Fat Boy Proved He Could Hit Guam

This isn't about the US only dumbass. China will not go to war with the entire world both economically and militarily for an out of control, spoiled brat fat punk.

How many innocents die in the "let's bomb them first" fantasy?
We don't know. How many innocents die if the fat punk lands a nuclear missile on one of our major coastal US cities?

He hasn't the range, yet. Yes, something must be done, but getting rid of him may be the best solution.
Are we going to wait until he has the capacity to hit us before we take action? That is what what this is all about. Getting rid of him before he acquires the capacity is a much better option than when he does.

He wants war and does not care but liberals can accept that. He is going to hit Japan or Guam sooner than later

We must do something to eliminate the threat, the HN-14 might hit Alaska.
If Kim Dim Bulb flies one over Guam will it be MOAB #2 on their nuclear test range or the rain of fire on NK?

MOAB is not designed for use in an area without total air superiority and no threat of anti-aircraft fire. Please stop using this weapons as an example of what we could use against NK. It simply cannot happen. It is dropped by a cargo aircraft by parachute.
Thanks for explaining that. I still have the same question however. If Kim takes the next logical step in his test progression and launches a missile over Guam what should our response be? Do we decimate their test range, or do we decimate their country? Or is there a non-military option?

It depends completely on the level of decimation of South Korea that we are willing to accept. Making a conventional attack on his launch facilities because some of these missiles apparently are capable of being fired from mobile launchers.

If we could locate them and launch a coordinated surprise attack using cruise missiles on their fixed facilities and mobile launchers, we just might convince him that the nuclear option is not his best bet. Having the B-2s standing by to mop up would also be a good idea.

The only problem is that NK could still launch a massive artillery attack on SK and kills possibly hundred of thousands of innocent civilians. Should he do that, the limits would have to come off and we would be forced to destroy Kim's regime to the last man. China might not like that.

So from what I read the main threat is artillery pointed at Seoul.....so that threat would have to be neutralized fast. What is the quickest way to do this?
There is no quickest way. 99.9% causality rate if N.Korea rolled on S.Korea. Its like having a war inside of a coat closet. There just isnt enough reaction time.
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China says this a US problem, Trump wants China to apply pressure:

Yet there are signs that feeling is shifting in China. When its foreign ministry spokesperson described current problems as “complicated, sensitive and grim”, it could have been been a Facebook relationship status for Beijing and Pyongyang. An always suspicious alliance took a sharp turn for the worse with Kim’s accession; he has never met China’s president, Xi Jinping, who is said to regard him with disdain, if not contempt.

Recent events have sharpened Beijing’s antagonism. Calls for stronger action against its neighbour are growing. This week an influential academic suggested that China may have no choice but to hold talks with the US on contingency planning for war – an idea it has rejected repeatedly – even given the likely backlash from Pyongyang.

Cheng Xiaohe, another Chinese expert on the relationship, says stinging criticism of that proposal indicates the depth of divisions over North Korea. But he adds that the call shows more people are realising how serious the situation has become, and that popular opinion is increasingly unfavourable to the north. Sentiment about the joint “war to resist American aggression and defend Korea (aka the Korean war) is fading; concerns about the destabilisation of the region and even possible contamination from nuclear tests grow.

North Korea’s programme has increased the tensions and risk of conflict. It has led to the deployment of anti-missile defences that China believes could affect its own military capabilities, and to calls for Japan and South Korea to develop their own nuclear deterrents. It encourages greater US engagement in the region. None of these are in China’s interests.

That does not mean Beijing will shut off the crude oil supplies on which its neighbour relies, despite the US secretary of state’s renewed push on Friday. China wants the north to change course, not collapse: it has no desire to lose its buffer and see US troops on its doorstep. Nor does it want to see refugees flooding across its border, or a civil war and unsecured nuclear weapons next door. (It may also be unconvinced – as are some experts – that even a total oil ban could force North Korea to change course.)

Smaller shifts in policy look more plausible, but not any time soon: with a crucial party congress to next month, Chinese decision makers are preoccupied with domestic politics. And they are sceptical about the tendency to rely on sanctions as a cure-all.

Above all, Beijing still sees this as primarily a US problem, requiring a primarily US solution. And it is right. Pyongyang wants a security guarantee from Washington. Donald Trump’s inconsistencies and bellicose rhetoric, so oddly reminiscent of Pyongyang’s, are inflaming the situation. War remains a very unlikely outcome. But he has substantially increased the risk of miscalculations and misunderstandings.

China’s mood on North Korea is toughening – despite Trump’s bluster | Tania Branigan
He's just a megalomaniac, digging a deeper and deeper hole for himself. If and when the US and the West decide to take action, it will be swift and decisive.
Even Drumpf isnt that dumb. There is no outcome that doesnt end with a war with China. Drumpf will need to kiss plenty of Chinese booty or US troops in S. Korea will be wiped off the map.
This isn't about the US only dumbass. China will not go to war with the entire world both economically and militarily for an out of control, spoiled brat fat punk.
Actually it is about the US only dumbass. China doesnt have to go to war with the entire world. No one is going to back the US if they invade N.Korea. The Chinese will not allow the US to occupy or attack N.Korea.
He is a much bigger threat to Japan, S Korea and other countries that are doing big business with China. The UN has voted unanimously, including China, against the N. Korean regime. So no, China will not go to war with with the world over N. Korea. Push comes to shove they will throw him under the bus.
This isn't about the US only dumbass. China will not go to war with the entire world both economically and militarily for an out of control, spoiled brat fat punk.

How many innocents die in the "let's bomb them first" fantasy?
We don't know. How many innocents die if the fat punk lands a nuclear missile on one of our major coastal US cities?

He hasn't the range, yet. Yes, something must be done, but getting rid of him may be the best solution.
Are we going to wait until he has the capacity to hit us before we take action? That is what what this is all about. Getting rid of him before he acquires the capacity is a much better option than when he does.

He wants war and does not care but liberals can accept that. He is going to hit Japan or Guam sooner than later
"He wants war and does not care"

You honestly think he would bring about the destruction of his own regime and legacy? I don't. It's the only thing that matters to that regime.
He's just a megalomaniac, digging a deeper and deeper hole for himself. If and when the US and the West decide to take action, it will be swift and decisive.
Even Drumpf isnt that dumb. There is no outcome that doesnt end with a war with China. Drumpf will need to kiss plenty of Chinese booty or US troops in S. Korea will be wiped off the map.
This isn't about the US only dumbass. China will not go to war with the entire world both economically and militarily for an out of control, spoiled brat fat punk.
Actually it is about the US only dumbass. China doesnt have to go to war with the entire world. No one is going to back the US if they invade N.Korea. The Chinese will not allow the US to occupy or attack N.Korea.
He is a much bigger threat to Japan, S Korea and other countries that are doing big business with China. The UN has voted unanimously, including China, against the N. Korean regime. So no, China will not go to war with with the world over N. Korea. Push comes to shove they will throw him under the bus.
They will go to war with the US if they attempt to invade or attack N.Korea. We know because the US continues to talk big but do nothing. Everyone with a 3rd grade education understands the consequences of the US invading N.Korea with China next door.
He's just a megalomaniac, digging a deeper and deeper hole for himself. If and when the US and the West decide to take action, it will be swift and decisive.
Even Drumpf isnt that dumb. There is no outcome that doesnt end with a war with China. Drumpf will need to kiss plenty of Chinese booty or US troops in S. Korea will be wiped off the map.
This isn't about the US only dumbass. China will not go to war with the entire world both economically and militarily for an out of control, spoiled brat fat punk.
Actually it is about the US only dumbass. China doesnt have to go to war with the entire world. No one is going to back the US if they invade N.Korea. The Chinese will not allow the US to occupy or attack N.Korea.
He is a much bigger threat to Japan, S Korea and other countries that are doing big business with China. The UN has voted unanimously, including China, against the N. Korean regime. So no, China will not go to war with with the world over N. Korea. Push comes to shove they will throw him under the bus.
They will go to war with the US if they attempt to invade or attack N.Korea. We know because the US continues to talk big but do nothing. Everyone with a 3rd grade education understands the consequences of the US invading N.Korea with China next door.
Don't be stupid. The US will not be invading N. Korea if there is a war. You don't know what the Chinese will or won't do.
Even Drumpf isnt that dumb. There is no outcome that doesnt end with a war with China. Drumpf will need to kiss plenty of Chinese booty or US troops in S. Korea will be wiped off the map.
This isn't about the US only dumbass. China will not go to war with the entire world both economically and militarily for an out of control, spoiled brat fat punk.
Actually it is about the US only dumbass. China doesnt have to go to war with the entire world. No one is going to back the US if they invade N.Korea. The Chinese will not allow the US to occupy or attack N.Korea.
He is a much bigger threat to Japan, S Korea and other countries that are doing big business with China. The UN has voted unanimously, including China, against the N. Korean regime. So no, China will not go to war with with the world over N. Korea. Push comes to shove they will throw him under the bus.
They will go to war with the US if they attempt to invade or attack N.Korea. We know because the US continues to talk big but do nothing. Everyone with a 3rd grade education understands the consequences of the US invading N.Korea with China next door.
Don't be stupid. The US will not be invading N. Korea if there is a war. You don't know what the Chinese will or won't do.
I think we can safely say they will pour hundreds of thousands of troops into North Korea, if anyone attempts to occupy it. Just like last time.
Even Drumpf isnt that dumb. There is no outcome that doesnt end with a war with China. Drumpf will need to kiss plenty of Chinese booty or US troops in S. Korea will be wiped off the map.
This isn't about the US only dumbass. China will not go to war with the entire world both economically and militarily for an out of control, spoiled brat fat punk.
Actually it is about the US only dumbass. China doesnt have to go to war with the entire world. No one is going to back the US if they invade N.Korea. The Chinese will not allow the US to occupy or attack N.Korea.
He is a much bigger threat to Japan, S Korea and other countries that are doing big business with China. The UN has voted unanimously, including China, against the N. Korean regime. So no, China will not go to war with with the world over N. Korea. Push comes to shove they will throw him under the bus.
They will go to war with the US if they attempt to invade or attack N.Korea. We know because the US continues to talk big but do nothing. Everyone with a 3rd grade education understands the consequences of the US invading N.Korea with China next door.
Don't be stupid. The US will not be invading N. Korea if there is a war. You don't know what the Chinese will or won't do.
Youre not only stupid youre dangerously naive if you think the Chinese are going to let anyone invade N.Korea. Good thing no one is stupid enough to let you be a decision maker.
How many innocents die in the "let's bomb them first" fantasy?
We don't know. How many innocents die if the fat punk lands a nuclear missile on one of our major coastal US cities?

He hasn't the range, yet. Yes, something must be done, but getting rid of him may be the best solution.
Are we going to wait until he has the capacity to hit us before we take action? That is what what this is all about. Getting rid of him before he acquires the capacity is a much better option than when he does.

He wants war and does not care but liberals can accept that. He is going to hit Japan or Guam sooner than later
"He wants war and does not care"

You honestly think he would bring about the destruction of his own regime and legacy? I don't. It's the only thing that matters to that regime.
He is just making sure he doesnt wind up a victim of US subversion. There is no way he actually attacks anyone.
Meanwhile we remain in Syria. And I do not accept hopes when a madman has nukes; all the time and money spent on Saddam could have been spent to impair THIS regime.
We don't know. How many innocents die if the fat punk lands a nuclear missile on one of our major coastal US cities?

He hasn't the range, yet. Yes, something must be done, but getting rid of him may be the best solution.
Are we going to wait until he has the capacity to hit us before we take action? That is what what this is all about. Getting rid of him before he acquires the capacity is a much better option than when he does.

He wants war and does not care but liberals can accept that. He is going to hit Japan or Guam sooner than later
"He wants war and does not care"

You honestly think he would bring about the destruction of his own regime and legacy? I don't. It's the only thing that matters to that regime.
He is just making sure he doesnt wind up a victim of US subversion. There is no way he actually attacks anyone.
True. He's an evil little man. He's using two entire countries as human shields. Let this be a lesson to the world what can happen when dictators get power and then more power. You know, since we all seem to have forgotten the lessons of WWII.
He hasn't the range, yet. Yes, something must be done, but getting rid of him may be the best solution.
Are we going to wait until he has the capacity to hit us before we take action? That is what what this is all about. Getting rid of him before he acquires the capacity is a much better option than when he does.

He wants war and does not care but liberals can accept that. He is going to hit Japan or Guam sooner than later
"He wants war and does not care"

You honestly think he would bring about the destruction of his own regime and legacy? I don't. It's the only thing that matters to that regime.
He is just making sure he doesnt wind up a victim of US subversion. There is no way he actually attacks anyone.
True. He's an evil little man. He's using two entire countries as human shields. Let this be a lesson to the world what can happen when dictators get power and then more power. You know, since we all seem to have forgotten the lessons of WWII.
The US more than likely is probably complicit in the N.Korean dictatorship like they are with so many other countries. The US armed Sadam and various dictators in the ME and Africa.
Are we going to wait until he has the capacity to hit us before we take action? That is what what this is all about. Getting rid of him before he acquires the capacity is a much better option than when he does.

He wants war and does not care but liberals can accept that. He is going to hit Japan or Guam sooner than later
"He wants war and does not care"

You honestly think he would bring about the destruction of his own regime and legacy? I don't. It's the only thing that matters to that regime.
He is just making sure he doesnt wind up a victim of US subversion. There is no way he actually attacks anyone.
True. He's an evil little man. He's using two entire countries as human shields. Let this be a lesson to the world what can happen when dictators get power and then more power. You know, since we all seem to have forgotten the lessons of WWII.
The US more than likely is probably complicit in the N.Korean dictatorship like they are with so many other countries. The US armed Sadam and various dictators in the ME and Africa.
The US is often complicit when it serves American interests. That is an interesting ethical discussion , with strong arguments on both sides.
Are we going to wait until he has the capacity to hit us before we take action? That is what what this is all about. Getting rid of him before he acquires the capacity is a much better option than when he does.

He wants war and does not care but liberals can accept that. He is going to hit Japan or Guam sooner than later
"He wants war and does not care"

You honestly think he would bring about the destruction of his own regime and legacy? I don't. It's the only thing that matters to that regime.
He is just making sure he doesnt wind up a victim of US subversion. There is no way he actually attacks anyone.
True. He's an evil little man. He's using two entire countries as human shields. Let this be a lesson to the world what can happen when dictators get power and then more power. You know, since we all seem to have forgotten the lessons of WWII.
The US more than likely is probably complicit in the N.Korean dictatorship like they are with so many other countries. The US armed Sadam and various dictators in the ME and Africa.

Yes on Saddam, Reagan wanted him because he was "anti-Communist". No, No, No on Kim Jong un and his father.
If Kim Dim Bulb flies one over Guam will it be MOAB #2 on their nuclear test range or the rain of fire on NK?

MOAB is not designed for use in an area without total air superiority and no threat of anti-aircraft fire. Please stop using this weapons as an example of what we could use against NK. It simply cannot happen. It is dropped by a cargo aircraft by parachute.
Thanks for explaining that. I still have the same question however. If Kim takes the next logical step in his test progression and launches a missile over Guam what should our response be? Do we decimate their test range, or do we decimate their country? Or is there a non-military option?

It depends completely on the level of decimation of South Korea that we are willing to accept. Making a conventional attack on his launch facilities because some of these missiles apparently are capable of being fired from mobile launchers.

If we could locate them and launch a coordinated surprise attack using cruise missiles on their fixed facilities and mobile launchers, we just might convince him that the nuclear option is not his best bet. Having the B-2s standing by to mop up would also be a good idea.

The only problem is that NK could still launch a massive artillery attack on SK and kills possibly hundred of thousands of innocent civilians. Should he do that, the limits would have to come off and we would be forced to destroy Kim's regime to the last man. China might not like that.

So from what I read the main threat is artillery pointed at Seoul.....so that threat would have to be neutralized fast. What is the quickest way to do this?
A shitload of nerve gas.
A man with nukes who threatens to use them.

It is not looking good.

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All he's really proved is that he can hit the Pacific Ocean, not anything in particular. The Chinese had misfiring rockets for years after they had nukes because their guidance gyros didn't work. Then along came Scum Willy and let Loral give them what they needed for campaign funds. And he's still walking around today a free man. Can Dung Un hit Guam? Would his warhead survive reentry into the atmosphere? And there's always the possibility a rocket with a nuke could explode on launch and he'd nuke himself.
This isn't about the US only dumbass. China will not go to war with the entire world both economically and militarily for an out of control, spoiled brat fat punk.
Actually it is about the US only dumbass. China doesnt have to go to war with the entire world. No one is going to back the US if they invade N.Korea. The Chinese will not allow the US to occupy or attack N.Korea.
He is a much bigger threat to Japan, S Korea and other countries that are doing big business with China. The UN has voted unanimously, including China, against the N. Korean regime. So no, China will not go to war with with the world over N. Korea. Push comes to shove they will throw him under the bus.
They will go to war with the US if they attempt to invade or attack N.Korea. We know because the US continues to talk big but do nothing. Everyone with a 3rd grade education understands the consequences of the US invading N.Korea with China next door.
Don't be stupid. The US will not be invading N. Korea if there is a war. You don't know what the Chinese will or won't do.
I think we can safely say they will pour hundreds of thousands of troops into North Korea, if anyone attempts to occupy it. Just like last time.
No we cannot. The Chinese will not go against the entire world body. Their two concerns are a US occupation once the regime is destroyed, and N Korean refugees that may pour into China. The US can reach an agreement with China that they will not occupy as long as China does not interfere.
Actually it is about the US only dumbass. China doesnt have to go to war with the entire world. No one is going to back the US if they invade N.Korea. The Chinese will not allow the US to occupy or attack N.Korea.
He is a much bigger threat to Japan, S Korea and other countries that are doing big business with China. The UN has voted unanimously, including China, against the N. Korean regime. So no, China will not go to war with with the world over N. Korea. Push comes to shove they will throw him under the bus.
They will go to war with the US if they attempt to invade or attack N.Korea. We know because the US continues to talk big but do nothing. Everyone with a 3rd grade education understands the consequences of the US invading N.Korea with China next door.
Don't be stupid. The US will not be invading N. Korea if there is a war. You don't know what the Chinese will or won't do.
I think we can safely say they will pour hundreds of thousands of troops into North Korea, if anyone attempts to occupy it. Just like last time.
No we cannot. The Chinese will not go against the entire world body. Their two concerns are a US occupation once the regime is destroyed, and N Korean refugees that may pour into China. The US can reach an agreement with China that they will not occupy as long as China does not interfere.

How will Japan feel about being downwind of the nuclear fallout?

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