FASTEST growing group on FB.

why is your avatar showing her tits
You'll have to ask her, or perhaps her daddy about that, but she proudly flopped that titty down the model's runway and back (her daddy proudly looking on) without any effort to cover up in what was later called a wardrobe malfunction. Even as a baby, trump has always drawn attention to Ivanka's titties. Not surprising that she would do the same as soon as they were big enough to display.
facebook has become the defacto gathering place for every willfully ignorant nutball in America.
Not in the US.

The company paid a $4.5 billion dollar criminal penalty – the largest in U.S. history at that time. For comparison, the previous record was a $1.3 billion criminal fine paid by Pfizer for pharmaceutical fraud in 2009. The largest penalty for environmental crime was the $125 million fine imposed on Exxon for the Valdez oil spill in 1990.
Nothing to see here BULLDOG ,
Just another young person with a paralyzed face because of ….

Nothing to see here BULLDOG ,
Just another young person with a paralyzed face because of ….

View attachment 692631

Where did it say that Justin Bieber's paralysis was caused by the vaccine? Oh, that's right! It didn't, so you decided to claim that it was.

My mother developed Bell's Palsey and she died before COVID ever appeared. It looks just like those pictured. It went away in a matter of weeks. No one knows what causes it.
^^ and that is the company you idiots trust your lives with.

Wow, that is one way to avoid admitting you were wrong.

and I buy gas from GP.

And the wife did use some Phizer Estrogen replacement during her early menopause.

For me it is GHK all the way, they make the COPD inhaler I use.

Now, for my son it is Sanofi and Novo Nordisk, the people that make his insulin.
Wow, that is one way to avoid admitting you were wrong.

and I buy gas from GP.

And the wife did use some Phizer Estrogen replacement during her early menopause.

For me it is GHK all the way, they make the COPD inhaler I use.

Now, for my son it is Sanofi and Novo Nordisk, the people that make his insulin.
Cool stories.

You better get the new booster ASAP!
Cool stories.

You better get the new booster ASAP!

Not stories, just facts. I suppose in your view my son should not trust those companies that make his insulin.

And still you lack the even most basic integrity to admit you were wrong.

This is a common failing among the Trump faithful.
Where did it say that Justin Bieber's paralysis was caused by the vaccine? Oh, that's right! It didn't, so you decided to claim that it was.

My mother developed Bell's Palsey and she died before COVID ever appeared. It looks just like those pictured. It went away in a matter of weeks. No one knows what causes it.
You’re right, it’s perfectly normal. I personally know people that had terrible adverse reactions to the Coof Vax. But it’s best if you just continue believing our lying government and Big Pharma.
My guess? It's a bunch of people who have experienced or read about the sudden death of someone and they are now erroneously associating those deaths with the COVID vaccine.
The vaccines are killing people. That is a fact.

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