware that he wasn’t simply using ancient iconography. The architects working on the federal buildings of the 1930s were also extremely conscious of the political symbolism they employed.

They often looked to the socialist realism of Europe for inspiration.

The Federal Trade Commission building, for instance, completed in 1938, is adorned with socialist-realist reliefs of brawny workers engaged in various industries.

7. Today, it might seem improbable that American government projects would decorate themselves with symbols of European fascism, whatever the enthusiasms of architects. But at the time, Mussolini was widely admired by Americans for getting Italy back on its feet.
“I’m pretty high on that bird,” humorist Will Rogers said of Il Duce after visiting Italy and interviewing Mussolini. “Dictator form of government is the greatest form of government—that is, if you have the right dictator.”

The rise of fascism appeared to pose no direct threat to U.S. interests, and many saw it as a counterweight to scarier European movements. It was Bolshevism without the collectivization; Nazism without the racism."
When Fasces Aren't Fascist by Eugene Kontorovich, City Journal Spring 2014

" Political fascism made physical power and the ability to impose order central to its ideology, and so the term “fascism” quickly became synonymous with authoritarian regimes."

The more things change....the more they remain the same.

Because symbolism is more important than reality.......for some people.

Read the thread, dunce.
Any who have studied the history of the last century understand how very similar the economic policies of Mussolini and of Franklin Roosevelt were.

Economic policies?
....it goes well beyond economic policies. In many ways, elites desired this nation to mirror Fascist Italy....

The authoritarian designs of Italian government structures were also attractive to Roosevelt, as a way of symbolizing the strength of all-powerful state authority.

"The architecture of the three regimes in terms of ‘monumentality,’ the need of people to create symbols that reveal their inner life, their actions, and their social conceptions. The similarity of the architecture of National Socialism, of Fascism, and of that of the New Deal is a reminder of the fact that during the Great Depression, capitalism’s period of crisis, all three philosophies rejected modernism and turned, instead, to monumentality, a backward-looking, neoclassical architecture."
Wolfgang Schivelbusch, “Three New Deals”

1. "...structures that bear actual fascist symbols—those of the United States government, no less. Bizarre as it seems, many federal buildings in Washington were designed prominently with fasces, the emblem of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini’s twentieth-century regime. Even more surprisingly, these structures were erected in the 1920s and 1930s—just as Mussolini was ornamenting Italy’s government buildings with the same symbol.

2. The bas-reliefs on the flagpoles at the Supreme Court, done by the architect Charles Gilbert in 1935, also feature fasces as one of seven symbols of justice’s manifold attributes.

3. The federal fasces have oddly escaped the notice of modern observers, but their story sheds light on the often curious histories of cultural symbols. How did the fasces get there? Stranger still, how did they escape effacement during our mid-century war with the Italian fascist regime?
And how should we think about them today?

4. When he came to power in Italy in 1922, Mussolini resurrected the symbol and employed it to represent the strength and unity of the Italian state. Political fascism made physical power and the ability to impose order central to its ideology, and so the term “fascism” quickly became synonymous with authoritarian regimes.
Mussolini made the fasces symbol almost as common in Italy as the Nazi swastika became in Hitler’s Germany.

5. American architects knew of Mussolini’s grandiose building projects, and some publicly lauded them. Charles Gilbert, who designed the Supreme Court building, met Mussolini on a 1927 visit to Italy to procure marble for the project. No doubt Gilbert saw the countless fasces in Italian architecture. He was also favorably impressed by Il Duce himself.

6. But given the prominence of the fasces in Mussolini’s propaganda, [the architect] must have been aware that he wasn’t simply using ancient iconography. The architects working on the federal buildings of the 1930s were also extremely conscious of the political symbolism they employed.

They often looked to the socialist realism of Europe for inspiration.

The Federal Trade Commission building, for instance, completed in 1938, is adorned with socialist-realist reliefs of brawny workers engaged in various industries.

7. Today, it might seem improbable that American government projects would decorate themselves with symbols of European fascism, whatever the enthusiasms of architects. But at the time, Mussolini was widely admired by Americans for getting Italy back on its feet.
“I’m pretty high on that bird,” humorist Will Rogers said of Il Duce after visiting Italy and interviewing Mussolini. “Dictator form of government is the greatest form of government—that is, if you have the right dictator.”

The rise of fascism appeared to pose no direct threat to U.S. interests, and many saw it as a counterweight to scarier European movements. It was Bolshevism without the collectivization; Nazism without the racism."
When Fasces Aren't Fascist by Eugene Kontorovich, City Journal Spring 2014

" Political fascism made physical power and the ability to impose order central to its ideology, and so the term “fascism” quickly became synonymous with authoritarian regimes."

The more things change....the more they remain the same.

Because symbolism is more important than reality.......for some people.

Read the thread, dunce.

Thank you professor. Was there some meaning other than symbolic here that you'd like your dedicated readers to know about?
19. ".... it means the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security equip even the tiniest rural police departments with massive military vehicles, body armor and grenade launchers. The equipment is surplus from the long wars we fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.

..... SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) teams were once used only in emergencies such as riots or robberies where hostages were taken. But today there are more than 50,000 "no-knock raids" a year.
It's not because crime got worse. There is less crime today.

Government always grows, and government is force. Force is always dangerous."
Policing America - John Stossel - Page full

Homeland Security agents, backed by police SWAT teams, armored vehicles and a Black Hawk helicopter staged a bizarre unannounced show of force in front of a school in a small Illinois town, scenes which will exacerbate concerns about the increasing militarization of U.S. law enforcement.
KTVI labeled the presence of the feds a “mystery,” although it subsequently emerged that the school was being used as a staging ground for a raid on a house three miles away. Authorities refused to divulge the purpose behind the raid or if anyone was taken into custody.

The sheer number of feds present, in addition to multiple armored vehicles, military-style choppers and other vehicles, in order to conduct a raid on a single house clearly suggests overkill and will prompt more concerns as to the increasing militarization of U.S. law enforcement.

A recent ACLU investigation into the issue decried the fact that American neighborhoods are turning into warzones as SWAT tactics become more brutal, causing an increase in deaths, injuries and property damage.

Back in May, Indiana Police Sergeant Dan Downing admitted that the militarization of domestic law enforcement was partly to deal with returning veterans who are now seen as a homegrown terror threat. A local Fox affiliate reported that the cops were now “armed for war” against such threats.
» Homeland Security, Feds Swarm Small Town in Bizarre Unannounced Show of Force Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Does something smell like......fascism?
19. ".... it means the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security equip even the tiniest rural police departments with massive military vehicles, body armor and grenade launchers. The equipment is surplus from the long wars we fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.

..... SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) teams were once used only in emergencies such as riots or robberies where hostages were taken. But today there are more than 50,000 "no-knock raids" a year.
It's not because crime got worse. There is less crime today.

Government always grows, and government is force. Force is always dangerous."
Policing America - John Stossel - Page full

Homeland Security agents, backed by police SWAT teams, armored vehicles and a Black Hawk helicopter staged a bizarre unannounced show of force in front of a school in a small Illinois town, scenes which will exacerbate concerns about the increasing militarization of U.S. law enforcement.
KTVI labeled the presence of the feds a “mystery,” although it subsequently emerged that the school was being used as a staging ground for a raid on a house three miles away. Authorities refused to divulge the purpose behind the raid or if anyone was taken into custody.

The sheer number of feds present, in addition to multiple armored vehicles, military-style choppers and other vehicles, in order to conduct a raid on a single house clearly suggests overkill and will prompt more concerns as to the increasing militarization of U.S. law enforcement.

A recent ACLU investigation into the issue decried the fact that American neighborhoods are turning into warzones as SWAT tactics become more brutal, causing an increase in deaths, injuries and property damage.

Back in May, Indiana Police Sergeant Dan Downing admitted that the militarization of domestic law enforcement was partly to deal with returning veterans who are now seen as a homegrown terror threat. A local Fox affiliate reported that the cops were now “armed for war” against such threats.
» Homeland Security, Feds Swarm Small Town in Bizarre Unannounced Show of Force Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Does something smell like......fascism?

Really? I detect the overpowering stench of conspiracy theory nut job.
19. ".... it means the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security equip even the tiniest rural police departments with massive military vehicles, body armor and grenade launchers. The equipment is surplus from the long wars we fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.

..... SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) teams were once used only in emergencies such as riots or robberies where hostages were taken. But today there are more than 50,000 "no-knock raids" a year.
It's not because crime got worse. There is less crime today.

Government always grows, and government is force. Force is always dangerous."
Policing America - John Stossel - Page full

Homeland Security agents, backed by police SWAT teams, armored vehicles and a Black Hawk helicopter staged a bizarre unannounced show of force in front of a school in a small Illinois town, scenes which will exacerbate concerns about the increasing militarization of U.S. law enforcement.
KTVI labeled the presence of the feds a “mystery,” although it subsequently emerged that the school was being used as a staging ground for a raid on a house three miles away. Authorities refused to divulge the purpose behind the raid or if anyone was taken into custody.

The sheer number of feds present, in addition to multiple armored vehicles, military-style choppers and other vehicles, in order to conduct a raid on a single house clearly suggests overkill and will prompt more concerns as to the increasing militarization of U.S. law enforcement.

A recent ACLU investigation into the issue decried the fact that American neighborhoods are turning into warzones as SWAT tactics become more brutal, causing an increase in deaths, injuries and property damage.

Back in May, Indiana Police Sergeant Dan Downing admitted that the militarization of domestic law enforcement was partly to deal with returning veterans who are now seen as a homegrown terror threat. A local Fox affiliate reported that the cops were now “armed for war” against such threats.
» Homeland Security, Feds Swarm Small Town in Bizarre Unannounced Show of Force Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Does something smell like......fascism?

Really? I detect the overpowering stench of conspiracy theory nut job.

Easy to explain...you have no ability to use facts in your calculations.
it is a little scary, but then again, I am used to danger and revolting against many forms of subjugation..

I wouldn't go so far as to say you're 'revolting'.....but, they know what time you were born, because your face stopped the clock! -

.....Oh, wait- you didn't mean that kind of 'revolting'....never mind.
19. ".... it means the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security equip even the tiniest rural police departments with massive military vehicles, body armor and grenade launchers. The equipment is surplus from the long wars we fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.

..... SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) teams were once used only in emergencies such as riots or robberies where hostages were taken. But today there are more than 50,000 "no-knock raids" a year.
It's not because crime got worse. There is less crime today.

Government always grows, and government is force. Force is always dangerous."
Policing America - John Stossel - Page full

Homeland Security agents, backed by police SWAT teams, armored vehicles and a Black Hawk helicopter staged a bizarre unannounced show of force in front of a school in a small Illinois town, scenes which will exacerbate concerns about the increasing militarization of U.S. law enforcement.
KTVI labeled the presence of the feds a “mystery,” although it subsequently emerged that the school was being used as a staging ground for a raid on a house three miles away. Authorities refused to divulge the purpose behind the raid or if anyone was taken into custody.

The sheer number of feds present, in addition to multiple armored vehicles, military-style choppers and other vehicles, in order to conduct a raid on a single house clearly suggests overkill and will prompt more concerns as to the increasing militarization of U.S. law enforcement.

A recent ACLU investigation into the issue decried the fact that American neighborhoods are turning into warzones as SWAT tactics become more brutal, causing an increase in deaths, injuries and property damage.

Back in May, Indiana Police Sergeant Dan Downing admitted that the militarization of domestic law enforcement was partly to deal with returning veterans who are now seen as a homegrown terror threat. A local Fox affiliate reported that the cops were now “armed for war” against such threats.
» Homeland Security, Feds Swarm Small Town in Bizarre Unannounced Show of Force Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Does something smell like......fascism?

Really? I detect the overpowering stench of conspiracy theory nut job.

Easy to explain...you have no ability to use facts in your calculations.

According to my calculations: internet inspired paranoia plus half wit conspiracy theories divided by mindless political rhetoric times easily manipulated dumb shits equals this thread.
The fasces is on a sculpture of George Washington that was sculpted in 1785. It is a Roman symbol of power, authority, justice, and strength, that the new government adopted, which is what this country stands for. It does not pertain to individualism, but the country as a whole. We are a strong country.

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