Fascism Is as Fascism Does

Does the effort to demonize President Roosevelt, eighty some years after the fact, strike anyone as,

if nothing else,

a bit untimely?
PoliticalChic has that wife-in-a-bad-marriage quality, you know, how the old lady wants to start arguments with you about shit that happened years ago...

Give. it. a. rest. Go watch your stories or something...



As well as ridiculous and obsessive.

The OP is obviously the typical ignorant reactionary paleocon seeking – and failing – to undermine the success that was the New Deal, in addition to settled and accepted post-Lochner Commerce Clause jurisprudence.

The OP and those of her ilk need to accept the fact that this is no longer the 19th Century, that the 'liberty to contract' is an irrelevant anachronism, and that the world is far too complex a place today for the simplistic and naïve dogma of the nostalgic right.

You two are proof that stupid trolls travel in packs.
Sorry, hater dupes, we're not going back to elderly/UE misery, poorhouses and potters fields...so brainwashed and misinformed. But thanks for the corrupt SECOND Pub Great World Depression, which is the actual reason for the chaotic world and so many on assistance, not communism, chumps of the greedy idiot rich....
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The fasces is on a sculpture of George Washington that was sculpted in 1785. It is a Roman symbol of power, authority, justice, and strength, that the new government adopted, which is what this country stands for. It does not pertain to individualism, but the country as a whole. We are a strong country.

And your point is...what?

That it was not resurrected as a modernRoman Empire by Mussolini and the Fascists, and has become a symbol of fascism?

Let's give you a bit of history that you seem to have missed.

1. Sometime after the First World War, the Babylon-Armageddon made its way into political theory. Each version had a people of God, under attack. There was the proletariat for the Bolsheviks and Stalinists; the children of the Roman wolf for Mussolini’s Fascists; the Warriors of Christ the King for Franco’s Phalange, and the Aryan race for the Nazis.

2. Mussolini incorporated the ideas of Georges Sorel’s syndicalism to create his brand of fascism.

a. Syndicalism is similar to socialism but included violent, direction action.

b. Syndicalists believed in rule by revolutionary trade unions, from the French word ‘syndicat.’ The Italian word ‘fascio’ means bundle, but was commonly used as a synonym for unions.

c. Syndicalism proposed that society could be divided by professional sectors of the economy; this idea influenced FDR’s New Deal.

And since the Fasces is also the symbol of the US Senate that must mean our elected representatives are all Fascists........right professor?
22. The Fascism of the FDR era, the 30’s, was hardly new on the scene. In fact, by the 1920’s, American intellectuals, disappointed in what they perceived as the failures of classical liberalism allowed themselves to think that Fascism was the path toward their ideals, and the same path allowed them to stumble into Stalinism some time later.

The jewels of the new thinking, according to these elites, was comprehensive state control, planning and direction, as long as the goals remained “a conscious, intelligent ordering of society,” as Columbia professor and disciple of John Dewey, Herbert W. Schneider stated.

American progressives, pragmatists, viewed Fascism’s emphasis on political repression as a regrettable but entirely understandable corollary.

Of course, today’s denials should remind one of Huey Long’s dictum: “When America gets Fascism it will call it anti-Fascism.”

Waldo Frank’s analysis in 1934:

"The NRA is the beginning of American Fascism. But unlike Italy and Germany, democratic parliamentarianism has for generations been strong in the Anglo-Saxon world; it is a tribal institution. Therefore, a Fascism that disposes of it, rather than sharpens and exploits it, is not to be expected in North America or Britain.

Fascism may be so gradual in the United States that most voters will not be aware of its existence.

The true Fascist leaders will not be present imitators of German Fuhrer and Italian condottieri, prancing in silver shirts. They will be judicious, black-frocked gentlemen; graduates of the best universities; disciples of Nicholas Murray Butler and Walter Lippmann."
Liberal Fascism | National Review Online

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”...and fascism.

You are apparently just a little to dense to realize that Fascist movements all start from the bottom up, not from the top down. The all start as popular grass roots organizations, sort of like the Tea Party. Not much of a historian......are you.
19. ".... it means the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security equip even the tiniest rural police departments with massive military vehicles, body armor and grenade launchers. The equipment is surplus from the long wars we fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.

..... SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) teams were once used only in emergencies such as riots or robberies where hostages were taken. But today there are more than 50,000 "no-knock raids" a year.
It's not because crime got worse. There is less crime today.

Government always grows, and government is force. Force is always dangerous."
Policing America - John Stossel - Page full

Homeland Security agents, backed by police SWAT teams, armored vehicles and a Black Hawk helicopter staged a bizarre unannounced show of force in front of a school in a small Illinois town, scenes which will exacerbate concerns about the increasing militarization of U.S. law enforcement.
KTVI labeled the presence of the feds a “mystery,” although it subsequently emerged that the school was being used as a staging ground for a raid on a house three miles away. Authorities refused to divulge the purpose behind the raid or if anyone was taken into custody.

The sheer number of feds present, in addition to multiple armored vehicles, military-style choppers and other vehicles, in order to conduct a raid on a single house clearly suggests overkill and will prompt more concerns as to the increasing militarization of U.S. law enforcement.

A recent ACLU investigation into the issue decried the fact that American neighborhoods are turning into warzones as SWAT tactics become more brutal, causing an increase in deaths, injuries and property damage.

Back in May, Indiana Police Sergeant Dan Downing admitted that the militarization of domestic law enforcement was partly to deal with returning veterans who are now seen as a homegrown terror threat. A local Fox affiliate reported that the cops were now “armed for war” against such threats.
» Homeland Security, Feds Swarm Small Town in Bizarre Unannounced Show of Force Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Does something smell like......fascism?

Really? I detect the overpowering stench of conspiracy theory nut job.

I detect the mutterings of a retard who doesn't realize how thoroughly brainwashed he is.

Begs the question: Why are all you people such superficial unthinking buffoons?
The fasces is on a sculpture of George Washington that was sculpted in 1785. It is a Roman symbol of power, authority, justice, and strength, that the new government adopted, which is what this country stands for. It does not pertain to individualism, but the country as a whole. We are a strong country.

There's no sense in trying to educate these people with actual history, you'll only confuse them.
According to my calculations: internet inspired paranoia plus half wit conspiracy theories divided by mindless political rhetoric times easily manipulated dumb shits equals this thread.

"...internet inspired paranoia plus half wit conspiracy theories...

Ignoring facts is what is giving your problem.....either that or the inability to process same.

I see your brain is giving you the silent treatment today.

OK....let's call you out, moron.....

I've constructed what...six panels in this thread, so far......

....find any errors in 'em.

Go ahead....find any.

But....be careful....if this is the first time you've tried to think you could wind up with an aneurysm!

Number seven coming right up, dope.

I found the one relevant error in your opening rant.

FDR did not construct buildings in the 30's that were meant to copy Mussolini.

That is crackpottery.

Try not to clutter up the thread with true facts.
1. "...structures that bear actual fascist symbols—those of the United States government, no less. Bizarre as it seems, many federal buildings in Washington were designed prominently with fasces, the emblem of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini’s twentieth-century regime. Even more surprisingly, these structures were erected in the 1920s and 1930s—just as Mussolini was ornamenting Italy’s government buildings with the same symbol.

and where did Mussolini get the symbolic fasces from??? Ancient Rome..it is a symbol of authority..

And....your point, beside the one on your head?

Would you like to excuse the swastika based on an earlier connection, too?

Here's a novel idea: comment on the truth of everything I've posted.

There is no truth in anything you've posted because it's all skewed with ideology.
Any who have studied the history of the last century understand how very similar the economic policies of Mussolini and of Franklin Roosevelt were.

Economic policies?
....it goes well beyond economic policies. In many ways, elites desired this nation to mirror Fascist Italy....

The authoritarian designs of Italian government structures were also attractive to Roosevelt, as a way of symbolizing the strength of all-powerful state authority.


Yes , we agree.

Anytime the government ignores INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS and supports the "common good" , society, the tribe, etc, you have fascism.

Any who have studied the history of the last century understand how very similar the economic policies of Mussolini and of Franklin Roosevelt were.

Economic policies?
....it goes well beyond economic policies. In many ways, elites desired this nation to mirror Fascist Italy....

The authoritarian designs of Italian government structures were also attractive to Roosevelt, as a way of symbolizing the strength of all-powerful state authority.


Yes , we agree.

Anytime the government ignores INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS and supports the "common good" , society, the tribe, etc, you have fascism.


If you're using the term 'fascism' as a generic pejorative, perhaps. But fascism is a pretty specific doctrine involving belligerant nationalism, state sanctioned racism, draconian social and economic controls, dictatorship, violent suppression of opposition and violent suppression of the press.

None of which your reimagined definition of fascism includes.
Any who have studied the history of the last century understand how very similar the economic policies of Mussolini and of Franklin Roosevelt were.

Economic policies?
....it goes well beyond economic policies. In many ways, elites desired this nation to mirror Fascist Italy....

The authoritarian designs of Italian government structures were also attractive to Roosevelt, as a way of symbolizing the strength of all-powerful state authority.


Yes , we agree.

Anytime the government ignores INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS and supports the "common good" , society, the tribe, etc, you have fascism.


If you're using the term 'fascism' as a generic pejorative, perhaps. But fascism is a pretty specific doctrine involving belligerant nationalism, state sanctioned racism, draconian social and economic controls, dictatorship, violent suppression of opposition and violent suppression of the press.

None of which your reimagined definition of fascism includes.

Fascism........another word rendered meaningless. These constant redefinitions are the unfortunate result of an internet based education.
And....your point, beside the one on your head?

Would you like to excuse the swastika based on an earlier connection, too?

Here's a novel idea: comment on the truth of everything I've posted.

Did the Romans use the swastika as a symbol of authority? No. But play stupid again, we all expect it...

The National Socialists did.

And FDR was just a entranced with their policies.

I don't believe you play stupid.

You are stupid.

Evidently what this girl likes to call history is nothing more than superficial opinions with no factual basis of any kind.

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