Fast food worker who allegedly put menstrual blood on customers hamburger turns herself in

When you pay low wages you should expect this garbage....don't eat fast food. Americans who do are stupid beyond belief. The food is toxic and in an ideal world would be banned. But since we in america are dumb beyond dumb fast food thrives. Dumbass america.
No, what's dumbass is the woman who did this, I don't care what color you are, this is disgusting, and there is no excuse for it. Lots of people make low wages and still are decent people.
What tipped the guy off was that he ordered a hamburger but when he put it up to his mouth to take a bite he thought they mixed up his order with somebody who ordered a fish sandwich that had gone bad.
What tipped the guy off was that he ordered a hamburger but when he put it up to his mouth to take a bite he thought they mixed up his order with somebody who ordered a fish sandwich that had gone bad.
Old blind guy walks past a fish market and goes, "hello ladies".

True story. :cool:
Automation just can't come fast enough. I think I'll go make a donation for such at my local McD's and Carls Jr (the only two I eat at) tomorrow. >.<
Another black.

Officials: SA cop fired for attempting to feed fecal sandwich to homeless person

An officer from the San Antonio Police Department has been fired for allegedly attempting to feed a fecal sandwich to a homeless person, several sources have confirmed.

The City Council was briefed on the matter during a private session Thursday, sources said. The officer reportedly placed fecal matter between two pieces of bread and gave it to a homeless person.

Strange....he could be, but doesn't look Black to me.

Whenever 4 or 5 black crimes happen, blacks dig up some white guy perp, as if that justifies all those other crimes.
Good lord people, does it even matter what race here? Blood's still fucking red and shit's brown, both should be illegal to put in someone else's fucking food. I damn near agree with my husband's initial reaction to reading the headline, "Shoot them, there is absolutely NO excuse for that." At first I was like, well that's a bit rash, but then again, so many diseases and sicknesses could be transferred so maybe he's on the right track to put an end to this disgusting "habit" of "protest" or whatever mental illness these assholes are on.

I mean seriously, think about what the hell kind of person would do this kind of stuff, then seriously think about if you actually want them in society...
Another black.

Officials: SA cop fired for attempting to feed fecal sandwich to homeless person

An officer from the San Antonio Police Department has been fired for allegedly attempting to feed a fecal sandwich to a homeless person, several sources have confirmed.

The City Council was briefed on the matter during a private session Thursday, sources said. The officer reportedly placed fecal matter between two pieces of bread and gave it to a homeless person.

Strange....he could be, but doesn't look Black to me.

Whenever 4 or 5 black crimes happen, blacks dig up some white guy perp, as if that justifies all those other crimes.
Whenever some dumb ass posts ONE example of a Black Person doing something disgusting and then a pos tshows a White person doing something equally disgusting then dumb ass racists make ignorant statements and lies such as the op included 4 or 5 instances of the

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