Fast food worker who allegedly put menstrual blood on customers hamburger turns herself in

Why don't we even have to even click to know that the perp is a negroid?
LMAO you guys are cracking me up with these comments.
Another black.
could be, I didnt read the article, but even though I really did not do that well in biology, I am trying real hard to think back to the day, If I remember correctly, and its possible that I am wrong, I think white girls have a close relationship with aunti Flow too.
But seriously, maybe the establishment was out of Ketchup and she was improvising. That kind of initiative should be recognized and awarded.
never mind, I just opened the article, black she is.
I wonder what she was thinking at the time.
Jack should put a hit on her, she basically destroyed his business, glad I dont eat at these places because you know that there are going to be disgruntled employees somewhere that are going to copy cat her actions.
That sounds bloody awful

Gas Face.png
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That is so disgusting. I hope this woman gets jail time for this, and banned for life from working in the food industry.
Another black.

Officials: SA cop fired for attempting to feed fecal sandwich to homeless person

An officer from the San Antonio Police Department has been fired for allegedly attempting to feed a fecal sandwich to a homeless person, several sources have confirmed.

The City Council was briefed on the matter during a private session Thursday, sources said. The officer reportedly placed fecal matter between two pieces of bread and gave it to a homeless person.

Strange....he could be, but doesn't look Black to me.
If ONLY people who ate at FF outlets REALLY knew what employees do to food orders of customers they don't like for some reason, they would never eat at those businesses again.
Want to spend a month sick as a dog? Can't go to work?
Put on a Trump 'MAG' ballcap and pull up to a FF outlet drive-through anywhere in Cal.
I wonder what the lady lifers are going to think of her should she end up in their presence.

God bless you always!!!

When you pay low wages you should expect this garbage....don't eat fast food. Americans who do are stupid beyond belief. The food is toxic and in an ideal world would be banned. But since we in america are dumb beyond dumb fast food thrives. Dumbass america.

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