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Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

People voluntarily take these jobs. They aren't forced to take minimum wage jobs. Honor your commitment.If you want to make more, take a better paying job. Or work to get a promotion.

Or you greedy white Republican dudes could become decent people and pay a fellow American a livable wage. What do ya say??

Let me ask you: do you overpay the people you hire?

When your car needs repair, do you get it repaired at the higher priced garage or the lower priced garage?

When you need your lawn cut, do you hire the company that will cut it at $75.00 per cut or the company that cuts it for $35.00 per cut?

If you need an electrician, do you hire the electrician that charges $75.00 per hour or the one that charges $35.00 per hour?

Well unless you can tell me you overpay all the people you hire, why would you expect employers to do the same.
I pay based on reputation which almost always costs me more.

Okay, but what if you can get the exact same work done for less? Do you still hire the most expensive?

I kept my American Lawn guy for 20 years and he was the most expensive; he retired.
I'm incapable of stabbing reliable people in the back to save $200.00/year.
I have to know the plumber and electrician will show up and complete the job...I pay more.
Cleaning ladies don't steal...I pay more.
I pay to eliminate aggravation.
I'm not rich.

Then you're an idiot to think that only the highest-priced person is reliable, or that higher prices guarantee reliability.
Or you greedy white Republican dudes could become decent people and pay a fellow American a livable wage. What do ya say??

Let me ask you: do you overpay the people you hire?

When your car needs repair, do you get it repaired at the higher priced garage or the lower priced garage?

When you need your lawn cut, do you hire the company that will cut it at $75.00 per cut or the company that cuts it for $35.00 per cut?

If you need an electrician, do you hire the electrician that charges $75.00 per hour or the one that charges $35.00 per hour?

Well unless you can tell me you overpay all the people you hire, why would you expect employers to do the same.
I pay based on reputation which almost always costs me more.

Okay, but what if you can get the exact same work done for less? Do you still hire the most expensive?

I kept my American Lawn guy for 20 years and he was the most expensive; he retired.
I'm incapable of stabbing reliable people in the back to save $200.00/year.
I have to know the plumber and electrician will show up and complete the job...I pay more.
Cleaning ladies don't steal...I pay more.
I pay to eliminate aggravation.
I'm not rich.
I agree. I will not use cheap labor just because it's cheap; I don't use companies that hire Latinos because I know they are getting paid less than they should. Besides, these business owners that hire cheap immigrant labor are most likely to be those who do not stand behind the quality of their work.

I will pay more for things that are worth it, but I still will pay the lowest price I can find that gives me what I want.

If the lowest price company uses illegals, for example, then it's out of the question. (Big concern where I live.)

For example:

For very general hardware needs, I go to Home Depot, because the prices are generally lower. For something that's going to require advice and assistance, I go to the small hardware store down the street. They can't get the same low prices, but their people are vastly more knowledgeable about home repair, and better able to guide me to the right solution, which saves money in the long run.

You gotta know how to shop. Generalizations waste money.
See quote.
Dude. I was an assistant manager of a sports bar that had 20 plus employees. Part of my job was to analyze costs. Our goal was to keep labor at 30% or lower.
No other expense made up a larger percentage of doing business. Not even close.

As much as your opinion doesn't matter, link?
Link to what? A just told you how my employers business operated.
Link....Go shit in your hat.
Here ya go ..Ya fuckin moron....Managing the Big Three Bar Cost Centers: Labor, Food and Beverage | Nightclub & Bar
Common Food & Labor Cost Percentages
...Dude don't ever think you can come on here and challenge me to a test of facts. Contrary to you, a knee jerk whiny ass liberal who just types with no aforethought, I do my homework before I render an opinion.....

So get you ass back on the porch where you belong....

Your second link agrees with me. Thank you for the support. I also enjoyed laughing at your crazy rant.

Certain fast food restaurants can achieve labor cost as low as 25 percent, while table service restaurants are more likely to see labor in the 30 percent to 35 percent range. Food costs (including beverages) for the restaurant industry run typically from the 25 percent to 38 percent range, depending upon the style of restaurant and the mix of sales.

I'm gonna eat at restaurants that pay their Workers a livable wage. If McDonalds does the right thing and helps its Workers out, i might just give it a shot again. If we all do that, Employers might be encouraged to treat their Workers better.

And besides, you gotta watch those restaurants that treat their Workers like shite. You might end up with a nasty ole phlegmy spit sandwich.

Well, that's your own idiocy, then. I eat at the restaurant that gives me the food I was looking for. If I'm looking for quick, cheap food, I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for it as though I was eating a nice meal at a good restaurant just because some dumbass slapping burgers on a bun thinks he should be able to support the kids he squeezed out without changing his life approach.
As much as your opinion doesn't matter, link?
Link to what? A just told you how my employers business operated.
Link....Go shit in your hat.
Here ya go ..Ya fuckin moron....Managing the Big Three Bar Cost Centers: Labor, Food and Beverage | Nightclub & Bar
Common Food & Labor Cost Percentages
...Dude don't ever think you can come on here and challenge me to a test of facts. Contrary to you, a knee jerk whiny ass liberal who just types with no aforethought, I do my homework before I render an opinion.....

So get you ass back on the porch where you belong....

Your second link agrees with me. Thank you for the support. I also enjoyed laughing at your crazy rant.

Certain fast food restaurants can achieve labor cost as low as 25 percent, while table service restaurants are more likely to see labor in the 30 percent to 35 percent range. Food costs (including beverages) for the restaurant industry run typically from the 25 percent to 38 percent range, depending upon the style of restaurant and the mix of sales.

I'm gonna eat at restaurants that pay their Workers a livable wage. If McDonalds does the right thing and helps its Workers out, i might just give it a shot again. If we all do that, Employers might be encouraged to treat their Workers better.

And besides, you gotta watch those restaurants that treat their Workers like shite. You might end up with a nasty ole phlegmy spit sandwich.

You couldn't afford it.

Enjoy your phlegm sandwich, ya cheapskate bastid. ;)

Thank you for demonstrating the lousy mindset that makes these people worthless for anything above minimum wage. If they valued doing a good, honest job for their wages, instead of chewing over their bitterness at being losers and abusing their employer and their customers, they wouldn't be spending their lives on minimum wage.
I have a great idea.

Pay burger flippers $100/hour hour.
In fact.....
Pay them for staying at home, and do the same for everyone else in the workforce.

After all, if you lot want to pay way above worth for any Joe idiot who couldn't be bothered to do anything at school, you might as well just pay everyone high wages for sitting around at home with a beer in their hand.

These people get low wages because they can't be bothered to do anything about getting work with high wages, so fuck them.
Thank you for demonstrating the lousy mindset that makes these people worthless for anything above minimum wage

And there we have it, the perfect post of the thread.
It isn't about a living wage or any of that left wing shit, it's about making yourself worth a living wage by getting off your fat arses and doing something about it.
Screw the unions - get some fucking work done.
No, better the government quit giving them welfare in the first place. They are the people who promote failure.

Then you would need the job creators to make better jobs. Wages are stagnant so there aren't great jobs out there going unfilled.
Yes there are. I have been on the hiring side of IT jobs, and it takes a long time to find the right qualifications in the right person. I've waited months to find the right person. Heck, the position I'm in now was unfilled for nearly a year.

I love how you guys use personal experience as if it means anything in a country of over 300 million. Share a link?
Now your pat response is "link"....
I see even you now realize you have lost this argument.

No I'm showing your claims are false. Thanks for playing.
So in your tiny mind, screeching "LINK" is "showing my claims are false".....Yeah ok.....Dude , you're in a parallel universe.
Throughout this thread, you've done nothing but complain and post childish retorts....Such as "link"....
See quote.
Dude. I was an assistant manager of a sports bar that had 20 plus employees. Part of my job was to analyze costs. Our goal was to keep labor at 30% or lower.
No other expense made up a larger percentage of doing business. Not even close.

As much as your opinion doesn't matter, link?
Link to what? A just told you how my employers business operated.
Link....Go shit in your hat.
Here ya go ..Ya fuckin moron....Managing the Big Three Bar Cost Centers: Labor, Food and Beverage | Nightclub & Bar
Common Food & Labor Cost Percentages
...Dude don't ever think you can come on here and challenge me to a test of facts. Contrary to you, a knee jerk whiny ass liberal who just types with no aforethought, I do my homework before I render an opinion.....

So get you ass back on the porch where you belong....

Your second link agrees with me. Thank you for the support. I also enjoyed laughing at your crazy rant.

Certain fast food restaurants can achieve labor cost as low as 25 percent, while table service restaurants are more likely to see labor in the 30 percent to 35 percent range. Food costs (including beverages) for the restaurant industry run typically from the 25 percent to 38 percent range, depending upon the style of restaurant and the mix of sales.

I'm gonna eat at restaurants that pay their Workers a livable wage. If McDonalds does the right thing and helps its Workers out, i might just give it a shot again. If we all do that, Employers might be encouraged to treat their Workers better.

And besides, you gotta watch those restaurants that treat their Workers like shite. You might end up with a nasty ole phlegmy spit sandwich.
Oh bullshit...NO you're not. You won't change a think....At least until the restaurant raises their prices to make up for the additional cost.
Now, you can turn away and say "no they won't" three times or make these silly denials....The bottom line is the money HAS to come from somewhere.
Your side's failure to recognize that fact is your problem
Ceos keep getting more and more increases to do the exact same job. You are ok with that I assume?

They do? How many CEO's do you know well enough to know exactly what they do?

I'm OK with those doing the paying doing it the way they see fit. What I'm not OK with is people like you thinking it's your place to determine how much of someone else's money they should spend on what.

Ah so for them it is ok. The job of ceo hasn't changed, just the pay has increased dramatically. You seem to be a hypocrite, shocking.

Since those doing the paying determine who gets what, it's OK for that reason and none of my business.

I say the same thing for those you demand get a $15/hour wage. If the one paying wants to pay that much, fine. I won't say a word. It's their money. When the government mandates it, that's the problem. I have the same outlook for either end. It's not my business.

You keep saying the job of a ceo hasn't changed yet you've provide absolutely no examples or support to back it up.

Since there is no reason to believe it has changed and that was your claim, you need to support it. With no evidence we can assume it hasn't.

At what point do you assume that it's none of your business, because it's not your money?
Never. These libs are incapable of not sticking their noses where they do not belong...Ever wonder why libs are also the biggest gossips?
Yes you clearly know nothing about economics. So you think having lots of qualified applicants makes wages go up?

Wages don't go up if people aren't qualified to do a job to the level the employer wants qualifications. A person may get hired but if they don't offer to the level the one hiring wants, they may still get hired but at a lower wage.

The best way to improve your wages is to offer something worth paying. In your mind, especially with the OP, wages should go up for no reason other than those wanting more demanding more.

So you don't know anything about supply and demand obviously. Go learn some economics.

Only in the world of politics could you hire a unqualified, inempt community organizer a position of leadership..

But Brian in the real world of the private sector you can not just hire a burger flipper to opperate a CNC say.just because you can not find anyone else.

Yes in the real world if you can't find a Cnc operator for the wages offered, you offer more. People see how much is offered and get the proper training. Right now wages are stagnant because there aren't lots of Cnc jobs going unfilled.

You keep chanting, "Wages are stagnant", like it's some talisman that excuses anything. We're talking about minimum wage, which is stagnant because those jobs aren't worth more, and because there's no shortage of people who can and will do them for what they pay right now. If someone is sitting around in one of those jobs much longer than they should, expecting it to someday become a well-paying career, that's HIS problem, not the employer's.

There are better jobs out there that don't have enough people to fill them, and they do pay better. Those people lagging in MW jobs could apply for them, if they bothered to become qualified for them. They don't, and that's not anyone's problem but theirs.

You make a lot of claims without backing them up, pretty much every post. Show there are good paying jobs waiting to be filled. Link?
Ceos keep getting more and more increases to do the exact same job. You are ok with that I assume?

They do? How many CEO's do you know well enough to know exactly what they do?

I'm OK with those doing the paying doing it the way they see fit. What I'm not OK with is people like you thinking it's your place to determine how much of someone else's money they should spend on what.
The issue is that idiots like "Brain" (what a misnomer!) dont understand what CEOs do. They know what Beyonce does. Or some other actor. So they're fine with them getting paid millions of dollars a year. Because they look at them and think "I could never do that."
But they dont know what CEOs do. So they think "how hard can that be?"
As usual the problem is ignorance.

If their outlook about a CEO's job being easy was true, anyone could do it. I wonder if he thinks a burger flipper at McDonalds could do the job of a CEO.

Why is it ok for ceos to keep getting raises for bad performance?

Because the raises are voluntarily given by the people who own the money.

You mean ceos give them to themswlves because they own the board.
The issue is that idiots like "Brain" (what a misnomer!) dont understand what CEOs do. They know what Beyonce does. Or some other actor. So they're fine with them getting paid millions of dollars a year. Because they look at them and think "I could never do that."
But they dont know what CEOs do. So they think "how hard can that be?"
As usual the problem is ignorance.

The problem is ceos keep giving themselves huge raises for bad performance. While they should be paid more than the average worker, they shouldn't continue to get huge increases while wages are stagnant for everyone else.
Let's just ask a gut check question here: Who sets wage and compensation levels for CEOs? This isnt a trick question or especially difficult. But if you cant answer it you have no seat at this conversation.

According to Brain, CEO's essentially determine their own raises and pay.

Yes they do. Who decides their pay?

Seriously? You seriously asked this where people could see it?

CEOs of public corporations get paid based on the recommendations of the board of directors. The pay package can include salary, bonus, stock options, and deferred compensation, along with use of the “company” jet to fly to the “company” villa in Tuscany or Aspen and a limo to drive you to an expense account lunch.

Who decides how much a CEO makes?

All snottiness about the lavish compensation aside, please note the highlighted words. And then understand that you just disqualified yourself from ever being anything but mocked, and shut your cakehole. You're an embarassment to bipeds.
Outrageous Executive Compensation: Corporate Boards, Not the Market, Are to Blame

Market data are a constantly escalating and flawed indicator of what executives should be paid. Few boards are willing to pay their executives below market. There are several reasons for this. Board members typically want to be looked upon positively by the CEO and other senior executives in order to get on and remain on corporate boards. A board member who argues for paying individuals below the market is not likely to be a respected or valued board member, at least in the eyes of the executive team of the company.

Some members of corporate boards have an even greater self-interest in making sure that the compensation of the CEO continues to go up, up, and up. They are the CEOs of other companies. You don’t have to be a compensation expert to realize that if you vote for one of your peers to have a higher salary, you are in effect voting for your own salary to go up, because it is based on what will be a higher market.
Min wage has increased many times. Show that has happened. Link?

There has never been any noticeable negative impact on the economy when the Minimum Wage has been raised. Greedy white Republican dude always cries 'Sky is Falling', but as usual, he's lying.
And if we bumped it this time to $8.50/hr, the sky wouldn't fall either. That's not what you want, though, and what you want would be catastrophic. Some 62% of the workers in this country make less than $20/hr. Raise the MW to $15/hr and every one of them would either get a big raise or demand one when all of a sudden they were making just a little over MW. Where's that money going to come from?

McDonalds Workers aren't asking anything of Government. Their fight is with their Employer. You have no dog in the fight. It's between them and their Employer.
Bullshit....They are demanding government intervene on their behalf.

Nothing to do with the Minimum Wage. You're mistaken. It's between them and their Employer. You have no dog in the fight.

Are you baked?
Don't apply for fast food jobs. They aren't worth it not even part time ones for a kid. Not even the experience is worth it.
The problem is ceos keep giving themselves huge raises for bad performance. While they should be paid more than the average worker, they shouldn't continue to get huge increases while wages are stagnant for everyone else.
Let's just ask a gut check question here: Who sets wage and compensation levels for CEOs? This isnt a trick question or especially difficult. But if you cant answer it you have no seat at this conversation.

According to Brain, CEO's essentially determine their own raises and pay.

Yes they do. Who decides their pay?

Seriously? You seriously asked this where people could see it?

CEOs of public corporations get paid based on the recommendations of the board of directors. The pay package can include salary, bonus, stock options, and deferred compensation, along with use of the “company” jet to fly to the “company” villa in Tuscany or Aspen and a limo to drive you to an expense account lunch.

Who decides how much a CEO makes?

All snottiness about the lavish compensation aside, please note the highlighted words. And then understand that you just disqualified yourself from ever being anything but mocked, and shut your cakehole. You're an embarassment to bipeds.
Outrageous Executive Compensation: Corporate Boards, Not the Market, Are to Blame

Market data are a constantly escalating and flawed indicator of what executives should be paid. Few boards are willing to pay their executives below market. There are several reasons for this. Board members typically want to be looked upon positively by the CEO and other senior executives in order to get on and remain on corporate boards. A board member who argues for paying individuals below the market is not likely to be a respected or valued board member, at least in the eyes of the executive team of the company.

Some members of corporate boards have an even greater self-interest in making sure that the compensation of the CEO continues to go up, up, and up. They are the CEOs of other companies. You don’t have to be a compensation expert to realize that if you vote for one of your peers to have a higher salary, you are in effect voting for your own salary to go up, because it is based on what will be a higher market.

LOL... Kind of sounds like when government unions negotiate with politicians and government agents for more money. Wink-wink, nod-nod.
Wages don't go up if people aren't qualified to do a job to the level the employer wants qualifications. A person may get hired but if they don't offer to the level the one hiring wants, they may still get hired but at a lower wage.

The best way to improve your wages is to offer something worth paying. In your mind, especially with the OP, wages should go up for no reason other than those wanting more demanding more.

So you don't know anything about supply and demand obviously. Go learn some economics.

Only in the world of politics could you hire a unqualified, inempt community organizer a position of leadership..

But Brian in the real world of the private sector you can not just hire a burger flipper to opperate a CNC say.just because you can not find anyone else.

Yes in the real world if you can't find a Cnc operator for the wages offered, you offer more. People see how much is offered and get the proper training. Right now wages are stagnant because there aren't lots of Cnc jobs going unfilled.

You keep chanting, "Wages are stagnant", like it's some talisman that excuses anything. We're talking about minimum wage, which is stagnant because those jobs aren't worth more, and because there's no shortage of people who can and will do them for what they pay right now. If someone is sitting around in one of those jobs much longer than they should, expecting it to someday become a well-paying career, that's HIS problem, not the employer's.

There are better jobs out there that don't have enough people to fill them, and they do pay better. Those people lagging in MW jobs could apply for them, if they bothered to become qualified for them. They don't, and that's not anyone's problem but theirs.

You make a lot of claims without backing them up, pretty much every post. Show there are good paying jobs waiting to be filled. Link?

Allow me:

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
By Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. high-tech factory jobs are not filled because employers can't find qualified people

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year


ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

By Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET
Wages don't go up if people aren't qualified to do a job to the level the employer wants qualifications. A person may get hired but if they don't offer to the level the one hiring wants, they may still get hired but at a lower wage.

The best way to improve your wages is to offer something worth paying. In your mind, especially with the OP, wages should go up for no reason other than those wanting more demanding more.

So you don't know anything about supply and demand obviously. Go learn some economics.

Only in the world of politics could you hire a unqualified, inempt community organizer a position of leadership..

But Brian in the real world of the private sector you can not just hire a burger flipper to opperate a CNC say.just because you can not find anyone else.

Yes in the real world if you can't find a Cnc operator for the wages offered, you offer more. People see how much is offered and get the proper training. Right now wages are stagnant because there aren't lots of Cnc jobs going unfilled.

You keep chanting, "Wages are stagnant", like it's some talisman that excuses anything. We're talking about minimum wage, which is stagnant because those jobs aren't worth more, and because there's no shortage of people who can and will do them for what they pay right now. If someone is sitting around in one of those jobs much longer than they should, expecting it to someday become a well-paying career, that's HIS problem, not the employer's.

There are better jobs out there that don't have enough people to fill them, and they do pay better. Those people lagging in MW jobs could apply for them, if they bothered to become qualified for them. They don't, and that's not anyone's problem but theirs.

You make a lot of claims without backing them up, pretty much every post. Show there are good paying jobs waiting to be filled. Link?

Just go to the Damn job boards or in my case open my e mail...

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